NOVEMBER 2016 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 A playground ‘Good This is why you The legacy of in a church? morning, sponsor a child Lucy McNeill You bet! Capt. Pipon’ in Uganda page 10 page 6 page 7 page 8-9 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL noVEMBER 2016 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON Two deacons ordained as priests BY GISELE MCKNIGHT “But with Jesus, we are pure. We get to go out in the name There was cause for celebra- of Jesus to change [the world.] tion on Sunday, Sept. 18 as two Remember, the invitation is for deacons were ordained priests at everyone… ‘I’ve come to call Christ Church Cathedral. the wounded, the odd balls, the Sandy MacPherson and misfits.’” Christian Persaud were sur- Then Paul addressed the ordi- rounded by family, friends, sup- nands: “Christian and Sandy, are porters and parishioners during you sure you want to do this? I the service presided by Bishop didn’t really understand what it David. meant to be a priest until I was a The Rev. Paul Ranson horrible one.” preached on Matthew the tax After the ordination, fam- collector and the call of Jesus to ily and friends joined the new “Follow me.” priests at Cathedral Memorial “It was that encounter that Hall for refreshments. put him on a whole new path,” An entire contingent from said Paul. “But the invitation is St. George’s in Bathurst, where for everyone. Everyone is invited Sandy has been deacon-in- to get up from their tax booth charge for the past year, rented a and follow him.” bus to attend the service. Sandy Tax collectors were hated, but will continue at St. George’s as Jesus looked at Matthew with priest-in-charge. love. Christian’s parents and sister “Jesus loves us where we’re at. attended from Toronto and MCKNIGHT PHOTO Sometimes church people don’t Buffalo, NY. Christian is now like that,” he said. priest-in-charge in the par- Deacons Sandy MacPherson and Christian Persaud were ordained priests Sept. 18 at Christ Church Paul talked about his years- ishes of Cambridge-Narrows & Cathedral. Seen here, from left, are: Archdeacon Richard Steeves, the Rev. Gordon Thompson, retired long belief that he had to stay Waterborough, and Gagetown. Bishop Claude Miller, the Rev. Sandy MacPherson, Bishop David Edwards, the Rev. Canon Leo Martin, away from sinners to keep him- He had spent the previous year the Rev. Christian Persaud and Archdeacon Patricia Drummond. self “pure.” there as deacon-in-charge. Colin needs second surgery an average of four seizures an has had much change in his Parents ask hour have plagued him through- life: moving from Rothesay to out the summer and fall. Fredericton and dearly missing for prayer Colin is not taking the news his day care teacher; enduring of another surgery well, his par- the hotter, more humid summer ents report. weather in Fredericton, which BY GISELE MCKNIGHT “He got rather emotional at can be a trigger for seizures; the mention of going there to coming off his seizure medica- Colin Ranson, now 3, will return see some doctors. The older, and tions, a decision that has since to Texas Children’s Hospital for more aware he is, the more dif- been reversed; and becoming a further surgery Nov. 18. ficult the conversation becomes, big brother to baby sister Rachel. Colin’s condition deteriorated so please pray for peace for him All of that, combined with a through the summer and sei- as we try to prepare for the jour- fall off playground equipment, zures had returned. He had been ney,” said his parents on the Car- almost seizure-free after the ing For Colin Facebook page. laser brain surgery in March, but In the past few months, Colin Colin continued on page 2 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN NOVEMBER 2016 d i o c e s a n n e w s Family expresses appreciation for last winter’s fundraiser Continued from page 1 and it was shared by more than 30,000 people.” About $170,000 was raised may have triggered the return in the diocese after the call went of seizures. This was not entirely out one year ago that Colin unexpected, since the March needed the expensive surgery. surgery did not obliterate the After the fundraiser was well entire tumour. underway, the New Brunswick The goal now is to have a government agreed to contrib- second, identical surgery to get ute, thereby prompting Paul and that last piece, according to the Kimberley to stop fundraising. team in Texas. Like last time, But by then, many parish the family will be in Texas for a events had already been planned week before and a week after the and they went forward, giving surgery. the family