Catalogus Eorum, Qui Adhuec in Universitate Dartmuthensi, Ab Anno

Catalogus Eorum, Qui Adhuec in Universitate Dartmuthensi, Ab Anno

LD 1435 .49 1822 Copy 1 CATALOGUS COLLEGII DARTUUTH}JNSIS. l\IDCCCXXII. SENATUS AC.\DEMICI IN .R.EP{,JBL]CA NEO-JIANTONI E:;\S 1'. EORl'~IQl'E O)INIDI, {tll IX EODD! I1IL'KElU :Err OFFICIA GES::3ERl: ''1', }.LICUJUS ~RADUS LAul1E.\ EXOHXATI l'VERl7XT• .,. = --- l'ORTDit:Tl:! : TYrl~ TOil!.;'; JI Dr ';ll.Ll:n. !\Iini5il'i Evangelici Liieri' It((lici.~ exaraniur, Qui alihi in-.tit lti, Tel nputl no gradu hoaorari d nati [lleront. ii, linea ,Cpal'ali, clas~ium imo sunt atljecti. CATALOGUS DARTl\lUTIIENSIS. PRJESIDES. .llcussu8, Exitus, f7u9 ELEAZAR WHEELOCK, S. T. D. [Collegii Conditor t 779 17/9 JOHANNES WHEELOCK, LL.D. 1815 1.815 ]~RA CISCUS BROWN, S. T. D, 1820 1820 DANl}~L DANA, S. T. D. 18~H f822 BE~ -rET TYLRR. CUR.B.TORES. 1.769 J 011 annes Wentworth, LL.D. N eo- Hant. [Prov. Gub. 1784 f769 Theorlorus Atkinson 1780 1,GO HeOl'gins Jaffrey - 1i88 176{) Dan iel Pierce 1774 1769 Petrus Gilman 1776 1769 Gulielmlls Pitkin f773 1769 Eleazar'Vheelock, S. T. D. Prmses 1779 17GU Belljamin Pomroy, S. T. D. 1784 17(if) J a.colms Lockwoo!l 1773 1769 Timoiheus Pitkin 1773 1769 Johannes Sma\lry, S. T. D. 17'74 1769 Gulielmus Patten 1775 1773 .lollannes Phillips, LL. D. - 17!)3 1773 Bezaleel Woodward 1804 1/73 Eden BIll'!'oughs, S. T. D. - tSi3 177 < Johannes ~her!Jl1l'ne 1777 177-.< l<Jlismus Payne - 18fH 17,5 ~yhallu . Pipley l7B7 1776 S'lllluel Phillip,;: LT•. 1). - fi8S j -:77 I)(tyid. ~l'CIUl'c, ~. T. n. (bOO 1;'19 Johannes "-h""lock, ],(.. D. PI''Cses t 81:1 1, '0 Josephus lIuntil1otoll, b. T. I). - 1-;-"88 ,1/ cce.lsns. 1784 Simeon Olcott 17R4 Levi Hart, ~. T. D. 1788 Hulklt'illS O.coLt 1.7U3 1788 Job Swift, S. T. D. - 180t. 1788 Johann('s Smith, S. T.]). 1809 1788 Johannes Laugdon, J.JL.D. Nco-Rant. Reip. [Prres . ex officio 1isn 178g Petrus Olcott 180 1789 Johannes ~uJli\'an~ T.. L. D. Neo-Hunt. Reip. [Prre~. ex off'cio 1790 1'/90 Josias Ihrtlett, M.D. ::S-co-liant.H.eip.PI<£s. [eL GulJ. ex o1l1cio 1794 1793 Isnel Evn.ns 1807 1793 Jonathan }"reennn 1808 17!J3 Nathanael Niles 1S20 1794.< Johaulles Taylor 6il111:1.n, .LL.n. 1'-('0­ [Hant. Rcip. Guh. cx: officio 1805 1. SOD T.Jymau Putter 1802 1801 Josephus Bowman :1800­ 1 Ot TholUllS \\" Thompson 18:2 1 18U2 Stq)hanns J acoh '- 1817' 1804 Timotht'lls Fal'rar 1.8G5 Johannes L:.>.ngdon, LL.D. N eo- T-I ant. Rcip. [Gub. ex ofi:icio 1809 180n Elij,\ PaillE', I .. L.D. 1807 Johannes Taylm' Gilman, LL. D. 1819 1. ' OS Sn.mllel lkll, LL.D . 18t1 1809 JC"crnius I::imith, LL.D. Neo-Hant. neip. [Gub. ex officio 181.0 1809 Carolus :Ma l' h 1f:,09 Asa.l. P.Farlalltl, S . T. n. 1822 1.a1O Johunllos l.Jangdon, LL.D. Kilo-Hunt. Heir. [Gub. ex oflicio 1812 1811 Johannes Smith 18,2.0 1812 Gulielmus Plumer, .:.,;eo-Hant. Reip. Gul:: ~x [ni"clO 181:3 1813 Jouanues T"ylol' Gilman, 1 .. 