The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine University of Maine Alumni Magazines University of Maine Publications 12-1924 Maine Alumnus, Volume 6, Number 3, December 1924 General Alumni Association, University of Maine Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/alumni_magazines Recommended Citation General Alumni Association, University of Maine, "Maine Alumnus, Volume 6, Number 3, December 1924" (1924). University of Maine Alumni Magazines. 24. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/alumni_magazines/24 This publication is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Maine Alumni Magazines by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Member of the Alumni Magazines Associated Vol. 6, No. 3 DECEMBER, 1924 Twenty Cents the Copy ■-.-iV i •• n TiVTi^iWri MAINE STATE CHAMPIONS 1924 Entered as second-class matter October 1, 1921, at the post office at Augusta, Maine, under the act of March 8, 1879. Application for transfer of entry as second class matter from the Augusta, Maine, post o ffice to the Bangor, Maine, post office on file. tw ><V\- '—J 1>^///K. GYMNASIUM AR.MORY fOR M E M O R IA L BU ILD'NG COMMITTEE INC , AT UNIVERSITY OF • n GYMNASIUM ARMORY MEMORIAL roa MEMORIAL BUILDING COMMITTEE INC AT UNIVERSITY Or MAINE ORONO MAINE LITTLE 4. RU6SCLL ARCHITECTS AS &ROrtFlElD STRUT &OSTOM MASS PLAN or GROUND FLOOR TT 1— rr ------------- -------------------------------t t !-------------------- “-------------------------- 1— GYMNASIUM ARMORY MEMORIAL t o r MEMORIAL BUILDING COMMITTEE INC a t UNIVERSITY Of MAINE OftONO rtAINL LITTLE i RUSSELL ARCHITECTS PLAN of FIRST FLOOR •AS BROMritLO s t r u c t Boston-MASS Upper Pa r t or Indoor Fie l d GYMNASIUM ARMORY MEMORIAL fo r MEMORIAL BUILDING COMMITTEE INC AT UNIVERSITY Of MAINE ORONO MAINE. LITTLE l RUSSELL ARCHITECTS 45 BROMFIeLD 5TRCCT bOSTON MASS PLAN or GALLERY V* fr r w in n.i 34 THE MAINE ALUMNUS December, 1924 Memorial Gymnasium-Armory Notice to Contractors The Maine Alumnus Illustrations on the preceding pages In order that the policy of the Published monthly by the General Alumni of this issue of the A lumnus will Building Committee may be clearly Association of the University of Maine dur­ give Maine alumni a good idea of the understood and especially, that Maine ing October, November, December, February, March, April, May and June. appearance, size and arrangement of alumni who may wish to bid on any part or all of the construction of the Subscription, $1 per year. Single copies, the splendid new gymnasium which 20 cents they are giving to their Alma Mater. Memorial Gymnasium-Armory, may have no misunderstanding, the direc­ R. P. CLARK, '15 The architects plans are completed Managing Editor and have been approved, except for a tors took the following action Decem­ BERNICE FORTIN few minor changes. The specifications ber 19, 1924: Personals Editor Voted: That the Committee place have been completed by the engineers, Editorial and business office, Orono, Me. Stone and Webster, and arrangements with the architects the authority to Office of Publication, Furbush Printing Co., for heating, lighting and plumbing select the list of bidders; that it shall 108 Exchange St., Bangor, Me. are well under way by the Richard D. be the policy of the Building Com­ Kimball Company of Boston. mittee to forward without comment An Important Matter to the architects all requests for op­ The floor plans shown in this issue, Why not start the New Year right portunities to bid on any part of any except for a few minor changes, show and pay your alumni dues? If you work connected with the Memorial the building as it will be. A further have not sent your check, remember Gymnasium-Armory. study of the seating arrangement in that the regular dues are $3.00 per Voted: That notice to this effect be the balcony of the Gymnasium is be­ year, and include your subscription to published in the Maine A lumnus. ing made so that more spectators can the A lumnus. Send your check to The names of all alumni interested be taken care of. The vault has been The General Alumni Association, U. will gladly be forwarded to the archi­ relocated on the ground floor, thereby of M., Orono. The better support tects, Little and Russell, of Boston for increasing the women’s coat room fa­ given the more your association can consideration. facilities. There has also been a re­ accomplish. Why not mail your check locating of the doctor’s office and the today and be a booster. alumni room. Summary of Bowdoin- A meeting of the Directors of the Memorial Building Committee was Maine Football Games