Resolves 1808, C. 169-209

Resolves 1808, C. 169-209

MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) RESOLVES, Of the General Court of Massachusetts, PASSED AT THE SESSION BEGAN AND HELD, AT BOSTON, ON THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHT. [No title page; caption title provided by Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library] CIVIL LIST OF THE LEGISLATIVE < AND EXECUTIVE BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMMQNWEA1'I-I OF MASSACHUSETTS, For the political year 1808-9. HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES SULLIVAN, ESQ. GoverJ~OllT, AND HIS HOJ\!"QUR LEVI LINCOLN, ESQ. Ltc GoverTlOll1'9 COUNCIL. l-Ioll'. David Cobb, Prentiss Mellen? Edward H. Robbins, IHon. Oliver Fiske, George Cabot~ Ephraim Spoonery Artemas VVard, Thomas Dwight. Benjmnin Pickman, jun. I SENATE. Han. HARRISON G. OTIS, Es~: President. Suffolk-Ilon. Harrison G. Otis, \lVilliam Spooner, John Phil­ lips,Peter C. Brooks, Jan1es Lloyd, jun. Essex-Hon. Enoch Titcomb, John Heard, John Phillips, Nathaniel Thurston, Willian1 Gray, Samuel Putnam. Middlesex-Han. Aaron Hill, Sam,uel Dana, AITIOS Bond, J. L. Tuttle. IIampshire-Hon. Ezra Starkweather, Hugh M'Lellan, Eli P. Ashlnun, S. Lathrop. Brlstol-Hon. Nathaniel Morton, jun. David Perry. plymouth-l-Ion. l'Jathan Willis, Seth Sprague. Barnstable-Hon. Joseph Dimmick. Dukes County and JVantucket-I-Ion. Gorhmn G. Hussey. Worcester-Hone Salem Town, Elijah Brigham, Tholnas Hale, Jonas Kendell. Berkshire-Hon. Tilnothy Childs, Azariah Egleston. Norfolk-l-Ion. John Howe, Ebenezer Fisher. York-.-Hon. John vVoodlnan, Joseph Leland. Cumumberland-Hon. Lothrop Lev/is, AmIni R. 1\1itchell. Lincoln, Hancock, and IVashington-Hon Williaru King,' Theodore Lincoln. -- J{ennebeck-I-Ion. Barzillai Gannet. HOUSE OF REPRESENTA~rIVES. Hon. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaker. SUFFOLK. l'~athan B. Martin, B ost on, Christopher Gore, Phillip BesOln, 'Villianl Snlith, John Bailey, Jmnes Robinson, Asa I-Iooper, 'Villiam Bro'\vn, Joshua Prentiss, jun. Jonathan Hunnewell, Lynn and Lynnfield, Jos. Fuller~ John Welles, lVlicajah Newhall, vVillianl Phillips, .Aaron Breed" Stephen Cadman, Danvers, S~nnuel Page, Benjamin Russell, Nathan Felton, Daniel Sargent, Squire Shove. r.rhomas W. Sumner, Beverly, Israel Thorndike, John Callender, '1'ho111as Davis, Benjamin Goddard, Abner Chapman, Benjamin Whitnlan, ThOlnas Stephens .. John T. Apthorp, Tfl"enham, Samuel Blanchard. 1'homas Danforth, 1J!lanchester, Henry Story. Charles Davis,' I-Jamilton, Robert Dodge. vVillianl Hmllinatt, GLoucester, Benja. K.. Hough, Jonathan ChapnB.n, ThOlnas Parsons, Thomas Dennie, John Somes, jun. BenjaInin Bussey, Benjatnin Webber, John Parker, James Tappan~ Joseph Head, IjJswich, N athaniel Wade, Ebenezer T.Andrews, . Jonathan Cogswell,juu. Ig'natius Sargent, John Farley. StephenHigg'inson,jr. Rowley, Moody Sflafford, Isaac P. Davis, Thomas Gag'e. Jo'seph Coolidge, jun. }lew0 Ul'Y, Josiah Little7 Charles Jackson, Silas Little, ,}--orancis D. Channing, John Osgood, .. vVillialll H. SUlnner, Richard Pike. ,Chelsea, ·Nathaniel Hall, Newburyport, l\1ark Fitz, E S