-- - - ******~*****************5-DIGIT 0?906 2239 11/30/91 -":* 62 ·- . R.!. JE~!SH h!STO~l~AL AS~OC1ATION P~bv1o~~tE:~R11,n "EC'c·o11c CT · ·Rhode Island Jewish Touro Freedom HERALD Race page 13 VOLUME LXXVII, NUMBER 24 THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1991 35t PER COPY Israelis Unwind, !Adult Bar /Bat MitzvahAt Habonim I But Love The Bomb NEW YORK (JT A) - The among I, 130 Israelis believed threat of non-conventional to be a representative sample of warfare has apparently the country's adult Jewish pop­ ;·- - I . - . prompted Israelis to offer their ulation, also established that Defense Ministry a virtually the war ca used three out of ev­ unanimous endorsement to de­ ery 10 Israelis to change their velop nuclear weaponry. On a opinions on security and politi­ wealth of other issues, how­ ca l issues. i~~-,.,._'" \ s, . • ~ .... ~-:, ever, the gap between hawks "That's an enormous figure, '""j I ) and doves seems to have but the net effect does not seem widened as a result of the Per­ to be very great," Arian said, sian Gulf War. adding that in most cases the In a public opinion survey war accelerated polarization, conducted by Tel Aviv Univer­ causing hawks to become more a sity's Jaffee Center for Strategic hawkish and doves more ~1 '• Studies, 91 percent of the re­ dovish. spondents favored the expan­ While there has been a slight 'A sion of Israel's nuclear capabil ­ increase in the number of peo­ ( 1:JJ ity, up by 15 percentage points ple who would agree to the es­ from 1987. tablishment of a Palestinian The number of people who state in the West Bank and favored the use of nuclear Gaza Strip, half of the Israeli weapons increased " astound­ public continues to strongly op­ ingly" over the past few years, pose the creation of an inde­ added Professor Asher Arian, pendent Palestinian state, and who conducted the survey. to view the Arab population of The survey suggested that Is­ Israel as being increasingly raelis were primarily interested hostile. - Left to right (rear): Linda Klepper, Joyce Zern, Helena Friedmann, Michael Little. in nuclear weapons as a deter­ Thus, more than half the (front): Toby Liebowitz, Micki Gold, Pat Buff, Temma Holland, Karen Goldman, Barbara rent against the use of non-con­ rspondents supported harsher Heller, Hope Zawatsky, Terry Lieberman, Deborah Klibanoff. ventional weapons by the Arab measures against Palestinians. states; they did not seem to On another note, the study by Sarah Baird the honorees had been waiting of being Jewish, of belonging to think that a nuclear capability illustrated a rise in U.S. prestige Herald Associate Editor decades for this day. a communi ty." As if to demon­ was necessary to offset the among Israeli s. Sixty-four per­ "Happy are we whose sy11agogue On Friday afternoon Barring­ str"ate their point, the eleven Arab's numerical superiority in cent of the respondents s,1id is s111a/l / because we love each ton was buzzing with excite­ women and one man swirled conventional weaponry. they believed American secu­ Jew / because we have to / be­ ment. In a flurry, the celebrants around this reporter, one fin ­ Thus, 75 percent of the re­ rity commitments were reli­ cause we do ./-..Happ y are we drove to and from Temple ishing the other's sentences, spondents said they were will­ able, up JO points from last wh ose house is a shut/ a11d Habonim with arm loads of peppering their comments on ing to abandon all non-conven­ year. whose te111ple is a ho111e." /For the ·flowers, fruits, tablecloths, and record wi th conversation off tional weapons providing the Trust in American Jewry also Jews of B11ai Isaac, Aberdeen, glassware. These dedicated, in­ the recor.d . enemy did so too. There was far rose. Sevt!nty-two percent of South Dakota). spiring adults were hard at Although some of the words work setting up for their own differed, most of the comments less readiness to accept limita­ the respondents said they be­ Shabbat services began wi th tions on conventional forces. lieved U.S. Jewry strongly sup­ Oneg Shabbat. had a similar focus . All twelve this poem last Friday at Temple With infectious smiles and adults were excited and moved Arian said he believed this ported the Israeli government's Habonim in Barrington, as the attitude reflected confidence in policies. Only 58 percent frequent displays of affection, by the impending ceremony. congregation gathered to cele­ they acted more like family They took seriously the signifi­ the IDF's capability in case of thought so last year. brate the synagogue's first conventional war. However, But can the American Jewry members