The Newark Post VOLUME XVI NEWARK, DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1925 NUMBER 39 Prize Cups Still Coming For Poultry Show; Music Society University U Family" Again Invited T~ Be State Police Nab Plan Feature Every Night From Nov. 14-21 Plans Season Of Guests Of Pierre duPont At Theatre Party Spinken; Charged Renewed interest in the forthco m­ Announcement was made early this week through officials that the ing po ultry show in the Armory here, NEWARK COUPLE ELOPE Local Concerts With Bootlegging even greater than that which was Un iversity has accepted an invitation JOSIAH MARVEL TO evidenced before the event was post­ AND WED AT ELKTON fl'om Pierre S. du Pont extended to SPEAK AT DINNER poned last Sprin g, co ntinues day by Metropolitan Baritont' to Visit Newark the student bodies, faculty and staff Farmer of Near Porters Surprised Sat­ day, acco l'ding to William E. Ren­ of both co lleges, to be hI s guests at a Announcement was made today Miss Jane Miller and Paul Late Next Month, According to urday Upon Return from Newark; shaw, one of the leading workers for mammoth theatre party nex t Tues­ by the committee in chal'ge, that Plans Outlin~d at Meeting of Ex­ i is success. Carmine Surprise Friends day evening in the Playhouse, Wil­ Josiah Marvel, of Wilmington, Officers Say Drive Is On Through­ tv ill be the speaker at the 'Fall It wi ll be remembered thatt he ex­ ecutive Committee; Expect Active mington. out County. Here Saturday. dinner of the Newark Chamber of h ibition was called off in F ebruary Season. Mr. du Pont has chosen Bernard For the second time in a fortnight, Co mmerce on Thursday evening, due to t he spread of a serious epi­ Shaw's "Saint Joan," starring Julia November 5th. The opening of what is reported to a Newark girl has sUl'prised her demi c a mong fl ocks in New J el'sey The Newark Musie Society has Arthur, as the attraction for the col­ friends and relatives by announcing MI'. Marvel is well know n to the be a concent rated drive against boot­ a nd Pennsylvania. While such action formulated plans for a banner musi­ lege folk. That his choice is a popu­ legging in New Castle County was was lIot imperative, the Diamond her marriage. cal season here this winter arul three lar one has been evidenced by the business men of the community made last Saturday afternoon, when It was learned Monday that Miss Slate Poultry and Pigeon Associa­ definite offerings have been scheduled ripple of ex.citement which followed and is an able and entertaining Henry Spinken, a farmer of near Jane Miller, 18 year old daughter of tion, sponsors of the show, believed for the next two months. the announcement. Miss Arthur will orator. An interesting supporting Porters Station, was arrested by State it to be to the best inter est of poultry­ Mr. and Mrs. John B. Miller, of Dela­ The executive committee of the play to an almost private audience program is being arranged for the Detective Messick, and was held by ware avenue, and Paul Carmine, son men in this section. Society held a meeting last week, and Tuesday. Mr. du Pont has, it is un­ dinner. Over 100 are expected to Magistrate Gluckman, of Wilmington, of Mrs. Harvey Forrest, also of this derstood, reserved every seat in the attend, according to reports. under $500 bail on charges of illegal November 14th to 21st has been set dec ided on the musicales, the dates of I the big event. Exhibitors from town, eloped to Elkton's Greta Green w)1ich are as follows: theatre for the party. '--------------! I transportation and possession of in- at least six states are expected to and were married. November 7th - A get-together Special Train toxicating liquor. Two constables Both Mr. and Mrs. Miller were STORM'S FURY DOES send birds here and prize cups are meeting of m e m~ ers as guests of and State Policeman Boyer aided in away over the week-end visiting As was the case last year, nothing awards totalling a thousand dol­ Dean Robinson at an informal recital LITTLE DAMAGE HERE the arrest. friends in Salisbury, Md., and are re­ is being left undone by the host to in value will be available for in Sussex Hall. ported to have known nothing of the 'make it a delightful evening for his The arrest was made about two tion in the various classes. November 20th-A concert by Ed­ hours after Spinken's home was raid­ elopement. guests. A special train will leave No Serious Results Noted mund Burke, bass-baritone of the Newark shortly after seven o'clock ed.. During the