Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Northwest Friend (Quakers) 6-1943 Northwest Friend, June 1943 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_nwfriend Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Northwest Friend, June 1943" (1943). Northwest Friend. 11. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_nwfriend/11 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Northwest Friend by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. W H A T W E N E E D We don't need more material development; We need more spiritual developeme'nt. We do not need more intellectual power; We need more moral power. We do not need more knowledge; We need more character. We do not need more government; We need more culture. We do not need more law; We need more religion. We do not need more of the things that are seen; We need more of the things that are unseen. —CALVIN COOLIDGE. y B A R i y M a r t H e i s s u e JUNE, 1943 EST T H E N O R T H W E S T F R I E N D June, 1943 June, 1943 T H E N O R T H W E S T F R I E N D i=(3Lu'tclt es Star, Idaho, Friends Church Nears Forty Mark in Years oj Service THE Report Reveals Church Serves Large Place In Community Life NORTHWEST FRIEND STAR FRIENDS CHURCH PICTURED PASTOR AND FAMILY AT STAR CHURCH Published monthly except August at 2904 N. E. 50th Avenue, Portland, Oregon Pictured to the right Old Issue; Volume 22—No, 6 JUNE, 1943 New Issue: Volume I—No. 10 i s W a l t e r a n d C a r o l Lee and family. This Entered as second class matter, April 16, 1940, at the Post Office at Portland, Ore., under the i s n o t t h e fi r s t t i m e Act of March 3, 1879. t h a t W a l t e r L e e h a s lived in the Star Friends ever," and that the gospel message of redemp parsonage as he lived tion through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, there several years S^'doiia o u r L o r d a n d S a v i o u r, i s t h e o n l y r e m e d y f o r a g o w h e n h i s f a t h e r , t h e i l l s o f t h i s s i c k w o r l d . A s a m e m b e r o f the late I. Guerney Lee FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Oregon Yearly Meeting how many have you in vited to Sunciay School, to the regular church and his mother, Ida J. This year we observe the fiftieth anniver services, to Prayer Meeting, or have spoken to Lee of Portland were HISTORY OF STAR CHURCH GIV. : sary of Oregon Yearly Meeting. Sunday after about their relationship to God? If the ratio pastors of the flock. noon will be given over to the program pre of persons asked the above questions is true By J. W. Jones, Star, Idaho of the Yearly Meeting, then about one-twentieth This last year Walter felt the urge to preach pared for the occasion. Time will be given for ■have a zeal or vision for the spiritual progress Star Meeting, Star, Idaho, was the result of the gospel so strongly that he was led to give up those who care to take part. We understand of our church. If we rest on present attain a few Friends families having settled in Boise his profession as high school teacher in Port that J. Will Jones, now of Star, Idaho, was in ments we shall suffer defeat. Let us awake Valley from Iowa, Kansas, and Oregon, in the land, Ore., and to enter the ministry. He and his attendance at Iowa Yearly Meeting when action and pi-ay mightily that we might be used of year 1900, who for the first two years lent family began in September of 1942 at Star meet God in these great days. their aid to the Southern Methodist church near ing and will soon have completed their first year was taken to set up Oregon Yearly Meeting. S t a r a n d f o r a n o t h e r y e a r a n d a h a l f u n i t e d i n in pastoral work. We expect to hear an interesting story from a community effort in an abandoned Methodist him. We are privileged to have several with us T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F T H E S U N D A Y Episcopal church a few miles in the opposite who were present when Oregon Yearly Meeting SCHOOL d i r e c t i o n f r o m S t a r . T H E N O RT H W E S T F R I E N D Published monthly except August by Oicgon Yearly was organized. We trust that they may be able (The following' article was written by Professor A. 8. In the fall of 1903 the first all Friends meet London, outstanding Sunday School worker In the Church Meeting' ot Friends OMiurch at Portland, Oregon. Copy to attend and tell us of events which happened of the Nazarene, and Is published because It reveals ing was held in the home of Samuel Beeson near dead line, C. E. Society news, Gth; all other news 10th during these eaidy days. just how important the Sunday School really Is.—Editor.) Star. And about that time Rosa E. Virtue, a of each month. Anniversaries give occasion to review the Subscription price, $1.00 per year in advance. minister of Indiana Yearly Meeting, who with T H E S T A l ' ^ F past and an opportunity to measure the degree The church of Jesus Christ is the foundation of progress. However when we view the tre her husband was located on the Lemhi Indian loseph O. Iteece ■ Editor of our Christian civilization. If there is to be 2004 N. E. 50th Ave., I^ortiand, Ore. mendous needs before us today, we should give reseiwation in eastern Idaho, came to us with a church tomorrow there must be a Sunday Tciephone GArfield 1940 m o s t o f o u r t h o u g h t t o w a y s a n d m e a n s o f school today. Eighty-two per cent of the church a concern for some Christian service. Arrange F r e d e i i c k P . B a k e r . ...jManafring- Editor 728 S. E. Sumner Street. Camas, Wash. meeting these needs. Conditions and situations world came out of Sunday school classes. A ments were made for a series of meetings to be Telephone 344-W are changing momentarily all around us. We pastor once said: "Do away with the Sunday held in the Klondike schoolhouse about three Charles C. Haworth... Departmental Editoi- must fit ourselves to meet these changing con schools for fifteen years and the church will be 410 West Kural Ave., Salem, Ore. ditions immediately. Delay will mean lost op and a half miles northeast of Star. There was cut half in its membership." Mariorie Haines Christian Endeavor Society Editor portunity. Members of Oregon Yearly Meet The Sun da y school is important be a good attendance and about one hundred pro 2213 S. E. 57th Ave., Portland, Ore. ing need new zeal and vision. We need the cause the Bible is the text book of this institu fessed conversion, and from this a permanent . V r t h u r R o b e r t s Christian Endeavor Editor fervor of the apostles together with the zeal of Pacific College, Newherg, Ore. tion The late Woodrow Wilson said: There organization was formed, retaining Rosa E. Vir George Fox and the vision of the early mar can be no liberal education without a knowledge Joseph G. Reece... Circulation Manager tue as pastor. The meeting was named New 2904 N. E. aUth Ave., Portiand, Oregon tyrs. Are we not lost in a fog of spiritual of the Bible." Daniel Webster said in the halls of smugness? We need spiritual vitality which re Hope Monthly Meeting. Richard C. Kneeland... Treasurer flects itself in action. Here are two reasons congress- "The Bible is our only safe guide. In February, 1904, a committee _ was ap 801 Public Service Bidg., Portland, Oregon As long as we take it as our instructor for con NORTHWEST FRIEND PUBLICATION BOARD out of many we may name, which have helped duct and character, we will go on prospering m pointed to secui'e a location and solicit funds to produce the pi'esent state of affairs; first, F r e d e r i c k B . B a k e r C h a i r m a n the future as in the past.
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