Lincolnshire. [ :&Elly's

Lincolnshire. [ :&Elly's

S22 LINCOLNSHIRE. [ :&ELLY'S l:JOWI.N& ~ ~l).h'o'(}' HO"lffllt IiMPfllR" Couk:...T.olln Lawreacep Str~~r-'1! Mildi ,Olea- Green-..'\frs, Olaarlettef 16 Lu(Htorou~h ~~ C.Outinue<l... +' ,thQT;pe!lf Gi!ca'o Grimsby ' • "t, l • Rignga.te, Cleet.horvea, -Great Gnmsby Appleyard f'l1m-fe~. 1 %mm's terrace, Sea Couibec'k ""Benjamint SirfueY:. terr\aqel ~h Green MrS. 'Mary', 'L BirmingHam vHlas, Clee· Banlt road, fJleeth0rptJ!t, Gre!.t Grimsby- street, 'Cleeth6rpest Great Grimsby " thorpes, Great GP.inisby ,4bpleyard Obatl:~• 7• G..aor~&, ()l~e- Ooulbecik'llm. llumlij 55 lf't'J!fate, Ulntf1 Groocock James, 7 Castle hili, Lmcoln , tl.lorpes, Grea.t Grimsby • Coulbeck HA1ru:y7 Righgate, pleethorpes, Gryll~ H. IJe.Courcy,4a ChtHch ~t. Gairn;l>Mo' Appleyard Mnt. Croft,r Sea View street, Great Grimsby Gusta.rd Mrs. EUznbeth. 39 Ran'lsgate1.:Louth Cleethorpes, GreRt Grims!Jy 1 Coulbool~ Jehn, 'il Cambridge tJerrooe; >{)lee- Itaith Thomas, Mablethorpe St. Mary, Alford Appleyard J oseph1 St, Peter's rood, -6Iee- thorpes, Great Grimsby · Hampsen Mrs. Elizh. South parade, Skegness thorpes, Great Grimsby Ooulbeck John, jun, Bancroft street, €100. Harper Cl1ristopher, Sea. Bank road, Clee- Appleyard Juseph, sea V;ie.w street, Clee- thorpes, Great Grimsby thm:pes, Great Grimsby thorpes, Great Grimsby Coulbeck Kirman1 Highgate, Cleethotpes, Harrison Mrs. Sarah, 17 Torr st.Gainsborough Appleyard JosBpll J;'oster, Humber !ltr.eet, · Great Grimsby Hatliffe. Mrs, Samh Ashley, Sutton-in-the- Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Coulbeck Mrs.. Mary Ann, 4> Humber rerrace, Marsh, Alford Appleyard Mrs. ·Sarah, 1 Highgate terrace, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Hayes Thomas, East view, Eea Bank road, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Coulbeck Richard, Humber street, Clee- Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Appleyard To bit, 4 Spring termce, Mill toad, thorpe&, Great Grimsb:r Hepworth Thomas, High street, Skegness Cleetllorpes, areat Grimsby Cox & Elliott Misses, Providence house, Hipkin Geo. Henry Gomersall ter. Skegness ~ppleyard Waiter, 6 Albion terna.ce, Clee- South parader Skegness Hollingworth Mrs. L. 4 Lumley ter. Skegness thorpes, Great Grimsby Croiit Mr&. Hamon; l! Alb!oh tetrare, Clee- Holtnes Chas. Partney mill, Partney, Spilsby Atkinson Mrs, Mary Ann, Market place, thorpes, Great Grimsby • Holmes 11-Irs. Susannah, 86A, ·upgate, Louth Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Croft Jcseph; 2 Sea Bank road, Cleethorpes1 Holmes WiBiarn, Edinb!lrgh avenn. Skegness Baker Robert1 Cambridge street, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Holtby .Mrs. Elizabeth, High street, Clee· Great Grimsby Croft Samuel, South parade, Mill road, Clee- thorpes, Great Grimsby Bamber, Felix Oswald, Mablethotpe St. thorpes, Grimsby HoltbyFredk.High:st.Cleethorpes,Gt.Grimsby Mary, Alford Cwss Geo. Cross st. Oleethorpes, Gt. Grimsby Hooton John, 7 Perseverance terrace, Thruns- Bannister J o]ln, ll George street, Clee- Cros·skill Thomas, BaR croft street, Clee- coe road, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby thorpes, Great Grimsby· thorpes, Great Grimsby Hopkin Edgar, Humber street, Cleethorpes, Barber Mrs. A. 104 Kent street, Gt. Grimsby Cackmn Mi~;s Ann, St. Peter's road\ Olee- Great Grimsby Barker John, Knoll Crescent. house, Clee- thorpes, Great