Alb loan No. 522-L-oiJ title: Fann to Market Access Road Progr~m bate signed: November 2s, 1965 A. fdeAttlication j L Ai6 S{,Jf conducHng llisi>ectti>il: Generai Engineer: F. Figueroa z.;tz,~.:J. ~- I 7 R. 1. Aackgrbu~d: As bri91na\\y contemplated in the loan A9reement this f oAn was araJe to assist harrower in tinancing the engineering and const?U~tib~ ot 600. Kms. of a11-weather tann-to-market roads • 2. According to the Second Amendment to the Loan Agreemelllt made on july rJi iitt }.~ . ll . i : ~ 28, 1971, the scope of the Loan1 was revised to cover: a) construction o.f four Access roads tc>ta1Hng 1L3.8 11<ms.; and t,) PreparaHM. by the A;f. firm of final er\gi~eeri~~ p1Jans for nine suL-prAJects ibt.a1tin9 28A kms. this .-evision bt the scope of the loan wa~ Ria.de iA ofdef i:~ reHec! tbAslrucHoit costs -~fld additional ·- 1·~. i :;.__\l_,t ~·~. _j • •1~·-' ~~- .. -_~':._:; ~ •:: • ..-k within sub .. projects since the ori911na 1 Loan auth~>rization. c. ProJect Execution: Four sub-prbjects were_ built under this Program afid ~leted as fo\tows: BEST AVAtLABlE COPY Sub-Project No. ii, ti Parafso-Aianca i7 .4 Kms. J - 2 - Sub-Pr0Ject No. 12, Maraita·iauybpe 22.6 kms. sub-Pr0Ject No. 8, San Juan de F1ores-vi\\a de j - j San Franctsco 16 .3 Krns. SUb-Project No. 2, Corocito-tocoa-Sabi (sections I anrJ 1I) 57.5 Kms. ii3.8 Krns. D. Effectiveness of the Program: After completion of the sub-projects above mentioned, severa\ field trip inspections have been madE~ 11\ order to determine the effectiveness of the access roads built ur1der the Program. An engineering inspection was made in August 1974, to ev:luate in the fieid the present situation of the roads from the maintenance point of , I l . , , view as well as from the usage and economic standpoint. A brief .summary .. .. ' of the sub-projects follows:. Sub-Project No. i2 (Maraita-Yauyape: 22.6 Kms.) ..... • t ' • , : ~ . + \ • ' ' Tnis access road is linked to the CA-6 highway by means of4 a trail, 27 Kms. iong, which doesn't meet the minimum Honduran 1-Hghway Department standards for penetration roads. it takes approximately i hour of hard driving from Zamorano (CA-6 highway) •. j . :; - ,. ' • I. ;; - j ~ '\. to Maraita. This poor linkage to the CA 0 6 highway, considerably reduces l • • " ' • ' • l ; • ' : ; ,_ i . ' ' ' "i the potential use that the Maraita-Yauyupe road might have if it were • I . ' • . ii - . .,. ~ t ~ t , • properly linked to the main CA-6 highway. The Chief bf the GOH Highway Construction Department has stated that ·improvement of this trail will be • initiated by january i97s. this wiil al'iow ti du better use of the Maraita-Yauyupe access road. REST AVAILABLE COPY - 3 - ~ t~e se\ected mater\ a\, sub-base course is washH19 out arid -. many riits are forming as~esult of lack of it1a1ntenance; - side ditches ~re blocked as a result bf si1des and erosion; • • if • " t i ' z • :, t • , , ' ' i - A' main~ • .. bridge• . i ) . stn.cture,~ 50 m. span, about 6 Kms. from Yauyupe has not ..,. yet been bui\t. Due to the fact that lhe river crossing is in > - ii '" "; :· unfavorable: "'l " ~ i conditions,"' ~ 1 ' i 1 trafficl i • ' to Yauyupe is limited te> four wheel drive ve~~c\es. During our two hour inspection only tW() veh~cles passed !1rus; - No agr{ ·1itur~i development was observecl in the pro.lect area, which consists maiA\y ot rocky mountainous terr·ain and pine fi>rest. - . Sub-Project No. ii (Ei Parafso-Alauca: i7.4 Kms.) 11 11 This access road jo1ns the cA-6 highway nei•r the town of El Paraiso • As in the Maraita-Vauyupe sub-project this access road is not being .. fo L 4 ~ i "' T " • i ' i : i ti - •_ ~ : ' ~ • . ~ p..Operly::,_ , i maintained~ ~ I. by! the Highway~· OepartnM!nt. Slides and eroded ditches were observed along the route. the road surface is in much better C::on­ ditior\ it.an in sub-project No. 12. burin9 an hour inspection of the pr6ject 6i9fit passenger aAd cargo vehicles bAssed us. Bl ,T AVAILABtr; COPY fopograph.Y varies trorn roi 1in9 to mountainc>us terrah1. ttie area of infliJc!~ce of th~s road ~as mor~ agf~cU1iJri!; ~otenHa\ than the karaita- 1auyupe area. According to Mi9hway oepirtrnent oi11ciats, in a short time :'':Y"''''"··;:,~,fo..J~~·~~~~·c:~llti!4~w1~,6f'~n..aitemat*. muie~that wO \ \ i.nk: .. tile J,aratso • - 4 - re94o~ iO the southern portlon of the country. Sub-Projeci No. 8 (San juan de Flores-v1Ha San Fraricisc:o: i6.3 Kms.) ' \ • • • \ l i• .J This• • t , access road 1s located 1n a small valley north of Tegucigalpa. it takes about 1-ii2 hours of hard driving to cover the 54 Kms. distance fram~ TegucigalpaA ! • ' to·I the' project.