_\W' jif vxV> H* 1 A/ VV I-/, *A,x <’ / ////> FOR SALE; High quality April, F'OU SALE Complete set of farm; Sales Positions hOR SALE 1939 lierelunt Ui.lls E\ua good 1 buildings including house, barn, hacks. Kieth Ai.art O'Neill, grainery, garage, milk house, With a Future News Dercy Abart Emmet. 31tf hog house, chicken house. Will twing FOR SALE -Good Here- Exceptional opportunity to av- registered sell all together or individually. ford bulls over $150 week with a Bv Mr. Il iruKI H.irrU yearling Reasonable. FOR SALE John Deere FI tractor Melvin Roach, Phone 2651, erage per Fnincis Page, minimum. Anderl, Inman, Phone! with 3 rake hitch, extra good; Nebr. 9tl guaranteed weekly To must have a car, 3255 3 tf. John Deere 7 ft. mower and qualify: _ and in- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and quick-tach, good shape Cliff FOR SALE Folks moving good background average FOR SALE -One Shorthorn I QUICK both table. Must be alert, Mr and Mrs. Mick McKay of bull, Sobotka, Hi miles west of In- to Fort Randall to a new telligence; 3 year old —Art Ziska, operate Atkinson transacted business in Stuart! | man, Phone 435. 10-llc business. .veil acquainted, ambitious and phone Atkinson 5856. M Omaha on Wednesday Mrs. Laur- -12c! The A. L. and Ruth Wood dwell- responsible. FOR ra Spiltkr accompanied them as SALE—Crop hail Insurance. ing situated on the new pave- FOR SALE Entire herd of young j in the tar as Valley where she s[ient We offer more for less.- Keith ment on Everett street, between Openings Holstein cows and springer hei- the day at the home of her sis Abart. Box 642, O’Neill. 9tf East 5th and 6th a very con- fers.—John Sojka. Page 3tf O'Neill Area ter and Dr. and venient location. New furnace, brother-in-law, MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin You will be given a complete: Mrs. W. H. Melchor of Omaha The O'Neill held their installation of officer* at a after- FOR SALE Gnswold Gro-Coated hot water heater—must be seen to Junior Legion auxiliary meeting Saturday | store your candy ind successful training program- who are spending the summer at seed com at Coyne headquarters be appreciated. One block from noon. Shown here at the ceremonies are: Kdlth Ouv id soil, past district president; Unda Appleby, reha- Hardware, fresh 27tfc xperises paid. You will be select- their home on an island in the O’Neill Always j Store, 4 '<4 blocks to 4tfc Safeway 'd for advancement to man North Platte river. bilitation chairman; Ilruee Ann McKamy. sargeant at arms; tiayle .Murphy, chairman; Land McKciule, school. Ed Thorin, Real Estate key FOR SALE- Two choice registered igoriad positions. Yi>ur future and Mrs. Edith Black of first chairman; l*at Me Ken tie, news scribe; Joan Wichmnn, color guard; Arlene eOFc SALE. Reg. Polled Hereford and Auction Service. Seattle, chaplain; Kathy Hynes, Angus bulls, excellent herd pro- security are assured. This is a Wash., was a guest at the home Bulls. Two 214 and 3 years old. j 5tf Fritton. color bearer and Anna Fritton. historian. spects, 2 and 3 years old.— Elm- af< time connection and a chance of her daughter and son-in-law Proven, herd bull quality—some crest •j Farms, phone 36F2, Leigh, LEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 160 >f a lifetime if you have what Mr. and Mrs. John Angus, last yearlings.- Everett Van Dover, Nebr. 9-llc located h’W of we want. week. home of Patsy's parents, Mr. Amelia before returning home Mr. ami Mrs. William Thompson 2*^ miles eust of old Opportun- acres unimproved O'Neill, close in; 2 bedroom For [jersonal interview call or Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Black and and Mi's. Allen Pollock in Ewing. John Zinkon, who has been hos- ami Marilyn from Atkinson, Mr. ity or 22 miles wesi of Verdigre, On large size loans, I can loan home SE O'Neill; 2 business write Calvin Carder, Box 811, Nor- family, his mo- Other guests on the Fourth of pitalized in Atkinson Memorial and Mrs. Jim Holmes, Mr. and or 16 south of Lynch. 25tf Money at 5% interest, R. H. Park- accompanied by located 1 block south of folk, Neb. ll-12c ther. Mrs. Edith all of were Mrs. Pillock's hospital the past ten weeks, is Mrs. Gerald Collier and family er, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf buildings Black, July parents, ■ be able all of ami Mrs Gordon ...— ami Cotesfield SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolls ■■■■■■■.— stop light. Reasonable priced; Seattle, Wash., spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum. much improved may married oi a Several desirable WANTED—Experienced with relatives in last week and at to return home in a couple Brown and daughters of Norfolk. 