THE TECHNICIAN of NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE Vol. XXII, No. 24 STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. C., APRIL 10, 1942 Offices: 10 and 11 Tompkins Hall .............. language fraternity Engineers and Officers ' Has Annual Congress 7 On Campus Tomorrow Feature Bobby Byrne In State College Chapter Of Sigma Pi Alpha To Be Host For Meeting Combined Spring Hop The 14th annual Congress of llllIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIlIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIII” l Sigma Pi Alpha, national honorary Eta Kappa Nu Picks Dance Will Replace Annual language fraternity, will be held at 0f David—ii Dances Of The Two Or- State College Saturday with the Four New Members : PRESIDENI son College ganizations; Byrne, “This Alpha Chapter as host. Four students and a faculty Dr. John R. Cunningham, Year’s Young Man Of Registration will begin at 1:30 member have been honored by Olllltllllnluulllgbelow, will deliver State Music,” Headlines Top o’clock in the D. H. Hill Library initiation into the State College> C o l l e g e’s commencement Spring Term Dance April 25 and the business session will start chapter of Eta Kappa Nu. national sermon May 8. The com- at 2 o’clock in the seminar room. honorary electrical engineering so- mencement program will Sponsored jointly by the Of- Dr. L. E. Hinkle, head ofthe mod- ciety, President J. R. Holshouser, conclude Saturday morning, ficers’ Club and the Engineers' ern language department at State Jr., of Greensboro, announced May 9. with the awarding Council, the “Offense Ball," planned College, will welcome the Congress, today. to take the place of both the Mili- and the response will come from of degrees. Josephus Dan- tary Ball and the Engineers’ Brawl, Dr. R. C. Deal 'of E.C.T.C. Prof. L. M. Kecver of the elec- iels will deliver the bacca- will feature Bobby Byrne and his The fraternity was founded at trical engineering department was laureate address. orchestra on April 25 in Raleigh’s State College in 1927 through the taken into honorary membership. yllllllllllllllllllll "tIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-lullIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn Memorial Auditorium. effortsof Dr. Hinkle, and now has New student members are William 12 chapters. Present national of- S. Wilson of Yanceyville. James A. The Ofi'ense Ball is to be held in ficers are Dr. A. M. Fountain of Joyner of Sharpsburg 'and Alan the Memorial Auditorium instead State College. president; Miss Lena Maclntyre and Merle Showalter of of Frank Thompson Gymnasium in Rivers Boley of Catawba. vice Raleigh. order to bring the event closer to president; Miss Marguerite Austin A banquet followed the initiation the general public, and so that of E.C.T.C., secretary; and Prof. ceremony. with C01. J. W. Harrel- students from both the Engineer- The officers of L company- of Stanley T. Ballenger of State Col- son, dean of administration, .as ing School and the Officers’ Club the third battalion of the lege. corresponding secretary and principal speaker. may be admitted. The gymnasium State College ROTC regiment treasurer. will not hold the number of stu- do an “eyes right” as they Following the business session, dents eligible to attend the dance. pass the reviewing stand in an informal tea will be held at 4 The general public will be ad- the parade Monday featuring o’clock at the residence of Dr. and lextile Exposition mitted to the balcony as spectators, National Army Day. Review- Mrs. Hinkle, 1714 Park Drive. At 7 and proceeds from the sale of such ing the troops were Colonel o’clock a banquet session will start And Style Show lo Be tickets will be used to buy United J. W. Harrelson. Colonel T. W. in the Woman’s Club building, with States Savings Bonds. Brown. and Josephus Daniels. John A. Park. editor and publisher Officially billed as “This year’s (Above) of The Raleigh. Times, as speaker. Presented April 30 young man of music," Byrne comes An international student panel to the campus with a string of discussion on “Peace—and Then One Hundred And Thirty- successes behind him, the likes of What?” will have the following stu- Nine College Girls To Model which any,of the top name-bands in * dents participating: Nai-Zer Yao, In Annual Style Show the country would be proud of. Chinca; Pedro E. DeVidts, Chile; The way in which Bobby got into Felix Francis Arnstein, Italy; A total of 139 girls from 10 big time music presents an exciting These youngsters were very Maurice Rothberg, Australia; North Carolina colleges will par- string of events that would be much interested in the opera- Omer Shakin Ataman, Turkey; ticipate as models in the annual April 18 Date Set For enough to make all but the best tion of a Browning machine Paul Felix Hilton, Austria; M. J. style show which the State College