more than enough The Rev. Paul Ranson, his money to fund the trip and father, shared news of Colin’s hospital costs. health at the gathering of Synod “I’m not good at math, but I delegates Sept. 17 in Fredericton. think we have enough money “It was a great five months from the fundraiser,” to pay for getting to know our son,” said the second surgery and the re- Paul. lated costs, he said at the Synod He expressed his apprecia- gathering. tion to those gathered for their Bishop David Edwards led support of his son through last the delegates in prayer for Colin. winter. Colin was born with an ex- “Kimberley and I thank you,” ceedingly rare genetic condition he said. “We knew we were be- called Pallister-Hall Syndrome. ing prayed for. When Colin went He has a tumour on his hypo- into shock I think I would have thalamus (HH-hypothalamic lost my mind, but instead I felt hamartoma) which causes gelas- peace. tic seizures. He is one of 470 in “We sent out a prayer request the world with this condition. Colin enjoys some outdoor fun this fall at his new house in Fredericton. He, his parents and siblings Isaac and baby Rachel will fly to Houston, Texas this month for another laser brain surgery to remove the last of the tumour, which will hopefully render him seizure-free. SUBMITTED PHOTOS DEADLINE for news and photo submissions for the December edition of the New Brunswick Anglican is Nov 1. www.anglican.nb.ca OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL The Rt. Rev. David Edwards Bishop and Publisher Gisele McKnight Editor Published 10 times per year. Price of subscription $10.00 MCKNIGHT PHOTO Please send news and photo submissions to 115 Church St., Fredericton, NB E3B 4C8 Yay Team! Phone: 506-459-1801; E-mail: [email protected] Please send subscription renewals and changes of address to: Diocesan staff met Sept. 19-20 at Villa Madonna in Rothesay for the second annual staff The New Brunswick Anglican retreat. It was a time to continue team building, focus on the mission as Synod staff, and to c/o Anglican Journal Circulation Dept., 80 Hayden St, Toronto, Ont. M4Y 3G2 intentionally reflect on how their ministries support the making of disciples and the building of God’s kingdom. Here Colin McDonald, Maren McLean Persaud, Bishop David Edwards and Printed & mailed in North York, Ontario Ken Neilson work as a team to lift a golf ball off a small pedestal using strings tied to a ring. By Webnews Printing Inc. NOVEMBER 2016 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 3 t h e b i s h o p ’ s p a g e Injustice and our response to it out of the hands of the Persians, The Five Marks of Mission series, previously having used the Babylonians to take them into # 4: To transform unjust structures Exile, because of their failure to p r i n c i p a l of society, to challenge violence follow him. e n g a g e m e n t s The ultimate act of recon- of every kind and pursue peace ciliation comes through Jesus. Jesus faces the corruption and November 5 and reconciliation apostasy of primarily the leaders Diocesan of the Jews and the political op- pression of the Roman Empire. Synod n a number of ways this have been unjustly treated, Through their combined mark of mission is one of the whereas others would make it actions he is unjustly killed, but November 6 most complex, and it again very clear to me that such people this becomes the way in which Parish of Ireflects the divide between those should be able to “pull them- slavery and bondage to sin and St. Mark often called liberals and those selves together.” as the “lost sheep of Israel” and death is dealt with and all people (Stone Church) often called conservatives, which Where do we go for help in he said it was they for whom he have the opportunity of peace I wrote about in my last article. this matter of being just? In the had come first. with God. Let’s assume that difficulty Bible, particularly amongst the It is clear from both of the As we follow through into November 13 exists and once again note that prophets, we find that God is Testaments that injustice flows the Book of Acts and beyond, Parish of in recent years these strands of opposed to injustice and corrup- from people using what they we again see the early Church St. Stephen our belief have moved closer tion. There are over 2,000 refer- (we) have — money position, having to face both imperial and together on these matters, which ences to justice or its derivatives power — in order to place our- religious persecution as it works November 18-19 again shows more of the pre- in scripture.
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