Grimsby Hopwood Mrg. 7~1Victoria st. west,Gt.Grimsby thorpes, Great Grimsby Dabb Mrs. Eliza, 14 Kidgate, Lonth 1 Horn William, 3 Spurn View terrace, Thruns- Barrans Miss Rutb, .Prinde Alfred avenue, Davis Mrs, Deeping St. James,MarketDeepihg coe road, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Skegness • DayChas. SenBank rd. Cleethorpes,Gt.Grimsby Horton George, ~Iablethorpe St. Ma,ry, Alford Bars by Mrs Mary Ann, Portland place, St. IDay kin Isaac, Rothevham house, WB.intleet Hotsow William, 10 Kingston terrace, High- Peter's road, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby roarl, Skegl'!ess gate, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Baxter Mrs. Eliza., il Arlington ~treet, New Dermis Mrs. H. Cr!llne l'lnd, Freiston, Boston Houlden .Mrs. .Ellza, Revesby villa, Lumley Clee, Great Grimsby Dixon Mrs. Annie,Peak's termce,Oleethorpes, road, Skegness Bedward Thomas, Nottingham house, South (}r~t Grimsby Howllen ][rs. ::1-Iaria, Salttleet, Louth parade, Skegn~s Dixon Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 Oambl'idgeterrace, Hudson Richard, 1 Pier terrace, Skegness Beecham John, Hornca•tle road, Boston Cleeihorpes, Great Grimsby Huggins John, sen. Woodha.ll Spa,Horncastle Bell George, St. Peter's road, CleethorpesJ Dixon Francis, 3 Nottingham terrace, Clee- HnttonJolm,liigh st.Cleethorpes,Gt.Grimsby Great Grimsby thorpes, Great Grimsby , Hutty .llrs. llfary, 81 Williriglmm street, Bell, 13 LudllOJ'OUgh terrace, High- Dixon James, Spring house, Beaconthorpe, Weelsby, Great Grimsby gate, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Oleethorpes, Great Grimsby Hydes Mr~.Ann A. Crow Garth,Gainsborough Bemrose Joel, Chapel, Alfm-d Dobbs Frederick, 4 Sea Bank road, Clee- lngl:ro.m Jesse, Hope street, Cleethorpes, Bennett Mrs. S. MablethO!"pe St• .llary,Alford thorpes, Great Grimsby ltreat Grimsby Bentley Mrs. J. 0. High street, Cleethorpes, Drewery Mrs. Charlotte, Mablethorpe, St. J ackson )frs. Hanna.h, fl Sea Ba11k road, Clee- Great Grimsby Mary, Alford thorpes, Great Grimsby Bentley Mrs. Jane, 3 Grosvenor place, High Duke Miss Betsey1 Clifton house, South Johnson Edward, 12 Ludborough terrace, street, Cleetlmrpes, Great Gri:IUsby parade, Skegness Highgate, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Black John, Grosvenor villa, South parade, Earle James Alexander, 4 Cambridge terrace, Jones .llrs. Phcebe, Thrunscoe. Cleethorpes. Skegness Oleethorpes, Great Grimsby Great Grimsby Black Mrs. B. Prince Alfred a.venue,Skegnes.s East, 1 Osborne terrace, Cleethorpcs, Julian Robert, Humber street, Cleethorpes, Blake Thomas, Poplar street, Beaconthorpe, Great Grimsby Great Grimsby Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Edwards William Winter, Station villa, Wain- Kemp Richard, 1 Birmingham villa,, Glee- BoothW. Wyberton house,Lumley rd. Skegness' tleet road, Skegness thorpes, Great Grimsby Boyers John, 12 George street, Cleethoqrus, Eggleston Mrs. Elizabeth, 64GaribaJdi street, Kilvington Hy. Prince Alfred aven. Skegness Great Grimsby Great Grimsby Lambert Joshua, Thrumscoe rd. CJeethorpes, Bratley J olm, Ashton villa, Bkegnes9 Eley Mrs. Annie, 32 Lumley road, Skegnes& Great Grimsby BroddleS. H urn ber st. Cleethorpes, Gt. Grimsby Ellis Miss Ellen, Cam bridge street, Clee- Langridge J olm, Mablethorpe St. :\Iary, Alford Broughton Mrs. HalUlah, Clowes cottage, thorpes, Great Grimsby