SUFFRAGISTE CERTAIN A Voter's Catechism OF DEMOCRATS' HELP D. Have you read the Consti- R. 435. Accordili» to the pop- -1 tution of the United States? ulation one to every 211,000, (the R. Yes. ratio fìxed by Congress Have after eack Leaders Resent Efforts to D. What form of Government deeennial eensus.) Them Support Hughes. The Woodstock is this? D. Which is the capital of the R. Republic. state of Pennsylvania. WON BY WILSON'S SPEECH. D. What is the Constitution of R. Harrisburg. Sileni Visible TYPEWIRTER the United States? D. How manv Senators has R. It is the fundamental law of u ì Have Come Here to Fight WITH each state in the United States You," He Telia National Convention this country. Senate? "Wilson Voteci For Suffrago; Ha» No Money in Advance D. Who makes the laws of the R. Two. Hughes?' Mrs. Graham of Idaho United Asks. States? D. Who are our U. S. Senators T SIOO Machines for Only R. The Congress. "Western women who have had the R. Boise Penrose and Georg® ballot equally with the men for several D. What does Congress consist T. Oliver. years resent the lnterferenee of one of of? suffraglsts D. For how long are they elect- the factions of and the at- Rep- tempt to turn the suffrage cause into R. Senate and House of ed? an adjunct of the Republican party. resentatives. R. 2 years. They believe they know how to vote, D. Who is our State Senator? they to turn against the $59.50 and refuse D. Who is our Congressmanf Democrats, who have done so much for R. Theo. M. Kurtz. R. S. Taylor North. thelr cause in their respective states. D. Who is the chief executive This attltude is brought out olearly D. How many electoral rotei by Greeley- of the United States? In an interview NLxola has the state of Pennsylvania ? gmith, natlonaliy prominent as a writer R. President. World, R, 38. on the staff of the New York D. For how long is the with Mrs. Alexander Thompson, Dem- D. Who is the chief executive ocratic natioaal committeeman from Pressident of the United States of the state Oregon, and Mrs. Theresa M. Graham elected ? of Pennsylvania! of Coeur d'Alene, Ida. R. 4 years. R. The Governor. "One would tliink," observed Mrs. D. Thompson to Miss Greeley-Smith, "that D. Who takes the place of the For how long is he elected! lf any instruction in suffrage matters President in case?he dies? R. 4 years. to be would come from had gìven it D. Who is the Governor? won the vote ? R. The Vice President. the women who have f and do vote rather than from suffra- SIMPLE D. What is his name? R. Brumbaugh. gista in the east, who are stili disfran- R. Thomas R. Marshall. chlsed. I am a young wóman, but I D. Do you believe in organized have been through three campaigns for DURABLE D. By whom is the President of government ? the vote in Oregon. lathe final cam- the United States elected? we won through the co-opera- EFFICIENT R. Yes. paign By tlon and help and belief in ufi of the R. the electors. ARTISTIC D. Are you opposed to organi*- men of Oregon. D. By whom are the electors ed government? Aided by Democrata. elcted? e R. No. "We have been voting only Ave R. By the people. years, and we are stili grateful to our D. Are you an D. Who makes the laws for the anarchist? men. So when the Congressional Un- IO DAYS FREE TRIAL; EXPRESS R. No. ion sent speakers to Oregon to teli us state of Pennsylvania. to vote against ali Democrats we laugh- PREPAID; PÀYABLE $3 A MONTH D. What is an anarchist? ed at them. Why, at the last election R. The Legislature. * A # R. person who does not be- they campalgned against George E. D. What does the Legislature ieve in organized government. Chamberlaln, who introduced the first consist of? suffrage bill in Oregon and who had D. Are you a bigamist or poli- BRANCHj [OFFICE OF THE been the friend of the women ali R. Senate and Assembly. gamist ? through their fifteen years' fight" D. Who is our Assemblyman? "I agree with every word that Mrs. R. No. R. Wilmer H. Wood. Thompson has spoken," declared Mrs. D. What is a bigamist or Graham, proxy member of the notifl- poly- D. How many State in the un- gamist? cation committee from Idaho. "The ion? conditions in my state are the same as Woodstock Typewriter R. One who believes in having In Oregon, except that we have had R. 48. moro than one wife. the vote for twenty years, and it was D. When was the Declaration given to us without our havlng to fight COMPANY; IS AVENUE D. Do you belong to