Technical Advisory Committee March 3, 2021 9:30 a.m. 1 Agenda 2 Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Electronic Meeting: 9:30 A.M. Please join meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/944134157 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3412 Access Code: 944-134-157 AGENDA 1. Call to Order. 2. Opportunity for Public Comment. 3. Staff Update (pgs. 6-50): a. Advisory Committees; b. 2045 MTP Reprioritization; c. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Apportionment of Highway Infrastructure Program Funds; d. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Legislative Appropriations Request for 2021; e. Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) Amendments to the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program; f. Air Quality. 4. Action Item: Regarding approval of the February 3, 2021 meeting minutes (pgs. 52-53). 5. Discussion and Action Item: Regarding major activity centers in the KTMPO region (pgs. 55- 59). 6. Discussion and Action Item: Regarding recommendation of approval for Resolution No. 2021-04 for Safety Performance Measures (pgs. 61-66). 7. Discussion and Action Item: Regarding recommendation of approval for Resolution No. 2021-05 for Transit Asset Management/State of Good Repair Performance Measures (pgs. 68-90). 8. Discussion and Action Item: Regarding recommendation of approval for KTMPO Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) amendments for Subtasks 1.4, 5.2, 5.8. 5.9, and 5.10 (pgs. 92-97). The Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations and equal opportunity for effective communications will be provided upon request. Please contact the KTMPO office at 254-770-2200 24 hours in advance if accommodation is needed. Citizens who desire to address the Board on any matter may sign up to do so prior to this meeting. Public comments will be received during this portion of the meeting. Comments are limited to 3 minutes maximum. No discussion or final action will be taken by the Board. P.O. BOX 7 2 9 • BEL T O N , TX 76513 • 2 54- 770- 2 2 0 0 • F A X 2 54- 770- 2 3 6 0 • WWW.KTM P O .ORG3 9. Discussion Item: Regarding programmed projects for the TxDOT 2022 Unified Transportation Program (UTP) (pgs. 99-100). 10. Discussion Item: Regarding new TxDOT project estimating procedures and funds programming (pgs. 102-109). 11. Discussion Item: Regarding proposed FY21 Special Studies (pgs. 111-112). 12. Discussion Item: Regarding FY20 Annual Performance Expenditure Report (APER) (pgs. 114- 140). 13. Discussion Item: Regarding FY20 Annual Project Listing (APL) (pgs. 142-161). 14. Discussion Item: Regarding public input received through February 2021 (pgs. 163-164). 15. Member comments. 16. Adjourn. The Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations and equal opportunity for effective communications will be provided upon request. Please contact the KTMPO office at 254-770-2200 24 hours in advance if accommodation is needed. Citizens who desire to address the Board on any matter may sign up to do so prior to this meeting. Public comments will be received during this portion of the meeting. Comments are limited to 3 minutes maximum. No discussion or final action will be taken by the Board. P.O. BOX 7 2 9 • BEL T O N , TX 76513 • 2 54- 770- 2 2 0 0 • F A X 2 54- 770- 2 3 6 0 • WWW.KTM P O .ORG4 Item 3: Staff Update 5 Technical Advisory Committee March 3, 2021 Agenda Item #3 Staff Update a) Listed below are the upcoming KTMPO meetings: • March 17, 2021 – Transportation Planning Policy Board (electronic) • April 7, 2021 – Technical Advisory Committee (electronic) • April 13, 2021 – Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (electronic) • April 21, 2021 – Transportation Planning Policy Board (electronic) • May 5, 2021 – Technical Advisory Committee (electronic) • May 19, 2021 - Transportation Planning Policy Board (electronic) All meetings are scheduled for 9:30am at the Central Texas Council of Governments offices in Belton, Texas, unless otherwise noted (ie – electronic meeting). b) 2045 MTP Reprioritization • An updated schedule is included on the following page. c.) FHWA Apportionment of Highway Infrastructure Program Funds pursuant to Corona Response and Relief Supplement Appropriations Act, 2021. d.) TxDOT Legislative Appropriations Request for 2021 e.) Texas Transportation Commission Amendments to the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program; • The rule changes that affect MPOs are in 43 TAC 11.403: • (e) The MPO, in consultation with the department, shall include the department's direct state costs for oversight of preliminary engineering and construction in TA Set-Aside project awards. [Completely new rule] • (j) Projects, or substantially similar projects, submitted during a program call administered by the MPO are not eligible for consideration under a concurrent program call administered by the department. [Added the word “concurrent”.] 