The International Journal for Middle-earth Gaming Issue 3: October 1993 EDITORIAL: THREE IN THIS ISSUE IS COMPANY Editorial ..........................................1 Communications.............................2 n the editorial for July, I expressed my through Other Hands with individuals or groups Frontlines........................................3 hope that our next issue would be big- who are interested in Middle-earth gaming. ger, and it seems that I have gotten my They are also involved in customizing the MERP Thoughts on the population of Iwish. Although we are still by no means rule system to suit their tastes, and I have en- over the financial hurdle yet, Other Hands has couraged them to submit any of their ideas to Gondor and Arnor ..........................4 been picking up speed during the summer, both our journal. in terms of writers and subscribers. Welcome Finally, as the module-writing process con- Response to "Thoughts on the to OH 3! tinues apace for The Kin-strife, Umbar, and South- population of Gondor and Arnor" Besides offering all of our usual fare, there ern Gondor, collaborative dialogue between the ........................................................ 8 are two ways in which this issue represents sig- respective authors of these forthcoming Iron nificant progress toward our goals as a gaming Crown publications has led Gunnar Brolin to Developing a magic system for journal. From its conception, Other Hands has present his view on population levels for the Middle-earth Role Playing........... 11 aimed to provide a forum of communication Dunadan rcalms-in-exile. Gunnar is a man of between the authors, audience, and publishers many talents (one of these being demographics), A journey in the dark................... 13 of Tolkien-related role-playing games. Three of and he is a contributing author to both the Kin- the many contributions to the present issue have strife and Southern Gondor projects. Jason Beres- The forgotten race of the Drughu advanced us in this direction. ford, author-to-be of the revised Umbar module, has written a brief response to Gunnar’s views, ..................................................... 18 James Owen of the Oxford Tolkien Society has offered an engaging response to Pete especially as they relate to the region of Umbar. A reply to ICE’s "open letter" .... 22 Fenlon’s open letter (written on behalf of ICE Because both of these authors offer popula- to our readers — sec OH 1: 3—6). James’ tion statistics which are at variance with those Scandinavian influences on Orkish comments are those of a long-time Rolemaster found in the recently published Northwestern player, and we are hoping to see more from him Middle-earth Gazetteer (see review on pgs. 26— ..................................................... 24 in future issues. His extensive training in the 27), we have decided to present their respective field of metallurgy makes him well qualified to arguments in these pages for further considera- Product Review ........................... 26 say a thing or two about forging technology in tion and discussion by both you, the reader, and Middle-earth. Jessica Ney of Iron Crown, who is responsible A bibliography of Middle-earth Moving across the English Channel, we re- for the development of the MEKP line. The gaming: 1982-1993......................... 28 ceived a letter of great interest from Eduardo purpose of this deliberation process is to come Martinez Santamaria (sec pg. 2), who has an- to some degree of consensus on this matter, so nounced the formation of a “rolcplaying game that these and future modules will not contain commission” within the Sociedad Tolkien Espa- conflicting figures. In this way, we hope that nola. This group seeks to establish contact Other Hands will Contributors: Editing: Chris Seeman Artwork: Gunnar Brolin, Jason Jeff Hatch, Layout and Design: Submission Deadline Beresford, Andrew McMurry, Tom Loback, Lisa Disterheft-Solberg, Nicolas Tim “the Gothic Writer” Lisa Disterheft-Solberg, for next issue: Solberg Innes,Anders Blixt, Chris Edith Crowe Seeman, James Owen December 7,1993 OTHER HANDS be able to help facilitate constructive dia- OH 3 nevertheless contains a few pieces Before closing, I should bring everyone up logue on topics of relevance to Middle-earth which are of practical interest. Tim Innes, to date on the problem of European distribu- gamers. one of the Southern Gondor authors, has given tion. We are still working with the possibility The second way in which the present is- us an extensive essay on the Drughu (i.e., of arranging for Other Hands to be produced sue represents progress toward our stated Drúedain, Woses), which includes RuneQuest and distributed independently in the EEC, so goals is in our aim to offer practical materials stats for both the Drughu themselves and the as to reduce the overseas mailing — and, for the Middle-earth player or referee. Much infamous “Pûkel-mcn.” Finally, in preparation hence, subscription — cost for our readers of the stuff in OH 1 and 2, while no doubt of for an adventure which may appear in a future outside the USA. For the present, however, it