SEX. .ThOlnas NI. Clark, Salem, John Hathorne, Andrew Frothingham, 'iVilliam Cleaveland, Jonathan Gage, J Oh11 Southwick, Stephen Howard) Joshua vVard, Joll11 Pearson, Joseph Story, Abner vVood, Joseph "Vinn, John Peabody. Joseph Sprague, jun. Bradjord, Samuel Websterg Benj. Crowninshield,jr. Thomas SavoryQ J.1Iarbtehead~ John Prince, Bo.x:ford, Thunl.a~i) Perley Q. Andover, Thomas Kittredge. Dracut, Daniel Varnurn. Topsfield, Nathaniel Han1n:01i.d. Dlt11stable and ~ M t S °b uaCf l is bury, JIMon at lUn orfl. II rp..I. yngs b oroug h , at. en ner. Amesbury. Benjamin Lurvey. Shirley, Nathaniel Holden. Haverhill, James Sluiley. Pepperell, Joseph Heald. Methuen, BenjatniIi Osgood. Townsend, Abner Admn'1. MIDDLESEX. HAMPSHIRE. Charlestown, Thomas I-Iarris, North and ( S dId· Mathe'w Bridge, EastHampton,S Sol. to car ,J1' David Goodwin, Thaddeus ,Clap, Peter Tufts, jUlio Isaac C. Bates, Elijah Mead. vVilliam Edvvards. Cambridge, John Mellen, Southampton, Lemuel POlnroYG Samuel P. P. Fay. Iresthampton, Sylvester Judd. lVest- Cambridge, S,. Buttcl:field. IYestjield, Ashbel Eager, Brighton,' Stephen Dana. lec1ediah Taylor. MedJord, Tirnothy Bigelow. lVest Springfield, 10n. Sn1ith,j'r" Malden, Jonathan Oaks. Jere Stebbins, Newton, Tin10thy Jackson, Charles Ball, SalTIue! Murdock. Jesse M'Intire. 117atertotvn, Thomas Clark. So Zltl17vick, Enos Foot. Waltham" Abner Sanderson. Granville, Israel Parsons, 117eston, Isaac Fisk. John Phelps. Lincoln. Samuel Hoar. Blandford, J oseph B~lll. Lexington, }Jathan Chandler. JVorwich, P-.Laron Hall. Sudbury, William IIunt. Chester, Sylvester En1ffions. East Sudbury, Jacob Reeves. Chesterfield, Benjan1in Parsons. IIo llis ton , Jesse I-Iaven. ftfidcllefield, Uriah Church. Hopkinton, VValter IVl'Farlando IVo r thzng to n, Jonathan Brewster. Framingham, John Fisk. lFzlliamsburgh, J Oh11 VV, ells. Marlborough, Jedediah Brigham, I-Iatfield, Isaac ]VIaltby. Ephrailn Barber. lf7hately, Phineas Frary. Stow and'~ E 1 . \Vh"t b Deerfield, Elihu Hovt, Boxboro' 5 -l.p 11'mll1 1 CQln , Ebenezer H. vVilli:.l111s. Concord, Joseph Chandler, Conway, John Bannister. Jonas Lee. G-osizen, Samuel VVhitrnan. ,roburn, Bill Russe1. Asl!fiekl, Eph:'ai111 Vvilliams, Reading, Timothy vVakefield, Elijah Paine., Daniel Flint. Plairifield, John Cunlllnghmn. Billerica, Joseph Locke. Cuming'ton, Peter Bryan;~. Clzebnsflrd, \Villiam l\.dams, Greenfleld and Gill, IsaaC l\TewtOll, Ichabod Gibson. Juraes Gould. C~rlisle, Ephraim Robbins. ° Bernardston 7.. 1-I 'T i\,T",,, ~ 1 . '" Ff es(;tord, ThOlnas Fletcher, Jr. 2P Levrien? S eD.I <1'- \veOh1 ), Jl Acton, Jonas Brooks. Stephen Viebster. Littleton, Silnol1 11artwell. Co/rain, David Smith, GJ'oton, Joseph IVIoors. Jonathan. ~\J{'-Gt~e,; Sizelburn, Julia K.ellogg .. Samuel Pickins; Buckland, Enos POluroy. Jacob Cushman~ .EIcrwley, Edlnund Longley. Rochester, Gideon Barstow, jrq Charlemont, Abel Wilder~ .Plimpton, Elijah Bisbe . Heath, Roger Leavitt~ .l-Ialifox, Nathaniel Morton. RmDe, John VVells. Abington, Sarnuel Niles. SjJringjield, Jacob Bliss, Hanover, John B. Barstow. Jonathan Dwight, j un~ Scituate, Charles Turner, jun~ lVI6ses Chapin, Enoch Cotlanlore.