Leesing Charles, 7 Bancroft street, Olee- Higbgate, Clellthorpes, Great Grimsby Ellis Henry, Derby ho. Lumley rd. Skegness thorpes, Great Grimsby Broughton Thomas, Bournes cottages, Mill Elphee Mrs. Lucy, 6 Lumley terrace,Skegnes~ Leesing Mrs. Eliza, Sea View street, Clee· road, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Blllerson Mrs. Jane, 28 Earl st. Gt. Grimsby thorpes, Great Grimsby Brown A. Hope street, Cleethorpes, Great' Emerson Mrs. Mary, 1 Dea.nsgate terrace, Leesing George, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Grimsby Great Grimsby . Leigllton Charles, 3 Pier terra.ce, bkegness Brown Charles, 4 Kingston terrace,Highgate, Emmerson Thomas, 3 Victoria terrace, Clee- Liddall Richard, Edinburgh avenue, Skegness Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby thorpes, Great Grimsby ' LU!gard Charles, Bancroft street, Cleetlwrpes~ Brown G. Mill rrl. C!Het1wrpes, Gt. Grimsby Farrow Mrs'. Hannah, Poplar street, Beacon- Great Grimsby Brown John, Northcote house, Rutland thorpe, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Lidgard James, Cross street, Clcethorpes', road, Skegness Featherstorre William, High street, C!ee- Great Grimsby Brown Thomas Horace, Thurlow house, Sea. thorpes, Great Grimsby Lidgard Mrs. Lucy, Sidney terrace, High Bank road, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Fletcher Mrs. Ann, Gornersall ter. Skegness streot, Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Brown William, 10 Sea B·mk road, Clee- Foster Richd. Mahlethorpe St. Ma.ry, Alford Lockwood Edward, 2 Highgate terrace, Clee- thorpes, Great Grimsby Foster Stephen, Mablethorpe St. Mary, Alford tlwrpes, Great Grimsby Browne W. Mablethorpe St. Mary, Alford Fowler Charles, St. Peter's roaci, Cleetlwrpes, L.ongden Mrs• Eleanor1 4 Nottingham terrilice, Bull J. 4 Fountain villas, Lumley rd. Skegness Great Grimsby Cleethorpes, Great Grimsby Bullmore Henry, 77 Lumley road, Skegness Fox William, 6 Nattingh::tm terrace, Clee- Luoa.g Hurrlman,St. Peter's road, Cleethorpes, Burgess George, Dial house, High street, thorpes, Great Grimsby Dreat Grimsby Cleethorpes, Great Grimbby )<'rancis George, 7 Charles street, 'Cleethorpes, Lund MFs. Mary, 11 Sea Ba.nk 'road, Glee- Burgess Thomas, 4 Highgate terracP, Clee- Great Grimsby thorpes, Great Grimshy thorpes, Great Grimsby Frith John, Drummond road, S.kegness Lynus Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, Thorn villa., Burns Misses Susannah & Eliza, Richmond Frow John, SuttCln•in-the"Marsh, Alforll Wainfieet road, Skegness House, Lumley road, Skegne,;s Garner }[rs. .Mary, 27 Victoria terrace, ::\Iackrill John, Bruce cottage~. Cleethorpes, Butcher Mrs. Sarah, 2 Oarnbri(lge terrace, Skirbeck, Boston Great Grim~by Cleethprpes, Great Grimsby Gr>ty William, Humber street, Oleethorpes, Mackrill Joseph, 8 Sea Bank rd. Cleethorpes, Campkin Mrs Jane, Kmgston house, South Great Grimsby Great Grimsby parade, Skegness Giles J. Frederica ter. North parade,Skegness Macknll William, Humber street,CleetlwrPes. Cater Mrs. H. 2 Lurnley teuace, Skegness Gill bray William, Drummond villa, South Great Grimsby • Chamber~ Joseph, Bolham house, Lumle~ parade, Skegness :\Iajor John Wm. 79 Lumley road, Skegnes3 road, Skegness Gilmore :!?a trick, ll Birmingham vil!&s, Clee- )f arfiPet William, Grant's buildings, .l!ill rei, Chapman Richard,

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