Molluscan Fauna from San Francisco Bay

Molluscan Fauna from San Francisco Bay

-. V.. .... p .: jyp'p. ~^s. usnmII Wvision of Mblii Sectiooal Library /'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 199-452, pis. 14-60 September 12, 1918 ¥ MOLLUSCAN FAUNA FROM SAN FRANCISCO BAY E. L. PACKARD 4i R UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF 0ALD70BNIA PUBLICATIONS Note.—The University of California Publications are offered in exchange for the publi- cations of learned societies and institutions, universities and libraries. Complete lists of all the publications of the University will be sent upon request. For sample copies, lists of publications or other information, address the MANAGER OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, U. S. A. All matter sent in exchange should be addressed to THE EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. WILLIAM WESLEY & SONS, LONDON Agent for the series in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Botany, Geology, Physiology, and Zoology. ZOOLOGY.—W. E. Bitter and C. A. Kofoid, Editors. Price per volume, $3.50; beginning with vol. 11, $5.00. This series contains the contributions from the Department of Zoology, from the Marine Laboratory of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research, at La Jolla, California, and from the California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in Berkeley. Cited as Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. Volume 1, 1902-1905, 317 pages, with 28 plates „ _ $8.50 Volume 2 (Contributions from the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of San Diego), 19041906, xvii + 882 pages, with 19 plates $3.50 Volume 3, 1906-1907, 383 pages, with 23 plates _ $3.50 Volume 4,. 1907-1908, 400 pages, with 24 plates : _ $3.60 Volume 5, 1908-1910, 440 pages, with 34 plates . ._ $3.50 Volume 6, 1908-1911, 478 pages, with 48 plates _ _ $3.50 Volume 7 (Contributions from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology), 1910-1912, 446 pages, with 12 plates _ _ „ $3.50 Volume 8, 1911, 357 pages, with 25 plates _ $330 Volume 9, 1911-1912, 365 pages, with 24 plates „ $3.50 Volume 10, 1912-1913, 417 pages, with 10 plates „ _ '. $3.50 Volume 11, 1912-1914, 538 pages, with 26 plates .._ $5.00 Volume 12 (Contributions from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology), 1913-1916, 558 pages, with 22 plates _ „ $5.00 Volume 13, 1914-1916, 529 pages, with 39 plates _ „ $5.00 Vol. 14. 1. A Report upon the Physical Conditions in San Francisco Bay, Based upon the Operations of the United States Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" dur- ing the Years 1912 and 1913> by F. B. Sumner, G. D. Louderback, W. L. Schmitt, E. C. Johnston. Pp. 1-198, plates 1-13, 20 text figures. July, 1914 _ _ „ 2.25 2. Molluscan Fauna from San Francisco Bay, by E. L. Packard. Pp. 199-452, plates 14-60. September, 1918 .'