1 BRONX TIMES Dec. 13-19, 2012 wwwbxtimes.com 1 BRONX Dec. 13-19, 2012 To Advertise Call: 718-615-2520 Online: www.yournabe.com Food Trends Parents And Childhood Tumors nity classifieds Water: Essential To Human Health s 26,29,31 Business Opps Pg 31 Instruction Pgs 27-29,31 Merchandise Pg 31 Popcorn Health Quiz p Wanted • Financing / Loans • Career Training • Garage / Yard Sales The Bronx’s elp Wanted • Business For Sale • Education Services • Merchandise Wanted The Bronx’s elp Wanted • Misc. 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PT, 3 days m player with positive attitude and excellent County Hospitals, Woodhull 914-921-1555 x 106 ustomer service and communication skills. Medical Center & multiple full Salary based on experience. Health, service clinics in Manhattan. Call 401k benefits available. 718-615-2520 Miracles Can Happen Call Maria 917-826-5200 or send resume: To Advertise [email protected] 718-693-2600 Here Classifieds Dependable Sports Home Care MD Magazine me Health Aides (Bilingual a plus) Fall/Winter 2012 /PCA Coordinators Bi-Lingual h/English, Chinese/English & Creole/English) HHA Core Aides Needed Per Diem: Occupational Therapist Per Diem: Physical Therapist Fall–Winter al Social Workers (Immediately in All Boros) Pages 38-41 eceptionist Position Available...Bilingual 2012 IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT Pages 43-45 pt. 718-499-6066 or Fax Resume 718-499-6065 Equal Opportunity Employer 718-615-2520 o Advertise Here Page 1 Riverbay sues over MONTE abatement BY PATRICK ROCCHIO It is all about friability. A lawsuit over whether a cost- TO BUY ly asbestos abatement program at the Bronx’s largest housing de- velopment is necessary all boils down to that one word - meaning the ability of a solid substance to be broken apart. Riverbay Corporation, the management company for the WSMC sprawling Co-op City has sued the City of New York and the Depart- ment of Environmental Protec- tion over being forced to perform Westchester Square Medical Center costly asbestos abatement every time it replaces tiles in an apart- ment. warns of possible worker layoffs It has been doing so, at great cost, since 2005. BY PATRICK ROCCHIO plans to the occupy several floors Traces of a benign form of Montefiore Medical Center of a new office tower rising at the asbestos, chrysotile, have been announced Wednesday it has Hutch Metro Center, offering am- found encased in the glue between Photo by Laura Stone reached an agreement to purchase bulatory surgery. tiles and the floor originally in- the struggling Westchester Square “Montefiore Medical Cen- stalled in the development 38 Medical Center. ter has signed an agreement to years ago, accoridngt to court pa- It did not disclose the terms purchase New York Westchester pers filed Dec. 7 by Riverbay’s at- of the sale of the hospital, which is Square Medical Center (NY- torney Steve Kaufman. currently struggling under Chap- WSMC), a Bronx, N.Y., neighbor- “The asbestos is totally en- ter 11 bankruptcy protection. hood hospital currently operat- capsulated in the glue,” said Kauf- The takeover could also mean ing under Chapter 11 bankruptcy man. “Even if you break up the LEARNING ABOUT THE BRONX RIVER several hundred layoffs of WSMC protection,” Montefiore said in a workers. statement. tile, it is encapsulated in the glue. Little Sanaida of Hunts Point is bursting with pride as she holds up a Even if you have a fire, you can- Montefiore has expanded “WSMC filed a motion to ap- book she help make on the many creatures calling the Bronx River home. not get it out. You would have to dramatically in recent years, tak- prove the Asset Purchase Agree- have a fire of at least 1500 degrees The picture book was part of a large effort for kids at the Puerto Rican ing over other failing medical fa- ment on Dec. 7, 2012, with the Fahrenheit to get it out.” Family Institute Head Start program to learn more about the 24-mile long cilities and bringing a number of bankruptcy court as part of a bid- In a Nov. 18 letter to Gov- river. To read the full story turn to page 13. medical practices into its fold. ding process leading to a sale,” Continued on page 46 It most recently announced Continued on page 46 A CNG Publication • Vol. 18 No. 50 UPDATED EVERY DAY AT