OW TO PERFORM WUDHAND PRAYER AND ITS PROOF by Sheikh: Abdullahsolaiman Al-Manooq frrC.q-rrC.foCaf • _ II :.; _ .. I .J 'I. L r " .- i ':. _, \ J , ,:;;-- ,- -..' - - : r--::- :--:. I• .: -"' HOWHOWTO+r.TO••• A) PERFORM ABLUTION (WudLi)(Wudrtl B) PERFORM PRAYER (Sa/at)(Sa/af) Written by Abdullah Sulaiman AI-MarzukAl-Marzuk Dar AI-MuslimAl-Muslim for PublishingPubliehing& Distribution CONTENTSCONTENTS ABLUTION (Wudu\(Wudu) .• How to Per{ormPerform Ablution •. Sand Ablution (Tayammom) •. Rubbing Over Socks or Boots •. Total Ablution (Ghost)(Ghost) PRAYERPRAYER (Sa/at)(Salaf) •. HowHow toto PerformPer{orm PrayerPrayer CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION InIn lhethe NmeName of AlM,AIJJlh, TheMos Most Grociora,Gracious, TheMN Most M*tifalMerciful Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds, and His peaceand blessingsbe upon His Messenger,our Prophet Muhammad, upon all the Messengersand Prophets of Allatr,Allah, upon our Prophet's family, his companions and those who followed his guidance till the Day of Judgement. The following report is on: How to perform ablution and how to perform prayers. II pray to Allah to guide me in this work, and II beseech to Him that all readers may benefit from it. Praise be toto Allah,Allah. The Lord of thethe Worlds. AbdullahAMullah S. A1-Marzuk AI-lVIaEuk SaudiSaudiArabia Qaseem-BuraidahQaseem-Buaidah (14]6(14r6A.H.)A.H.) 3 ABLUTION (llludu)(Wudu) Every Muslim is ordered to make ablution before performing prayer. Without ablution, prayer is invalid and unacceptedby Allah(to Him belongsall Dignity andGlory). In the Holy Qur'an AllahAllatt says: (0(O you \\h>uiln relieve!believe!WlxnWhen you inteniirrild to offeroftr payer,V(ayil, ~wffih your fa:esfu aOOrrd youryu.n annsmrs(fmmrs)Wtodre(fon>anns) up to the elOOws,elbor,rn,rub (by ~Fssing \\ethaB3sover)yourheads,\rrcthadsover) yourtrcads' amad ~ yourfee1:ycnrftd upqpto the lheankles.arkles. IfIfycnr you areae ina~in a sfiate "\6h of .Jamba'ljunfu' (=(- gravegtaveimpnity)inryxity) ie. one'scnres state$aE after having ~silal ~ora\\et-<Jream),~yourirhtunr uauddean), bdre your \\h>leuilnlelxxly.) body)[HolyQur'an: [FlolyQtrr'au 5:7]5 :7] With the revelation of this importantverse, no prayer could be performed without ablution. If usingthe the water is impossible,impossible,or difficult, you can perform tayammom,ttryammom, (as(as itit will be later laterexplained). 4 HowHow toto MakeMake Ablution:Ablution: 1.l. Have thethe heart intentionintention forfor performing ablution. Do not pronounce thethe intention.intention.The Prophet (peace(peacebe upon him) used not toto utter words expressing his intentionintention forfor ablution. 'ln 2. Say: (Bismillah).(Bismillaft).This means 'In the Name of Allah. 3. Wash your hands and wrists three times, inter-rubbing between the fingers of both hands. 4. Take a palm-fuIpalm-ful of water in your right hand. Put the water in your mouth and rinse your mouth.Do this threetimes. 5. Take water in your right hand. SniffupSniffup water through your nostrils, then, blow it out. Do this threetimes. 5 6.6. WashWash youryour facefacethreethree timestimes with with both hands. MakeMake suresure thatthat thethewater waterhas hasreached all the partsparts ofof youryour faceface fromfrom thethe foreheadforeheadtoto thethe chin,chin,and andfromfrom oneoneear earlobelobe toto thethe other. 7.7. WashWash your rightright hand, arm,arrn, and elbow three times.times. 8.8. Wash your leftleft hand, arm, and elbow three times.times. 9. Wet your hands, then rub over your head with them, starting from front to back, and then from back to front. Do this once only. 10. Wipe the inner side of your ears with your fore-fore-fingers,fingers, and their outer side with your thumbs. 11.ll. Wash your right foot up to theankle three times. 12.t2.Then wash your left foot up to theankle three times. 6 At this stage, thethe ablution isis completed, and now, you are ready to perform prayers. Your are not obliged to wash your organsthree times,times. You can wash them once or twice,twice., but it is preferableto wash them three times. You areadvised to recitethe following supplication after finalizing your ablution: (Ash-hado(,4sh-hado alla ilaha illallah, wa Ash-hado anna Mohammadan Abdoho wa Rasoolah. Allahomma ijdlniij dlni minattawwabeen,minattawwabeen, wajdlniwaidlni minal-mottatahhireen.)minal- m o t t at ahhir e e n. ) This means: (I(l bear witness that there is no god, but Allah, He is one, He has no partner, and I bear witness that Mohammad isis His servant and His Messenger. 0O Allah, make me of those who repentrepentforfor theirtheir sins,sins, and of thosethosewho keep themselves pure.) 7 YouYou cancan perforrnperform moremore thanthan oneone prayerprayer withwith oneone ablution.ablution. You You dodo notnot needneed toto renewrenew ablution ablution unless unless itit isis invalidatedinvalidated byby thethe happeninghappening ofof anyany ofof thethe following:following: l.1. Natural discharges;i.e. urine, stools, gas ...'" etc. 2. Fallingasleep. 