interest to many of our readers, was less issue, I have written an interpretive article on will be possible to purchase individual issues of directly applicable to the contingencies of the enigmatic Queen Berúthiel and her mys- our journal through Myth of Adventures: role-playing. There is a place in Other Hands terious cats. Verlag fur phantastische Medien, Berner Weg for these more general Middlc-carth-related To wind things up, we have a program- 24, D— 67069 Ludwigshafen, Germany. We topics; but we want to balance this out with matic essay by Andrew McMurry (also of the are also hoping to get Bilbo’s Bookshop Bath to more “immediately usable” materials. Oxford Tolkien Society) on the principles stock us, but have not yet received a reply Our ultimate goal is, of course, to publish governing the use of magic in Middle-earth, from them. actual adventure scenarios within these pages. which follows closely on the heels of Chris A final matter before signing off. I am con- Although we have not achieved that goal in Pheby’s contribution to OH 1. And we have templating including an address roster of Other this issue, we read Tolkien Enterprises’ con- another short piece from Anders on — of all Hands subscribers in the upcoming January tinued silence on this matter as tacit consent things — Scandinavian influences on the issue, so as to facilitate communication be- to proceed with our plans to include at least Orkish-English dictionary in the Empire of the tween our readers. Please let me know if for one adventure in each issue of Other Hands, Witch-king module. Finally, we have added a any reason you would not care to be included beginning with issue four in January (see OH new feature, “Frontlines,” which will bring in this list. Well, that’s all for now— talk to 2: 1 for the context of this discussion). We together all of the latest gossip and news you in three months! hope that this announcement will encourage about Middle-earth gaming which fails to get Chris Seeman, 15 October, 1993 some of you to send us you unpublished into the letters column or this editorial. Any- adventures. one with information about anything is en- couraged to give report for our fellow read- ers. COMMUNICATIONS This letters column is intended to function as a We would be grateful if you could send us [Ed. — One of the principal functions of Other forum of communication between subscribers of Other further information about subscription prices, Hands is to provide an opportunity for one’s rule Hands. It can also serve as a place for readers to methods of payment, etc., as well as reports suggestions to be published; so we welcome and en- comment on various topics of interest mtliout ivriting about other interested groups. And, of course, courage your group to submit these ideas for open ajull article. This is not, in fact, a new feature of if there is something we can do, just tell us. discussion among Middle-earth gamers. We also hope Other Hands — we have simply not received any that other individuals or groups involved in projects letters until now. So start writing! Eduardo Martinez Santamaría such as your own throughout the world will send us c/Marqués de la Ensenada 11, 7°H, reports on their progress to this letters column, so that Dear friend: 26003 Lograño, España we can develop an active network of interested gamers. Those wishing to communicate their ideas to Iron My name is Eduardo Martinez Crown directly should address their inquiries to Pete Santamaria, and I am a member of the Fenlon: ICE, PO Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA roleplaying game commission of the 22902, USA.] Sociedad Tolkien Espanola.... I write to you regarding your announcement of Other Hands in our society bulletin some months ago. Hello Chris, Our commission intends to offer revisions of the ...When you review the NWME Gazetteer in Middle-earth Role Playing system in order to bring OH #3, you may point out that Gondor has it into greater fidelity with Tolkien’s books. We received unrealistically low population figures, are therefore very interested in exchanging ideas especially when compared with the army sizes with other groups who have similar interests. supplied for Mordor in Gorgoroth. With these As Iron Crown Enterprises is also located in figures, Sauron would likely have little problem the USA, we believe that Other Hands will be overrunning Gondor. very useful to Tolkien fans and gamers all over Anders Blixt the world as a vehicle for keeping people like us Hägervägen 16, S-122 39 in contact. Congratulations for the idea! Enskede, Sweden 2 ISSUE 3 OCTOBER 1993 So what is the latest news on the modules? 1437-1448 and 1448-2050, whereas Jason The Kin-strife (now subtitled The Usurper’s Reign) Beresford’s Umbar realm module will be cover- is still going through the editing process; but it ing the entire history of that haven (although it is also acquiring some additional adventures will still be focusing on the years of the 17th (which, we anticipate, will bring the grand total century as did the original 1982 publication).
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