than classmates. As cance of the rituals and were Adult Bar and Bat Mitzvah. they pulled together to orga-' ready to participate as commit­ confidence in Israel's ability to influence U.S. policy regarding The twelve adults comprising cope with a non-conventional the Arab-Israel conflict? Half nize the reception, individuals ted, informed adults. Their the Bar/ Bat Mitzvah group, paused to offer their insight dedication and enthusiasm war has been "shaken some­ the respondents thought they spent the early afternoon what," he said. could, the same figure as in last into the process and meaning were truly awesome. preparing the synagogue for " I'm the oldest one in the The survey, conducted year's survey. of their Bar / Bat Mitzvah. the evening's honors and cele­ _group," Hope Zawatsky con­ " I think that a big surprise for bration. The celebrants had fided with a broad smile. all of us is the unity that devel­ studied under the guidance of " When I first joined this group, oped in the group," explained "We Are All Our their teachers, Toby Liebowitz I wanted to do this because as a and Rabbi James B. Rosenberg, Joyce Zern. "Yes, " continued young gal, I didn't have the op- Barbara Heller, " it's the unity Brother's Keepers'' for a year and a half. A few of (continued on page 11) by Kathy Cohen given by Yad Vashem for her dren ranged in age from about came truly conscious. And, at Herald Associate Editor courage, the Myrtle Wreath 2 to 12. The Germans were last, in that same week (I de­ Marion Pritchard, a heroine from Hadassah and has been loading them into the truck. cided) to take home a little boy of the Dutch underground dur­ honored by the Anti-Defama­ The kids didn't move fast for a couple of days until a ing World War II , was the fea­ tion League among many oth­ enough. They were crying and place was found where he tured speaker at the Jewish ers. upset and these (Germans) ... (continued on page 3) Community Center of Rhode Pritchard took the podium at just picked up these kids by the Island last Monday, May 6. 3 pm and began to relay an arm, by the leg, and threw Mis. Pritchard's speech was amazing story of stealth, cun­ them into the truck. And I DON'T MISS OUR part of the center's Anne Frank ning and resourcefulness that cou ldn't believe what I was exhibit, which runs until May made the Dutch Underground seeing. Two women came from MOTHER'S 12 . famous for bedeviling their the other side and tried to stop Pritchard, who during the Nazi captors. the Germans who si mply o DAY o Holocaust rescued Jewish peo­ Pritchard explained to a cap­ picked them up and threw ple from Nazi genocide at the tiv e audience how it was that them on top of the children in FEATURE ri sk of her own life, has been she began her crusade to hide the truck. honored by many Jewish orga ­ Jews from peril. " And that was when my de­ PAGES 10 & 11 nizations. She is the recipient of " I saw a truck outside a Jew­ cision to do anything I could to Marion Pritchard th e Righteous Gentile Award ish chil dren's home. The chil - fru strate the fin al solution be- 2 - THE 'RHODE IS~AND JEWISH HERALD, THOR5DA Y, MAY, 9, 1991 - Inside the Ocean State great pain, sedation, grog­ take over the lung's job during Miriam Women Help Patients In Pain giness, relief, new pain build­ respiratory distress. The design The proceeds of The Miriam pain for two hours," according up. Seventy-five percent of is computer driven, state-of­ Hospital Women's Associa­ to Dr. Steven Blazar, who post-operative pain occurs the-art and has an extensive tion's 1991 Equipment Event described the benefits of within the ensuing 48 hours. alarm system. Dr. Charles B. will be used to purchase five Patient-Controlled Analgesia The PCA machine, releasing Sherman, Director of the Pul­ Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) machines. The patient measured amount of pain monary Division of the Depart­ Machines and a Ventilator for with a PCA now has control medication into the blood­ ment of Medicine at The the I.CU. At our Open Meet­ over his pain. Instead of push­ stream when the patient deter­ Miriam, explained its use and ing in February, two Miriam ing a call button, the button mines it is needed, is extremely its importance to our patients. Hospital physicians, Steven L. pushed released pain medica­ successful in providing relief. It This event was under the Blazar, M.D. and Charles 8. tion directly into the blood­ was invented in 1984 and is Chairmanship of Suzanne Sherman, M.D., described this stream. Less medication is now used in 45% of all U.S.
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