THE ENSIGN OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS • AUGUST 2012 Answering the Savior’s Call to Serve, pp. 4, 10, 66 The Christ We Revere: Elder Holland’s Message to All Christians, p. 44 Power in the Scriptures, p. 54 Finding Courage in Natural Disasters, p. 22 Ensign Five That Were Wise, by Rose Datoc Dall Ten virgins went to meet the bride- groom. “Five of them were wise, and five were foolish.” The wise “took oil in their vessels with their lamps.” The foolish took their lamps but “no oil with them.” When the cry came that “the bridegroom cometh,” the foolish virgins left to buy oil. “The bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” (See Matthew 25:1–13.) Contents August 2012 Volume 42 • Number 8 FEATURES 10 Thomas S. Monson: Answering the Call of Duty Heidi S. Swinton President Thomas S. Monson considers duty to be “something sacred.” Experiences from his life inspire us to follow his example. 16 Learn Your Duty Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin We are responsible for all our Creator has entrusted to us. 18 Cords of Love Les Whitmore Sometimes the greatest lessons our parents teach are the ones they let us learn on our own. 4 22 Natural Disasters—We Don’t Have to Be Afraid MESSAGES Elder Stanley G. Ellis The Holy Ghost can provide us comfort and FIRST PRESIDENCY MESSAGE help us prepare for natural disasters. 4 The Savior’s Call to Serve 26 Keeping the Faith in a World of Confusion President Thomas S. Monson Bishop Gérald Caussé Five principles to help us keep our VISITING TEACHING MESSAGE faith and testimonies strong. 7 Taking Action in Time of Need 30 Finding Faith at the Ends of the Earth Michael R. Morris Converts in Ushuaia, Argentina, begin a new life as they embrace ON THE COVER The e nsign of The ChurC h of Jesus ChrisT of LaTTer-day s ainT s • augusT 2012 Fishers of Men, by the gospel. Simon Dewey 30 34 Decisions That Make a Difference Answering the Savior’s Call to Serve, pp. 4, 10, 66 Melissa Merrill The Christ We Revere: Elder Holland’s Message to All Christians, p. 44 Power in the Scriptures, p. 54 Despite living 45 miles from their Finding Courage in Natural Disasters, p. 22 branch meetinghouse, the Crowthers decided to make the gospel a priority. 40Ensign How Could She Let Him Go? Name withheld When my sister placed her baby for adoption, I learned that the healing power of the Atonement can comfort us in our deepest sorrows. August 2012 1 STOP IT! 8 44 DEPARTMENTS 42 I Thought It Was All Nonsense Umberto Gilardi APRIL CONFERENCE NOTEBOOK I went to church to support my wife, but inside I 8 hoped to prove the missionaries wrong. SERVING IN THE CHURCH Standing Together for the Cause of Christ 44 Serving the One Elder Jeffrey R. Holland 15 A call to Christians to stand together in convic- Al VanLeeuwen tion, compassion, and understanding. We are the Savior’s hands when we serve the one—regardless of our calling. 50 Treasure in This City Jane Nickerson WHAT WE BELIEVE I had never felt so lonely in my life. What was God’s purpose for us in this place? 52 The Sacrament—Remembering the Savior Taking the sacrament is a weekly opportunity 54 Finding Power in the Scriptures for introspection and rededication. Holly Van Woerkom Munson Members share how study of the 65 FAMILY HOME EVENING IDEAS scriptures has strengthened their lives. 70 LATTER-DAY SAINT VOICES Forgiveness and Making 58 NEWS OF THE CHURCH Up for Losses 74 Name withheld Understanding Christ’s Atonement helped me begin The articles with this icon contain an to forgive. “Answering Questions” feature that provides doctrinal answers to commonly asked questions. 62 That I May Heal You 58 • What do we believe about Christ? p. 44 Dean M. Rueckert • Why do we partake of the sacrament? p. 53 Repentance brings the healing power of the • Why do we give humanitarian service? p. 69 Atonement into our lives. 66 Celebrating a Day of Service Kathryn H. Olson Members throughout the world contributed to their communities in a day of service. 78 Answering Questions about Our Faith Michael Otterson Five ideas to keep in mind as you answer others’ questions. 2 Ensign moreOnline ENSIGN ONLINE A MAGAZINE OF THE CHURCH OF If you’re looking to get more from your JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Church magazine experience, check out addi- August 2012 Volume 42 • Number 8 tional features at ensign .lds .org. The First Presidency: Thomas S. Monson, Henry B. Eyring, Dieter F. Uchtdorf VIEW SERVICE RENDERED ON The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: THE DAY OF SERVICE, 2011 Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, the Church welfare plan, the First Presidency Jeffrey R. Holland, David A. Bednar, invited members worldwide to render service Quentin L. Cook, D. Todd Christofferson, Neil L. Andersen to the poor and needy. To view what some members did, go to lds.org/welfare/75years/ Editor: Craig A. Cardon Advisers: Shayne M. Bowen, Bradley D. Foster, search. Christoffel Golden Jr., Anthony D. Perkins Managing Director: David T. Warner MEET TODAY’S PROPHETS Director of Family and Member Support: AND APOSTLES Vincent A. Vaughn Visit lds.org/study/prophets-speak-today/ Director of Church Magazines: Allan R. Loyborg what-are-prophets? to read brief biographies Business Manager: Garff Cannon on the members of the First Presidency and Managing Editor: R. Val Johnson the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Assistant Managing Editor: LaRene Porter Gaunt WORKING TO OVERCOME AN Publications Assistant: Faith Watson ADDICTION? Writing and Editing Team: Susan Barrett, Ryan Carr, David Dickson, David A. Edwards, The Church’s addiction recovery workbook is Matthew D. Flitton, Hikari Loftus, a helpful resource for youth and adults who Lia McClanahan, Melissa Merrill, are struggling with an addiction. The work- Michael R. Morris, Richard M. Romney, Paul VanDenBerghe, Julia Woodbury book is available online in several languages Editorial Intern: Jennifer G. Jones at recoveryworkbook.lds.org. Managing Art Director: J. Scott Knudsen Art Director: Tadd R. Peterson DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL? Design Team: Jeanette Andrews, The Ensign is interested in gathering family Fay P. Andrus, C. Kimball Bott, Thomas Child, home evening ideas. Share with us your family Kerry Lynn C. Herrin, Colleen Hinckley, home evenings that were: (1) most memo- Eric P. Johnsen, Scott Mooy, Brad Teare rable; (2) most successful; (3) helped solve a Intellectual Property Coordinator: Collette Nebeker Aune family challenge; (4) were the most fun; or Production Manager: Jane Ann Peters (5) were the most spiritual. Please label your Production Team: Connie Bowthorpe Bridge, article “Family Home Evening” and submit it Julie Burdett, Bryan W. Gygi, Kathleen Howard, Denise Kirby, Ginny J. 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August 2012 3 FIRST PRESIDENCY MESSAGE By President Thomas S. Monson THE SAVIOR’S Call to Serve ll who have studied mathematics know what a in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not a common denominator is. For Latter-day Saints, cloak of comfort but rather a robe of responsibility. Our A there is a common denominator that binds us duty, in addition to saving ourselves, is to guide others to together. That common denominator is the individual call the celestial kingdom of God. each of us receives to fill assignments in God’s kingdom By willingly walking the path of service to God, we will here upon the earth.
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