Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Journals and Periodicals Irish Tourism Archive 1939 Irish Travel, Vol 15 (1939-40) Irish Tourist Association Follow this and additional works at: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irtourjap Part of the Cultural History Commons, European History Commons, Geography Commons, Tourism Commons, and the Tourism and Travel Commons Recommended Citation Irish Tourist Association, "Irish Travel, Vol 15 (1939-40)" (1939). Journals and Periodicals. 18. https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irtourjap/18 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Irish Tourism Archive at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journals and Periodicals by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association lh .1V / v:. rt ~ I Jltt( Vo!. xv. No. 1 OlTOBEP IH;L. ( omplimenta.rv IRISH TRAVEL October, 1939 FISHGUARD to CORK LeavePaddington ·6.55 p.ru. Every Tues., Thur,. and Sat. LIVERPOOL to DUBLIN Leave Euston *6.5 p.m. SaillO.15 p.m. Nightly (Sun...x.) LIVERPOOL to BELFAST Leave Euston ·6.5 p.m. SailI0.15p.m. N'glltlYlSun.ex.) GLASGOW to BELFAST Direct. Sail from Glasgow 10 f).m. t Nightly (Sundays ell.) GLASGOW to DUBLIN Direct. Mon. W..d. ~at. 5.15 p.m. via Greenock. Fridays at 1 p.m GLASGOW to DERRY via Greenock. Every Mouday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday t Saturday. 10.30 p.m. When in Dublin be sure to znspect HELY'S £6,000 STOCK OF HIGH-CLASS BANK OF IRELAND FISHING TACKLE ISTABLISHED 1788 Which includes over 150,000 Trout Flies, .'1,000 I Salmon Flies, 500 Salmon and Trout Rods, as FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS well as many hundreds of Reels, Lines, Baits, Casts Fly Books, Boxes, Nets, Gaff, and Angling AT , Sundries. Head omce: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN Agents for- BELFAST .. CORK ., DERRY HARDY BROTHERS, ALLCOCKS AND 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND. and other well-known makers of Superior Tackle. EVEltY DESCRIPTION Olo' FOREIGN EXCHANGE BU8INESS TRANSAOTED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS BY DAY OR NlOHT .<l.T CODH (QUICENSTOWN) DAME STREET AND GALWAY DOCKS. HELY'S Odober, 1939 IRISH TRAVEL SUBSCRIPTION: I Wholesale !rom lbe ~I- PER AN'IUM. IrIsh Tourlsl AISoelallon POSI Free and from Eason & Son. Ltd. COPIES FREE InlSH Retail !rom TO ALL MEMBERS all Ne.sapnll and OF TifF: !rom lhe ASSOCIATION AND Irish Tourlsl Assoclellon. OF ITS ASSOCIATE Prlee Bd. DEPARTMENT. TRAVEL Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association, Dublin VOL. XV OCTOBER, 1939. No. 1 IRELAND'S TOURIST INDUSTRY THE HOME MARKET HE Irish Tourist Association of the holiday habit, and particu­ situation, and without any blind has emphasised continually the larly with the enactment of optimism, scare, or similar emotions T importance to the touri t "holidays with pay" measures­ which obscure the tme delineations. industry of the home market, con­ confirm us in the "belief that Irish In the light of such careful examina­ stituting, as it does, a very consider­ Tourism must and will maintain tion, we are convinced that there able factor in the national economy. a foremost position in the industrial is no cause for panic or pessimism. In these days of stress and economy of the countr\,. .\ determination on the part of all international strife we look with Assured of the home market, concerned in the industry to plan confidence to strengthened and which we value above all others, and prepare for 1940 will be a big solillified support from our home the Irish Tourist Association realises contribution towards security and holiday-makers. At least ixty that the oyer eas market, though continuity. Our holiday traffic per cent. of the mone~' expended reduced, is by no means closed. has become a major industry giving on holidays in Ireland in the past }lew and special effort will be widespread employment to many has come from the pocket of our directed to the attraction of access­ classes of workers, and the main­ own people and there is no rea on ible potential \'j itor from over eas tenance of this industry in a flourish­ to doubt that, in the light of new and to these Ireland' advantages ing conditionis a matter of national adju!'tments to new conditions this for Sport and peaceful holidays concern. Its members must follow source of supply will continue to be will make an even stronger appeal up the exhortation of An Taoiseach prolific. Add to this the substantial than ever. in his recent broadcast to the annual expenniture, by our own The Irish Tourist Association has nation that in such times of stress nationals touring abroad, which made a careful urvey of Irish as we now experience, "each one will now naturally be diverted to tourist prospects with due regard should go about his ordinary work home resorts, thus offsetting the to all the drawbacks of the present and do it a little better." anticipated loss of revenue from \ourist traffic entering the country. 