· . Longmeadow, Ethan Ely~ Pingham, Hawkes Fearing, .11£onson, Abner Bro'\tvll. Jonathan Cushing. Brimfield, Stephen Pynch0n? BRISTOL. Jonas B)odgetq Taunton, John VV. Seabury. Ludlow, Gad Lyon. Dighton, John l-Iathaway. Palmer, Aaron 1\1errick q pehoboth, Elkanah French, jUllq ']Tare, vVilliaIll Bowdoin. Swanzey, Daniel Hale. Greenwich, Reuben Co1ton~ Somerset, William Reed~ Belchertown, Eleazer Clark, Attleborough, Joel Reed. Eliakim Phelps, Manifield, Solomon Pratt~ Joseph Bridgman, jr~ Norton, Laban Wheaton. Pelham" John Conkey~ Eastown, John Tisdale. Granby, David Smith. Raynham, Israel W ashburn~ ~/bnherst, Zebina Montague, Berkley, Apollos Tobey. Samuel F. Dickinson. Freetown, William RounsevelI~ lktdley, Charles Phelps. Ebenezer Pierce. JVew-Bec{ford, Alden Spooner, ~u~~ l Ruggles W oodbridge~ .nanley, 5 Seth Spooner) Sunderland, Daniel Whitmoreq Salnuel Perry, .Llfontague, Medad Montague. Charles Russel. lVendell, Joshua Green. Dartnwuth, Joel Packard. Shutesbury, Peter Lanlb. lFestjJort, Abner Brownell, New Salem, Vatney Pearce, Sylvester Brownellq Samuel C. Allen. Troy, Abraham Bowen~ Nort!~fielcl, Ezekiel vVebsterq BARNSTABLE. lJ7arwic/c and o( Josiah Cobb Barnstable, Richard Lewis, Orange, 5 ' J abez Howland, Ebenezer vVilliatns~ Joseph Blish,. jun~ PLYMOUTH, Sandwich, John Freenlan, Plymoutll, Nathaniel Goodwin~ .Benjan1in Percival. IDngston, John Faunce. Falmouth, Braddock Dinlmick, .Duxbury, Ezekiel Soule. J anles I-linklty . .L¥arslzjield, J ohn Thomas~ Yarmouth, J Oh11 Eldridge, Pembroke, Isaac B. Barker, J anles Crowell. Bailey l-fall. Dennis, Judah Paddock. lJriclgewater, iVillimn Baylies. Harwich, Ebenezer VVeekes~ l~fiddleborouglz, J orm Tinkham, Brewster, Isaac Clark. Levi pierce, Chatham, R.euben Ryclerq Orleans, Jonathan BaSC01l1: jVe-w Braintree, Jos, Bo\vrnan, irQ Easthmn. Sa.muel Ii'reelnan. I-{ard,-;cic~5 Tilnothy Page. .I fVellfieet, Josiah Vihitman. .B(I;Te, Elijah Cakhve]L NANTUCKET. Pt~'/ershaln, l"'lc;thaniel Chandler~ Nantucket, Micajah Coffin, Princeton, Vv illb.1TI Walter Folger, jun. .Leom.inster, }1.bijah Bigelo'vv. 7 l: \'...] de' , Uriah S'waine. L unenourg 2, i~Um.Ull >,uslnnp'. T-1r . J .." ..... TI • C> WORCESTER. r'r estnnnster, onas VV 11tney, Worcester, Edvvard Bangs, Abel YV\T God. Ephraim" IVlmver, lVinchendon, "Villitl.m vVhitney. Nathan V/ hite. Itoyalstan, Isaac Gregory. Leicester, Nathaniel P. Denny. 1~E';7J:l)leton, Lovel '\l\lalker. Spencer, Benjamin :Dl'ury. Athol, SalTInel Young. Brookfield, D1Night F05ter, Gerry, Ithmnar 'lIard. Oliver Crosby, BERKSHIRE. Isaac Nickols, SlzeJfieldEildount (, J. :Hubbard, R UfllS Haniilton. lf7ashington. .s S. Shears. Sturbrzdge, Zenas L. Leonard. j\le"w .ill(u'!6orou,T/z, Z. Vlheelere Charlton, John Spurr, Sandisft~eld & I : " Pl'c1Ket'. J:Jnles Wolcott. Soutfl:.field, 5.J onn Dudley, Aaron Tufts. Tyringham, Joseph \Vilson .. Douglas, Benjarrlin Craggin. Great Barrington, Thmnas I yes, U.xbridge, Peter Fanllnn. David W ainwright~ Mendon, Joseph Adanls. Egremont, J anles Baldwin. JJ,liiford, Smnuel Jones. Alford, Eljjah Fitch. Upton, Ezra Wood. 8tockbn:dgc, Elijuh Bro-'vvn. Grafton, J oseph

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