1...]). ::-rCO_,~alll. [Iteip. Gllb. ex ullkio 1f~i."j 1.813 Setl os Payson, S . T. a) . :1 j.:: ) 181.3 l"l'a.ncisclls 3}1'0""11, ~ . T. D Pnl's(,~ .1~:...o. 1~ I(i () III ie lilltl~ J' i ilIl!C.J', N co-Ih:lt. ].pi p. G u h. [I'V 'lEir.1,) i.Si U CA.T ALO GUS DAItTMUTIlENSIS. 7 Jlccessus. Exitus. tS17 Moses Paulus Payson 1819 ~amuel Bell, LL. D. Neo-Hant. Rcip. Gab. [ex officio 1819 Ezekiel Webstcl' 1820 Johannes Euubanl Church 18:2.0 Israel 'Vul'bul'ton Putnam 1S.:!O Hamud Prentiss 1820 Dauiel Dana, S. T. D. Pr:Eses 1.R21 N Rthan 1"01'<1 1821 .Mills Olcott f8~2 Beunet TyICl', IJr:Eses - 'l'HES.HUR"lRII. 1773 Eleazar Wheelock 1770 17'79 Elisrous Payne - 1780 1780 Bezaleel W oOllwal'd 1803 1803 Georgius "\Vootlwanl 1805 1800 Gulicll1lus H. 'Voodw:tru 1816 1816 Mills Olcott 1822 1822 Timotheus Farrar PROFESSORES. 1778 Johannes Smith 1809 1782 Johannes Wheelock 1815 1782 Bezaleel \Voodw:tl'u 180':l! 178.2 Sylvanus Uipley 1787 1798 Nathan Smith 181;] f80.J! Johannes Hubbart! - 1810 1S0el! Hoswell Shml1eff 180!) Ebenei':er Adams 1810 Cyrus Pel'kius 1S19 181 t Zepl.anias Swift Moore 1810 18t':l! Reubcn Dimond Mussey 18W Nathan Smith 18i~ 1819 Carolus Bl'icket Hadduck 18~0 Gulielmus Chamberlain 1820 Daniel Oliycl' 1820 Jacobus Freeman Dana 18:20 Usher Parsons - P RJELEC'TORES. f7n8 I.Jyman Spalding 1800 1S1:2 Rufus Graves i815 8 CATALOGUS nA..RTi)1UTHENSIS. .flcccsslIS. Exitus . 1813 Nu.than Noyes - 181'L 18:1.5 Daniel Oliver 1816 1S16 Jacobus Freeman Dana 1820 1.820 Jesse Smith - 18.2l 1'UTORES. f770 llczaleel 'Yooflw:l.J'(l 1,78 1772 Johannes 'Vheelock 1782 1772 Sylvanus Ripley 1782 1774< Johannes Smith 1778 1787 Calvinu' Crane 1788 f ....S3 Moses Fiske 1795 17g5 ABa ~['}"al'land 1797 1796 Daniel H:l!'Ily j799 1797 Joha.nnes Noyes f799 i7il9 StqJhr,nus Bemis 1800 1800 Roswell Shl1l'tleif 1801! 1803 Thomas Abhot )<1 errill 180{< 11)1 Elis:ens Rockwoou - 1806 18tH FI'edel'icus Hall 1805 1.806 :Fmllci. ('us nt'own f 8l1~) 1.807 J 0 i:ls Noyes 1808 1808 Samuel Ayel' 1810 1809 Cyrus ~Ialln 18H 1810 \ ndreas Mack 1811 18i1 Johannes Bl"Owtl 1813 f'113 Thomas .Jewett Murdock 1816 181-1; Jonathan CUl'tis 18UJ 18t5 Henricus BOllel iR16 HH6 Guliclmus , Thitc 1818 1817 Rufu Guliclmus Bailey 1818 1818 Jacohus l\,fnt, It 1820 1818 Nathan Fiske 1820 18t 9 Hufus Choate 1820 1820 \Vestoll lh'la Adams 1.821 18~0 Johannes Aikin 1821 Orl'amel Strong Hinckley BIBLI01'HECJlRJJ. 17"79 Johannes 8mith 1809 1810 Rns\vell SllUrtleff i8.20 1820 Johannes Aikin i82~ 18e2 Tlmotheus Farra),' ,.. C.\'TAl~OOUS DART:\1l THENSTS. SCIIOL.'B .".WOREJ\ 'SIS P R./ECE ['TORES. .ACceSSliS. El'i!us . t7i14 Moses nand 17;)7 lj:"j7 Uhandlcl' Hobbins 17fi8 1758 RadulpllUs Pomroy ­ 1759 1759 Jlenjumin TJ'umulIll 1760 n60 j':dmunlllls Dayis 1701 f76t Johannes Huntington 1762 1762 Johannes JJcslic 1764 176-1 J 0 lJalll}(',3 LflLh I'OP 1765 176., Aaron Kinne 1766 fiOG R:ululpbus 'Vheclock 1767 fin, BczJ.lcel "-oollwanl :1768 17G8 Samul'l 'Vales 176D 170D Dadd l\PClmc 1772 :1772 J :::cobns Dean 1773 1773 Joh:lIInes Smith 1774 1774 Jahako!lUs Fowler 1775 .