BXTIMES.COM www.bxtimes.com BRONX TIMES Dec. 13-19, 2012 2 BRONX www.bxtimes.com GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com (718) 547-5280 Supporters rally to TIMES Dec. 13-19, 2012 wwwbxtimes.com 3 BRONX WELCOME TO THE NEW, keep Clinton open RENOVATED, LARGER LIBERTY DINER! Chris and Family wish you—our loyal and valued customers, a Safe, Healthy, Happy Holiday season And A Happy New Year! We thank you for your patronage and look forward to serving you—for years to come! We welcome everyone, including new customers, to our brand new, expanded dining salon – now available for your everyday dining pleasure. Photo by Patrick Rocchio Come enjoy our warm hospitality, PLUS Students at DeWitt Clinton High School and the entire school community, staged a show of school spirit at a meeting called by the DOE on Thursday, Dec. 6 to get feedback about how the school can be improved. sSPACIOUS$ININGSALONS BY PATRICK ROCCHIO the report was in College concerns.” s7ELCOMINGWAIT STAFF If enthusiasm were a and Career Readiness, she Johnson, who works grade, DeWitt Clinton High said. with the Air National s!MERICAN 'REEK )TALIANSPECIALTIESn School would get an A+. “Because College and Guard, drove down from Unfortunately, the Career Readiness, part of Newburgh, to attend the TRADITIONALCONTEMPORARYSTYLES school currently rates an F the progress report, is a B, meeting because he said s(EARTYBREAKFAST LUNCH DINNERSPECIALS on the academic front and is we know that those students that the DeWitt Clinton in potential danger of either who graduate in four or six ROTC played an important s3EAFOOD 3TEAKS 3OUPS UNBEATABLE reorganization or worst years actually are ready to role in his life. case, closing. go onto college, careers, or In an interview, Eng- "URGERS 3ANDWICHESnHOTANDCOLD A boisterous collection the military, using the edu- lish teacher and United Fed- s'RILLED BROILEDETC of students, alumni, and cation that they receive,” eration of Teachers repre- supporters gave their sup- said Gorman. “We want to sentative Alan Ettman, said s3ALADS WRAPS portive comments at a meet- make sure that more stu- he believes that the DOE is ing with city Department dents are ready.” concentrating high needs s!SSORTED!PPETIZERS ENTREES of Education officials last She said that the DOE students in Clinton, which s$ELICIOUS$IETDISHES week after the 4,300-student was looking for input on in turn affects the overall school received its second how the school could be im- outcome of education at the s+IDSMENUS F in a row on its DOE Prog- proved. school. ress Report. Despite the overall nega- “The biggest challenges s-OUTHWATERING$ESSERTS The Bedford Park tive news about the school, its that we face are a lot of high s6ARIETYOFBEVERAGESnHOTANDCOLD school earned an overall supporters enthusiasm was needs students,” he said. score of 37.2 out of a 100 on not dampened at the Dec. 6 “About 35% of the popula- MILKSHAKES EGGCREAMS ETC the progress report, putting meeting at the school on Mo- tion of the school are either it at greater than or equal to sholu Parkway, and many English language learn- COME AND ENJOY YOUR MEAL WITH US. just two percent of city high people offered suggestions. ers or special ed students. ALSO…TAKE OUT MENU AND FREE DELIVERY schools. Jonah Johnson, a 2003 Those students obviously Department of Educa- graduate, spoke of the need require more attention to TEL: 718-823-6800 tion representative Elaine to bring new teachers into their needs, and if they don’t Gorman pointed out that the school, as many of the graduate in four years, we FAX: 718-828-0847 only about 50% of its stu- current ones are near re- get penalized for it.” dents graduated in four tirement. The school has a very OPEN 7 DAYS 6:00 am – 10:00 pm years, with the numbers “Based on the sources distinguish group of alum- 2059 WILLIAMSBRIDGE ROAD, BRONX, NY 10461 steadily declining over the that I have talked to, a lot ni who graduated from the past few years. of the teachers are probably “Castle on the Parkway,” as (Cor. Lydig Avenue – 1 block South of Pelham Pkwy). Even as graduation at the point of retirement the school is sometimes re- standards have gone up, the age, so maybe their motiva- ferred to.
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