,WP.M - .................. ■ ■ -t- USE WBATREB AVERAOB DAILY dBODLATlON PorecMt E > f D. 8. Weather BnreiM for the H«nth of Janwy* . Baitferd . Snow or rain and not 'quite‘ so 5>568 cold to n l^ t; Thnrsday partly Member of the Audit BareM cloudy. ' of drOUlAtlOBO. t (tilaMMed Adrertlalnf ea PUfo li.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1932. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THRRE CENIB VOL. LI., NO. 124 Cm C LEXERS PUMPING A HOT STREAM OP DEATH U. S. READY TO BACK POUCY IN TESTIMONIAL m FOR Q HOUSE OF A FREE CHINA-STIMSON Veteran Business Man Hon­ 3,500 Garment Makers ored On 60th Year In Busi­ WILL MAINTAIN THAT ness *— Dinner Held In Quit Work in Boston Center Church House. POSITION, HE AVOWS Boston, Feb. 24.— (AP)—^Approxi-<&American Federation of Labor, the mately 3,500 union coat and dress­ Boston Central Labor Union and maker's employed in 100 shops in the Mass. Federation of Labor. The A group of Manchester men rep­ Boston went on strike today in pro­ strike resolution wais adopted last Rejects Japan’s Suggestion of Revision of Nine Power resenting nearly every Important test against the alleged refusal of night at a meeting of the Interna­ unit in the town gathered at the manufacturers to confer on propos­ tional ladies garment workers union. Center church parish house last ed new wage and working agree­ It was estimated the strike thus Treaty—‘Declares For Preservation of Integrity of far had affected abou. half the union night to honor Charles E. House, ments. Previous working agree­ ments expired Feb. 15. shops in the city. China and Demands Its People Be Allowed To Bnild veteran business man here. The tes- The walkout the first general Of several hundred men and wo­ timdnial dinner was attended by 06 strike in the garment industry here men who gathered at strike head­ men and was a complete surprise to Frantically pumping shells at the Chinese positions were these Japanese Marine artillerymen when the In 11^ years was supported by the quarters one was arrested later. Nation Without Foreign Interference— Secretary Says Mr. House. Complete Surprise camera clicked. The tense attitude of the gunners is typified by the man crouched behind the gun holding When Mr. House arrived at the the trail as volley after volley leaped from the guns. Ohsenance of Treaties Would Have Avoided Present parish house v/ith his son Herbert to attend, as he thought, an Ecclesi­ Sino-Japanese Sitnation. astical Society meeting he found the COULDN’T BLAME CHINESE PREPARE GOV. ROOSEVELT OUSTS WING FOO SAM Wuhlngton,. Feb. 24.—(AP) — commercisd opportunity Eunong all America stood. firmly todEiy behind He Thought Girl Said Jap Or­ nations in dealing-with ChinEi, and the Open Door Policy in China and (2) As necessEuy to that equality dered Food So He Acted TO BOMB ENEMIES FARLEY FROM HIS JOB disputed JapEin's cladm that toe Nine toe preservation o f China’s terri- Accordingly. Power Treaty should be revised be­ toriEil imd Eulminlstrative in te ^ ty . These principles were not new In cause China w u not able to mEiin- •SI Chicago, Feb. 24.— (AP) — toe foreign policy of America. ’They Wing Foo Sam was discharged All Neutral Vessels Warned tain order. had been toe prmciples upon, which Sheriff and Noted Tammany SPRINGFIEU) FINE In an open letter to Q^airman LIQUOR SMUGGLERS from his job in a chop suey es­ it rested in its deEdings with other tablishment yesterday, but he To Keep Out of Way— To Borto, of toe Senate Foreign rela­ nations for many years. In toe got it back again. Here’s hqw: tions committee. Secretary Stim- case of China they were invoked to Hall Leader Removed As DOES B K DAHACE son said observance of treaties HIGHLY ORGANIZED The girl cashier got a tele­ save a situation which not only phone order, and asked Wing Act Before More Japs would have avoided "the present threatened toe future development Result of Seabury Probe Foo Sam to do bis stuff. ---- Sino-Japanese situation smd that no u d sovereignty of that great Asia­ "It’s for a dam nice pbap I evidence bad come to- this govem- tic people, but Eilso threatened to know,” she said. Arrive. Loss Estimate^ At $750,000; inent that compliEmce wlto them create dangerous smd constantly in- Into Affairs of City. Admiral Billard of Coast Shortly thereafter the cus­ would have tntertered with toe pro­ creuing rivalries between toe other tomer called up again. He tection of all legitimate foreign nations of toe world. rights in China. wanted to know who put three Shanghai, Thursday, Feb. 24. — Half of Ci|y Block De­ The Previous W ar Guard Reports 176 Ves­ ’The secretary of state, in toe Albany, Feb. 24.