. S.25 Vol. 15. Introduction. Dependence of Marine Biology upon Hydrography and Neces- sity of Quantitative Biological Research. Pp. i-xxiii. June, 1916 .25 1. Hydro graphic, Plankton, and Dredging Records of the Scripps Institution for Biological Eesearch of the University of California, 1901 to 1912, compiled and arranged under the supervision of W. E. Bitter by Ellis L. Michael and George F. McEwen. Pp. 1-206, 4 text figures and map. July, 1915 2.H5 2. Continuation of Hydrographic, Plankton, and Dredging Records of the Scripps Institution for Biological Eesearch of the University of Cali- fornia (1913-1915), compiled and arranged under the supervision of W. E. Bitter, by Ellis L. Michael, Zoologist and Administrative Assistant, George F. McEwen, Hydrographer. Pp. 207-254, 7 figures in text. Novem- ber, 1916 _ _ .50 8. Summary and Interpretation of the Hydrographic Observations made by the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of Cali- fornia, 1908 to 1915, by George F. McEwen, Hydrographer. Pp. 255-356, plates 1-38. December, 1916 _ 1.00 Index in preparation. Vol. 16. 1. An Outline of the Morphology and Life History of Crithidia Uptoeoridit, sp. nov., by Irene McCulloch. Pp. 1-22, plates 1-4, 1 text figure. Sep- -25 tember, 1915 _ — - ; 2. On Giardia microti, sp. nov., from the Meadow Mouse, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Elizabeth Bohn Christiansen. Pp. 23-29, 1 figure In text. 415 UNIVERSITY OF CAL JRNIA PUBLICATIONS \ WUL- ZOOLOGY Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 199-452, pis. 14-60 September 12, 1918 c > *M MOLLUSCAN FAUNA FROM SAN FRANCISCO BAY ^vision of AfoU^i e. l. Packard *&xxA library CONTENTS Note.— Species marked with asterisk (*) were not obtained by the Survey. PAGE Introduction 207 Review of the literature 209 Environment of the molluscan fauna 210 San Francisco Bay 210 Physical 210 Biological 213 The open ocean 214 General character of the fauna 214 Distribution of the mollusks 226 General distribution 226 Influence of depth 227 Influence of temperature 230 Influence of salinity 234 Influence of the character of the bottom 235 Quantitative analysis of the fauna 241 Summary 244 Catalogue of species 245 Pelecypoda 246 Nuculacea 246 Nuculidae 246 Nucula Lamarck 246 Nucula tenuis (Montagu) 246 Acila Adams 246 Acila castrensis (Hinds) 246 Ledidae 247 Leda Schumacher 247 Leda hamata Carpenter 247 Leda navisa Dall 247 Leda taphria Dall 24S Yoldia Miiller 248 Yoldia cooperi Gabb 248 Yoldia ensifera Dall 249 200 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vol. 14 PAGE Arcacea 250 Arcidae 250 Area Lamarck 250 Area transversa Say 250 Glycymeris Da Costa 250 Glycymeris subobsoleta (Carpenter)* 250 Ostracea 251 Ostreidae 251 Ostrea Linnaeus 251 Ostrea lurida Carpenter 251 Ostrea elongata Solander 252 Pectinaeea 253 Peetinidae 253 Hinnites Defrance 253 Hinnites giganteus Gray 253 Peeten Miiller 253 Pecten hastatus Sowerby* 253 Peeten latiauritus Conrad 254 Anomiacea 255 Anomidae 255 Anomia Miiller 255 Anomia peruviana d'Orbigny 255 Monia Gray 255 Monia macroschisma (Deshayes) 255 Mytilaeea 256 Mytilidae 256 Mytilus Linnaeus 256 Mytilus californianus Conrad 256 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus 256 Modiolus Lamarck 257 Modiolus demissus (Dillwyn)* •. 