SOCIALISTPublished Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party APPEALof New York, Left Wing Branches. Vol. II. - No. 1. 401 Saturday, January 1, 1938 5 Cents per Copy Sit-Down Strikes Sweeping France Algic Trial “Robinson-Rubens” Hits Labor Paris Utilities Frameup Prepared Ship Strikers Condemned As Mutineers For Paralyzed By For U.S. Spy Scare Solidarity Move BALTIMORE, Md—'The Roo­ sevelt regime struck a heavy New Strikes The psychological preparation of the American people blow against the Organized Labor for war goes on alongside the swift speed-up of the Roose- movement when it obtained the Paris transport facilities and public services were par­ ^^4t'fhHitary and naval program designed for the ultimate conviction here of Ji4 seamen of alyzed by a general strike beginning at dawn on Dec. 29. showdown with Japan for imperialist domination of the the S.S. Algic on charges of This was the answer to the attempts of Camille Chau- Pacific. “mutiny” because they partici­ temps’ People’s Front Government to break the new wave The country has been treated to its first spy-scare in pated in a sit-down strike. of sit-in strikes sweeping over France. the form of a spectacular search on a Japanese ship. Des­ The case of the Algic seamen Faced with rising prices which have wiped out the is of nation-wide importance be­ troyers of the Pacific fleet engage in mysterious “ maneuv­ gains made by the great strikes of June, 1936, and new ers” along the West coast. President Roosevelt announces cause the convictions were an attempt to curb the militancy of decree laws virtually abolishing the 40-hour week won at that he will ask an enlargment of the already stupendous the maritime workers and to that'time, the French workers are rising to the struggle. “outlaw" the sit-down strike naval building program which now calls for the expendi­ The movement is only begin-'?-------------------------------------------------------- weapon. ture of more than half a billion dollars. ning but its general characteris­ belt, with the Goodrich tire plant The basic motive behind the ® - tics are already clear. as a focal point, it has rapidly arrest and trials of the Algic “No Peace at Any Price’ Moscow are the center of a com­ 1. The character of the strikes spread to include telephone work­ seamen was the desire of the plex conspiracy with roots both is not episodic, but, on the con­ ers, steel workers, chemical Roosevelt war-mongering ad­ This followed Roosevelt's plain in Moscow and the United States, trary, reveals a determined mass workers, department stores, mo­ ministration to smash the inter- intimation that his government designed to feed the spy-scare in upsurge on the part of the work- vies, food warehouses, bakeries, was not prepared to continue this country. At one with Alf I national solidarity displayed by ers. The occupation of the fac-1 river boatmen and all forms of enjoying "peace at any price” Landon in the sentiment that a ll[tle seamen when they pulled a jtories is widespread. Although j transportation, especially the and the studiedly frigid "accep­ (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 7) [centered in Paris and its “red" j truck drivers. Thus the provinces, tance” of Japan’s apology for from Lille to Marseille, are in­ the sinking of the gunboat Panay volved. in the Yangtze River. The ex­ 2. The reaction of the workers tension of Japan’s robber war of reveals their revolutionary nature conquest in China will provide Cooperation-With Whom?-Why? and aspirations. The Goodrich more than ample opportunity for An Editorial factory flies the red flag. With hew incidents, new friction, new the experiences of the tremend­ “accidents” which can at any "Parallel" moves are being made in Washington press with its logical force and sincerity other ous strike wave of June, 193(1 tim e considered pro pitious be and in London to harmonize the policies of the democracies with great stakes for peace in the under their belts, there can be made the pretext for starting the world’s two leading imperialist powers in the Far Far East. The interests of France and the Nether­ no doubt that the workers have co n flict. Eastern crisis, which is daily becoming more acute lands, in the Pacific as well as in European waters, established factory committees. This week the Stalinists did as the invading armies of Japanese imperialism cannot be preserved in a world where the Yangtze Sympathy strikes develop in- their bit for the cause by getting continue their devastating march through China. attacks are tolerated or repeated. They must pro­ s.tantaneusly and intuitively as the American Student Union to These moves are the first fruits of the Japanese the workers learn that the repudiate the Oxford Pledge and ceed along the same pa rallels if in te rn a tio n a l People’s Front Government has to adopt an openly jingoistic sinking of the U. S.