Wulf, Christoph Educational Science. Hermeneutics, Empirical Research, Critical Theory Münster; New York; München; Berlin : Waxmann 2003, 158 S. - (European Studies in Education; 18) Quellenangabe/ Citation: Wulf, Christoph: Educational Science. Hermeneutics, Empirical Research, Critical Theory. Münster; New York; München; Berlin : Waxmann 2003, 158 S. - (European Studies in Education; 18) - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-15643 - DOI: 10.25656/01:1564 http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-15643 http://dx.doi.org/10.25656/01:1564 Nutzungsbedingungen Terms of use Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und We grant a non-exclusive, non-transferable, individual and limited right to beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist using this document. ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch This document is solely intended for your personal, non-commercial use. Use bestimmt. 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Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of Nutzungsbedingungen an. use. Kontakt / Contact: peDOCS DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation Informationszentrum (IZ) Bildung E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.pedocs.de EUROPEAN STUDIES IN IEDUCATlON European Studies in Education Educational Science Hemeneutics, Empirical Research, Critical Theory European Studies in Education Europttische Studien zur Erziehung und Bildung ktudes europ6emes en science de 1'6ducation Christoph Wulf (ed.) Volume 18 Christoph Wulf Educational Science Hermeneutics,Empirical Research, Critical Theory Waxmann MUnster/New York MUnchenIBerlin Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Eiicikauhdme Christoph Wulf Educational Science Hcrmencutics, Empirical Research, Critical Theory (European studies in education, Vol. 18) Mlinstn, New York; MUnchen, Berlin: Waxmann, 2003 ISBN 3-8309-1259-5 lSBN 3-8309-1259-5 ISSN 0946-6797 8 Waxmann Verlag GmbH. 2003 Postfach 86 03, D-48046 Manster, F. R. G. Waxmann Publishing Co. P. 0.Box 1318, New York, NY 10028. U. S. A. Alle Rechte vorbchalten Printed in Germany European Studies in Education The political, economic, and social developments in the European Union pose new challenges to education in Europe, where each country has its own system. Under these circumstances, the relation between national, regional and local traditions on the one hand and supra-regional, trans- national aspirations on the other must be conceived. The field of education is seeing the rise of new issues, responsibilities, and research requiring scholars from different cultures to work together. European Studies in Education constitutes an international forum for the publication of educational research in English, German and French. The multilingual nature of this series mirrors that of Europe and makes it possi- ble to portray and express cultural diversity. Christoph Wulf Table of Contents Introduction .................................. 9 Part One: Humanist Pedagogics .................. 13 I. The Historicity of Education and Educational Science ...... 17 I1. The Significance of Hermeneutics for Educational Science ... 22 111. The Autonomy of Education and Educational Science ...... 28 IV. The Pedagogical Relationship .................... 31 V. Theory and Practice in Education .................. 34 Summary and Outlook ........................... 40 Part Two: Empirical Educational Science ........... 43 V1. The Empirical Approach to Educational Science: Historical Perspectives ........................ 1.Lay and Meumann's Experimental Pedagogics ......... 2.. Else and Peter Petersen's Study of Pedagogical Facts ..... 3.Aloys Fischer and Rudolf Lochner's Descriptive Pedagogics . 4.The "Realistic Turn" in Educational Science (Heinrich Roth) VII. Critical Rationalism in Educational Science ............ 1.Educational Science ........................ a) Educational Theory ....................... b) The Historiography of Education ............... 2.Philosophy of Education ...................... a) Epistemology of Pedagocial Statements ........... b) Moral Philosophy of Education ................ 3.Practical Pedagogics ........................ 4.Critique ................................ Vm.The Scientific Programme of Critical Rationalism ........ 70 1.Definition and Explication of Concepts ............. 70 2.The Operationalisation of Concepts ............... 72 3. Scientific Affirmations ....................... 73 4.The Falsification of Theories and Hypotheses .......... 75 5.Technology as a Field for the Application of Theories ..... 78 6.Value Judgements. Base Values. and Evaluations ....... 79 7.Further Developments 'in Critical Rationalism ......... 80 IX. Engaged Empirical Research ..................... 83 Summary and Outlook ........................... 87 Part Three: Critical lEducaaQionna1Scienmce ............ 93 X. Critical Theory: Historical Perspectives ............... 97 1.Traditional and Critical Theory (Horkheimer) .......... 97 2.Horkheimer's and Adomo's Dialectics ofEnlightenment ... 99 3.Negative Dialectics (Adomo) ................... 101 4.One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse) ................ 102 5.Knowledge and Human Interests (Habermas) .......... 105 XI. Main Concepts of Critical Theory .................. 108 1.Enlightenment ............................ 104 2.Emancipation ............................ 111 3.Reification ..............................115 4.Criticism ............................... 116 5.Society ................................118 6.Communication -Discourse .................... 119 7.Theorypractice ........................... 121 XI1. Critical Theory of Education ..................... 128 1.Attempts Towards acritical Theory ofEducation ....... 131 2.Proposals for a Critical Theory of Education and Development . 133 3.Theories of the Educational Process ............... 134 Summary and Outlook ........................... 137 Conclusion: Educational Knowledge and Historical Anthropology . 141 Presentation of Principal Authors ..................... 147 Bibliography .................................153 Introduction In Europe during the 1970s and 1980s educational science became one of the most developed disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. In Germany this development involved moving beyond the humanist tradition (which had dominated until this period) by drawing on the empirical tradi- tion as well as on the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School. These new developments were to bring educational 'science new and more complex dimensions, which were further amplified as a result of developments in the educational system and also thanks to institutional recognition of the discipline of educational science itself. There is no doubt that it is in Germany that educational science devel- oped as a scientific discipline in its own right when humanist pedagogics, empirical educational science and the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School merged. Indeed, these three different paradigms have played such an important part in shaping educational science that it is essential that their convergence be reconstructed and critically reflected. Such is the purpose of this present book. In examining the main currents within educational science, we aim to help the reader gain an overview of the different ap- proaches in this field. In addressing the various controversies internal to educational science, questions relating to sensitive issues in other fields of the humanities and social sciences will be raised. Every field of research possesses its own paradigm with particular problems, questions and a particular relation to discourse andlor practice. These dimensions have been explored in a par- ticular way by each of these currents. Thus, pointing out the specificity of each paradigm brings us to reflect upon the constitution and identity of educational science. An inventory of the kind proposed addresses two audiences. Firstly, it is intended for students of educational science. It is essential for them to ap- proach educational science from the start with a defined position, grasping the theoretical rudiments needed for a critical evaluation of this discipline. Indeed, knowledge of the theories and controversies inherent to a particular field is a prerequisite for developing a personal point of view ,and deter- mining a particular position. The second potential audience that this work addresses are professionals, that is to say, teachers and educators of various academic as well as out-of-school institutions. This book could incite them to reflect upon the
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