California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 6-7-1991 June 7th 1991 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "June 7th 1991" (1991). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 548. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/548 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. C S U S B VOL. 25, NUMBER14 Serving the Community at California State University, San Bernardino FRIDAY, JUNE 7,1991 Ten programs receive IRP funds By Kim Perkins Among the new programs that for instructionally related activities Editor In Chief requested funding wereDance, Pep on the said campus and not for ui- Squad, Philosophy/Communica­ itional matters or to support faculty tions and Television; none of these posititms. GriitiKvs(ary:h Funds for Instructionally Re- received funding from IRP at all. The funds are "overseen" by $4^00.00' SuulentUfi' $3^78m latedPrograms (IRP) were allocated The IRP funds are generated an advisory committee (IRPBoard) Stitdt nt'Comf* $1^00.00 Rpxiew $5,800.00 on Tuesday, May 28,1991 by the through a system set up on a cam­ to advise the President regarding KiiAio $17 mm MoJ.lUW $7mM IRPBoard. ThisyearthelRPBoard pus through the Chancellor, by re­ the level and allocation of these $29,200.00 An iitult'ry $23,200.00 : had a total of $145 ,(X)0 to work with quest of the campus President, ac­ fees. $8.00Qm Pep Stpuhi $0J30 and $274,514 in requests. Oflhel6 cording to the guidelines set forth in To increase the fees beyond Club Sports $4,(m.oo Phil :Comm $0.00 programs that requested money, The California State University $10 per academic year, a student The Chnjntde I'dcMnon $om four were new, creating more com­ Executive Order 429. refer^dum must be held. Music $2i.20n.i)0 Dtince pi 00 petition lex the funds than ever. These funds may only be used Joseph Fengler, IRP chair 1990-91, said that the CSUS B cam­ receiving; that taking too much away was the request for funds to support pus fee at present is $20; $10 of from the income they already de­ the new television program that is which automatically goes to athlet­ pended on could hurt them. being implemented in January of ics (via a student referendum) and New programs did not receive 1992. According to Beverly Little Green $10 of which may be allocated to funding for one of two reasons: Hendricks, dean of Humanities, a various other programs that request either there wasn't enough money state-of-the art television studio is it to go around, or the wording of the being built into the new Student R R Regarding the allocation of requests implied fulfilling require Services Building and funding is funds, Fengler said that the board ments for academic coiu^ which needed to support its operation. had 10 consider the funding that IRP cannot fund. E established programs were already One such example of the latter see "IRP," pg.l6 C I Students charge racism Awards luncheon postponed By Steven Jennings for taking the action. nominations, Harrell was notified Photography Editor Harrell said, "the action was of the groups complaints. taken because it was brought to He then contacted advisors California State University, the attention of Student Life staff for the Black Student Union, who San Bernardino's 1991 Spring that notall clubs received the nomi­ confirmed that the forms had not Awards Luncheon, originally nation for award forms." been received. Having conferred scheduled for Friday, May 31, was According to Harrell, on with the advisors on the situation, postponed last Thursday amidst Photo by Scott Ruppo Thursday, May 30th a student on Harrell decided to 'pull the plug' allegations of discrimination. campus notified his office that not on Friday's event. In amemorandum issued from the Little Green proposals developed by ASI over the last two all of the organizations had re­ The Director stales, *T regret the Student Life Office, Director years include the distribution of 30 aluminum can ctmtainers like ceived their nomination forms for having to make the last minute Randy Harrell announced the post­ the one shown above as well as 30 computer paper containers, and the awards, particularly Afro- decision." 