raid two fiv e-gallon Look F o?' Big S t~CCe88 Mr. and Mrs. Carmine are under­ From Sunday's Gale; Two Metropolitan Opera Company, and and express trolley cars will meet it cans of alcohol, said to be colored Renshaw said today that vol­ stood to be living with the groom's Mi ss Ruth Engle, pianist. in Wilmington, carrying the party with caramel, were found in an attic ntary contributions from local resi­ parents here. Local Men Hurt Near Oak December 14th-Concert by Wil­ directly to the theatre. On the re­ room of the house standing neal' a are still co ming in. "It will be mington Westminster Chorus, which turn trip, it is understood that a Grove. window. A bottle of coloring was show in the history of the ------- is the postponed concert scheduled for caterer \vill be on board and sand­ Newark was swept by a screaming found nearby. tion," he added. May 15th. This concert is under the Tomato Packers' wiches and coffee wil be served to gale Sunday afternoon, probably the Thorough Search Made tate Boys' and Girls' Clubs under dir'ection of Mr. Thoms. the guests. More than 500 students, outflung edge of the tornado which Messick and the constables left here leadership of A. D. Cobb, director, It will be remembered that the factuly members and staff workers have co nsiderable floor space for Consolidation Is Westminster Choral Club recital was took a heavy toll of 'life in southern shortly after 1 o'clock in an open cal' will attend the play. Mr. and Mrs. states the same day. and were joined below New Castle by I' exhibit. Fanciers have already originally scheduled for May 15th du Pont will meet their guests in the in most of their entries and the last but was postponed indefinitely at Following a day and a half of rain, the state policeman. By the time the Latest Plan theatre and have reserved seats in which ended near noon Sunday with raiding party arrived at the Spinken ation offic ials are busy now that time. t.he middle of the student bodies. reparing and classifying t he pro- Many members a lso purchased a veritable cloud burst, the skies farm they were almost drenched by Samuel Little and Clyde Cooperative Enterprises of Delaware tickets for co ncerts schedul ed for Arthur G. Wilkinson, business ad- cleared and a stiff southwest breeze the rain. Despite t he muddy condi­ ministrator, has charge of the details sprang up, gradually increasing to tion of the ground and the pouring and Eastern Shore to Merge Ac­ February 24th a nd March 13th of this year. These were not held. Ac­ of the trip to and from Wilmington. gale proportions as the afternoon rain they made a careful search of cording t.o Reports from Berlin. EDY cordingly, . the Society plans to se nd The Women's College group Will iwore on. the outbuildings and the fi elds. It is planned to have a prominent each purchaser complimentary march in a body tothe train her e Reports Monday uncove red little After the search the raiding party pea ker here every night during the Far reaching consolidation of coop- ticket to the Choral Club co ncert t his wherethey \vill be ~oined by the Del- serious damage in this community, waited patiently until Spinken 1'e­ to give practical talks to the rative tomato canneries throughout fall. aware Co ll ege ;on~ng:nt .. __ saving th.e uprooting of several trees turned from Newark, where he was of poultrymen who will be Delaware and the Eastern Shore of At t he get-together meeting in and blowrng down of corn shocks. said to have gone with his daughter . Music, decorations and enter­ Maryland is on its way, according to Sussex Hall next week, further ac- ACCIDENT TOLL HIGH Two Hurt In Skid for groceries. Spinken r eturned to nment features are also to have reports from Berlin, Mal'yland, early tivities wil be di scussed in open DURING PAST WEEK Samuel Aiken, of Newark, sus- the farm at 5 o'clock. As his daugh­ tained a badly broken leg when the tel' alighted from her father's car she rominent places on the program. this week. The proposed merger of forum and an effort made to r evive I . the plants will be at:rived at through local interest and support in the automobile in which he was riding was sto pp~ d by Messick. She was OUNTY TNSTITUTE MEETS the efforts of the Tri-State Packers' forthcoming season's program. Plank Falls on Boy, Breaking with Arthur J. Hill, of Newark, skid- carrying two one-gallon cans believed Association. ded on the wet r oadway near Oak to contain alcohol.
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