break under the strain. When the gun and A. T. Lassiter and Pamintuan, the Philippines; J. A. Textile School will present April Dorsey brothers, Tommy and Jim- J. T. Maynard explained to Zelaya, Peru; Jessie Diaz, Puerto 30, Dean Thomas Nelson an- Annual Junior-Senior; my, had their big splituup, Jimmy, them just how it worked. Sev- Rico; and Anabel Calleiro. Cuba. nounced yesterday. who was left with the band, tried eral of these guns were on dis- All are students at State College The girls, representing 76 North Royce Stoenner Plays frantically to get a trombonist to play in Riddick Stadium dur- except Misses Diaz and Calleiro, Carolina communities, 11 other fill the gifted Tommy's shoes. ing the Army Day exercises. who attend Meredith. states and the District of Columbia, Band Voted Most Popular Bobby, then only sixteen and (Left) An informal dance will follow will model garments made by In Mid-western Ballrooms hardly that, was the answer to the discussion. themselves with fabrics designed Jimmy’s prayer. By an amazing and woven by students in the Tex- To Furnish Music for Dance coincidence, it was at Glen Island tile School. Dean Nelson originated Which Will Feature Ring Casino in New Rochelle, New York, a: lextile Authorities the style show in 1928 to boost the Ceremony that Bobby joined the Dorsey value of cotton in feminine wearing The‘annual Junior-Senior Prom, orchestra in May 1935. And in apparel. given each year by the junior class, May of 1940, Bobby, just turned lo Gather In Raleigh Samples of student-produced will be held April 18, with Royce twenty-two, opened at that same fabrics are sent to participating Stoenner and his band supplying nigh- spot with his own band. girls for their selections far in ad- the rhythm, it was announced this His popularity zoomed, and his For Colorists Meet vance of the style show. The gar- week by Ed Grosse, chairman of was the first band to ever be held Daniels Praises State ROTC ments are made as part-of their the dance committee in charge of over at Glen Island, playing three Convention Arranged For work in home economics. arrangements for the traditional extra weeks. Among his engage- Raleigh ~By President T. R. Participating colleges, the num- affair. ments since, the Strand Theatre in In Army Pay Talk To Corps Smith And Chairman ber of girls they will send to the New York. Frank Dailey’s Mead- Church style show and the home economics Stoenner has one of the most owbrook, Hotel Roosevelt in New teachers are Flora Macdonald, 18, popular young bands in the mid- Orleans, the Raleigh Cigarette Leading Tar Heel Editor Textile authorities from Maine Miss Vera Burnette; Greensboro, west and originated at the Uni- program for thirteen weeks on Glee Club To Record Compliments State Grad-.Kelly Heads A.S.C.E.; to Alabama will gather in Raleigh eight, Miss Edith A. Langley; versity of Kansas City. The outfit NBC. a smash engagement at uates On' Their Success' In April 17-18, with State College as is composed of thirteen men and Valley Dale, Hotel Serman Present War; ROTC Re- host. for a joint meeting of three Louisburg, 16, Mrs. Nellie Moon; was voted the most popular band in Chi- Discs For Contest Other Officers Elected important groups within the Amer- Appalachian. 18, Miss Rena Don- in the Mid-West Ballrooms for the cago, and a whole summer in the view Follows ican Association of Textile Chem- nell; Peace, 10, Miss Bertie Lee past two years. Cafe Rouge of Hotel Pennsylvania, Singers Also To Present Battalions of smartly-uniformed Chapter To Send Delegates ists and Colorists. Whitesides; Elon, 15, Miss Lida The orchestra has played at New York. “Ballad For Americans” ROTC students paraded in Riddick To Annual Meeting Of So- About 200 are expected to attend Muse; Meredith, 15, Miss Jennie such spots as the Pala~Mor Ball- Byrne’s greatness as a musician Soon In Connection With stadium while Josephus Daniels, ciety In Roanoke, Va. the meeting, which will include the M. Hanyen; High Point, 15, Miss room in Kansas City, Mo., The Surf is attested to by the fact that when Secretary of the Navy during the National Council, the National Re— Ada B. Johnson; Queens, 17, Miss Ballroom at Clear Lake, Iowa, the he was playing on Bing Crosby’s Other Groups first World War and ex-ambassador At a meeting of the student chap- search Committee and the Associa- Doris M. Anderson; and St. Mary’s, Plantation Club at. Kilgore, Texas, radio program with Jimmy Dorsey, ter of the American Society of Civil 7, Miss Elizabeth Bason. and other popular dance spots. the illustrious Leopold Stokowski The Glee Club will make record- of Mexico spoke, in the College’s tion’s Piedmont Section, which em- The style show, scheduled to be- offered to make a place for him in ings next Wednesday to be used in observance of Army Day.
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