The Alumni Office will give the ad­ dresses of Maine men and women on held in the offices of Little and Rus­ Bowdoin and Maine football teams request. sell, architects, in Boston, December are traditional rivals. A comparison 19th. The morning was spent in a of the scores of all games played study of the architects plans and the since the first in 1893 shows that out The Alumni School changes above mentioned were recom­ of a total of twenty-eight games You, as an alumnus of the Uni­ mended. played, Maine has won thirteen, Bow­ versity of Maine, are invited by Dr. As construction of the indoor field doin eleven, and four have resulted in Little, its president, to return to the is to be started early next spring, the tie scores. campus on January 15th, 16th, and directors have made the following ar­ 1893—Bowdoin 12 Maine 10 17th for a full time course of study rangements to insure the availibility 1896—Bowdoin 12 Maine 6 on the present condition, financial of material. 1897— No game. needs and educational policy of the Voted: That the architects be in­ 1898— Bowdoin 29 Maine 0 University. • structed to get bids on the fabrication 1899—Bowdoin 10 Maine 0 Recent inquiries from alumni ask­ of structural steel and also on the 1900—Bowdoin 38 Maine 0 ing a large variety of questions and fabrication and erection of the struc­ 1901— Maine 22 Bowdoin 5 especially at this time asking how tural steel work for the indoor field. 1902—Maine 11 Bowdoin 0 they can help the University during The Directors have been convinced 1903— Maine 16 Bowdoin 0 the present legislative session have in­ that the steel may be bought to best 1904— Bowdoin 22 Maine 5 spired the school. Dr. Little only asks advantage in January and that if we 1905—Maine 18 Bowdoin 0 that the people of Maine understand contract for it at that time for spring 1906—Bowdoin 6 Maine 0 the University and its problems. It delivery, a real saving should be made 1907— Bowdoin 34 Maine 5 seems necessary to have Maine alumni as the contractor will have sufficient 1908—Bowdoin 10 Maine 0 well informed on these things before time for fabrication. 1909—Bowdoin 22 Maine 0 the public generally can be expected Subscribers to the Memorial Fund 1910—Bowdoin 0 Maine 0 to be. ■should make every effort from now 1911—Maine 15 Bowdoin 0 It is hoped that several representa­ on to make payments on their sub­ 1912—Maine 17 Bowdoin 0 tives will come from each section of scriptions as they fall due. Not only 1913— Maine 9 Bowdoin 0 the state and many from outside the -will this money be needed as the con­ 1914— Maine 27 Bowdoin 0 state. struction progresses, but it is also 1915—Maine 23 Bowdoin 13 Please make every effort to attend highly advisable that we show the 1916—Maine 7 Bowdoin 7 and influence others to do so. Send banks as high a percentage of pay­ 1917—Maine 14 Bowdoin 0 your name in promptly so that ar­ ments as possible, for if the entire 1919—Maine 18 Bowdoin 0 rangements may be made for your en­ Gymnasium is to be completed during 1920—Bowdoin 7 Maine 7 tertainment. You as well as Maine the coming year, it will be necessary 1921—Bowdoin 14 Maine 7 will gain from attendance and while to borrow some money from the banks 1922—Maine 7 Bowdoin 6 you are learning you are also assured as the last payments on subscriptions 1923— Maine 28 Bowdoin 6 of a good time. Make every effort to are not due until June, 1928. 1924— Maine 0 Bowdoin 0 come. THE MAINE ALUMNUS 35 Do You Know What Maine Stands For? Dr. Little’s Invitation and lodging will be provided. They “ I am in hearty accord with the will, however, be expected to pay their effort and ready to assist in any way Repeated inquiries have recently possible.” own railroad fares. been received concerning the way in Hosea B. Buck, ‘93. They will be given an intensive which Alumni and Alumnae can be of “ I heartily approve of the plan out­ course of study on (a) the present the most service to the University lined in Dr. Little’s article.” condition, (b) the financial needs, and during the coming legislative session. Mildred P. Wright, ’ll. (c) the educational policy of the Uni­ After careful consideration of this “There can be no agency more ef­ versity. The study will take their matter it seems that a brief statement fective in promoting the interest of full time for the three days in ques­ the University in Legislature or of the situation and a practical sug­ tion. otherwise, then the intelligent co-op­ gestion as to its possible development We shall do everything in our eration of its graduates.” are in order.
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