Religion hits MSU o Zealots spread the word on campus comments. Fred Freedman Beth O ' eiU, a sophomore in Exponent staff writer photogr!PhY, was one ofthe voices to speak in oppomion. Montana State got a dose of "I think he's just being real religion chis week as a group of hypocritical, and he's talking evangelicals took the time co no­ (down) all these different groups tify all students of their eternal which, I mean, that's what life 1s damnation. all about," O'Neill said. "That's The mosr notable and noace­ what society is, it's just a con­ able were the evangelicals, Brother glomeration of all the different Jed Smock, his wife, Sister Cindy, types of people, and, here he is, he .. and Sister Pac, who declined to just wanes one rype." give her lase name. They addressed Many scudencs queried as­ the crowd in loud, confrontational serted strongly that the evangelicals tones for several days, alternating had every right to speak and stand preaching duties as they went. up for what they believed in, but Smock wore a sandwich board some did not. sign which gave warning to all "I chink this guy, you know, "'faggots, feminises, cheats, drunk­ you have freedom of speech, but ards, fornicators, evolutionists, pot why does he have co do chis on smokers," and ochers of their face campus? They should have him to burn in hell. This, in addition off-campus," freshman Lance co their aggressive style, did not Turner said. go over well with much of the photoby--d "It's like he's attacking people gathered crowd, who responded, other Jed Smock spreads his message of Hellfire and damnation on the Montana State campus this week. sometimes angrily, to the trio's see Religion page 2 Student saves man from burning car tht roblems facing Tawna Mitchell Moa te University to- fa.-ponenr news editor day• bc sakl His main priority as provost He could have kept on driving. Jack Drumheller was ap­ is to provide the faculty with a But when Lanny Real Bird spotted ar.;t~ ~ l1llnimed interim provost at MSU­ supportive environment in which a motorise in trouble, his instincts i:-...;::;;;.J11a....zeman chis week, replacing to function. He believes that took over. tgoingprovostMarkEmmert. MSU-Bozcman has an excellent The trouble turned our co be irr.<••....,...,.e will hold che position until a faculty and that steps should be bigger than Real Bird had antici­ rional search can be conducted. taken to keep pated when he pulled over co help a rum heller himselfis not pursu­ it that way. fellow mocoriscwhose car was smok­ the position, due to che fact "'I can't ing. Real Bird, a Montana State at he is two years from retire­ think of a graduate scudenc in education, was ent. higher pri­ driving back to Bozeman from Bill­ He arrived at MSU in 1964, ority than ings on the night of February 9. d was tenured as a full profes­ supporting About 10 miles east of Livingston, r in 1972. He was named the faculty,,, he spotted a car alongside the road. mg dean of che College of Drumheller "I thought it was steaming," he ners & Science in 1991, and said. explained. "I stopped to share some cceeded to the full; permanent He antifreeze that I had in my trunk sition a year later. He is very added that he Jack Drumheller with that person. When I stopped, Lanny Real Bird (left) receives the Colonel's Meritorious Service Award from chusiastic about bis upcoming felr that whoever succeeded him as I walked over there and I saw char Montana Highway Patrol Colonel J. B. Moody. The award was presented to omotion. acting dean of Letters & Science the car was burning underneath, so Real Bird on Wednesday to honor his heroic act. "It will be a challenge, and would be a good choice, pointing I went up to the door and knocked "I was shaking him," Real I thought I was going to drag htm m looking forward to working to the excellent work done bf. Asso­ on the window." Bird said. "He was out because the our by then because he was a big ·th President Malone and the ciate Dean f unMcMillanand Assis­ Realizing the man was uncon­ whole inside was full of smoke. Ir guy-he was pretty big. He wasn't tofthe administration to solve tant Dean Aclele Pittcndrigh. scious, Real Bird opened the door smelled like burning plastic. It got and attempted to wake htm. to me too, but I undid his seatbelt. See Burning Car page 2 S1--,ccial Friday: Scattered rain or snow showers. Press Conference Colder with local northwest winds 15 to 25 mph. High of 42 degrees, low of 