Related work Yannick Forster, Fabian Kunze, Gert Smolka Saarland University March 16, 2018 1 Call-by-value lambda-calculus • “The mechanical evaluation of expressions”, Landin (1964) [24]: Landin intro- duces the SECD machine, the name stemming from the 4 components of the machine called stack, environment, control and dump. He does not have correct- ness proofs. He uses closures and mentions the idea of representing composite objects by an address and sharing. • “Call-by-Name, Call-by-Value and the λ-Calculus”, Plotkin (1975) [31]: First in- troduction of call-by-value lambda-calculus. Although the equivalence relation is strong, reduction is weak, i.e. does not apply under binders. Plotkin variables (and constants) as values, but his machine only talks about closed terms (and he has to do this, because he substitutes variables one after the to transform closures to terms). He gives a detailed, top-down correctness proof of an SECD machine similar to Landin’s. He uses an inductive, step-indexed predicate (starting at 1) for the evaluation of lambda terms. He shows that the machine terminates representing the right value iff the corresponding term evaluates with that value. He first shows the usual bigstep-topdown-induction, e.g. that the machine-evaluation of every closure representing a normalizing term eventually puts the right value closure on the argument stack. He then shows that divergence propagates top- down: if the term does not evaluate in less than t steps, than the machine does not succeed in t steps. He does not proof his substitution lemma. His closures are defined to be closed. In contrast to Landin, his closures can contain arbitrary terms, not only abstrac- tions. Plotkin does not use inductive predicates. He also gives a CPS transformation of call-by-value into call-by-name and vice versa. 1 • “The weak lambda calculus as a reasonable machine”, Dal Lago and Martini (2008) [12]: Simulation of call-by-value lambda-calculus on Turing machines us- ing de Bruijn indices and closures. Variables are values. They don’t define their substitution, but the implementation they give in Turing machines is simple sub- stitution. And their results only hold if the one used on terms is simple substi- tution. They describe their turing machine in plain text and do not formally define it. But they give the alphabet, the tapes and describe their approach in such detail such that transition relation and state space are implicitly clear. Their implementation encodes de-bruijn terms in polnish notation, using a bi- nary encoding for variables. To reduce a term, they first parse for redexes in the string encoding the whole term and then substitute all bound variable in the body with the arguments To archive all this, they use a stack of position- symbols (left-of-application, right-of-application and under abstraction) to keep track of the position in the term while parsing, as this is e.g. needed to see where a lambda, and thus a non-applicative context, ends. They then claim that evaluation (with the right result) propagates top-down (where the machine-steps are polynomial bounded in the cost measure of the lambda reduction). They don’t proof this, but say that this is “clear from the definition”. • “Weak Call-by-Value Lambda Calculus as a Model of Computation in Coq”, Forster and Smolka (2017) [18]: Formalisation in Coq of the call-by-value lambda calculus as model of computation using de Bruijn indices. Only abstractions are values. First reproduction of some of Plotkin’s results in a formal setting (e.g. unique normal forms). 2 Stack machines • “A call-by-name lambda-calculus machine”, Krivine (2007) [20]: Unpublished for 25 years (i.e. conceived in 1982). First SECD machine for the call-by-name lambda-calculus using an explicit instruction pointer. Krivine uses a pair of de Bruijn indices to point to an environment on the stack and to a term in this environment. Gives detailed correctness proofs. Call-by-name version of call/cc is treated. • “A generalization of jumps and labels”, Landin (1998) [22]: Landin gives seman- tics of a λ-calculus with his J operator, introduced in [23] in terms of an SECD machine. • Control Operators, the SECD-machine, and the λ-calculus, Felleisen and Fried- man (1986) [16]: In [17], Felleisen, Friedman, Kohlbecker, and Duba give an 2 equational system for a (named) call-by-value λ-calculus with a J operator. This paper re-explains this construction in a more general way. They first give a CEK-machine inorporating the J operator (CEK from control, environment, con- tinuation) and then transform this machine into a rewriting system, from which they derive rules for the calclus. The paper contains detailed proofs. • “Functional runtime systems within the lambda-sigma calculus”, Hardin, Maranget, and Pagano (1998) [19]: Hardin, Maranget, and Pagano present cor- rectness proofs for four machines executing the λσw -calculus [1, 11]: Krivine’s