• • Some months ago damage was reported on a i.s x 2m box culvert approach at Sta. 3.7 due to erosion which almost stopped traffic. in our visit 1 . to- • theti projecti • I ., we observed. • ~ thatl ' , maintenance. • '. crews from the Highway ; . "' • • • 1't ' j : i ! • l • ~ . ' Department havet ; already repaired the darila.ge and traffic is in circulation. No maintenance has been given to the rest: of the road. Side ditches rieed cleaning, and a course of selected n~terial is required to keep the road surface iA good ·condition. Much more agricultural activity was observed in this project area than in the! other two project areas. More f . ~ ; • £ • ; • ' benefits and a faster capital recovery is; anticipated from this project in comparison to sub-projects No. ii and i2. Following eastward from Vilia de Sari Frar1dsco the Highway Department has ~ .~. >' o. •j 4 ;, f.1 t £11 i . •ii I . , built, by force account, a fairiy goOd lEi rms. access to the CA-6 highway. Part of the c6~~trucHan is Aso m. concrete bridge over,~guare river, •I~ j; ; ta - i 'lis !• ;.· ' ! whf ch was completed in December 1973. The Highway Construction Depart- ment has also completed, by force accoun1:, the section between San t. ~ , .......... •.• .•.• i,.,. jti. ~ i'·~· · .. ~·.. ~ '· Juan de Flores and Talanga. This allows traffic to bypass Tegucigalpa, BEST AVAl~BLE COPY t~nking CA-6 and the fegurJ4A\f,H\-ta\Anga highway through the San Juan de f:\ores-VH\a cie san ~rancisco rbad. ~"!.b-Project N~~ (corocito-Tocoa-Sab~: 57.5 Kms.) construction of this project was completgd, in October i9'73. Approxi­ mately i3o Kms. of access to this road are being built iJ11ider the first stage' , of the" loweri Aguan• .Valley •t Agrarian• Developmenta '· . Program,l a multi·I t. institudonai program being carr~ed out by the Government of Honduras. Because of 1ts importance towards the future development of the regi oil, the road is maintained in good condition. Afinal engineering s~udy is under way to iink the Aguan region to La ce~ba, a t?aribbean port iocated about 60 iKms. from Sabi. The construction of a bridge over the ·Aguan river near Sab;! is contemplated as part of this project. Engineering Pla'lt.J!.~ As indicated in 8.2. above, the Second Amendment to the loan Agreeme~t contempiated preparation of en91heeriA9 ~iaAs tor h~ne sub-projects tota iii ~9 286 kms. Names bf those sub-i>h\j ects a~d the use that the Highway Department is making of the engineering plans are sunmarized 1~ the following table: BEST AVAILABLE COPY Use that the Highway Department is making Sub-Project No. Len th Y..ms. Name of the engineerinq studies will be 2 41.3 Sab~-Olanchito This section of Sub-Project No. 2 used as part of the f1na1 engineering design 01anchito-E1ixir-La Ceiba being executed under contract with Knoerle Bender Stone Assoc. Inc. in consortium with CONASH, a local consulting firm. The standards of Section III and IV of this sub-project No. 2 are to be upgraded with th1.c\.J>J.1£P....Q~~~ Revision of the bridge design ove·r;~"Rlver is included in the contract with KBS. Funds for this study come from 291-SFHO, IDB loan. 4 34.9 Yorito-Victoria­ To comply with IDB requirements, feasibility Sulaco study of this road is being made by Louis Berger and Gabinete Tecnico, a local consulting firm. The engineering study was already made using AID 522-L-013 Loan funds. The>e engineering plans, once reviewe( and upgraded, are to be used for construction of this section as part of the Central Highwa.v. 5 41.1 San Ignacio-Orica­ Two sections of this project are being considered Guayape under the access road program to the Tegucigalpa­ Juticalpa Highway. Feasibility study is being • made by Brown & Roott S. A. Funding comes from !BRO Loan 896. by the 6 35.5 Salama-Manto Construction of this road was contemplated end of 1973 using the horizontal alignment. Construction was made using rented equipment. project is not contemplated for construction 9 15.7 Valle de Jarnastra~­ This Vi lla Santa in a short tenn period. from Texiguat to Soledad has 13 49.9 Orocuina-Soledad­ Approximately 15 Kms. Platal-Texiguat with been built by the Highway Construction Department. spur to Liure Plans are to continue this project and link 1t to Choluteca and Tegucigalpa areas. Use that the Highway Department is making .,.Sub-Project No. Lenoth {Krus • Name of the engineering s~udie_s~~- 14 27.9 Apaci1agua-Morolica By the end of 1974 approximately 45% of this project will be completed by force account.
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