3. Losing sense;sense~ i.e. becomingunconscious for any reason such as: madness, sickness, drunkenness or by taking drugs. 4. Eating camel meat. Sand-AblutionSand-Ablution (Tayammom):(Tayammom): IfIf youyou dodo notnot havehave water,water,or or youyou cannotcannotuseuse it it becausebecauseyouyou areareill ill andandusing usingwater waterwill will oror maymay harmharm you,you, youyou areare allowedallowed toto makemake TTayammomayammom asas aa substitutesubstitutefor for ablution.ablution.In In thethe HolyHoly Qur'anQur'an AllahAllah says:says: 8 (...( ... If you areill or on aajoumey, journey,or oneof you comes from the offices of nature,or you havebeen in contactwith women (i.e. a sexual intercourse)and you find no water, then take for yourselvesclean earth and rub therewith your facesand hands. Allah does not wish to placeyou in difficulty, but He wants to purify you and to completeHis favor upon you that you may be thankful.)thankful.F [Holy Qur'an, 5:7] Tayammom is performed as follows: 1.1. Have the intention within your heart of performing Tayammom. 2. Strike both hands on pure earth or sand. 3. Shake both hands off the clinging dustby striking them against each other, and wipe your face with them once, then wipe the right hand with the leftleft hand,and then the left hand with the right one. 99 AtAt thisthisstage stageTayammomTayammom isis completed, completed,andand nownow you ),ou areareready readytoto performperformprayer. prayer. YouYou cancanperform perforrnmoremore than thanone oneprayer with one Tayammom.Tayammom. TayammomTayammomis is invalidatedinvalidatedby finding water and by the happening of any of the following: following: 1.l. Naturaldischarges. 2. Falling asleep. 3. Losing sense. 4. Eating camel meat. Tayammom shows one of the facilitiesof Islam. Rubbing Over Socksor Boots: It is permissible for a Muslim toto perform ablution, then to put on his socksor ankle-lengthed boots with having toto taketake either 24 hours ifif inin placeplace of residence,or 3 dayswhen travelling.travelling. ItIt isis enoughenough l010 to just rub over them when renewing ablution within the allowed time mentioned. This also shows oneene of the facilities of Islam. Total AblutionAblutio n (Ghus/):(Ghust): One should bathe in case of being in the state of major impurity (i.e.: having sexual intercourse, wet dream or -with women- finishing menstruation or having finished child birth period). PRAPRAYERYER (Salat)(Satal) Performing prayer is the second pillar of Islam. Our prophet, Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said: "Islam is built upon five (pillars) i.e.: Bearing witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah,Allatr, performing the prayers, giving poor-due, fasting (the month of) 11ll Ramadhan, and making pilgrimage to the Sacred House by those who can afford the journey thereto, and physically fit. A Muslim is ordered to perform five obligatory prayersevery day. These prayers are: a) Early morning prayer (Fajr prayer) It consists of two units of prayer (two rakarakn'at).'at). Its time begins at the true dawn (about 1'l2I % hours before sunrise) and extends until the sunstrnrises. b) The noon prayer (Dohr prayer): It consists of four units of prayer. Its time begins a little after the sun has passed the meridian and extends until the beginning of the time of the afternoon prayer. c) The afternoon prayer (Asr prayer): It consists of four units of prayer. Its time enjoined when the shadow of an object is equal to its own length plus the length of its noon time shadow, and extends until the sun turns yellow. In necessity, it lastsuntil the sunset. 12t2 d)d) TheThe sunsetsunsetprayer prayer (MaghriD(Maghrib prayer)prayer) ItIt consistsconsists ofof threethree unitsunits ofof prayer.prayer. ItsIts timetime begins begins soonsoon afterafter sunsetsunset andand lasts lasts untiluntil thethe disappearancedisappearance ofof thethe trvilight.twilight. i e)e) TheThe nifhtni~ht Prayer:prayer: (Isha (Isha PraYer):prayer): It consistsof four units of prayer.Its timetime begins soon after the disappearanceof the twilight, and lasts until midnight. A Muslim must perform eachprayer in its due time. In the HolYHoly Qur'anQut'an Allah says: (Verily{Verily the prayer at fixed time is enjoined on believers.) [Holy Qur' Qur'an,an, 5:5:103] 103] ItIt a Muslim delays one of thethe prayers until itsits timetime ends,ends,hehe willwill commitcommit aa grievousgrievousandand punishable sinsin ifif therethereis is nono reasonablereasonableexcuse.excuse. HeHe shouldshouldrepent repent toto
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