Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program A USAID-funded Title II Development Food Security Activity implemented by CARE Bangladesh Award Number: AID-FFP-A-15-00009 Methodology Report (MTE Report, Volume II) 17 July 2018 (Final) 1 SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 Acknowledgement The members of the MTE team would like to gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the staff of the SHOUHARDO III Program. Special thanks go to Khaledul Ahsan from CARE for assisting the team with data collection for the period when Rukhsana was away due to other commitments and to Walter Mwasaa, SHOUHARDO III Chief of Party, and Raquibul Hasan, the Senior M&E Coordinator for SHOUHARDO III, for their diligent support throughout the MTE process. We also want to thank all of the field staff from CARE and the implementing partners who went out of their way to provide logistical support to enable the team to implement an intensive schedule over a relatively short period. We also greatly appreciated their participating in various events during the evaluation and for providing frank insights while answering our questions. Innumerable program participants and beneficiaries have also provided useful responses and participated in stimulating discussions. Our gratitude goes out to them as well. Hopefully we've listened well, our observations are grounded in reality, our assessment is accurate, and our recommendations will be useful. Sincerely, Mike DeVries, Independent Consultant (Team Leader) Rukhsana Haider, Independent Consultant Mark Langworthy, TANGO Jeanne Downen, TANGO Golam Kabir, Independent Consultant Translators: Apurba Kumar Roy Al Masud Litu Mohammed Razu Ahmed Cover pictures taken by Jeanne Downen (left) and Hedyatul Islam (right) This report was made public by support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the Government of the United States of America. ii SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 II. MTE SCOPE OF WORK 2 III. MTE PROTOCOL 35 IV. PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND SITES VISITED 131 iii SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADS Automated Directive System Ag & L Agricultural & Livelihoods AOR Agreement Officer’s Representative APM Assistant Project Manager ARR Annual Results Report BBSS Beneficiary-Based Survey System BCC Behavioral Change Communication C&F Cargo & Freight C<5 Child Under Five Years of Age CAP Community Action Plan CAV Community Agriculture Volunteer CBO Community-Based Organization CC Community Clinic CCA Climate Change Adaptation CEV Community Empowerment Volunteer CFW Cash for Work CG Community Groups CHD Comprehensive Homestead Development CHV Community Health Volunteer C-IMCI Community-based Integrated Management of Childhood Illness CLTS Community-led Total Sanitation COG Core Occupational Group CoP Chief of Party CSC Community Score Card CSG Community Support Group CSV Comma Separated Value CVCA Climate Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment DAE Department of Agricultural Extension DAM Dhaka Ahsania Mission DCRM Disaster and Climate Risk Management DEC Development Experience Clearinghouse DFAP Development Food Assistance Project DFSA Development Food Security Activity DIP Detailed Implementation Plan DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DYD Department of Youth Development EBEK Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar EHV Extremely Highly Vulnerable EKATA Empowerment Knowledge and Transformative Action EMMP Environmental Monitoring & Mitigation Plan EoI Expression of Interest EPI Extended Program of Immunization ESDO Eco-Social Development Organization EVAW Ending Violence Against Women iv SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 FF Field Facilitator FFBS Farmer Field and Business School FFP Food for Peace FFPMIS Food for Peace Management Information System FGD Focus Group Discussion FNS Food & Nutrition Security FS Field Supervisor FY Fiscal Year GBV Gender-Based Violence GMP Growth Monitoring and Promotion GoB Government of Bangladesh HCA Host Country Agreement HHN Health, Hygiene and Nutrition HQ Headquarters HV Highly Vulnerable I&EO Infrastructure & Environment Officer IDI In-Depth Interview IEE Initial Environmental Examination IGA Income-Generating Activity IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness INGO International Non-Governmental Organization IPTT Indicator Performance Tracking Table ITSH Inland Transport Storage and Handling IYCF Infant & Young Child Feeding KII Key Informant Interview KMAL Knowledge Management, Advocacy and Learning KML Knowledge Management & Learning LEB Locally Elected Body LF Logical Framework LGD Local Government Division LGED Local Government Engineering Department LGRD&C Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives LoA Life of Activity or Life of Award M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MCHN Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition MEAL Monitoring & Evaluation Accountability & Learning MFI Micro-Finance Institution MJSKS Mahideb Juno Somaj Kallayan Somity MoH&FW Ministry of Health & Family Welfare MT Metric Ton MTE Mid-Term Evaluation MUAC Middle Upper Arm Circumference NBD Nation Building Department NDP National Development Programme NGO Non-Governmental Organization NNPC Nari Nirjaton Protirodh Committee v SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 NRM Natural Resource Management P&P Pen & Paper PACC Program Advisory and Coordinating Committees PEA Program Environmental Assessment PEP Poor and Extreme Poor PIIF Program Integration Implementation Framework PLW Pregnant and Lactating Women PM&ES Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System PM Project Manager PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PNGO Partner Non-Governmental Organization PoC Point of Contact POPI People’s-Oriented Programme Implementation PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal PREP Pipeline and Resource Estimate Proposal PVO Private Voluntary Organization QMR Quarterly Monitoring Report QR Quarterly Report RF Results Framework SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition SAPQ Standardized Performance Annual Questionnaire SBCC Social and Behavioral Change Communication SBTB School-Based Teen Brigade SHOIII or SHO3 SHOUHARDO III SHOUHARDO Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities SKS SKS Foundation SoW Scope of Work SO-TSR Senior Officer Technical Support & Representation SP Sub-Purpose SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences STATA Statistics and Data STC Senior Technical Coordinator SUAP Safer Uses Action Plan TANGO Technical Assistance to NGOs TM Technical Manager TO Technical Officer ToC Theory of Change ToR Terms of Reference ToT Training of Trainers UDCC Union Disaster Coordination Committee UDMC Union Disaster Management Committee UDV Union Disaster Volunteers UP Union Parishad UHC Upazila Health Complex USAID United States Agency for International Development vi SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 USD United States Dollar UzDMC Upazila Disaster Management Committee VDC Village Development Committee VFA Veterinary Field Assistant VSLA Village Savings and Lending Association WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WBA Well-Being Analysis WE Women’s Empowerment vii SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 SHOUHARDO III Mid-Term Evaluation METHODOLOGY REPORT I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Volume II of the report for the Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program implemented by CARE and local partners in Bangladesh summarizes the methodology that was used to conduct the MTE over the period from late October 2017 through mid-June 2018. This resource document is being provided as a separate document from the MTE Summary Report (Volume I) which summarizes the priority recommendations that emerged from the MTE Process. The section which immediately follows provides the Scope of Work for the MTE which initiated the planning for the exercise. The second section provides the MTE Protocol that was used to operationalize the exercise. The MTE protocol contains the data collection tools which were used by various team members over the course of the exercise. The various schedules that were used to implement the MTE are also included in the MTE Protocol. The third section lists the actual interviews and focus group discussions held by the MTE team members while conducting primary data collection in Bangladesh from February 13 through March 6, 2018. 1 II. INITIAL SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE SHOUHARDO III MTE 2 SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 ` MID TERM EVALUATION SCOPE OF WORK CARE Bangladesh SHOUHARDO III USAID/FFP Title II Program Bangladesh, 2015 – 2020 Final Submission 22nd August 2017 3 SHOUHARDO III MTE Methodology Report 17 July 2018 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Program Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 7 1.2 Activity Background .................................................................................................................................... 11 2 MIDTERM EVALUATION (MTE) ..................................................................................................................... 15 2.1 MTE Objectives ..........................................................................................................................................
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