Photo by Diana Haecker WHITE AND BROWN— A warmer than usual January left the region around Nome with very little snowcover and a lot of ice and overflow. Mountain tops looming over the Nome River valley are snowcapped, but some willows in the valley already show fresh sprigs and even sprout buds. C VOLUME CXIV NO. 7 February 13, 2014 Council bans fake marijuana, other dangerous drugs By Sandra L. Medearis $500 for use, possession or distribu- work session. “They can cause per- prohibition includes substances mis- Such substance has a variety of The Nome Common Council tion of synthetic illicit drugs. Each manent psychosis.” branded “not for human consump- street names, for example: K2, acted Monday to clear dangerous product, package, tube vial or con- Regulation of the substances gives tion” that are intended or sold with Spice, Black Mamba, Bombay Blue, chemicals and herbal mixtures from tainer possessed, used, provided, a challenge, Papasodora said. As the purpose of being consumed or Fake Weed, Genie, Zohai, Bliss, the shelves with a new law banning sold, produced, manufactured, mar- soon as there is a law on the books, ingested by humans. Additionally, Blaze, JWH-018, -073, -250, sales, use and possession of “Spice “ keted, displayed, offered or adver- the manufacturers will change the the law targets substances that are Yukatan Fire, Skunk and Moon and other synthetic cannabinoids. tised means a separate minor offense. chemical formula of the drug to packaged without labels that bear the Rocks. The ban became effective as an “The substances are a significant elude enforcement. name and place of business of the The Nome Police Dept. has veri- emergency measure as soon as the safety risk, not only to the users, but That the substances are not regu- manufacturer, repacker or distributor fied the availability of these products ordinance was adopted on Feb. 10. those around them,” NPD Chief John lated otherwise by state and federal of the finished form of the drug. in Nome. Violation of the law earns a fine of Papasodora told the Council in a law does not serve as a defense. The That means any substance that is Councilman Tom Sparks cast a an ingredient of any product that lone no vote against passage of the when consumed results in an altered ordinance, giving the reason that the conscious state or an effect similar to attorney for the City, Charles Cacci- using marijuana. This law would ola, had during a work session ad- cover “Spice” or similar substances vised the law was too broad and under any brand name, or substance likely to draw a challenge from civil that the seller reasonably believes rights organizations such as Ameri- would be consumed that is marked continued on page 4 “not for human consumption.” Motorists rescued twice in same night By Diana Haecker responded and drove their four- Three grownups and two young wheelers across the bay to Teller and children, age 2 and 6, attempting to on to the Blodgett Teller Highway. travel in a rented Ford truck from At mile 51 of the Nome-Teller High- Nome to Teller were rescued twice way, approximately 20 miles south last week as they encountered of Teller, the VPSOs found the Ford treacherous road conditions on Feb truck stuck in a snowdrift and the oc- 6. cupants in good health. According to Alaska State After helping the Nome travelers Trooper Sergeant Charlie Cross, to get unstuck, the VPSOs went AST was notified by Preston Dixon home and the travelers tried to make at 7:55 p.m. on Thursday evening it back to Nome. This was around that Rex Iyatunguk, Denise Topkok 11:07 p.m. When they didn’t arrive and their two children, as well as in Nome by 2 a.m. a relative called John Saclamana left Nome at 2 p.m. the troopers again. heading to Teller, but didn’t arrive by AST Sgt. Cross notified the Nome evening. Volunteer Fire Department’s Search Photo by Sandi Keller The troopers notified Teller, but and Rescue immediately and two HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY— Nome Elementary School first grade students in Mrs. Sandi Keller’s class the Teller VPSO was out of town. SAR volunteers went to look for the wish everybody a Happy Valentine’s Day. Sgt. Cross said Brevig Mission VPSOs Marcus Barr and Jay Olanna continued on page 4 NSEDC board contemplates expanding bulk fuel program By Diana Haecker Weather also kept board members nual report shows net liabilities of creased royalty payments. Opilio residents, which gave a $500 credit Norton Sound Economic Devel- Joe Garnie of Teller and Lillian $57.9 million, a $6.1 million differ- royalties showed a slight decrease, to each household at their local util- opment Corporation’s fourth quarter Olanna of