257 Modiolus rectus Conrad 258 Modiolus politus Verrill and Smith 258 Modiolus modiolus (Linnaeus)* 259 Modiolus, sp 259 Dressensiidae 259 Septifer Eecluz 259 Septifer bifurcatus Eeeve 259 Adula H. and A. Adams 260 Adula falcata (Gould)* 260 Adula stylina Carpenter 260 Anatinaeea 261 Pandoridae 261 Pandora Bruguiere 261 Pandora filosa (Carpenter) 261 Lyonsiidae 261 Lyonsia Turton 261 Lyonsia californica Conrad 261 Entodesma Philippi 262 Entodesma saxieola (Baird) 262 Poromyacea 262 1918] Packard: Molluscan Fauna from Sun Francisco Bay 201 PAGE Cuspidariidae 262 Cuspidaria Nardo 262 Cuspidaria californica Dall 262 Chamacea 203 Chamidae 263 < lhama Linnaeus 263 Chimin pellucida (Broderip)* 263 Lucinaeea 20.'i Lueinidae 263 Phacoides (Blainville) Gray 203 Phaeoidea annulatna (Reeve) 263 Phacoides tenuisculptus (Carpenter) 20) Thyasiridae 264 Thyasria Leach 264 Thysaria gouldi (Philippi) 264 Leptonacea 265 Leptonidae 265 Kellia Tin-ton 265 Kellia laperousi (Deshayes) 265 Roc lief nrt in Velain 265 Bochefortia ferrugmosa Dall* 265 Lasaea Leach 266 Lasaea rubra (Montagu) 266 Cardiacea 266 Cardiidae 266 Cardium Linnaeus 266 Carium corbis (Martyn) 266 Cardium (Protocardium) centifilosum Carpenter 267 Veneracea 268 Veneridae 268 Marcia (H. and A. Adams) Fischer 268 Marcia erubdiapoana (Carpenter) 268 Saxidomus Conrad _ 269 Saxidomus nuttalli Conrad 269 Paphia Bolten 270 Paphia staminea (Conrad) 270 Papilla staminea var. ruderata (Carpenter)* 271 Paphia .staminea var. ofbella (Carpenter)* 271 Paphia staminea var. petiti (Deshayes)* 272 Paphia tenerrima (Carpenter) 272 Yenerupis Lamarck 272 Venernpis lamellifera (Conrad)* 272 Gemma Deshayes 273 Gemma gemma var. purpurea Lea 273 Paephidia Dall 273 Psephidia ovalis Dall 273 Petricolidae 274 Petricola Lamarck 274 Petricola carditoides (Conrad) 274 Tellinacea 275 Tellinidae 275 202 University of California Publications in Zoology [Vol. 14 PAGE Tellina Linnaeus 275 Tellina bodegensis Hinds 275 Tellina bultoni Dall 275 Tellina carpenteri Dall 276 Tellina salmonea (Carpenter) 276 Macoma Leach 277 Macoma balthica (Linnaeus) 277 Macoma indentata Carpenter 277 Macoma inquinata (Deshayes) 278 Macoma nasuta (Conrad) 279 Macoma yoldiformis Carpenter 280 Macoma secta (Conrad)* „ 280 Solenaeea 281 Solenidae 281 Solen Linnaeus 281 Solen sicarius Gould 281 Siliqua Mergerle 281 Siliqua nuttalli (Conrad) 281 Maetracea 282 Maetridae 282 Spisula Gray 282 Spisula catilliformis Conrad 282 Schizothaerus Conrad 283 Schizothaerus nuttalli (Conrad) 283 Myacea 283 Myacidae 283 Mya Linnaeus 283 Mya arenaria Linnaeus 283 Mya (Cryptomya) californiea (Conrad) 284 Mya (Platydon) cancellata Conrad* 285 Saxicavidae 286 Saxicava Fleuriau 286 Saxicava arctica (Linnaeus) 286 Saxicava pholadis (Linnaeus) 286 Panope Menard 287 Panope generosa Gould* •- 287 Adesmacea 287 Pholadidae v 287 Pholas Linnaeus 287 Pholas pacificus Stearns '. 287 Pholadidea Goodall 288 Pholadidea ovoidea (Gould) 288 Pholadidea penita (Conrad) 288 Pholadidea penita var. parva (Tryon)* 289 Martesia Leach 289 Martesia intercalata Carpenter* 289 Zirfaea (Leach) Gray 289 Zirfaea gabbi Tryon 289 Teredinidae - 290 Xylotrya Leach 290 Xylotrya, sp 290 1918] Packard: Molluscan Fauna from San Francisco Bay 203 PAGE Scaphopoda 290 Dentaliidae 290 Dentalium Linnaeus 2!»i Dentalium indianorum Carpenter 290 Siphon odentaliidae 291 Cadulus Philippi 291 Cadulus fusiformis Philippi ami Sharp 291 Amphineura 291 Lepidopleuridae 291 Lepidopleurus Risso _ 293 Lepidopleurus farallonis Dall* 291 ischnochitonidae 292 Tonicella Carpenter 292 Tonicella lineata (Wood) 292 Ischnoehiton Gray 292 Ischnoehiton dentiens (Gould) 292 Ischnoehiton stearnsi Dall* 293 Ischnoehiton cooperi

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