INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in itaUcs. Abbott, Charles, vs. Sir Francis Bur- BALL, HALSTED, 119 dett, 346, 356, 357 Ball, John, Philadelphia schoolmaster, Abensuer, Joseph, 85 361 Abington, 213 BALL, SUSAN. 119 Ackerman, John, receives grant of Ball, Thomas, Philadelphia schoolmas- land in Pennsylvania, 319 ter, 361, 364 Acrod, Benjamin, 269 Ball, William, 367 Adams, Brooks, 243 Ballard, Brig. Gen. Colin R., "The Adams, Charles Francis, 150, 243 Military Genius of Abraham Lin- Adams, Henry, 243 coln," by, referred to, 141-144, 147, Adel, Thomas, Philadelphia school- 148, 150, 151, 153, 155, 157, 160 master, 363 Baltimore, Lord, 293 Alcorn, James, 168 Baltimore, 34, 42 Alexander, Gen. E. P., 150 Bancacker, George, 199 Alexandria, 30 Baptists in Colonial Pennsylvania, Alfred, warship, Continental Navy, 337, 338 query regarding, 175 Baralt, Rafael, 78 Allegheny Mountains, 34, 198-200 Barclay, Rev. Dr., 358 Allegheny River, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, Barker, General, 375, 378, 379 36, 44, 53. Barker, Charles R., Colonial Taverns Allen, Nathaniel, early settler in of Lower Merion by, 205-228 Pennsylvania, 322 Barnes, Rev. Albert, 112 Allen, Samuel, 374 Barnum, David, 379 Allen, Chief Justice William, 261 Barrett, Richard, case of Augustus H. Allison, Rev. Dr., 65, 113 Beaumont against, 347, 348, 357 ALRICH, ELIZABETH, 66 Barry, John, 175 American Philosophical Society, or- Barton vs. Taylor, case of, 357 ganized, 1743, 291 Barton, Rev. Thomas, Church Mis- Amity, ship bringing English emi- sionary, 173 grants to Pennsylvania, 322 Bartram, John, 314; Journal of, Anderson, Ephraim, 139 quoted, 305 ; early settler in Penn- Anderson, Hezekiah, 135 sylvania, 333 Anderson, James, M.D., property of, Bartram, William, 305 in Lower Merion, 215, 216 Baths, Charles, 17 Andrew, Governor, 231, 233 Battle, , 131 Andros, Gov. Edmund, of New York, Bautista, Felipe, 84 319, 321 Bayard, Col., 201 Annapolis, 134 Bayard, Col. John, 378 Annon, , Master of Grammar Beaks, William, early settler in Penn- School, Philadelphia, 361, 364 sylvania, 319 Antietam, Battle of, 143, 145, 148, Beard, John, Philadelphia schoolmas- 232 ter, 364, 371 Appomatox, 242 Beatty, Charles, missionary sent to Appoquinimack, 130, 140. Western Pennsylvania, 1766, 307; Aramingo Canal, 100 Journal of, 307, 314 Ardmore, 210-212 Beaumont, Augustus H., case of, Arkansas River, 40 against Richard Barrett, 347, 348, Armat, Thomas, 216 357 Arnold, Col. Benedict, 115 BECK, ANN, 193 ASHMEAD, CAPT. JOHN, 140 Beck, Ann, 196, 199 "Asiento trade" carried on by South BECK, BENJAMIN, 193 Sea Company, 13, 27 BECK, CARY, 193 Asientos, 2, 20 BECK, ELIZABETH, 193 Asler, George, 352 BECK, HENRY, 193 Assembly of Pennsylvania, Libel on BECK, JOSEPH, 193 the, by Hon. William Ren wick Rid- Beck, Joseph, 196, 198, 199 dell, 176-192, 249-279, 342-360 BECK, REBECCA, 193 Atkinson, , 365, 367 Bedford, 31, 52, 198 Atlanta, 240 Bedford Springs, 126 Attwood, Capt. William, 366 Bedwell, Thomas, linen printer, part- Aurora, Colony founded by Dr. Wil- ner of John Walters, 107 liam Keil, 166 Beissel, Conrad, settled at Ephrata, 301; works of, 301, 314 Baker, Henry, early settler in Penn- Bell, , 124 sylvania, 319 BELL, ANDREW, 123 Baker, Hilary, Jr., 377 Bell, John, 17, 131, 261 Baldwin, Joshua, 353 Beluche, Renato, 80, 83 BALL, EDWARD JOHN, 119 Berry, William, 269 388 Index. 