- gunboat Panay and their banditry is to be brought to the halt which their sent mobile guards to evacuate platform promising in advance attacks on British warships in the Yangtze River. sistev democracies now seek to impose." the workers forcibly from tire the students’ support to Ameri­ What is the meaning of this Anglo-American Who are these champions of justice and right occupied factories. The N. Y. can imperialism in the coming entente? What bearing does it have on China’s who seek to end the “international banditry" of Tim es dispatch o f December 26 war. A t the same time the Daily struggle against the barbarous invasion of the the Japanese imperialists? proves the seriousness of the si­ Worker, more loudly, more shrilly Japanese imperialists? What is its significance The very mention of Britain evokes living me­ tuation, when it says: than Hearst dares, lashes up the for the American and international working class? mories of imperialist freebooting and plunder, of “Government arbitrators pre­ spy mania and calls upon the In a considered editorial on December 24—an savage exploitation and oppression of weaker dicted the ‘beginning of the end’ government at Washington to editorial having all the earmarks of a statement peoples. British imperial grandeur is the story of the strike movement which emulate Stalin’s methods in deal­ of policy approved by the State Department in of a vast empire of colonial slaves, an empire threatened to approach propor­ ing with “spies” and “traitors” Washington—the New York Times warns the tions of the wave of strikes in i. e., a ll those who oppose Roose­ which spreads over two continents and embraces Japanese imperialists: 1936, under the government of velt’s and Stalin’s war aims, and numerous insular territories as well. India—of I^on Blum." most especially those who stead­ “ Those Japanese statesmen who are repotted Am ritsar massacre fame, land of public floggings, fastly dedicate themselves to the from Tokio as fearing joint action only would of mass pauperism, where the Royal Air Force revolutionary struggle against discover their error if, unhappily and unthinkably, periodically bombs villages of lowly Northwest Government Intervenes capitalism. their m ilitary forces were permitted to continue frontier tribesmen. Africa—land of forced labor 3. The strikes, although eco­ their cruel and illicit warfare against friendly na­ and wretched poverty, where millions of Negroes nomic in origin, immediately be­ The ‘Robinson’ Case tio n s .” are ground down in helotry. Palestine—where come political in every respect. This staid and respectable organ of American currently the Arabs are being subjected to naked § Developments in the mysteri­ “Premier Chautemps, after con­ military terror. ferences with Interior Minister ous “ Robinson-Rubens” case dur­ imperialism favors the widening of the Anglo- France—-“democratic" France of the Third Re­ Marx Dornroy and Air Minister ing the past week indicate more American entente: public and the Popular Front—and “democratic” and more clearly that the couple “ A concurrent policy of the United States and Pierre Cot, insisted that the how.fitting in a GPU cell in Great Britain needs only to be followed to im- (C ontinued on page 4) (Continued on page 2) 2 SOCIALIST APPEAL January 1, 1038 Red Flag Flies Over Latin-American Notes By Bernard Ross Chile the company reported that the enterprise could easily grant New French Stay-Ins The bankruptcy of Popular 26,000,000 pesos annually in wage Frontism and Stalinism becomes increase. The workers originally more evident with each passing demanded 16,000,000 pesos. (Contfnued from page 1) and political situation of France. I Stalinist Maneuvers in day. Recently, the reactionary The “anti-imperialist" Carde­ No wave of the magic wand of general Caelos Ibanez del Campo nas government which recently Goodrich fa c to ry m ust be eva­ class collaboration (People’s the Labor Movement who only a few years ago was granted large concessions to the cuated before negotiations could driven out of power by the Chil­ British Royal Dutch Shell, he­ Frontism) can change this basic 7. F in a lly , it w ould be a m is­ start." (N. Y. Times, December fact. Moreover, the Chautemps ean masses, returned to Chile. sitates before the handing down take to ignore the labor move­ 25). It is necessary to recall that government is doomed, because The Nacista Party, headed by of a decision. Incapable of ment, and especially its most compulsory arbitration is the Jorge Gonzales von Maree, fighting against imperialism it has accomplished its basic task important section, both numeri­ law of the land and that all and therefore can no longer serve promptly decided to support the and threatened by feudal reac­ cally and politically—the Stalin­ strikes are therefore "illegal candidacy of Ibanez in the com­ tion, the liberal bourgeoisie head­ the bourgeoisie.
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