JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. SEPTEMBER MARM Our School Supplies Now Ready SJacobs Special Dictionaries School Teachers Self-Filler 25c. 50c, 75c, and $1.25 Bags, Boxes, Inks Our 50c Values Pound Paper FOUNTAIN PEN Lunch Wax Papers Pencils, Erasers, Pens Correspondenc Cards and $2.00 Paper Napkins Tablet, Scisors Box Paper JACOBS Drinking Cups Will Satisy You Always Sharp Paper Towels Composition Books Palmer Pens PAL PENCIL Palmer Paper $1.00 Toilet Papers Rulers, Crayolas Note Book : terling Silver 3.00 Black Board Examination Tablets Covers, Drawing SWAT MANS 0 Cloth and Erasers Paste, Dust Pans a Skull aps WATERMANS Chalk Skull Cape FOUNTAIN PENS ak Dusters, Pokers The Good Kind .. •,..•. o •-• B . *j 2.50 and Up JACOBS' SPECIAL C ai Shovels Black and Orange SJACOBS' SPECIAL 25c Waste Baskets Green and Gold STwo Blades Indelible and Purple and White S pocket Knives 25c Composition Books Pountain Pen Inks Purple and Old Gold 25c ... m .. ...... Shbt' Special Waterproof Bags for Boys or Girls 35cts Special prices to Merchants Mallet; South, by Arestide Gull I fItONS PICK SEATTLEL IRLS FOR BEAUTY lory; East, by Samuel Guillory, Jr.; PERSONAL and West, by Mrs. Manuel Guillory, and being same property acquiied by Mr. Moresi and Mr. Schexnayder of Leopold Papillon from Cleophas Guil. Jeanerette, the former being a lory as GOPYVUent is* AJo1okSTiA-* per act passed before J. R nephew of Jack Morasi Pavy, Notary Public, on the 28th day of this city, of October, 1918. were here Wednesday, haing motored TERMS AND OOND)PIONS-Cash to Opelousas to witness the ball cille Dunbar and Messrs. Robert Wal- to pay and satisfy the sum of one game with the Patterson team. ker, 0. C. Tatum, Donald Brown, hundred and seventy-seven and 33-100 Mrs. George Bourdier Laurence Hollir, Lee Clary, Ike Cha- . ... ........ ($177.33) dollars, and interest on and children eight hundred and forty-three returned home Tuesday aftern6on chere, Leo Ua.fleur, Lloyd Reynolds. ($843.00) dollars from tctober 28, from a two weeks visit with relatives A charming lady, Miss Marguerite 1918, antil paid, less fifty-seven in Lafayette, New Iberia and 'Watkins of Houma, was the guest ($57.00) Jeane- dallars paid February 15, rette. this week of Misses Mamie and Elea- The name of the new 1921, and on terms of credit to pay and satisfy the notes maturing After spending a week with rela- nor Anding, on North Union street, I . three, four, five, six, seven, eight and Stives in Opelousas, Charles F. Bailey this city. idrive-in station will nine years after date, together with returned to Baton Rouge the first of gas ten per cent on said principal and interest at attorney's fee, and all the week. costs, unless the same is immediately Dr. William H. Ray of Eunice was paid. San Opelbusas visitor last Saturday LAKE CHARLES TEAM be- CHARLES TIHBODEAUXM attending to business affairs. Sheriff, St. Landry Parish. aug 20 tds. Dr. J. R. Melahcon and Edgar Der- TO PLAY TWO CAIMFS ouselle of Arnaudville were visitors to in the state of Wasihington verfy frankly Amerikan Legion mn.mbers Highway were interested in the beauty of igirls, so they conducted Department Opelousas on last Tuesday afternoon. AFTER MUCH NEGOTIATING, agfitted that they of the ,tpWtest-not to find THE most beautiful but the THREE most beautifu Miss Lucille Guidry of Church Point LAKE CHARLES DUE HERE TO- ow whole Pacific Northwest. And here are the winner d-every one Board of State Engineers was in. Opelousas Wednesday morn- DAY AND TOMORROW Fjoug from Seattle. Reading left to right, they are: Hazel Jordan Room 332 ? Worthington and Lorraine Kelly. Maleon Blanche Bldg. ing; leaving here via the Gulf Coast CASH MOTOR INN Sealed proposals will be received lines for Eunice on the 1:09 p. m. At last the local fans are satisfi•d! at the office of the highway depart- train the same day. The strong Lake Charles team is at Opelousas, La., a newspaper print- ment, of the board of state engineers V atdItes of America, Western Mrs. W. F. Nolan and children, due here today (Saturday) and will • Jotrie of Louislana: ed in said district, and that all known of Louisiana, Room 332 Maison SiiMeUnited itates District Court in icreditors and other personse i inter- Blanche Annex Building, New Or- after spending about a week in -Alex- play a game at Giron park with the We will open the place asd for waid District est may appear at the said time and eans, Louisiana, up to 12 o'clock noon andria as the guests of relatives, re- Opelouseans this afternoon and a pusao, Division place and show cause, if any they Monday, September 12th, for con- turned home on Monday