389 Bethel, The Old Communistic Town Britain, Lyonel, early settler in Penn- of, by Harold Dailey, 162-167; sylvania, 319 founded by Dr. William Keil, 162 ; Broadkill, 137 Dr. Keil arrives with German colon- Brodeau, Mrs., Philadelphia school- ists, 163; prosperity of colony, mistress, 363 163-165, 167; dissolution of col- Brooke, Henry, poet, 310, 314 ony, 167; prosperity of town of, Brosius, Nicholas, 368 167 Brown, Capt., 368 Beveridge, John, poet, 310, 314 Browne, James, early settler in Penn- Biddle, Edward, contributes a letter sylvania, 320 of Peter Miller, 1776, 381-383 Brownsville, 36, 44, 52 Biles, Jonathan, 366 Brunts, , 201 Biles, William, conviction of, for libel, Brushy Fork Creek, 127 264 ; early settler in Pennsylvania, BUCHANAN, DR. , 112 319 Buck, Sarah, 200 Bird, , 197 Buck Inn, George Washington quar- Birmingham, Rd., 25 tered at, 226 Bittle, Widow, 367 Budd, Thomas, "Good Order Estab- Black, , 199 lished in Pennsylvania &c." by, 302, Black, James, 83 303, 314 Black Horse Tavern, encounter of Budd's Ferry, 201 Gen. Potter and Lord Cornwallis at, Bugg, Francis, 315 226, 227 Bull Run, Battle of, 144, 232 Black Lick Creek, 53 Buller, Alexander, Philadelphia school- Blackford, 133 master, 361 Blair, Dr. , 64 Bunce, Daniel, 109 Bliss, Samuel, early settler in Penn- Burd, James, 170; letter of to Ed- sylvania, 319 ward Shippen, 1755, 307 Blockley, 211, 219, 224 Burdett, Sir Francis, vs. Charles Ab- Blue Mountain, 196 bot, 346, 356, 357 Blunston, John, 269-271; early set- Burlington, N. J., settlement of, 320 tler in Pennsylvania, 333 Burns, David, case of, 350 Blunston, Michael, early settler in Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E., 142, 143, Pennsylvania, 333 148, 158, 159 Boggs, Alexander, 195 Burnt Cabins, 197 Bolivar, General, 79 Burr, Aaron, 378 Bonaparte, Napoleon, death mask of, Burton, Rev. , 64 92 Butler, , 119 Bond, Dr. Thomas, 370 Butler, Enoch, 353 Bonnett, John, 198, 200 Butler, Noble, 353 Bonsall, Robert, early settler in Penn- sylvania, 333 Cadwalader, David, 353 Book Notices, 288 Cadwalader, Col. John, 378 Bovington, Richard, early settler in Cadwalader, Lieut. Thomas, 377 Pennsylvania, 321 Cadwallader, Dr., 65 Braddock, Gen. Edward, wounded and CALDWELL, , 118, 122-124, death of, 30 ; estimate of army of 128 at Battle of Fort Du Quesne, 30; CALDWELL, TRAIN, 140 defeat of, 272 Calico and Linen Printing in Phila- Braddock'8 Road, 31, 328, 329 delphia, by Harrold E. Gillingham, Bradford, Andrew, 365; returns to 97-110 Philadelphia, printer and publisher, Cameron, Simon, Secretary of War, 296 235 Bradford, Gamaliel, 237 Canon, Colonel, 202, 203 Bradford, William, 297, 309; first Cape Girordeau, 40 printer in Pennsylvania, 295 ; con- Carabooo, 79, 80, 83 nection of with Keith controversy, CAREY, FRANCES ANNE, 91 295, 296; removes to New York, CAREY, MATHEW, 90 296 Carlisle, 195, 307 Bradford, Col. William, 255 Carpenter, Samuel, early settler in Bradshaw, George, to John Bradshaw, Pennsylvania, 332 go Carralso, Walter, 201 Bradshaw, John, George Bradshaw to, Carruthers, , Philadelphia 93 schoolmaster, 363, 369 Bradshaw, Samuel, early settler in Carson, Hon. Hampton L., to Hon. Pennsylvania, 334 Thomas L. Montgomery, 92 Bradshaw, Thomas, early settler in Carson, Kielley versus, case of, 347 Pennsylvania, 334 Carter, Alderman, 364 Brainerd, David, 314 Cartlidge, Edmund, early settler in Brandywine Creek, 87, 88, 137 Pennsylvania, 333 Branson, , 367 Cather, Robert, Philadelphia