H8902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 5, 2000 Week. I want to thank the gentleman tleman, and younger ones, like me, and grams increase safer sex practices from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS), my brother even younger ones, they can see that among young people who are sexually Alpha member, for holding this special they have a future within their life. active. These programs also lead to ab- order this afternoon. I applaud the They see that there are jobs available stinence, fewer sexual partners, and in- members of Alpha Phi Alpha and the and careers available. And to the ex- creased and more effective use of con- March of Dimes for their continued tent that they involve themselves in traception among young men and commitment to improving the lives of risky behaviors, they place that future women. young African American males in the at risk. The other major objective of Project African American community and So we challenge other groups to get Alpha is teen pregnancy reduction again congratulate the gentleman on involved in the same kinds of inter- from a male perspective. And although holding this special order. action with our young people, because teen birth rates experienced a decline Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. I thank the we can have a significant impact in between 1991 and 1996 across all ethnic gentleman very much, and I would like keeping them out of trouble to begin and economic groups, the country is to get the gentleman's reaction, if I with and keeping them on the right beginning to see a new surge in preg- could, to how much on target Project track, and that is why Project Alpha is nant women under 20 years of age. Alpha is. so important. Some important facts to consider are: A study by the National Cancer Insti- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Let me just the United States has the highest preg- tute confirms existent data which re- thank the gentleman for his response nancy rate of all developed countries. veals that as each generation comes of and for his participation. People throw About 1 million teenagers become preg- age, there is a substantial increase in out accolades, and sometimes they are nant each year, of which 95 percent are the rate of infection as individuals meaningful and sometimes not as unintended. Public cost as a result to- enter their late teens and early 20s, meaningful; but when it comes to role taled $120 billion between 1985 and 1990, with infection peaking in the mid to modeling, I would certainly think that a circumstance that may resume if cur- late 20s. Sustained, targeted prevention the gentleman has been and continues rent trends continue. It is estimated for each group entering young adult- to be one, not only as a Member of Con- that $48 billion could have been saved if hood is what will keep these waves gress but also in the community where birth had been postponed. from developing. the gentleman lives and works. So I Eleven States are implementing com- Behavioral science has also shown want to thank the gentleman for com- prehensive integrated youth programs that a balance of prevention messages ing and for sharing with us this after- to prevent teen pregnancies. While oth- is important for young people, and that noon. ers have assistance programs, the De- total abstinence from sexual activity is Mr. SCOTT. I thank the gentleman partment of Health and Human Serv- the only sure way to prevent sexual as well, and I would want to point out ices' recent annual report reveals that transmission of HIV infection. Despite that the gentleman himself has been a 32 States have no specified goals re- all of the efforts, some young people stalwart advocate of civil rights and garding this issue. However, Project may still engage in sexual intercourse voting rights. Just yesterday, we had a Alpha has vision with long-range bene- that puts them at risk for HIV and special order involving voting rights fits: to reduce teenage pregnancy, other STDs. For these individuals, the and the importance of voting, and my thereby reducing child poverty; reduc- correct and consistent use of latex fellow fraternity brother has been one ing high school dropout rates and condoms has been shown to be highly of the leaders in that effort. boosting the probability that young effective in preventing the trans- I want to congratulate the gentleman adults can fully achieve their poten- mission of HIV and other STDs. on his leadership. He has a long history tial. How important does the gentleman of public service, going back to local Furthermore, realizing that these think it is for older, and I would not government in Chicago, and that cer- programs are traditionally targeted to- necessarily say that all the Members of tainly shows that the gentleman is a wards raising awareness in young Alpha Phi Alpha are old, but more ma- role model and an Alpha that everyone women, Project Alpha focuses on ture members of our society to share can be proud of. reaching young men, an important yet concepts, ideas and experiences with Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Well, I thank often overlooked factor in the teen younger people, as this project kind of the gentleman. As we have discussed pregnancy problem. By educating attempts to do, in steering them in a this afternoon and we have pointed young men about contraception and more appropriate direction? And would out, all of our speakers have, the im- emphasizing personal responsibility, the gentleman have any challenge for pact of HIV and AIDS in the African positive changes in attitude and behav- other groups and organizations as to American community, we know that it ior can make a positive difference. how they can be more helpful? has indeed been devastating. As a mat- Finally, again, I would like to con- Mr. SCOTT. Well, I think the gentle- ter of fact, through December of 1998, gratulate Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity man's question really answers itself. the Center for Disease Control had re- and the March of Dimes for recognizing The course in Project Alpha, and I have ceived reports of 688,200 AIDS cases. the need for Project Alpha and holding participated in many of the activities And of those, 251,408 cases occurred a week that not only serves young at the national convention and in among African Americans. Rep- Americans in our communities nation- classes in Project Alpha in my own resenting only an estimated 12 percent wide, but also fulfills the alpha pledge: home community in Virginia, and they of the total United States population, First of All, Servant of All. Does the teach responsibility, they teach absti- African Americans make up almost 37 gentleman have any other comments? nence, they teach safe sex; and it is percent of all AIDS cases reported in Mr. SCOTT. I would just like to done in such a way that they have the this country. thank the March of Dimes and Project role models from the community com- Researchers estimate that 240,000 to Alpha for providing this guidance to ing in and explaining the importance of 325,000 African Americans, about one in our young citizens, and I thank the avoiding teen pregnancy and avoiding 50 African American men and one in 160 gentleman for organizing this special the sexually transmitted diseases. African American women, are infected order. These kinds of role models, I think, with HIV. Of those infected with HIV, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I can show that they do have a future. it is estimated that more than 106,000 thank the gentleman once again, and One of the high risk factors of getting African Americans are living with First of All, Servant of All, we shall into trouble is when young people do AIDS. So when we see a program like transcend all. not feel that they have a future. They Project Alpha, there is no doubt about f tend to involve themselves in more its importance in mentoring, educating risky behaviors because they think and encouraging young adults to be re- REPUBLICAN PLAN FOR ECONOMIC they have nothing to lose. When they sponsible during their teen years and DEVELOPMENT see role models and can see a path, par- beyond. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ticularly a continuum of role models, According to the CDC, 10 national PEASE). Under the Speaker's an- some of the older ones, like the gen- studies have shown that education pro- nounced policy of January 6, 1999, the VerDate 02-OCT-2000 01:54 Oct 06, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.071 pfrm02 PsN: H05PT1 October 5, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H8903 gentleman from Texas (Mr. SESSIONS) relationship that they would have with back their hard-earned money so that is recognized for 60 minutes as the des- their families to go and create opportu- they can take care of their own chil- ignee of the majority leader. nities for those families, many times dren. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, what I having a job where they had not had Point three: We raised the exemption would like to do is to take a few min- them in generations, and so what hap- on what is called the death tax, estate utes this afternoon and to begin a dis- pened was we changed the dynamics by tax. We looked at who was being hurt cussion with those Members who have changing the law. and we compromised with the Presi- been a part of what we have been doing What happened in that entire endeav- dent and said, we need to raise the ex- with economic development, a plan by or was we all of a sudden created eco- emption.
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