6 2045 MTP Reprioritization Schedule May 2019-May 2020 Evaluation and Development of MTP project scoring criteria. July 2020 Development of task order and solicitation and selection of Consultant for Reprioritization of CMP Network Segments. September 2020 Present updated Project Application Scoring Packet; Recommendation and approval of Project Application Scoring Packet; Recommendation and approval of MTP Reprioritization Schedule. September 2020 Development of task order and solicitation and selection of Consultant for objective scoring of MTP projects. October 1, 2020 Call for Projects opens. October 30, 2020 Submission deadline for questions pertaining to the Call for Projects. November 5-6, 2020 TxDOT review of on-system projects. November 13, 2020 Call for Projects closes. November 20, 2020 Project applications submitted to Consultant. December 2020 Reprioritization of CMP Network Segments completed by Consultant; Initiate and conduct public involvement for reprioritized CMP segments. January 13, 2021 Approval of Reprioritized CMP Network Segments; Virtual Project Bus Tour; TAC conducts subjective scoring on their own. January 27, 2021 TAC Subjective Scoring Question & Answer Workshop. January 31, 2021 Objective scores completed by Consultant. February 10, 2021 TAC subjective scores due to KTMPO. February 17, 2021 Cumulative Objective and Subjective scores sent to BPAC/TAC/PB; Request questions regarding scores for March meetings. February 23, 2021 BPAC discussion of priority livability projects. March 3, 2021 TAC review and approval of Major Activity Centers April 2021 Presentation of scoring results; Discussion of prioritization. May 2021 Recommendation and approval of allocation of funds for Categories 2, 7, and 9 projects; Recommendation, approval and conducting of public involvement process for TIP and MTP Reprioritization amendments. June 2021 Recommendation and approval of TIP and MTP Reprioritization amendments. 7 Technical Advisory Committee March 3, 2021 Agenda Item #3 f.) Air Quality Monthly Maximum 8-hr O3 Averages 90 80 NAAQS Standard (70 ppb) 70 61 60 54 51 51 60 50 49 50 54 51 49 40 47 47 30 ---- Temple Georgia 20 Ozone (O3) parts per billion (ppb) Killeen Skylark 10 ---- 0 SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB Compliance with EPA Ozone 3-year Standard: 4th Highest Annual average Value (Calculated on Jan. 5 2018 2019 2020 2021) Temple 69 63 64 65 Killeen 72 67 63 67 Action Needed: No action needed; for discussion only. 8 9 10 3 4. What is the background information? a. The funds resulting from this apportionment are eligible to be obligated as follows: (i) Activities eligible under section 133(b) of title 23, U.S.C. (program codes Z970 and Z972); (ii) Costs related to preventive maintenance, routine maintenance, operations, personnel, including salaries of employees (including those employees who have been placed on administrative leave) or contractors, debt service payments, availability payments, and coverage for other revenue losses (program codes Z971 and Z973). b. A State may transfer funds to State, multi-State, international, or local public tolling agencies that own or operate a tolled facility that is a public road, bridge, or tunnel, or a ferry system that provides a public transportation benefit, and that was in operation within their State in fiscal year (FY) 2020 for costs related to operations, personnel, including salaries of employees (including those employees who have been placed on administrative leave) or contractors, debt service payments, availability payments, and coverage for other revenue losses of a tolled facility or ferry system. (i) For funds transferred to a tolled facility or ferry system pursuant to subparagraph 4(b), the limitations on the use of revenues in subsections (a)(3) and (c)(4) of 23 U.S.C. 129 shall not apply with respect to the tolled facility or ferry system for which such funds are transferred, notwithstanding the previous receipt of Federal funds for such tolled facility or ferry system. c. The funds available for distribution to the States have been apportioned to the States in the same ratio as the distribution of obligation authority under section 120(a)(5) of the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2021. d. The funds shall be suballocated to urbanized areas with a population over 200,000 as described in 23 U.S.C. 133(d)(1)(A)(i) in the ratio that the funds suballocated to such area in
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