school- Breintnal, Joseph, assists Benjamin master, 362 Franklin in business, 297, 309 Cattell, Clement, 83 Bright, Brig. Gen. Michael, 378 Cawet, , 201 Bristol, 319, 326 Cemetery Ridge, 153 Bristol Factor, ship bringing English Chad's Ford, 87, 88 emigrants to Pennsylvania, 322 Chalkley, Thomas, 315, 364 ; Journal Bristoll, Thomas L., tetter of William of, published, 1749, 305 Knight to, 1813, contributed by Chalmers, James, 17 Lucy W. Knight, 383 Chambers Ferry, 195 390 Index. Chambersburg, 197, 232 Colvile, Sir James W., 349 CHANCELLOR, SARAH, 378 Conard, John, 378 CHANCELLOR, WILLIAM, 378 Concord, 88 Chancellor, William, 366 Conestoga Creek, 195 Chancellorsville, Battle of, 149, 150, Conestoga Road, 209-212 156, 241 Connecticut, immigrants from, settle Channing, Edward, 236; criticism of in Wyoming Valley, 327, 328, 338 "The War for Southern Indepen- Connogoguinop Creek, 196 dence," by, 229 Conrad, Dennis, 213 Chapman, John, early settler in Penn- Coombe, Thomas, 315 sylvania, 319 Cooper, Jacob, 369 Charles II, grant of Pennsylvania to Copeland, , 130, 140 William Penn, 290, 293 Cornwallis, Lord, 226 Charleston, 116, 118, 120, 231 Cosgrove, James, Philadelphia school- Chatham, Lord, 31 master, 362 Chattanooga, Battle of, 149, 241, 245 Cotes, Manuel, 83 CHEESMAN, RICHARD, 101 Cottinger, John, 366 Chester, 130, 140, 221, 324 Couch, Gen. , 151, 153 Chester Creek, 88, 322 Coultas, James, Sheriff of Philadel- Chestnut Ridge, 200, 201 phia, 213, 258, 260, 354 Chew, , 53 COX, CATHERINE MARY, 171 CHEW, BENJAMIN, 379 Cox, Christopher, 369 Chew, Benjamin, 251, 259; fees for COX, CORNELIUS, 170, 171 services as Attorney General of COX, COL. CORNELIUS, 171 Pennsylvania., 278 ; early settler in Cox, Col. Cornelius, military service Pennsylvania, 331 of, 170, 171 CHEW, MARY, 380 COX, ELIZABETH, 171 Chichester, 209 COX, ESTHER, 168 Chickahominy, 148, 156 COX, ESTHER AMELIA, 171 Chickamauga, Battle of, 246 COX, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 171 Chirinos, Carlos Medina, author of COX, DR. JOHN, JR., 168, 170 works on Latin America, 78, 79, 83, Cox, Dr. John, Jr., purchases tract 84 of land in Dauphin Co., 168 ; lays Chitty, Walter Davis, 83 out town of Estherton, 168, 169; Christ Church, founded 1694, 336 biographical, 170 ; house built by, Churches, early, in Philadelphia and 171, 172 Pennsylvania, 336-338 COX, JOHN BOWES, SR., 171 Cist, Charles, Philadelphia schoolmas- COX, JOHN BOWES, JR., 171 ter, 363 COX, MARY, 171, 211 City Point, 159 COX, MATILDA WILLIS, 171 Claiborne, Richard D., to General COX, PETER, 211 Hand, 1779, 174 COX, RACHEL, 171 Clare, John, Philadelphia schoolmas- COX, REBECCA, 171 ter, 362 COX, SARAH, 170 Clark, Joseph, 368 Coxe, William, 17 Clark, William, 265 ; early settler in Coccestown, second oldest town in Pennsylvania, 319 Dauphin Co., 168; tract of land Clarke, Captain, 41 owned by John Cox, 168; named Clausewitz, Karl von, military writer, Estherton, 168, 169; later Coxes- 146, 152 town, 172 Clay, Henry, 231, 380 Craken, , 196 Claypole, Joseph, 365 Crapper, , 131, 132 Cliffe, Robert, early settler in Penn- Crellius, Joseph, Philadelphia school- sylvania, 334 master, 362 Clinton, Gov. George, 68 Crook, Gen. George, 160 Clitton, Mrs. , 369 Cumberland River, 45 Clowes, David, 136 Cunningham, , 364 Clowes, John, Sr. and Jr., 132-140 Curtin, Gov. Andrew, 230i-233 Coates, Jonathan, 353 Custis, George W.
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