machine, the SECD, Cardelli’s FAM [8], and the CAM [10]. They give a unified framework applying to all four verifications, similar to our refinements of L, just for the λσw -calculus. In contrast to them, our refinement relations do not include a compilation function. • “A functional correspondence between evaluators and abstract machines”, Ager, Biernacki, Danvy, and Midtgaard (2003) [3]: This paper presents a two- way correspondence between functional evaluators and abstract machines based on two-way derivations. The steps involved are closure conversion, CPS trans- formation and defunctionalisation. They give evaluators for Krivine’s machine, Landin’s SECD machine, and Felleisen and Friedman’s CEK machine, and con- struct those machines from evaluators in a general way. They call the mentioned machines “abstract” machines, in contrast to “virtual machines”, which use a compiled term representation. For virtual machines, they consider the CAM (categorical abstract machine) by Cousineau, Curien, and Mauny [10]. • “A rational deconstruction of Landin’s SECD machine”, Danvy (2004) [13]: Danvy deconstructs Landin’s SECD machine into an evaluator for applicative ex- pressions, and then reconstructs several evaluators into SECD-like machines, in- cluding a call-by-name, call-by-need and tail-recursive version. His SC-machine is similar to our stack machine. He mostly uses explicit names, but also mentions a machine using de Bruijn indices and a machine using an instruction set, which are however both not shown. • “A Rational Deconstruction of Landin’s SECD Machine with the J Operator”, Millikin and Danvy (2008) [29]: Follow-up of [13] including Landin’s J operator. • “Lambda and pi calculi, CAM and SECD machines”, Vasconcelos (2005) [36]: Journal version of [35]. Vasconcelos encodes both the call-by-value λ-calculus and an SECD machine into the π-calculus. He introduces a notion of compos- able correspondence between rewriting system, that is similar to our notion of refinement. The difference is that its direction is inverted and in the third part of the definition, he allows B to use the reflexive-transitive closure of the step relation, where we only use the reflexive closure. In our terms, this means he 3 almost proves that the call-by-value λ refines the π-calculus. His SECD machine is the machine introduced by Plotkin. Vasconcelos does not give an explicit correctness proof for the SECD machine and only refers to Plotkin. • “Proof of translation in natural semantics”, Despeyroux (1986) [15]: Despey- roux gives a detailed correctness proof of a CAM machine for Mini-ML. 2.1 Formalised work • Compilation to the Modern SECD, Leroy (2016) [26]: Leroy gives a very concise formalisation of a call-by-value λ-calculus with constants using de Bruijn indices and an SECD machine using closures and an instruction set. He proves that bis- step evaluation using environments in the λ-calculus implies big-step evaluation of the machine and that a coinductively defined notion of infinite evaluation in the λ-calculus yields an infinite path of the machine. We conjecture that his notion of infinite evaluation is strictly stronger than non- termination. He does not consider small-step semantics or heaps. • “Generalized Refocusing: From Hybrid Strategies to Abstract Machines”, Bier- nacka, Charatonik, and Zielinska (2017) [4]: Follow-up to [33]. The authors build on [14] and present a format for specifying reduction semantics and a general technique of transforming this semantics into an abstract machine (called refo- cusing). They formalise the general refocusinng procedure in Coq and prove the correctness of the resulting abstract machines. They gives several case-studies, including machines for call-by-name and call-by-value (about 400 lines needed to instantiate general procedure). They have a notion of tracing for two abstract rewriting systems which can be seen as a version of our τβ-refinement. • “The tail-recursive SECD machine”, Ramsdell (1999) [32]: Ramsdell discusses and compares correctness proofs for the SECD machine, a tail recursive SECD machine and Felleisen and Friedman’s CEK machine in the Boyer-Moore theorem prover. He only explains the structure of the proof and does not state interme- diate lemmas. He uses de-Bruijn indices and a non-capturing single-point substitution opera- tion. He does not use a heap. • “From mathematics to abstract machine: a formal derivation of an executable Krivine machine”, Swierstra (2012) [34]: Swierstra formalises Biernacka and Danvy’s [5] derivation of the Krivine machine for a call-by-name λ-calculus in Agda. He uses a well-typed, well-scoped term type. • “Proving correctness of the translation from mini-ml to the CAM with the Coq 4 proof development system”, Boutin (1995) [6]: In french. Gives a formalisation of Mini-ML with explicit names and a big-step semantics using environments.
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