J. Range Manage. 56: 466-473 September 2003 Observation: Leafy spurge control in western prairie fringed orchid habitat DONALD R. KIRBY, RODNEY G. LYM, JOHN J. STERLING, AND CAROLYN HULL SIEG Authors are Professor, Animal and Range Sciences Department, North Dnkota State Universiry. Fargo, N.D. 58105; Professor, Plrrnt Sciences Department, North Dakota State Universi& Fargo, N.D. 58105; Research Assistant, Animal and Range Sciences Department, North Dhta State Universily. Fargo, N.D. 58105; and Research Plant Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2500 S. Pine Knoll Drive, Flagst4 AriL 86001. Abstract The western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara "Western prairie fringed orchid" (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak and Bowles) is a threatened species of the tallgrass Sheviak and Bowles) es una especie amenazada en los pastizales prairie. Invasion by Ieafy spurge (~uphorbiaesuka L.) is a s&ous altos. La invasi6n de "Leafy spurge" (Euphorbicr esuka L.) Es una threat to western vrairie frineed orchid habitat. The obiectives of seria amenaza para el hhbitat del :Western prairie fringed this study were td develop a rherbicide treatment to cox;trol leafy orchid". Los objetivos de este estudio fueron desarrollar un spurge while sustaining western prairie fringed orchid popula- tratamiento de herbicida para controlar el "Leafy spurge" mien- tions and to evaluate the soil seedbank composition of leafy tras se mantienen poblaciones de "Western prairie fringed spurge-infested sites to guide long-term management strategies. orchid" y evaluar la composici6n del banco de semillas del suelo Quinclorac (3,7-dichloro-8-quinolinecarboxylicacid), imazapic de sitios infestados con 'Zeafy spurge" para guiar estrategias de ((~)-2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4-(l-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1W-imida-manejo a largo plazo. En el otoiio de 2 aiios consecutivos se apli- zol-2=yl]-5-methyl-3-pyridinecarboxylicacid), and glyphosate caron los siguientes herbicidas: Quinclorac (hcido 3,7-dicloro-8- [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] plus 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy quinolinecarboxilico ), Imazapic {(* )-2-[hcido 4,s-dihidro-4- acetic acid) were applied in the fall for 2 consecutive years, and metil-4-(I-rnetiletil)-5-oxo-IH-imidazol-2=yll-S-metil-3- changes in leafy spurge cover, density, yield, and herbaceous yield piridinecarboxilico) y Glifosato [N-(Fosfonometil)glicine] mas were assessed. In a separate study, quinclorac, imazapic, and 2,4-D (hcido 2,4- diclorofenoxiac6tico)y se evaluaron lacambios glyphosate plus 2,4-D were each fall-applied to 12 western prairie de cobertura, densidad, rendimiento de "Leafy spurge" y el fringed orchids and assessed for reoccurrence and density of rendimiento de herbaceas En un estudio separado el Quinclorac, orchids 1-year after treatment. Quinclorac and irnazapic, but not Imazapic, and Glifosato mas 2,4-D fueron aplicados cada otoiio a glyphosate plus 2,4-D, reduced leafy spurge cover, density, and 12 'Western prairie fringed orchids" y se evalu6 la reocurrencia yield without causing deleterious effects to associated native herba- y densidad de las orquideas 1 aiio despues de aplicar el ceous cover and yields. Western prairie fringed orchid reoccur- tratamiento. El Quinclorac e imazapic, pero no el glifosato mas rence and density were unaffected by any herbicide 1 year after 2,4-D, redujeron la cobertura, densidad y rendimiento del "Leafy treatment. Soil cores were removed in spring and fall following the spurge" sin causar efectos perjudiciales en la cobertura y first year herbicide treatment, washed and placed in trays. rendiiento de las herbhceas nativas asociadas. Despub de 1aiio Seedlings were allowed to germinate for 16 weeks in the green- de aplicados los tratamientos ninguno de ellos afect6 la reocur- house. Over 50 plant species were identified in the soil seedbank, rencia y densidad de "Western vrairie fringed orchid". Muestras of which approximately 60% were early sera1 species indicative of de suelb ftleron removidas en la-primavera-y otoiio siguientes del disturbance. Given the dominance of leafy spurge in the seed primer aiio de tratamiento de herbicida y fueron lavadas y colo- bank, a long-term management program to control this noxious cadas en charolas. Se permiti6 que las plhntulas germharan en el species is warranted. Although these results are promising, longer- invernadero durante un period0 de 16 semanas. Mas de 50 term studies need be conducted to ensure that repeated herbicide especies de plantas se identificaron en el banco de semilla del treatments do not harm the western prairie fringed orchid. suelo, de las cuales aproximadamente el 60% fueron especies serales indicativas de disturbio. Dada la dominancia de "Leafy spurge" en el banco de semilla, se garantiza un programs de Key Words: invasive species, herbicides, range improvement, soil manejo a largo plazo para controlar esta especie nociva. Aunque seedbank estos resultados son vromisorios, se necesita conducir estudios a largo plazo para asebrar que I& tratamientos repetidos de her- bicidas no daiian el 'Western prairie fringed orchid". Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) invasion in southeastern North Dakota is a threat to the western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak and Bowles), a federally listed threatened plant species (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1989, ious weed that infests approximately 0.5 million ha in North Wolken et al. 2001). Ltafy spurge is an introduced perennial nox- Dakota (Lym et al. 2000). It is a long-lived plant native to Europe and Asia that spreads prolifically by seed and adventitious buds on roots and crowns @unn 1979). Leafy spurge can tolerate a Manuscript accepted 4 Nov. 02. variety of environmental conditions and habitats from rocky JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT 56(5) September 2003 buttes to sandy shorelines and is difficult pyridinecarboxylic acid) and quinclorac National Grassland is complex consisting to control. Piant communities where leafy (3,7-dichloro-8-quinolinecarboxylicacid), of at least 12 distinct plant communities spurge dominates often have reduced fre- which provide good to excellent leafy (Seiler and Barker 1985). The major plant quency and density of associated native spurge control with little or no injury to communities present on the study site herbaceous species (Selleck et al. 1962). other desirable broadleaf and grass species were sedge meadow, tallgrass prairie and Leafy spurge has been detected in habitats (Kuehl and Lym 1997, Markle and Lym mixed grass prairie. The sedge meadow supporting the western prairie fringed 2001). Also. glyphosate [N-(phospho- was dominated by various sedges (Carex orchid in North Dakota (Sieg and Bjugstad nomethy1)glycineJ plus 2,4-D can be'used spp.), bluegrasses (Poa spp.), reed grasses 1994) and Minnesota (Winter 1994). and for leafy spurge control in areas with a (Calamogrostis spp.), switchgrass continued expansion of this invasive high water table such as the Sheyenne (Panicwn virgatum L.), and willows (Salix species could present a serious threat to National Grassland, and has no soil resid- spp.), which invaded the site. The tallgrass the western prairie fringed orchid (U.S. ual (Lym 1998). prairie was dominated by big bluestem Fish and Wildlife Service 1996). A herbicide demonstration trial on the (Andropogon gerardii Vitman), little The original range of the western prairie Sheyenne National Grassland in the early bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium fringed orchid extended from Manitoba, 1990's indicated that herbicides could be Michx.). switchgrass, and Kentucky blue- Canada through North Dakota and used to conh-01 leafy spurge and allow the grass (Poa pratensis L.); The mixed grass Minnesota to Oklahoma and Missouri western prairie fringed orchid to reestab- prairie was dominated by needlegrass (Bowles 1983). Western prairie fringed lish; however, after 2 years the hid had to (Stipa spp.), blue grama [~outeloua-pa- orchid populations, once widespread be discontinued because the threatened cilis (H.B.K.) Lag ex. Griffiths], Kentucky thmughout tallgrass prairies, are now lim- western prairie fringed orchid appeared in bluegrass, and the introduced leafy spurge. ited tg isolated prairie remnants due to some plots treated with fall-applied herbi- habitat loss. One of the largest populations cides. Therefore, the present study was Leafy Spurge Herbicide Trial remaining occurs on the Sheyenne initiated with the objectives of 1) evaluate Fall-applied herbicides that generally National Grassland, a 28,750 ha federally 3 fall-applied herbicides for leafy spurge control leafy spurge and can be used in the managed tallgrass prairie in southeastern control, 2) assess the impact of these her- mesic habitat that supports the western North Dakota. Leafy spurge infests bicides on reappearance and density of the prairie fringed orchid were evaluated. approximately 15 to 20% of the Sheyenne western prairie fringed orchid and produc- Treatments included glyphosate plus 2,4- National Grassland. If leafy spurge is tion of other species, and 3) quantify the D at 220 plus 330 and 440 plus 670 g ae allowed to continue to spread into western soil seedbank composition to determine ha-', imazapic at 70 and 140 g ae ha-' plus prairie fringed orchid habitat, it could out- what plant species are present to revege- methylated seed oil' at 2.3 liters ha" plus compete the western prairie fringed tate the site following control of leafy urea-ammonium nitrate fertilizer (28% N) orchid; yet, non-selective control methods spurge. at 2.3 liters ha".
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