roinpl*1* Newt, Pictures A Newspaper Devoted To the Community Interest Presented Funy* Gnulj "• , Vna liopMlUlly E«* Week Snbepenbent -leaber Full Local Coverage Snwrwl ts Second CUM Itettar -NO. 11 tt tht Pout Oflle*. Woodhrt4t», H. J. WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1955 PRICE EIGHT CENTS op Brawl A Community's Fine, Proud Moment Sewer Pact Investigation Ordered •*v. \\ itnesses Allows New re Called Home Use By Attorney General Town Permitted to Open Part of Line without D,I I\ IVts* lo Attend j Jeopardizing Rights Of Westbury Charges irtt- WOODBRmOE-With both the ontractor arid the bondinc com- i,],n«al trMU of Piutd- jany giving consent, new homo- , ,- Culm M»d iwnors in Duke's Estate, Colonia 3,500 Pupils on Part-Time Eber to Probe ••.,l'.v ind vicinity were permitted at lonx nst to hook into the Iselln-Colonia • '•:*. Trunk Line sewer without the Next Year, Nicklas Predicts Alleged Laxity Township officially accepting the WOODBRIDGE^-School 11, Woodbridce, Scwaren ' School and inc. HiiRaivmiv Heiuhts School will he the only three schools in the There was jubilation in the new Towmihip in wSilch there will be no part-time classes next Septem- In Inspections. *• wl JvSd Icvclopment where at least 100 dktvsruav ber, nccordlni? to the contemplated organization of elementary umilies moved m the early part of '»:. schools proposed by ^Superintendent of Schools Victor C. Nicklas. I9ELIN—Prosecutor Alex Eber he week. The other homes arc ex- Last September schools started with 1,800 students on part : of c«no*«y acted to be-occupied within the today revealed that on Instructions lime in Rriules 1 to 4. Next'Sep- lext few days. from Attorney General Grover C. ember when school doors reopen Rlchman he is conducting ah in- A, Cestjone Company, contractors Youth Week Officials here will be 3,500 pupils on part or the sewer. In an agreement with Town Committee Guests Ime In grades 1 to 5. Last year vestigation of construction prac- he Town Committee, wrote: he elementary school started out tices In the Westbury development. "It is our desire that you permit WOODBRIDGE — Elected ith 66 part-time classes; In Sep- Complaints on these grounds lie use of the Iselln-Colonia Trunk Youth Week officials, all stu- *mber there will be 120 part-time have been filed with the Town jlne and of the arm thereof ex- dents of Woodbridge High :lasses. Committee, alleging several lrreuu- pending from Pumping Station .No. *- in* Cwtonto Count; V School, were guests of the Town The proposed organization for larltles, and the allegations also- i along Duke's Road and Brnmhnll dinner rranwuvc tin- Committee at its meeting Tues- Save been sent to President Elsen- load, to the said trunk sewer line, ;ach of the elementary schools :n Us* poiie* orpiuv day night. hower and the Veterans' Adminis- jrlor to completion by the under- lollows: d *s v.t - The student slate Is: Mayor, ;lgned of the contract dated April Shcool 1, WoodbridRe, present- tration. As a result of them, a libel Richard Kuzntak; First Ward J, 1954 between the Township of ly there are grades klnderfrflrteti suit seeking 920,000 damages has Committeemen, Albert Previte, Woodbridge and the undersigned. o 5 In the school. Next year there been filed against Kenneth Rubel, t'-.e Dennis Van Zandt; Second "In consideration of your per- will be grades kindergarten to 8 chairman of the Westbury Park Ward Committeemen, Edward mitting such use, we hereby agree with grades 1 to 4 on part time. Veterans Home Owners League, by : 5he that your so doing will in no way Kan tor and William Switalskl; No prade 5 pupils will* foe ac- the Sommer Brothers Construction • uvripiwr for th* In- relieve the undersigned from any Third Ward Committeemen, epted from the area served by Company. Mrv K«y Dickinson, Iwlin, chairman of tht committee to raise funds for Mrs. Alice Kehne, Iselln, Robert Fair and Sandra Martin, sf its obligations under the said Strawberry Hill School Prosecutor Eber further revealed •s tor !3i»: »hwr homt and all bn bflnnrinns wire dtstrwed by fire on I'rimary Klrction Day while she tin. contract of April 7, 19j*4> zta.il? 6 classes will tie he has assigned a detective from C'.Mt. m*n- \ was at the polk is shown prcsentlnc a. check for $237 from the Independent-Leader and some of Th,e bonding company^tl»» Am- Members of the Student rom School 11. There will his staff to conduct a preliminary Club' this ncUKpapers' friends, to Mrs, Kehoe. The sumwas the difference needed between what the com- erican Surety Company' of New Board of Education will be the less teacher—24 In all. Inquiry for "study, analysis and re- miltrr