any se- IN. CARPENTER of Independence for it The Congressional Union has signed? cret Society which teaches to «peakero in Idaho now urging us to R. July 4, 1776. slaughter the Democrats and free our disbelieve in organized govern- statere In the east How silly that is! Indiana, Pa. D. By whom was it written? ment? Are women in the east so foolish as to R. Thomas Jefferson. R. No. be led away by the mere declaratJon of a candidate, unsupported by hls D. Which is the capital of the D. Have you ever violated any party, that he's personally In favor of United States? of the United States? a federai amendment? R. Washington. R. No. "Woodrow Wilson voted for suffraga. Th# Bahamas. D. By whom are they ? D. Who makes the Waa Charles E. Hughes ever voted for The Bahamas make up their Mflfl elected ordinancei suffraga? Wilson has done everything IF THE G. 0. P. ELEPHÀNT BQuare miiea with 29 isJanda, 661 cajs R. By the people. for the City ? consistent with a belief in state rights, and 2TSB7 rocks. They bare the dis- one of the fundamentai principles of D. For how long? R. The board of Aldermen. COULO SPEAK THE TRUTH tinctlon of beili* the first point of land Demooracy. Suffrage can never win as R. 6 years. D. Do you intend to a partisan issue. Alienate the Demo- in the western heoiispbere discowed remain en and you have killed ev- by Coèembus, who siglateci Cat isiand How many representativee permanently in the S.? orats masse A.? D. U. ery chance auffrage has." Voters of the U. S. on Oct. 12, 1492, and christened it San *re there ? .. R. Yes. Won by Wilson's Speech. We, the Republican party, being at Salvador in acknowledgment of his It is admitted by suffraglsts that our wifcs* end and desperate, put it up preservation. The islands were taken their cause has been helped greatly by to you: poeseasion of by Sir Humphrey Gilbert Mot That SHe Needed Aid. in 1578, but no settlement was made **6ee that man over there? is Locai Pilone, Office, the speech President Wilson made be- For nearly four years now a Demo- He a 263-z, fore the convention of the National till 1629. After changing hands once bocnbaetic inutt, a windjammer nonen- cratic administration has been in Residence, 246-y. Woman Suffrage association at Atlan- or twice the islands finally became ttty, a false alarm and ari encnmberer power. to every law of rea- tic City on £ept. S. When the presi- Contrary British in 1783.?Westminster Gazette. of the earth!" he had "come to son. every principle of progress, the C. J. dent told them here "Would vou mind writing ali that DR. DICKIE fight with you" the 4,000 suffragists country peace and alive?nay, I)ENTIST \u25a0 is at down for me?" gathered theater arose Hre Sage Mathod. in Nixon's and humming v.itli prosperity. Business is *"Why in the world"? cheered him enthusiastically. HjHHA. iHk. * "Since I have given my best thought Room 14, second floor iMP' 1 rushing. Wages are high. The only "He*s my husband, and I shoold This the * pledge by president led Mrs to the problem I hare not found it es- tajjse_it on him some Marshall building Chapman Catt president of the discontent is the discentent of those time Carrie pedally difficult to take care of my UseieM Question. association, to say: who are reaching for bigger chunks of sister-in-law's two-year-old baby while "Is-the»razor hurtiiig yoa asked the INDIANA, PENN'A. plenty. » "You touclied our nearts and won ehe goes shopping," said the bachelor barber. We are flabbergasted. Ali this has our fealty when you said you had brother-in-law. "For a time, until I "No,* grunted the man. Mlflt wae I happened during a period when the come here to fight with us." mastered the subject, I must confess wouldn't give you the sa tlsfaction* of of world has been agog, when "The astonishing thing about this rest the that it had me considerably obfuscat- admitting it"?Louis ville Courier-Joar- crises were impendingon movement," said Fresident Wilson, "is International now merély put FOR SAIE Old ed. But I the dear lit- naL HI IDB. not that it has grnvn so slowly, but ali sides, when we would have sworn * * * tle fellow under a tub, weighted down Advertisements under this head le that it has grown so rapldly. only Republican statesmanship could so that by no possibility can he over- a word each insertion. I get a littleimpatient sometimes about pulì the nation through.
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