50 deskside white paper containers. ponement date to Friday, June 14 American groups. After receiving Some of the problems associ- at 2:30 p.m. and gave his reasons the usual 10-percent return on see "AWARDS, pg. 3 Insidle... Campus Life... Opinion... Sports... ...We've got lots of CL fea­ ...He/She/It returns with a ...CSUSB's baseball team tures for our final edition of the column on reiationships...Catch made it to the Coiiege World Se­ year including movie reviews, Ed Crosby's last cartoon; he's ries, we've got a run down on personality features, and what graduating!...and once again, the what happened there...Laker's to do this summer... _ letters poured in... fans catch our anaiysis... ...4-6 ...14-1 ...18-20 m THE CHRONICLE, CSUSB: JUNE 7, 1991 Crime Watch By Martin Hepp likely that the doors on the study: vicred of two or more such crimes Student Union expands Opinion Editor cubicles will be removed must register as a sex-offender. this summer. This requires ilie person so regis-; to meet more needs On June 3,1991 in the cam- The persons involved in such tered to notify police agencies as By Edward Durlak pus library, Departinem of Pub-: activities are for the most part non- to his whereabouts. Finally, to help with admin­ Staff Writer lie Salcty Chief, Ed HarriJK)n» wit- students, andHarrison stresses that Harrison also noted that while istrative needs, a 1,100 seat ca­ nesscdErie Mason,a 32 year-old; students who witness suspicious this crime may seem minor, he is pacity multi-purpose room, a black, male, engaging in lewd ac- activities or persons immediately A project is currently under­ club/organization common area way at California Slate Univer­ uvJiies on the fourth floor of the rciHMi aiieh .kiiviiios lo liu* lie ous crimes mtghi take place in the and workroom, and several new sity, San Bernardino to expand library. Chief Harrison arrcstcrl partmeni of Public Safety, either future:. In order to prevent such Associated Students offices will the Student Union on campus. Mason and charged him with h> duiinii X-516^ on cjinpiiN crime. Harrison asked for student be constructed. Upon completion, the building wonrliiwt in public. a misJc phiMios or by uiiii/ui" the emer­ volunteers who would be placed In all, the Student Union ex­ will have more space and be able incaiuH. gency phones located on campus. on the third and fourth floors of pansion project will add 23,000 to facilitate several new services. Chief Harrison points to in- iiarnsiMi aJilcI ihai Uicre arc the library in ordear to deter any square feet to the building as well cidcnis Mich a> ihcso a- ivininj ; ihrce ix:isoi!s -Ahu frfijiiem cjin- For the convenience of stu­ as additional courtyard space. CIS lr» Icniaic stu.'k'iiis that Ihtv pus who are currently tmdcr in- dents , a new food preparation This will more than double the and service area will be added, ^lIoukl refrain trom studying : vc.Mii',.iiii»nti.rihvsca..iiviiici.hui jrKldiMiiKlive|iickeUM«lh:iithv> size of the structure. along with a new pub and bal­ alone in the study cubicles to- that iiniil people Lomc lorwurJ to could ct»nu..i cainpiit |xd«(.v when The project will cost ^proxi­ cony on the second floor, and c.tlci|iiiilK'library.ti[iighl. There report Such incidents taking place. ; necessary, and be readily identi- mately four million dollars, and have been ncaily n do/cn rcpoits noitiiiig ciui h;* done to apprehend additional restrooms and tele­ will be supported by Student phones. ul '.uch aciivji) lakmg pla^c in the suspects. persons interested in volunteer­ Union fees. Two new corridor lounges, a the library .in the last two ycars ilariiMMi stated ihailewd aets ing for such duly aie encouraged The project was started in music/listening room, a reading involving jx-ifMU-aiurs nf every arc eonsidered mi'.deim;jri..i >ex to contact the Department of Pub" February of this year and is ex­ lounge, a quiet lounge, and a game ethnic group, and as a result U is ».ri[iic\ and that any jxirvm eon- lie safety at extension 5165. pected to be completed in Sep­ room will also be added. tember of 1992. Awards' Cont'd from pg. 1 has caused and assured that posi­ Don't guess, G.U.E.S.S. ated with the delivery of the forms tive steps are being taken to avoid may have resulted from the failure recurrence of this type of situa­ By Edward Durlak GUESS is one qay of accomplish­ ASI rushed into production of the of (x-ganizations to register fortheir tion. Staff Writer ing our goals." first GUESS issue which will be respective charters on time. The "All of us in StudentLife look GUESS will have two publica­ make available this week. Brugge, organizations who neglected to file forward to serving you and your The General Education Syllabi tions each year that will include "We wanted to get the idea out by the specified deadline lost their organization(s) in the coming Service (GUESS) is a new pro­ syllabus listings for general edu­ there and get the students exposed mailboxes years,"HaiTell said.
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