Poughkeepsie Journal - 01/29/2020 Copy Reduced to 45% from original to fit letter page WHERE WILL Perfect wine HOME TAKE YOU? pairings for the Super Bowl GREAT TASTES, 1B bhhshudsonvalley.com WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2020 ❚ POUGHKEEPSIEJOURNAL.COM PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK East Fishkill ‘It’s already a Fire District sues truck’s builder Ryan Santistevan Poughkeepsie Journal nightmare’ USA TODAY NETWORK In mid-January 2015, the East Fishkill Fire Dis- trict received the fire truck it purchased for more than a million dollars from a Louisiana-based com- pany, Ferrara Fire Apparatus. Within two months, the district began experi- encing problems using the truck’s bucket. About a month later, the district noticed the truck’s check engine light had turned on. Around two months af- ter that, the truck needed to be shipped to Nebraska for the installation of other repairs, after conferring with Ferrara. In the past five years, the truck has needed to be repaired more than 20 times, making it unavailable “for the numerous mechanical failures for approxi- mately one calendar year.” All of that is according to a lawsuit the East Fish- kill department has filed against Ferrara, claiming the truck has been defective all along. The complaint was filed in U.S. District Court Southern District of New York on Wednesday. The department is seeking the original price it paid – $1,002,351 – plus interest. Representatives of the East Fishkill Fire District declined comment. Attempts to reach Ferrara Fire Apparatus were unsuccessful. Repairs have been needed due to problems with See EAST FISHKILL, Page 4A Another lawsuit aims to prevent an Amazon warehouse in region GETTY IMAGES Helu Wang Times Herald-Record Another lawsuit filed by Montgomery property owners is challenging the proposed Amazon ware- house, claiming the developer misrepresented the Why a potential STAR rebate change nature and character of the area as well as the envi- ronmentally sensitive nature of the site. is causing angst among homeowners The lawsuit, filed with the Orange County Su- preme Court, seeks to vacate the state Environmen- Joseph Spector New York State Team | USA TODAY NETWORK tal Quality Review Act (SEQRA) approval the town’s board and planning board granted for a proposed LBANY – State lawmakers are criticizing a proposed change 1,010,880-square-foot warehouse on about 190 acres at the intersection of Routes 17K and 747. to the state’s popular STAR program that would expand The development has been given the green light who gets checks rather than upfront savings in homeown- See AMAZON, Page 2A ers’ school tax bills. ❚ In his state budget proposal last Aweek, Gov. Andrew Cuomo recommended that New York send STAR checks to all homeowners who earn $200,000 a year or above. They Premier Medical Group Welcomes have been receiving the exemption upfront in their school tax bills since DONNA KASELLO, M.D., FACOG the program’s inception in the mid-1990s. AND LAWRENCE ZOLNIK, M.D. to our new Gynecology division The move comes after the state Leg- ers’ primary residence if their income is islature and Cuomo agreed last year to under $500,000 a year. 50 Eastdale Avenue North switch everyone with an adjusted gross Senior citizens enrolled in Enhanced Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 income between $250,000 to $500,000 STAR can continue to get an upfront to a check. savings. About 665,000 income-eligible To make an appointment please call (845) 437-5000 “It’s already a nightmare,” Sen. Pete senior citizens get Enhanced STAR, Harckham, D-Yorktown, Westchester which averages $1,400 a year. County, said. “The number one complaint I get in Proposed STAR change draws my office is from constituents regarding criticism the STAR program. So to further exas- perate those problems, rather than Cuomo’s proposal is his latest at- streamline and have a solution to those tempt to tinker with the STAR program problems, is very frustrating.” as a way to move it from the state’s ex- About 3 million New Yorkers get pense side of the ledger to the revenue breaks each year on their school proper- side. ty taxes through STAR, averaging about $800 a year. It is available on homeown- See STAR, Page 2A The experience you need... the compassion you deserve. Weather 235th year, No. 136 High 39° ❚ Low 14° Home delivery pricing inside GOP senator: If John Subscribe 877-424-4341 Bolton is called, the Bidens Mostly sunny. ©2020 $2.50 QEAJAB-06603t(a)b)c)o)K PremierMedicalHV.com 8A Forecast, 5A will be, too. PK-POU0006283-08 Copyright � 2020 Poughkeepsie Journal 01/29/2020 Use of this site signifies your agreement to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy , updated March 2009. January 30, 2020 9:59 am (GMT +5:00) Powered by TECNAVIA Poughkeepsie Journal - 01/29/2020 Copy Reduced to 71% from original to fit letter page Page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