— (AP)—Frank­ ounces of red pepper in the or­ (AP)—^Mayor Wu Teh-Chen served W u had already tEdcen plEUse be­ lin D. Roosevelt, Democratic gov­ der. several thousand word communica­ warning on the neutrsil authorities stroyed By Blaze. tion, pronoimced America’s policy tween Japan smd China. A t toe close ernor of New York, today removed sels Along the Coasts. It was then that Wing Foo of that war three other nations in­ Sam was fired, but thia bo«s today thht it would be dangerous to filled with detailed background, in from office Sheriff Thomas M. Far­ the Far Eut difficulties u one tervened to prevent Ja^an from ob- rehired him when he explained smehor vessels In the Whangpo near tidning some of the results at that ley, district leader of Tammany that he thought the girl cashier Springfield, Mass., Feb. 24.— (AP) squEu^y behind toe Open Door Washington, Feb. 24— (AP) — t h e ' Japanese military base. His Policy smd the' Nine Polver Treaty, war clEdmed by her, Other nations Hail’s keystone ynit. had said “Jap,” not chap. —A spectacular fire destroyed one sought and had obtained spheres at The Coast Guard estimates' that warning was interpreted as an in­ under which that policy w u sub­ The governor said he was not hdf of a five-story building occupy­ interest, dication that Chinese artlUery would scribed-to by toe prindpal powers. Cbarlea B. House satisfied with Farley’s enlanation “largS, highly organized internation­ , PEutly u a r^Eiult of these hetiona ing toe length of a qity block ii| toe ifttsr .w u in response to 's 5f his income and it wasilpainlYvOn al combines” are operating 176 be trained on toe sector where the i serious uprising liaxi broken out in large grou|} of Ms frleuds already'at this ground that he retpt^<i’-Bl];i}. S'^i^dJiukUliese flagship Idsumo is moored. heart of toe ftaingfield business dfs* requut hx Borah for Em opinion China -which endangered toe llquoTrsmuggling vessels along trlct, eariy "causing dssnage ««idItIonrf th ChlnEi have their p la ce t.^ IlM addltorlum-^ A « The incMbe, as ,<±iarged by Sdinupl UOns-Of Edl of .the powers at Peking. SeaM^f-^cDumad’’to tile' legishitive United States coasts. - ^ - 1 ’pws Veiled threat In toe estimated at 3750,000. ’ Itm e i^ ^ 'th h lhaijpplioablUty of In- he entered C6a gatiMiOTY fopn of A p ^ t e t td-ithe for- While toe attack oa those legatlou committee investigati^ the city’s Rear Admiral F. G.^iliard, com­ •The olotbing store of the Wl J. dfiSsictlVet^ of toe, I«ae Power Bang "For He’S a Jolly Good Fel­ ei^ consular officials against toe was in pr^yins, Mt. Hay made an administration, relateo^prlmarily to mandant, so testified before the WOode Company w u wiped out with TresU^y, aisd whether It w u In need low." That was the fir^: intimation OWES M M MONEY use of the Hongkew sector of toe 'anhoimcement in reiqieet to toie Farley's “wonderful tin •box” in House appropriations committee in a loss of 3100,000 In merchandise of modification. he had of the party and hiS coun­ Settlement as a Japanese base. The policy u toe principle upon which which the huge sheriff deposited hearings on the ’Treasury Depart­ while a Jensen candy shop was also • ' Whan Signed v tenance expressed complete sur­ mayor reiterated previous warnings the powers should act in toe settle­ 1890,000 over a period of a few ment supply bill reported today to destroyed with 340,000 lose. Offices The.Nine PoMrar'Treaty,, Stlmson prise. that the Chinese -jovemment would ment Of toe rebellion. ^He said: Presented IVith Qlft years. the House. and studios occupyihg toe upper wrote, w u entered into by Japan ' “The policy Of the government e( Ex-Clerk Fenttm Says That not be responsible for any damage floors of the building also fell prey As soon as MT. House was seated Taken as Challenge ’Theise vessels, Billard estimated, and toe other sUmatoriea at a time toe United States la to seek a solu­ to foreign property caused by opera- to toe flames. Chef Urbano Osano began to serve ’The removal of the Tammany Hall are landing the same amoiult of When China w u engaged in an at­ tion which may bring about perman­ tiems against toe Japsinese on that Bank Is Damaged dinner. He bad prepared a. roast TwaT' was promptly construed by alcoholic liquors that 163 ships did During War He Failed To tempt to develop ' free ■ institutions ent safety Emd peEme to China, pre­ front. One half of the building houses and toe powers realized China would turkey menu and it was done in his both friend and foe of the New last year.
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