evening. structing second game tomorrow. ' We.tll in Bankruptcy have, why the prayer of the said pe- the following highway. Master Tommie Brooks, grandson In Matter of titionr should not be granted. Shuteston-Church Point Highway There has been much negotiating Sfor business about Au-1• UMORY|, D. .FSHIR, JR., And it is further ordered by the Road "D"-3.57 Miles of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Roos of this fixing and cancelling of games with Bankrupt. court, that the clerk shal send by St. Landry Parish acolliecity, was badly bitten,:by the visitors, and with all this play thef Honorable Geo. Whitfield mail to all known creditors copies Approximate Quantities* dog last Friday but is doing nicely. and by-play the Opelouseans never Jeck of the District Court of the 18,750 C Y Earth work. Sgust 30. Quality of oils of said petition and his order, ad- .Cashier A. Leon, tIpre of the 0p- lp |United States for the Western dressed to them at their place of 177.1 C Y Class "A" Concrete gave hoping that a series of games District of Louisiana. residence as stated. 16,698 Pounds reinforcing steel elousas National Bank, who has been 'ould be finally arranged. Arrange- S•lory D. Fisher, Jr., of Morrow, in 'Witness the Honorable Geo. Whit- 4,365 C Y Gravel Hauling in Battle Creek, Miigwan, for the innets had been made once before Sand service is our motto.0 • iirlsh of St. Landry and state of field Jack, Judge of said court, and Information as 0 lodation, char- past two months, returned home last for the Lake Charles outfit to come i saM isaid-fa District, respect- the seal thereof, at Shreveport, in acter of work, extent and class of Sunday much improyvd in health. here for a series but almost at the ift rpftesnt that on the 29th day material, terms of paymnt, regola- said district, on the 10th day of Mrs. Joseph Lasselle and son, d Janrry last past he was duly August, A. D., 1921. tions governing manner of submit- Law- last moment the series was canceled, Your patronage will be appreciated 1ijugedbatkrupt under the acts of Atteet:--W. B. LED, ting proposals and executing 'con- rence, are in New Orleans where they for some cause beyond the kn wlege Ssrei resting to bankruptcy; Clerk. / tract, may on application be secured are visiting relatives. -- of the ball enthusiasts in this city. Ithe has duly surrendered all his aug 20. It at the office of the State Highway Miss Olga Cucullu of New Orleans Department, Lake Charles' team has been play- r I ty ad right of property, and New Orleans, La., or ing throughout Louisiana of late 'A-i& i& "I fl,"i iompUedwith all the re- from D. E. Drio, Engineer; 11th is visiting her unlSeaoA apnt, Mr. and SeIftents of said Acts and of the or- SHERIFF'S SALE Road District, St. Landry parish, Ope- Mrs. Lionel Bienvesne of this city. and was badly beaten by the Monro' 4iOa the court touching his bank- lousas, Louisiana. team in three straight games recently. Mrs. J. Morgan Sandoz and daugh- HiGH SCKOQL OPEJ$.S eflKIBo CLEOPHAS GUIULLORY DUrNCAN BUIE, ter of New Orleansar are guests this' Piano and Organ Expert h:-trfore he prays that he may versus State Highway Engineer. Welsh had beaten Monroe two out of ON TUESDAY, iIEPTrMtIE 4 o:i6 ree by the court to have a BXOPOLD PAPUILON PRAtNK M. KERRR, week of the former's mother, Mrs. three; Lake Charles had beaten ERWIN VAN DYKE of New Or- Mi ~elaiu from all debts prov- Ohief State Engineer, P. Mistric, on outh Court . street, Welsh several times and lost to the leans, expert tuner an drepairer of The 19l1-192 sBensiona t the 6idet Sa••- it his estate under said No. 21,984,, Civil Docket, Sixteenth Pres. Board State Engineers. this city. latter pianos, organs, player " pianos and once or twice; Welsh has highbchool will t*NIt acts, except such debts as Judicial District Court, Parish tug 20 4t Miss Ruth Dupre, of Houston, electric-pianos, on his round through begin on df I atepted by law from such dis- of St. Landry, La.. beaten Opelousas two out of three, September 6, Monday being laborr day, Texas is in Opelousas this week, vis- and Lake Charles beat Opelousas this district, 'offers his services. For WANTED and. therefore a 'legal bholidy. 'Ti isthis day of June, A. D. virtue of-, writ of seizure and Live man with some capital to iting her sister, Mrs. John P. Des- three straight years tuner to .mtsleians of national 24th By is somewhati' earpra sale, issued out'of the Honorable Six- )perate FEED STORE in Opelousas, marais. reputation. References from univer. opening date That is about the way the record than usual but the school authevftIM* NIU;.a D.
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