22. Maddness! Developmentally Saturday: A chance or rain or snow show­ disabled citizen John Tillotson holds a ers, mainly during the morning. Cold with leads a full life. post-exam Q and A. local northwest winds. High of 37 degrees. L-L---'----.....:...J pages 14-15 page 23 2 Page · Friday, March 24, 1995 A MSU Exponent Religion ______ from page 1 for'' har the\' arc," o·:-.:e1ll added. enngehcab, but tlur l\1SL gave a Prmceron tO name a fe,, .So, we Perlups the mosr mtcresung of bcrrtr response than mo>t would like to sec rhcolog) rcsrored Brothc1 Jed's assemons dunng his "These people here han: kept to academic respccrab11in· on our prc.H:hmg was his ins1srence th.n their wol prert\' much. They seem college campuses It's amazmg at the a\ eragc ~1Sl' man was kmd of a bit more higher mtelligencc how 1gnoranr srudenrs arc of the­ w1mp1sh,~ladung m sdf-d1sc1phne where rhev can reason a httk bit, olorrv '' and control, and rhat "campus floo- vou know," she said Some students expressed 1rn­ zies" had rried to seduce him On Thursday, Sister Pat ad- canon that other groups, such as "These girls are despcrarc for dressed a group of stu<lcnrs by the Montana State Rugby Club, a real man," he said. msisnng rhatwomen han: no place rhe Cutthroats, have been hustled i rer Pat followed Brother ar a u111versi1:y and belong at h m1e ot·~campus m the past for passmg Jed and was, m ome \\'ays, more making babies. 01:t flyers ad\•errising their aggressive and confrontanonal Brother Jed and Sister Cindy O'.<toberfest party. Although than he. In response to a pro- brought their children with them, Brod1cr Jed and Sister Pat were rracred argument about abortion, fi,•e small girls ranging from approached by campus representa­ shc respo'nded by asking, our of months to ten \'cars old. On Se\·- ti\·es on Tuesday and asked to move the blue, 1f the student Ill question era I occasions, t\\'O of me children rneir preaching to me vicinity of was a lesbian. \\'hen the student donned child-size sandwich boards Danforrn Chapel, Lt was only after emphancally responded no, ister warn mg of hell and shouted at more man rnree hours. On Wed.nes­ Par said, "I cast vou ouc, devil," students to repent. day and Thursday, rney preached ending rhe discus.s ion. The Smocks are from New- for hours m me center of campus B~orher Jed, ister Cindv, and ark, Ohio, and have been preach- and were not approached at all. isrer Pat are nor ordained inm1s- mg for O\'er rwo decades at cam- "They get ro come ro campus tcrs. They are self-described as be- puses in every state except Alaska, and pump d1eir religion down mg "called by God," to spread d1e as well as campuses abroad. everyone's rnroat all me time," word at campuses around me na- Their present tour began in said Joe Williams, a senior in biol­ tion. They are members ofa group January, swinging through sourh- ogy and member ofm e Cutiliroats. called "Campus Ministry, USA'' em states and up California on ""Being from a club from me uni­ which has reams mat travel around rneir way to MSU. T hey appeared versity, we tried ro advertise things me country for monms at a time. last week at U. of M.-Missoula. for us, you know, and wirnin ren Sister Par descnbed me goal "I believe our college cam- minutes we were (told), 'You can't of me evangelical team as nor to puses have exchanged the rrurn of do mat here, you're not allowed.' convert anyone, but just to get Christian theology for the lies of And mis guy can come along who students to read the Bible and your secular humanists, and this is doesn't attend this university and rediscover Christ. most unfortunate," Smock said. pay money to be here, and he's Sister Pat is from Wisconsin, "The most prestigious universities allowed ro just sit out mere and and preaches part time. She said in rhe world were founded by me preach what he wants to preach me thac most campuses are typically church. I'm talking about Ox- wholetime,and nooneshufiles hin1 similar in their response to the ford, Cambridge, Yale, H arvard, off. We're a srudent organization." Brother Jed Smock's daughter joined the crusade. $22 million stadiumgets approval Burning Car __ from page waking up, so I got one leg out. I \\'as pulling on his shoulder and pulling on h practice time. arm, probably thinking I was going to drag Then he came to. I kept telhr. Sarah Porter "Wirn me wearner in Bozeman, me foot­ hii?· him ro o-et out-his car was on fire.
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