The Napoleon Series The Campaign of 1814: Bibliography Part III By: Maurice Weil Translated by: Greg Gorsuch THE CAMPAIGN OF 1814 (after the documents of the imperial and royal archives of Vienna) _____________________ THE ALLIED CAVALRY DURING THE CAMPAIGN OF 1814 ________________________ LIST OF THE WORKS AND DOCUMENTS CONSULTED1 PERROT. Itinéraire général de Napoléon. Chronologie du Consulat et de l'Empire. (General Itinerary of Napoleon. Chronology of the Consulate and the Empire.) PERTZ. Das Leben des Ministers Freiherrn von Stein. (The Life of Minister Baron von Stein.) PERTZ-DELBRUCK. Das Leben des Feld-Marschalls Grafen Neithardt von Gneisenau. (The Life of Field-Marshal Count Neilhardt von Gneisenau.) PÉTIET (Auguste). Journal historique de la division de cavalerie légère du 5° corps de cavalerie pendant la campagne de France, en 1814. (Historical Journal of the Light Cavalry Division of the 5th Corps of Cavalry during the Campaign of France, in 1814.) PÉTIET (Général baron Auguste). Souvenirs militaires de l'histoire contemporaine. (Military Memories of Contemporary History.) PEYRUSSE (Baron). Mémorial et Archives (1809-1815). (Memorabilia and Archives, 1809-1815) 1 Translator's note: in his list Weil has collected alphabetically (by author, subject and sometimes title) the major works consulted in his four volume history. The works are listed in their native language, followed, except when in French by the author's translation. These translations occasionally have errors, contradictions and omissions which I have not corrected so as to give you the author's understanding. I have added translations in parenthesis on French works listed. © 1995 – 2017 The Napoleon Series PFAU (Hauptmann). Kriegszenen aus der Geschichte des K. K. 4ten Dragoner Regiments Grossherzog von Toscana. (Scenes of War taken from the History of the Imperial and Royal 4th Regiment of Dragoons, Grand Duke of Toscana.) PFAU (Hauptmann). Anecdoten aus den Feldzügen 1813-1814. (Anecdotes from the Campaigns of 1813-1814.) PFEFFER (Hauptmann). Abriss der Geschichte des Königlichen Bayerischen 15ten Infanterie-Regiments König Albert von Sachsen von 1722 bis 1889. (Historical Essay of the Bavarian 15th Infantry Regiment King Albert of Saxony, from 1722 to 1889). PFISTER (Major). Das Infanterie-Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm N° 120 (2tenWurttembergisches.) (The Infantry Regiment, Emperor Wilhelm, no. 120 (2nd Württemberg.) PHILIPPART (John). Campaign in Germany and France from the expiration of the Armistice to the period of the Abdication of the Throne of France by Napoléon Bonaparte. (Campagne d'Allemagne et de France depuis la fin de l'armistice jusqu'à l'abdication de Napoléon Bonaparte.) PIERRON (général). Méthodes de guerre. (Methods of War.) PILLERSDORF (Hauptmann Freiherr von). Das K. K. 5ten Infanterie-Regiment Fürst Jablinowski und die Kriege seiner Zeit. (The Imperial and Royal 5th Infantry Regiment, Prince-Jablinowski and the wars of its times.) PLATEN (H. von). Gottlieb Wilhelm von Platen, Königlicher preussischer General-Major. Ein Lebensbild aus den Freheits Kriegen zusammengesetz von. (Militär-Wochenblatt 1882. Beiheft 6.) (Gottlieb Wilhelm von Platen, Prussian Major General. A Biography of the Times of the War of Liberation. Military Weekly Journal 1882. Supplement 6.) PLOTHO (Oberst-lieutenant von). Der Krieg in Deutschland und in Frankreich in den Jahren 1813, 1814, 1815. (The War in Germany and in France during the Years 1813, 1814 and 1815.) PONS DE L'HÉRAULT. Congrès de Châtillon. (Congress of Châtillon.) PONS DE L'HÉRAULT. Bataille et capitulation de Paris. (Battle and Capitulation of Paris.) PONTÉCOULANT (Comte de). (Souvenirs historiques et parlementaires.) (Historical and Parliamentarian Memories.) POTTO (Capitaine). Istoria Novo-Rossiiskovo Dragounskovo Polka, 1803-1865. (History of the Dragoon Regiment of New Russia, from 1803 to 1865.) POUGIAT. L'invasion des armées étrangères dans le département de l'Aube en 1814 et en 1815. (The Invasion of Foreign Armies in the Department of the Aube in 1814 and in 1815.) PRITTWITZ (W. von) und VIEBAHN (Lieutenants). Geschichte des Königlich-preussischen Kaiser Alexander Grenadier Regiments N° 1, und seiner Stammtruppen. (History of the Prussian Regiment of Grenadiers, Emperor Alexander, no. 1, and the corps which served in its formation.) PROBST (F. P. von). Geschichte des Königlich-preussischen 2ten Dragoner-Regiments. (History of the Prussian 2nd Regiment of Dragoons.) PROKESCH (Freiher A. von). Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des Feldmarschalls Fürsten Carl von Schwarzenberg. (Memorable Works from the Life of Field Marshal Prince Carl von Schwarzenberg.) © 1995 – 2017 The Napoleon Series PRUSSE (Prince Auguste de). Rapports sur le combat de Fromentières et d'Étoges, sur la part prise par les 9e et 10e brigades à la bataille de Laon. (Reports on the Combat of Fromentières and of Étoges, on the Part Taken by the 9th and 10th Brigades at the Battle of Laon.) PUTTKAMMER. Geschichte des Kaiser Franz Grenadier-Régiments N° 2 im Auftrage des Regiments zusammengestellt. (History of the 2nd Regiment of Grenadiers, Emperor Franz, drawn up by order of the regiment.) QUISTORP (B. von). Die Kaiserlien russisch-deutsche Legion. (The Imperial Russian-German Legion.) RADETZY. (der K. K. œsterreichische Feldmarchall Graf). Eine biographische SKIZZE von einem œsterreichiechen Veteranen. (Radetzky. Historical Sketch, by an Austrian veteran.) RADETZKY. Denkschriften militär-politischen Inhalts aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlass des K. K. œsterreichischen Feld-Marschalls Grafen Radetzky. (Memoirs Relating to Military and Political Subjects, taken from the manuscripts left by Field Marshal Graf Radetzky.) RAHDEN (Baron Wilhelm von). Wanderungen eines alten Soldaten. (Ramblings of an Old Soldier.) RAITH (Oberst-lieutenant) und BALL (Premier-lieutenant). Kurze Geschichte des Königlich-bayerischen 3ten Infanterie Regiments Prinz Karl von Bayern. (Historical Resume of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of Bavaria, Prince Carl of Bavaria.) RANKE. Denkwürdigkeiten des Staats-Kanzlers Fürsten von Hardenberg. (Memories of the State Chancellor Prince von Hardenberg.) RAPPORTS du général Narischkine au général Winzingerode. (Archives du dépôt topographique et militaire de Saint-Pétersbourg, n° 29123.) (REPORTS of General Naryshkin to General Winzingerode. Archives of the Topographical and Military Depot of Saint-Petersburg, no. 29123.) RAPPORTS du général Tchernitcheff au général Winzingerode. (Archives du dépôt topographique et militaire de Saint-Pétersbourg, n° 29119.) (REPORTS of General Chernishev to General Winzingerode. Archives of the Topographical and Military Depot of Saint-Petersburg, no. 29119.) RAU (F.) Geschichte des 1ten Badischen Leib-Dragoner Regiments N° 20, und dessen Stamm-Regimeut des Badischen Dragoner Regiments von Freystadt von 1803 bis zur Gegenwart. (History of the 1st Regiment of Dragoons of Baden, Life Guard Regiment no. 20, and of the regiments it originated from, the Baden Dragoons of Freystadt, from 1803 up to our days.) RAU und HÄNEL VON CRONENTHAL. Der Krieg der Verbündeten gegen Frankreich in den Jahren 1813, 1814 und 1815. (The War of the Allies against France during the Years 1813, 1814 and 1815.) RÄUFFER (Premier-lieutenant). Geschichte des Königlich-bayerischen 9ten Infanterie Regiments Wrede. (History of the Bavarian 9th Infantry Regiment, Wrede.) RAUSCHNICK (Dr). Marschall Vorwärts. (Marshal Forward.) RAVENSTEIN. Geschichte des 2ten Preussischen Kürassier Regiments. (History of the 2nd Regiment of Cuirassiers of Prussia.) REIBNITZ (Freiherr von). Mittheilungen aus den ersten fünfzig Jahren des Westfälischen Fusilier Regiments n° 37. (Memories of the First 50 Years of the Westphalian Regiment of Fusiliers, no. 37.) REINHARD (Hauptmann C. von). Geschichte des Königlich-preussischen ersten Garde Regiments zu Fuss zurückgeführt auf die historische Abstammung des Regiments vom 1ten Bataillon Leibgarde, dem Regiment Garde und dem Grenadier-Garde Bataillon (1746-1857). Im Auftrage des Regiments verfasst. (History of the 1st Foot Regiment of the Royal Prussian Guard, in going back to the very origins of the Regiment, the 1st Regiment of Life © 1995 – 2017 The Napoleon Series Guards, the Regiment of the Guard and the Battalion of Grenadiers of the Guard (1746-1857). (Prepared by order of the regiment.) REITER-REGIMENTER (Die) der Kaiserlich-Königlichen œsterreichischen Armee. Historische Skizzen, chronologisch geordnete Bruchstücke, Regimenterweise bearteitet von einem ehemaligen Cavalerie Offizier (GRAF VON THÜRHEIM.) (The CAVALRY REGIMENTS of the Imperial and Royal Austrian Army. —Historical Sketches. Fragments classified by chronology and by regiment, by an old cavalry regiment (Graf von Thürheim). RELATIONEN der Schlachten und Gefechte welche die Reserve cavallerie des 1ten Armee Corps unter dem Befehl des Generals-majors von Jürgass seit dem Waffenstillstande bis zur Einnahme von Paris gehabt haben. (ACCOUNTS of the Battles and Actions of which the Reserve Cavalry of the Ist Army Corps (Prussian), under the orders of Major General von Jürgass, had taken part from the armistice up to the capture of Paris.) REMINISCUNZEN aus den Kriegsereignissen des 2ten Leibhusaren Regiments in den Feldzügen 1813 and 1814. (REMINESCENCES on the Feats of War of the 2nd Regiment of Life Guard Hussars during the Campaign of 1813 and 1814.) RENGARTEN (J.). Istoria Leibgvardii Sapernovo Bataillona. (History of the Sapper Battalion of the Russian Imperial Guard.) RENOUARD (Hauptmann C). Die Kurhessen im Feldzuge
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