oollorTrd and S5«A estimxted as needed to pay Mrs. Kchoe's fare to California where she York, wrote: "The undersigned guests of the regular Board at ; driT*r dusjf j Schools 2 and 16, Colonia— port." He wws unwilling to identify •ill live with a daughter, and to purchase clothes. Left to rUht are Mrs. John Jewkes, Mrs. Kehoe, hereby agrees that the aforesaid' its meetiftg May 16. They are > p**1 su;;ty no Grades Kindergarten to Grade 6 his investigator, stating he believed Mrs. Dickinson and Mrs. Lloyd Harayda. ' use of the said trunk line and of Audrey Borsuk, Elizabeth Burns, c*l>d *nd tfce j will be continued, but grades 1 to such identification would *hamper the arm thereof wi]l not relieve the Nancy Cotter, Margaret Gibson, rather than assist the investiga- •;Y «;',* U*n d**i5j-1 will be on part-time b.asis next undersigned from any of Its obli- nulls to be tin- i Hedwig Jasolka, Marylun La- year. This year grades 1 and 2 are tion. Efforts to reach the Attorney Neigh bors Hit Back at Fate Concert Scheduled gations as surety on a Performance canlc, Gloria Vincz, Sharon on part-time basis. Three more General yesterday afternoon to Bond heretofore posted by the said Martin, Blcnda Wilson. tea* hers will be needed—18 in all. earn on whose initiative the com- A. Cestone Company with the School 3, Strawberry Hill—At plaints were referred to him Township of Woodbrldge." By W.H.S. Groups the present time there are no irought the reply from his office For Cruel Prank on Widow Get Larner Opinion, part-time classes in this school that Mr. Richnian was out of the .miter is Elected ' W00DBRHX3E — God Bless You. You have all been so won- Hospital Tag Day city. cV.-ful to me I will never forget you." WOObBIIDGE —The Wood- After receiving the agreements which services grades kindergar- of the contractor and surety com- ten to 4. Next year fifth grade will A voluminous file, according to That is what Mrs. Alice Kehoe, 74, formerly of Iselln said bridge Hish fechool Instrumental tliead Paint Firm pany the Town Committee sought also be taught in the school and Mr. Eber's description, has been Tuesday when she w»s presented with a check for $231 at the Music Department is preparing for Workers Solicitec a conceit to be held In the High the opinion of Samuel A. Larner Grade 1 will be placed on a part turned over to him and his mves- __ independent-Leader office—the sum needed, to make up a $500 School auditorium, Wednesday an attorney who is an expert in the time basis. One more teacher will tlgator by th* Attorney Gem-ml. 7; itif'SciiatTol «**' set by »n Iselln Committee to pay Mrs. Kehoe's fare to Call- 1 night, May 18, 8 P M. The de- law of Municipal Corporations. Mr. WOODBRIDGE—A critical nee be needed—eight in all. Queried as to the length of tinv x!st?JToT*woffierr - lm in Ave'riel" p t CVroe * RvnoWsI Mn. Kehoe lost her ag Day for Hospital of the High School Orchestra, High which he concluded that the assist in the annual Tag Day foi Schools 4 and 5, Avenel—The declared "It all depends on whul of «•.* «mntt?"soM-1 home and all her belongings at a School Band and Twirlers. Township could use a portion of organization will remain the my detective has to say, whetlvr the Perth Amboy General Hospita .r.crn pktnt m*mi- j fir* on Primary Election Day while Is Scheduled for May 1 Benjamin Johnson is the co-or- the system before completion of same, with Grades Kindergarten the mutter is a civil one or a crimi- - Mr Duller toj-^sr* was at work as a Republican dlnator between the two organi- the entire project without violating benefit, Mrs. Cyril I. Hutmer state to 6 and grades 1 to 3 on part- nal one. Until these preliminary ;,-.ei\t oJ California Poll Clerk Strangely enough, it WOODBRIDQE — Perth Amboy zations while Veronica Govelitz the law or waiving any rights. yesterday. time basis. Thirty-three teachers facts are obtained and studied it: i, «-«& a Democratic Committee- / Hospital Tag Day will be held in and Marilyn Zawadzki are co - For months the home owners Mrs. Hutner, under whose lead will be needed, one more than last impossible to tell the scope ol our woman Mrs. Pay Dickinson, who investigation." h*»d- Woodbrldge Friday, May 13, Mrs. chairmen for the cpneert. Chair- have appeared at Township meet- ershlp Woodbridge established ai year. '..> *re u> LouisvUlc. hdped form the committee. men assisting are: Anton Bernat, ings demanding the right to move Bulls of Complaints. C. I. Hutner reported lit a meeting enviable tag day record a year ag' School 8, Iselin—There will be Pisces in Nfm York Of the $337 presented to Mrs.
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