womaaxtt co b i s t q h t c a l 1 New Bns Terminus P.U.C. Informed Firm M atawan Bui|n«<s A isn Seeks Rights On ^and Member National Editorial Association —'New Jersey Pre*» Association — Monmouth County Press Association Secures H elp'O f Rotary Near Former-S^t^At! _ Club For A ffalr O p^n Magnolia Inn 81st YEAR — 13th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J.; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1949 Six Cents To A rea Yqurigit«rs Negotiations to acquire rights for Tho Mntawan - Business' AhocU- ■ a new bus terminus In Matawan on Plebiscite Administrator M eeti V.IS. internes tio n 'm eetin g M onday a t iTtis' Msg- private property near the south | Retires From Practice ] Cafeteria Issue Custody Issue Victim Of Japs ”j nolla Inn formulntod plan# for the boundary of the-borough arc. in comlnif Hallowpen. cclwpallon to ^progress, the . mayor and council t»ko iilnco in ,thp Botoyghtof Mat- :^weref inform al by; letter' from the Again Is Aired awon on Monday, Oeti Sl.. .' > _ State ‘Public -Utility. Commission ,, Tho- • cclebmion la i ' Tuesday; -T h e P.U.C. reported' the > V9& hy, tho OMoola'tloiiViln. (jon- Rollo Transit' Co4 operators of .the " P o l i t i c a l ’’ . F a c t o r s ; Matawan Twp. Man Junction w ith , tlio;Mi|Uwon Jlqt«ry route invtjivfed, • had Ventured this Had Threatened School ! Claims -Visitation1: Rule Club, ; ' J;,''. information/: ; : ■I,:;- Program •'In ‘C liffw o o d ; Evaded B y Wife; Pay . A IL chltdrcu un,ta t|\q pg« gt VJ •; The street transportation • division. years, .who i aro? rDildn^ta 1 of M»t‘ ' ;i!;,.C6nference;Held.v . of the informed the council ; Order Reduced . .' I: »w«n =DoroM(lhi:pr! ! It had started investigation of the, In . the Mutuwan, .Townphlp j School ■I iThe/threatened disruption of tho . situation oh receipt of a letter from. ^ Estranged . Mr, and Mrs. Alex- plBlrlct,, «rc,Jnvltfd, .14:,ptujttelpate, Mrs/ RuthTiHockehbary, a Freneau ‘ cafctcria program In the Cliffwood andcc Vuh cmno no where near to : Public—School -bccousc-ot-alleged -T^o-pnrtictpant9nvlH7S<j#in6ffTtr —n»ident^carly^~tHis=5itronlh~ -At -a approaching n i-econcllation last front of tho Matnwan; Elementary "political interference," has failed confcrence .with officers of the bus week but further, miju.^tmi’uls .wcrc School—nt—8:30 p.m r,DH_,06t.T3ir— firm Sept. 16 it was ascertained the to develop' It was announced by worked out. for.their..two. daughters, Vflriou*" ciatutiio ■- prlies t will ■' bo.... Rollo company had .abandoned their Clifford B . Reeves, president of' the four and eight, .who' have been awnrdcd And the high sohool gym* Matawan Township Bonrd ot Edua forroer..teri7)jn^9^.aL.Magnt?Ua. Inn. boiirlm* the brun i‘of their, parents’ nnslum iir.d nthlotlc Held w ill: bo oation following a conference Mon­ difficulties. " bccause this was-private property,: tho bccho of tho festivities. Sear day night of board members, rep* Tho smaller g irt could bt hourd from which their* drivers were *(m»l-refro»hmontTrwlll~bff"T5fvSa_“ —barred—undax^hreat-of-arrest*- -^fesentstiyes— of-— the—-CHlTwood -screaiTTffiU Ihrougljoul ITio court and tho committal promt«es ft num. The bus officials explained the Parent-Teachcr- ' Association and X group of forty.young meii attfl-women from 1& counltlts to this house in Froehold on July 29 when ber nf sur|>rl*cs. cafeteria workers. ’ . year training for an elglit-wcfk, period at U.N. Headquarters whcro the case first came befirrtrDomestjc • firm had moved their terminus to, Fuithor detailed Information will ■ Mrs. Bertha: Blschoft director of they are assigned io‘ different ilepartmcnta In the Secretariat to the intersection of Freneau and. R_cfcree_ John Montgonicry. She bo-furnlalied- d u rin s Uie cwnlnj Wilson . A ves., three-eighths of a~~ “tU^Cliflfwood'cafeteria, and^Mrs? leam the work o( tho OrKanlutldn. Here, Admiral Chester Nlmlti Kcrenmed and clutched the leH.i of weeks. '; . .. i !, •\ mile north, because that was the William Bradley, general super- of the United States, U.N^ Plebiscite Administrator for Jammu and tier father's trouserH, when it waa notary To Co-op,,,t, ' ■ Kashmir, explains his contemplated mission to Interested "lnternra" ruled that hc could not have cus* nearest point at which buses could vlsor'of the progranvattended the Kurl O^rrison,. inombef of the conference, and- both endorsed thc Kanis Atautlah (right) df Paklstiin, and Burglt Singh, of India. today. * be turned without swinging them M ntawuunotary - Club preaijnt at assistance provided.at Cliffwood by The father, owner of a tavern on' on thc public highway., The new Monday's tnietlhg, . sMufCd tho DH. GIFFORp B. AUMACK P-TA membors,-Mr, Reeves report­ Route 34, Matawnn- Township, had ^ land0. sought will ^provide ample LT, JOHN H. WINSCHUH Kroup tluit llotnry ,wlil ,(jo-W)erate •space for swinging -buses.near the ed... He:$aid that. Mrs. Bradley -was Caused Another Driver’s separated from the wife a fow months before, tho mother taking In; tills WTnlr. >Ir, anrrl,t> n »p0f$ former terminus. ' • pf the opinion that a greater dcflcit St. Joseph's School Car To Upset; Is Fined $5 nf plans whlelraro beln8 mi)do ,to the older girl and tho father'kvop*; fl6 Sfgried Protest - ' would have resulted In the Cliff­ havo tlio storo, w indow ,,. In t^ie Dentist 51 Years “ ~For> cuueing another driver to int( tho Rtnnllcr child. Mr. 7Vtant> ■ A petition of 96 signers was sub­ wood operation -if 'such aid, had Matawan Soldier’s bomuKl) decnn\}cd by the, students Bus From Cliffwood inRkc a . forccd turn Into County (joinery held tliat nciUier (fii apart* mitted at the Sept. 13 meeting pro­ not-been furnished. - of tho hluli iclinol and prin t >111 * testing the change of terminus. The “ in h e re was a rumor of politics Rdi Sept. 9, Oscar Cross, CliiTwood men I over the bar, nor u inuill Plans Retirement house nearby where the mother had Body Euroute Home be awarded for the best ,work. dono signers were* residents of the area concerning the oporation of the Board Approves Extra wns found guilty of careless driving In this part ol tim oolqbratlnn,....... south of Freneau and Wilson Aves. Cliffwood cafctcria, it was nothing TueAlay by Magistrate; Luth»r A. been living, was u nt place for the Dr. Giffoird B. A^mack, Bus To Handle' Pupil' it t tle_BtrIs. Tte-motive r-rw »h-g ven — AssocIiHlou i I're.ldetit • H erbert... where thc change deprived those more thani just that, a rumor," Mr. Fostet, Mutuwun Township, jrues- i Lt. John H. Winschuh Olttln*;- has'niipDlnted', the com- day-Audrfiucd.^rnTidr^irosts.. T - - • 1 Wing-there -oj bus -service to which Former Councilman- In Reaves: declared lipnard mcenhcra ...^^ OYerloadi Np Astion.,, ifprclui. -.iurlviiegc^. i)f '-Ruporvi«lnj( mlttco chalrmon and n . complete fcel thal thO work o fth c .P -T A in the chlldron, while thoy were Lost Life When Jap they Jhad. become.. accustomed - On Wilson Ave. Yet i Cross, driving1 west on Route 35, lint ol eommltteo rni>rr)ichtntlvc« Keyport, Will Move To Cliffwood was of an outstanding officiitly phiccd in an aunt's ciYs* There being no opposition on Sept, 8, stopped to make a turn to Prison Ship Was Sunk will bo I'nibllnhed In the t)ear future, nature in regards to assistance tody. public hearing, an ordinance was Aiken; S. C. A special bus for chlldron attend­ County Ud. while another car was Dec. 15, 1944 thus fnr the following committee! . introduced on flrst reading to furnished tho cafetprin project. The ing St. Joseph's School from ClifT- passing. He started his turn flr«t Says Visitation Denied _____ Imyn I'.’i’l' n[ijinliltrH „ L . ‘ A career of 51 years in thc prac- board also feels that P-TA aid in flR tho nlhpr pni» change _thc zoning classification of wood Dench^has been npnroved hy MSjwiSMblm' .y j'-A n ^ » |S t^ • -­ Ihn north.f{ w B runewicl ifetheier4elds-jWAs^Cnttatlyr_effeet!vtir tric“MntaWnnTownsTiipEoar(l>'of moving across thc *&iisll>ourul lafu< this , week when Dr. Gifford B. the children in three different nounei'd the Arrival lu this country been fleiiliinntnri (is Bfund* mijr«hal' Ave., between the- Lake Lefferts The '‘political" Issue developed at Education, Mrs. Christine E. Lam- pf* . Pcrcy Akeridge, Englewood, t)I the purnric, , ■ Aumack, 114 First St.,, Keyport, places in Mlddlesox County. Mr. of tho body of First Lt. John I! bridge and Sutphin Ave*, from thc Sept. 10 board meeting when born, chairman of « special board driving In that lane, reached the Qeiieial cluilimon hi: Charge of announced his retirement He. anti Vas ^aid he was denied the right Wimchuh, huiihiind of Mra. A llies business to residential. “A ”. It was reported that a threatened committcc on transportation affirm­ intersection. "Ghosts,' Kpoolia nnd Vfltchoa1 aro " The- b u ild in g inspector*' was Mrs. Aumack w ill shortly take up purge of P-TA officers would result ed this morning, but there has been of vlKltatlon, But the motlier nuid ,UlP.UStii‘l-WimdtUli.li)f..HuvJne-Dr,r ; ...T o ... ovpid. ...CflUisfcm,. -.Akeridge ■this- wn b - brc a usrr; nriSpotaWfiQd: li<v; laeo- Wrln»toln - nnd' O ltllm .J" ' authorized to Issue permit for the residence* in , AikcR^^^Xt^^b.CTC. in-Mnfc--Bradley. wlUidrawingr froin narsoldtlaft-ryitrat-UUirprobTcinror Mntawrur,—fmm'an-nvera^hs rtovo. {jwung^-wiUi-Cross into County Rd tried tn take the smaller girl, with Tlm M bwlttit nnnmltieea already----- erccUonof /olir'bToo3er~Houses on their’ daughter, TMrsr John Tcinplin,' "any part in the operation ot the transportation for children from The Matawan snldirr, who losl and thc4Eiii(elwood man’s car upset.
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