- 177.3 S'y1\'anus lliplcy 1779 f/iU Jah:.1.ko!);!'i \Voutl :178:2 1182 Cnlpb Bin;;ham 1783 1783 Eli~;:plls Ticknol' 1786 f18G TimoUrclls Dicl' inson 1787 1787 l~arllch OIHlse 1788 178" Haniel Dana. 1789 1780 Josias Ihlnham ­ :l7D3 17'9,3 Asa ;\1c'Fa1'laud 1795 170J .1udah Dana 1796 17V6 Tilton Eastman 1791 1;,n, JOSiAS Dunham, 1.800 180~ Caleb UutlCt' 1801 1801 Thomas Abhot :\ elTill 1803 180.3 Vrcdericlls Hall 180v 't80.1 Gulielmus Allen Hayes 1806 180(; Rdmllndns Flagg , 1807 1807 Samuel AyeJ' 1808 1S03 Johannes nouteH 1810 1810 Joel Mann iSH t81 t Josrphlls Perry 1818 1818 Glllic1mus Chamhr.rlain 1819 :18t9 Ort";:tIDcl Stt'on2; Hinckley _ 1820 1820 Johannes Adams Ri~h(\l'clsOll 1.82 ( 18~1 Archelfms Flillei' PUfnam 10' CATA.I.OGUS D_\H.T:1lUTIIENSIS. sr~.N"il'l'VS, 1822. PR2ESr.S. Rcy. 1l1{N ~ l'~T TYLER, A. ~l. CL H \Torn::->. I~xcdl. ,',I we! nell, 1.L. D. l~ , officio UOll. TillloLhl'tls FUl'I'fil' lion. l'~I'j(\ Paille, LL. U. Ilon. (Jar'olus 1al'sh l\lills Olcott, Armigel:' Hon. '~]oses Paulu PUJson BeL Johannes Hubhul'u Church Hon. Ezekiel 'Vebstc-l' liev. llcnnct Tyler, Prrescs Hm-. hl'ael '\,; cU'bcrton Putnam Sam l(:,l Pl'entis , Armiger rei". Nathan Lord \ Timotheu::i Farnu', ..:\l'migcr, SCC1'Ct. ct Thcsuu. I'llOFF.SSORBC:. ~bcn('zc]' A~lams? A. ~L .Matll. ct Phil. Jtat. p)'oJ. Rc\'. Roswell Sh\1l'lleti', A. '[\1. Thenl. PldtZip. Prof, Reuben Dimond )IllSSt>y, ~I. 1). Ch il'lII'g. et Obstet. [et .,llell. Jm'is. P1'Of. Daniel Olirei', ~I. D . •,lIccl. TlIem'. et PI'UX. ,jUt/t. ["lIecl. ct Bola n. P1'of. Jacoblls I"l'eeman Dana, :U. D. Chent. 0I1fin. et de [scient. Clpplicat. lItt artes P'rof•. Carolus Bl'ickctIlalhluck, A.1\I. RILet. et Orctt.lJl'oj. Guliehnus Uhamberlain, A. 1\1. Liug. et Lit. Lat. eet Gl'rec. Prof. U . hel' Parsons, 1\1. D. J1llut. et PILUS. P1'oj. TIJTOHES. Johannes Aiken, A.. 1\1. Ol'r~\lncl Stl'ong Hinckley, A. 1\1. SCIIOLiE MOORENSIS PHh:CEPTORI' -'.nhcl:ms FuUer Putnam, A. 1\I. OATALOGUS DAllTMUTHBNSIS. i1 C.f1T.J1LOG US ~R'lJM qUi ALICUJUS GIUDUS LAtiREA 'EXURNATI Fm::nniT. t771 '* Sl'u:or; OLCOTT ~ Tv!r. cl 1'a1. N COr " [,cvi Frisbie, Mr. BaaL H.eip. Cur. Sup. Jllr:ll. Samucl Gray, lVIr. et Ya1. Priu. H.erumpub. Fred. Scn. Cu­ "" Sylvanus Ripley, Mr. Tutor, S. ralor [T. P. Cur,ltor :\< Ebenezer Grny, Mr. et Y;ll. * JOHAN",F.S\:VHF.Er.,)CK, I'll". Tl1 tQr, Obadias Noble, 1\11'. et. N eo-Cm's. Jlist. Prof. P(a~ se~, LL. J). S. * Elija \YllIiam<. Mr. et ] Ian'. Jl. S. C01TCSp. S. II. N co·EiJor. x Bezaleel Woodwal'd, Mr. ct l3 . Curalor. 'lal. "1'lltor, 1\1:11 h. (:t Phi I. Nat. Prof.

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