JOSEPH POLLIO* iJ. S. Naval Oceanographic Ofice Washington, D. C. 20390 Underwater Mapping with Photography and Sonar Deep-towed vehicles and manned submersibles not only can inspect but also can obtain stereophotos from which investigative mapping can be meaningfully conducted. (Abstract on next page) INTRODUCTION vessel was sighted the next morning in the RELEASE issued by the~anishN~~~ stormy Skagerrak Straits with transmitter A on September 13, 1970, informed the problems which caused the failure to report. world of another impending tragedy-the lives were lost and was Okay- Danish submarine MARHVALEN was re- Had there been a casualty 10 years ago ported missing with 20 men onboard. very little could have been done; the available Throughout the world concerned scientists was no match for the great depths wondered if another search would be required of the ocean. Today inspection or retrieval of to locate and map the wreckage while a multi- artifacts placed intentionally and uninten- national research operation was mobolized. tionally on the deep ocean bottom is no longer ~~~~~~~~~l~no search was required as the restricted by depth. Deep-towed vehicles (such as those described by Spiess (1966), * Presented at the Annual Convention of the Buchanan (1968) and Daugherty (1969)) and American Society of Photogrammetry, Washing- manned (which number more ton, D. C., March 1971. than 40) not only can inspect but also can be 955 equipped to obtain stereophotographs from tography from submersibles using the pan and which investigative mapping can be meaning- tilt mechanism (Figure 4) has been developed fully conducted (Figure 1). and tested on BEN FRANKLIN during the Stereophotography from submersibles may Gulf Stream Drift Mission and provides reli- also supplement data for the investigation of able measurements from the pair of calibrated biologic phenomena and dynamic processes in cameras which can be trained and triggered the ocean (Pollio 1969a). Calibrated stereo- together. The constraints imposed by the photography provides a three-dimensional fixed base and the known camera characteris- coordinate system within the photographed tics make the solution of the photographs area from which the size, shape, and spatial simple. Hence, the photogrammetry serves distribution of biologic and other ocean not only to document, but also to bring the phenomena can be derived (Figurk 2). object of interest out of the ocean environ- Photogrammetric documentation and sub- ment into the office where precise measure- sequent mensuration is no less important to ments and review can take place in comfort. ABSTRACT:An underwater surveying and mapping system has been designed and tested. This system is considered a major elemen6 in the field of underwater cons~ruction,inspection and maintenance of man-made objects, and the investi- gation of critical wreckage. In a rant underwater mapping test it was found that the data derived from stereophobography takes with the manned submersible ALUMINAUT codd be used to calibrade an acou~tictransponder system and to rectify the side-scan sonar trace. Calibration and rectification were made pos- sible by a special photographic suite of tandem-mounted cameras. A calibrated Pair of 35 mm. cameras was vertica62y mounted on each side of ALUMINAUT with a separation of 2.71 meters (8.89ft.). Control for the strip map formed the control framework to rectqy the side-scan sonar record. The side-scan sonar trace was adjusted to an equal x-y scale ratio by photographic dretching in only one directwn. Variations in the track velocity were also accommodated by Eike variations in ratio change. The geodetic positioning of this strip map was possi- ble because the transponder navigation net was positioned by theodolik? inter- sections relative to shore geodetic poioilzts. The mapped features could thus be described in terms of plane coordinates (Universal Transverse Mercator coor- dinates) or .In precise iterms of latitude and longitude with respect to the terrestrial datum. the ocean engineer who must devise ways of The Zeiss C-8 stereoplanigraph (Figure 5) recovery or must reconstruct on paper some could discern distances of 0.1 cm. (0.4 in.) of the catastrophic casualties which occur in from the proper photographs exposed 9 the ocean. The photograph of the crabs meters (30 ft.) from an object. (Figure 3) demonstrates the ability, through Although the pan and tilt type of stereo- stereophotography, to orient objects in rela- photography is an invaluable aid to dimen- tion to each other and the ocean floor. A sional interpretation of underwater photog- similar exercise might show the same relation- raphy, the submersible is better used to ob- ship between aircraft, ship, or submarine tain mapping stereophotography. wreckage if it is required for accident inves- tigation purposes. It is emphasized that one camera on a stationary submersible platform The manned submersible's ability to follow provides only an interesting photograph at a predetermined and systematic survey grid best, whereas two properly oriented cameras close to the bottom while permitting the can provide data from which the engineer can surveyor to observe the terrain he is mapping derive dimensions and spatial characteristics greatly facilitates construction of topographic as well. Only if systematically approached maps and provides detail that is virtually im- with survey instrumentation and techniques possible to obtain through conventional can the arduous task of appraisal take place techniques. Minute topographic detail is of with any degree of certainty. vital importance for the installation of any A system of stereophotogrammetric pho- underwater cable or pipeline, or for almost UNDERWATER MAPPING WITH PHOTOGRAPHY AND SONAR STAR Ill DEEP QUEST FIG.1. Submersibles equipped for stereophotographic mapping. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING, 197 1 manner in which many bottom and biological sampling programs and ocean current studies are pursued. The optimum solution then must combine the rapidity of electro-optical- acoustic techniques with the much more com- prehensive human sensor in surveys where precise details of the ocean bottom are re- quired. The three basic survey methods used to measure precise details of bottom relief prior to the production of underwater topographic maps are: Echo Sounding Surveys, Side-Scan Sonar Surveys, and Stereophotographic Sur- veys. Each of these yield maps with different degrees of refinement, but experience has shown that a combination of the above sys- tems to obtain simultaneous data is a signifi- cant improvement over the use of any single method. ECHO SOUNDING SURVEYS Of the three basic submersible survey methods, echo sounding is the least precise because contours must be interpolated be- FIG.2. Photograph coordinate system and spatial tween sounding line profiles. But, unlike its geometry of a fixed-base system. surface counterpart, little loss of definition of any installation on the ocean floor. Figure 6 shows a hydrophone footing in the Bahamas which fortunately escaped being placed on the adjacent outcrop. Had this occurred, the array could have toppled over and been rendered useless. Such small-size topographic details were completely missed in a variety of conventional surveys of the Tongue of the Ocean which preceeded this installation. Viewing this area directly produced an en- tirely different picture of the bottom than was originally deduced. In this age of sophisticated electronics, justification for the use of manned submersi- bles is necessary if an engineer can assure that remote electronic devices can be built to suit virtually any requirement. It is well-docu- mented fact that, in spite of the availability of sophisticated electronics, the manned sub- mersible has been instrumental in the dis- covery of the extreme roughness, including near-vertical scarps and huge boulders, that is present over vast areas of the ocean floor. This new appreciation is of more than mere academic interest because, as a result, the surveyor has become much more judicious in interpreting remotely obtained data and now knows that the results of such surveys lack de- tail that could be important. This awareness FIG. 3. Tilted photograph restored to a plan by makes crystal clear the inadequacies of many applying a tilt determination of the stereophoto- conventional instruments and the fortuitous graphs. UNDERWATER MAPPING WITH PHOTOGRAPHY AND SONAR FIG.4. A pair of 70 mm. cameras mounted on the pan-tilt of the BEN FRANKLIN. the bottom features due to beam spreading record of the features between the sounding occurs on a submersible inasmuch as the lines was provided and, depending on vehicle sounding distance can be kept small by altitude selected, horizontal swaths of 75, 150, changing the depth of the submersible (Figure or 300 meters (250, 500, or 1,000 ft.) on each 7). While monitoring the depth of the sub- side were imaged in one transit along a sound- mersible with either a recording pressure ing line. This technique is more thorough than transducer or upward echo sounder, recon- conventional echo sounding because it allows naissance surveys can be flown at cruising easier and more accurate interpretation and speed because the operation can be conducted less extrapolation between sounding lines by at a safe altitude above bottom obstacles. either locating anomalous topographic fea- tures or verifying the similarity between the SIDE SCAN SONAR SURVEYS profiles. Thus, side-scan sonar can serve as a By mounting side-scan sonar transducers qualitative tool to augment conventional on ALUMINA UT (Figure 8) a qualitative sonic mapping. However, if attempts are made to use the side-scan sonar as a quantita- tive tool and to view the record as a true plan, the inherent distortions of the side-scan sonar record must be recognized and removed. Dis- tortions to the side-scan sonar record are in- FIG.J. L IIC a~e~roplanigraphcan resolve under- water. photogrammetric problems with detailed preclslon. FIG.6. Hydrophone footing. FIG.7. Resolution gained by near-bottom sounding. m FIG.8.
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