Brevig Mission trapped in ence to the 2013 liabilities. but that is more than offset by the ity company. That expense was meetings took place last week in their communities until Thursday af- Walicki said the 2013 preliminary golden king crab royalty gain, Wal- $1.34 million, not incurred in 2013. Nome, but unfavorable weather kept ternoon, but attended telephonically numbers mark a gain of $14.8 mil- icki said. Also, there were no fishermen’s fairs a few board members from attend- prior to their arrival. Bad flying lion over 2012 net assets of $172.5 Besides revenue gained from crab in 2013, saving NSEDC even more ing committee meetings held on weather kept Little Diomede repre- million. harvest, cod revenue is also up from money, said Walicki. Wednesday, Feb. 6 in person. sentative Orville Ahkinga from at- Walicki said the gain could be 2012, Walicki reported. The crab vessel Aleutian No.1, Board chairman Dan Harrelson tending at all. chalked up to good investment re- “Overall, this was a strong year as saw significant expenses and repairs was weathered in at White Moun- The two-day meeting kicked off turns, partly because of royalty in- far as royalty income,” Walicki said. in 2012, but not in 2013, remarked tain, but arrived the next day. with committee reports and several come from golden king crab, and Walicki. recommendations to be brought to some cost savings. Cost savings the full board meeting on Thursday. “We had another good year of in- To the benefit of the bottom line, Money requests On the Web: vestment,” he said. “We are pleased. NSEDC had cost savings last year. Southern NSSP manager William Finances Five to six years ago we had bad In 2013 the Community Benefit “Middy” Johnson asked for a budget www.nomenugget.net NSEDC’s Treasurer and Chief Fi- years, but these past two years we Share paid out to the 15 member amendment to increase funds allo- E-mail: nancial Officer Rick Walicki re- had good fortune,” Walicki stated. communities was $150,000 per com- cated for the dismantling of the ves- ported on preliminary net assets and munity for a total of $2.25 mil- sel Hawaka. The vessel’s freezers [email protected] liabilities as of December 31, 2013. Royalty gains lion. In 2012 NSEDC decided to and compressors are removed and The preliminary total of net assets In 2012 NSEDC bought KDS Inc., make a special mid-year distribution utilized for parts. Johnson asked for and liabilities for the year 2013 are which included a quota share of of $200,000 in addition to the normal an additional $31,000 as a contin- $239.1 million. Net assets came out Aleutian golden king and opilio crab yearly distribution for a total of gency for equipment rental, operator to $187.3 million and net liabilities and the crab catcher/processor vessel $300,000 per community. This costs and scrap metal disposal to get are $ 51.8 million. Walicki reported Patricia Lee. In 2013 the Patricia amounted to a total of $4.5 million. rid of Hawaka, bringing up the total that net liabilities are about the same Lee went online and fished for Also, in 2012, NSEDC offered an cost to $100,000. The Finance com- as last year. The 2012 NSEDC an- golden king crab, resulting in in- energy subsidy program for regional continued on page 5 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2014OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Dear Editor, school. A new administrator is not nity? The majority of the students that is going on in the world to incite way of life, and more is the shame! Am I the only parent who took of- going to know our children by read- this district serves are Alaska Native. enough people into igniting yet an- H. Rick Tavares fense to last week’s education article ing the data; they will know our chil- We need representation from this de- other war, or into shuffling the polit- Campo, California, 91906, in The Nome Nugget? Hearing a dren by taking the time and mographic when hiring. How hard ical deck anew! And if there isn’t board member state that if the new expressing interest in each child in is that to understand? Do people not enough insanity afoot, then leave it Letter: principal “Can’t read our data, they our school, and with our community see the importance of having all our to some dangerous or ambitious In the January 30 issue, Dr. Robert won’t know our kids” greatly of- members outside of school. They community represented and heard? politician to again stir the coals of Spies compares climate change to a fended me. As a mother of a child in will be in the classroom observing By the way, my seven-year-old Hades! As a matter of fact, even the train wreck.
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