116.50 ton; American $20.50 SEE—E. J. (Skip) Shane at Atkin- very building Ewing Friday Saturday guests Service well man for ranch work. Small child- before the home of Mr. and Mrs. weeks, Mrs Gardzelewski is the former a ton; white block 75c—Located son for sewer, drainage, clam lots; station, very leaving for Tennessee Ray a busi- ren or none preferred. Wife can and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Grace iunl lived in i blks. east, 4 blks north of work, basement excavanon and located and doing good where they will visit other rel- Butler were John, James Berry, Thompson soon ctxik for hay men. Separate Mr. and Mrs. Leu Backhaus and tins area for before traffic light, Everett Gorgan, road work. ness, owner wishes to sell atives. George McDonald and Frank many years as so has made a very house—Frank O’Kief, Wood Lake Minnesota. Mr. Mr. and Mrs, William rear moving to Washington with her Ph. 164. O'Neill bltt 50-23p possible Wagner all from Fry _ attractive selling price.—Virgil 70-ll-12p MYF PARTY and Mrs. Leonard Hall of Royal were supper guests Sunday, June family. BEEF BREEDERS F'OR SALE Several Hereford bulls L. Laursen (Reaitor), O'Neill. were at the 26, at Mr. and Mrs. Orlaml Fry- The Sammons family held a Members of the Methodist Friday evening guests of Neiwohner be lOtfc Farm Loans. See R. H. Parker, Butler home. The McDonalds arc rears. at Fort Kamlall Sunday. Now with the use of frozen semen breeding. May Youth picnic D’Neill, Nebraska. 49tf Fellowship of the Ewing Those were Mr. ami Mrs. you may mate many cows to the I seen at the ranch 2 Vj miles west cousins of Mr. Butler and Mrs. Mrs. Maude Forbes helped Mrs. present Methodist church had a swim- Mrs. Gloria Landrum same sire. Available are Angus, of the Drive In Theater or see Hall. Delia Ernst do some painting Blake Ott, Ed ming party Sunday evening at the and Mr and Mrs. Asa Hereford, Shorthorn, Charolois, Campbell. Mrs. Neiwhoner- HJK KENT Mrs. N. A. Bergstrom returned and cleaning house a few days Sally, WELL DRILLING O'Neill pool. A sack lunch and and Mr. Santa Gertrudis, and Brahma. Nay. 9-12p from where she the of last week Watson, Joyce Sharon, weiner roast was followed with Saturday Neligh early part Cal Duane O’Neill 9-12c Mr. and Mrs. Harlan and Mrs. Bill Sammons, Mark 470, Gray RENT—Electric Trim- For Farm and Domestic Wells a of had spent Thursday and Friday Dierking IDW COST INSURANCE And FOR Hedge period recreational games. and Tommie, Mrs, Margie Sam- Call 721 or come to— with her mother, Mrs. Laura Sc- and Cynthia arrived Monday mer. Coast to Coast, O'Neill. Present were Karen, Russell and Mr. and SEE US for new SPARTAN or prompt claim service. Virgil the where mons of Sioux City, la., ll-13c Ronnie Jinelle and hober, who is a patient at from Sparks, Nov., they SAFEWAY mobile I-aursen Agy., O’Neill. Well Service Tuttle, Jerry, Mrs. Andy Robak and family al- homes, 25% Kelly's Donna Antelope Memorial hospital. Her visited Harlan’s sister and bro- lOtfc Tams, Bertha Harris, Kar- so of Sioux and Mrs. Ar- down, 5% int.; up to 84 FOR RENTi—4 room furnished 5 Blks. south of the New Deal condition shows improvement. ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0, City j en Woeppel, Sandra Elliott, Flor- of O'- months to pay. Write or phone, E. Oil Station—O’Neill Mr. thur Tibbcts and family j FOR SALE Black Labrador male apartment. O. Davidson, phone ence Black, Marie Davis, Eve- Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies, Wilson and family. Contois Motor Co.. Neligh. lltfc 50d Neill. dog. Year old.—Wrights Garage, 126, O'Neill. lyn Snyder, Bonnie Welke, Alfred and Mrs. Frank Bohn of Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Vera Sng«scr 30tf evening guests of Mr. 9-10-1 lp and Robert and Dr. and Mrs. Fred Prellwitz went to Omaha Thursday where Sunday Ewing. FOR RENT— One bedroom home, Schilousky Woeppel. and Mrs. Bob and and children of Kearney spent Vern received a medical exami- Adair, Jerry FOR SALE—Six room modern res- They are accompanied by Rev. COMPLETE LINE of fire works 321 West Clay. Keith Abart, O’- the Fourth of at Willow Lake Diane were Mr. and Mrs. Art built about 5 L. Guthmiller and Mrs. W. W. Elliott, Mr. and July nation. They also visited Mrs. idence, years ago. and lire crackers for sale June Neill. 45tf Doolittle, Mrs. Gertie Mr. Mrs. Marcus Pierson and Julie fishing. mother, Mrs. E. L. Adair, I would be glad to show it to East of Sagoser’s 26 to July 5 inside the Corner Half Block la.
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