1 hese sources, together with the normal annual increase noticeable in recent years-through the growth President, Irish Tourist Association, 1938-39. Principal Contents. I.T.A. Annual General Special Hunting Number. Meeting. With an Iri<;h Pack Page By Stanislau; Lynch :! Be ready for the Annual General Li~t of Irish Hunts, :\lastl'rs, 'ecre- tarie , F~~. &c .... .... ... :~ :\Ieeting of the Jrish Tourist Associa­ Down on the Farm-Threspjng and 1 t tion in the Gresham Hotel, Dublin Other Things. By Sean ]Jellll' 7 on Wednesday, 18th October at 'Round Rural IrclanC::. ~()m'c 8 9 1 Autumn Scenes 8-!l 15 16 17 I ... o'clock. See page 1I of this LT.A. Photo Competition, ) 9:l!1 101 2t UU number of Irish Travel for further Of Interest to Hotels )I 29 30 31 It It It It rtetails. 11. Directory of Irish Hotels 13 ~- ----------"---------- --------~'-""'=--~~-------=-.- INISI! TRAVEL OctobB1', 1939 ~itb ~n 3Jrisb llatk By STANISLAUS LYNCH .llt/I/Or of" Rhymes of an I risll Huntsman." THE BRAY HARRIERS MEET AT ENNISKERRY. E\\' pursuit in life are '0 conducive to the pre­ expense. There are no three guinea Saturday Cap in servation of one's sanity as a good day with hounds. lreland. Indeed, the usual Cap-money collected at F Politics, Finance and the daily ration of personal most Irish Meets is half-a crown. With the more worries are forgotten when one's horse cocks his ears fashionable packs the Cap is accordingly higher but the to the opening note of a hound in C.n Irish Woodland. maximum for non-subscribing visitors is one pound. Around one the faces of the riders are tensely eager­ Subscriptions for the season are as low as three pounds aglow with the hope that they will soon see a 11rown with several two-days-a-week packs; of course, with shadow streak away from th woodside and point hi the bigger establishments, annual subscriptions range mask for the far-off hills. up to fifty pounds. There are several private packs and an endless array of foot-hound packs where Cap­ Variety. money and ubscriptions do not exi t or are merely Quite a number of those present are visitor from optional. over eas. ome of them come annually, lured by Ireland's hospitality ann the unsurpassed excellenc'e Horses. of her sporting fare. Here one has no Leicester hire If visitors wish to purchase their hunters here ... rut-ancl-lairis in endless succession, no Pennsylvanian well, who has not heard of Ballsbridge Bargains? The flights of timber, or Au tralian barbed-wire mons­ ame applies to Ireland in general. Any farmer' son trositie ; no, one meet an endless variety of natural will be glad to sell his horse and although it is our Irish obstacles. Yariety is the keynote of Ireland's menu: trait to ask plenty at the outset, we are easy to deal Stone-walls, single-banks, double-banks, hedges, bog­ with e\'entually; and if there is still some difficulty drains, rivers and gaps ensure that the term" sameness" towards the conclusion of the deal, a good" luck-penny" can never be applied to our Irish countryside. soon overcomes it. If horses are to be hired there are numerous reputable riding school<; and livery establish­ Inexpensive. ment in the citie and bigger provincial town, which Other of these \ isitors may be having their first provide safe cross-country conveyances at very reason­ sample of Irish sport and they will be agreeably surprised ahle charges. If you are hunting with the smaller pro­ to find that, in spite of these (liffirult times, excellent vincial packs a fanner's son may lend you a horse that ImI1ting (loes not necessarily ent<til any \'ery great will do your heart gOOl1. Invariably, the honorarium will 2 (Plr.ase see page G) Octobej', 1939 IRISII l'RA VEL LiST OF Irish Hunts, Masters, Secretaries, Fees, etc. FOXHOUNDS Name of Hunt Subscription Special Fee. I Where Hunters and Couples and for Temporary Kennels can Convenient Hunting :\[aslcrs Hon. Secretaries be Hired of Hound,; Towns Day' C:>p Charges Vlsitors ~ vondhu (25) Fermoy, Mitchels­ Wed. Mr. T. O'Brien Mr. C. E. Magnier, £5; C3P, 25. 6<1. .•• By arrangement Stand House, Fer· W. Jones, Fer· town, Lismore. Sat. M.R.C.V.S., Dun­ moy. moy. tabeen House, Fer~ mo}. Write Hon. Sec. Ballymacad (20) Oldcastlc, Castle­ Tues. Miss A. Usher. Mr. A. Hone, Bally­ Minimum sub.. £5; By arrangement Moylagh,OldeastIe, pollard. Fri.
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