"Enemies of AH Freedom" "This war is an all-out fight." the Mart* Assails Tyrants Governor declared. "The Nazi, the At the sesqui-ceritoiinial luncheon Leaders Honor Fascist, the Japanese are irreconcil- Mayo~- LaGuardia delivered a speech able enemies of all freedom. They in which he said the governments of must go; they or we will survive; Japan and Germany could not stand Bill of Rights as they or we will influence man's des- ten minutes if those nations enjoyed tinies for generations, perhaps cen- a Bill of Rights. Key to Victory turies, to come." "The Mikado reigns by making his Governor Lehman warned that If people believe he has descended from the democracies lose the war, "time Heaven," the Mayor said. "And con- City Rallies Pear Lehman, will turn back much more than 150 sider Adolf Hitler, that poor deluded years," to the day when man was fool, who really believes he is a good Mayor Predict Defeat "a beast of burden, without rights, ersatz for the Almighty." for AH Foes of Liberty without hope and without dignity." The time has come, Mayor La- An Axis victory, he predicted, means Guardia said, when Americans must "freedom will disappear utterly from give their lives in defense of the" The 150th anniversary of the the lace of the earth." principles of the Bill of Rights. adoption of the Bill of Rights, first Recalling that thousands of men. "We must be realistic." he said. '/We ten amendments to the Constitu- gave their lives in the fight to makej can't preserve and protect the Bil tion, was commemorated in New York America the home of freedom, the of Rights any longer by oratory. We yesterday at many celebrations at Governor asked his listeners to re- can not do it any longer as we wanted member that "freedom was riot to do it—by restraint and by example. which speakers, including Mayor achieved the easy way." We catmot perpetuate it at this time P. H. LaCuardia and Governor Her- "Ifc was won by long1, agonizing and make it effective by literature bert H. Lehman, proclaimed the war, which tried .the souls of men or pamphlets. We must protect these principles embodied in the amend- in the crucible of devotion and rights with our very lives." courage," he said, adding that in At a ceremony in City Hall Plaza ments to be the principles for which the new war the United States must at noon Mayor LaGuardia called 01 America is fighting today. win or lose its freedom. the people of New York to gird While Hitler, Mussolini and the 'Victory will be ours," Governor themselves for a battle for freedom Mikado are still capable of aggres- Lehman asserted. "Of that there "Today, as Mayor of the City o sion and tyranny, speakers said, can be no doubt." New York," he said, "it is my proud the freedoms guaranteed in the Bill Warns of Anxiety Ahead privilege to proclaim that in New of Rights—freedom of speech and The Governor warned that In the York City, a typical American city of religion and of the press, freedom days ahead ".there will be nights of peopled from the descendants of. of assembly and the right of trial anxiety and agony" and that "death every country in the world, we stand by jury—are in jeopardy. and suffering are inevitable." He united, ready to do our part. Amer- President Roosevelt, in a message asked the nation to "enlist whole- ica is ready. We are prepared to to Herbert Bayard Swope, chairman heartedly in the great crusade for meet the situation. Men and women of the Bill of Rights Sesqui-Centen- freedom and security and peace." of New York, on to the fight." . nial defense luncheon, held at the "All men and women and even Helen Hayes, actress, read the ten Commodore, said that "no clearer children in tills conflict," jje con- amendments, each of which, inci- and more eloquent statement of OUT tinued, "are privileged * to play a dentally, was reproduced in large cause was ever written than is courageous and useful part in the signs in City Hall Park. The cere- embodied in the American Bill of defense of their country." mony included a parade and mass- Rights." Governor Lehman called President ing of colors by war veterans and President Roosevelt's Message Roosevelt a "courageous and de-, Boy Scouts. The President's message, read at termined Commander-in-Chief" and! Josephus Daniels, retiring Ambas- the luncheon by Mr. Swope, follows: said: "His is the clearest voice for sador to Mexico, speaking at the "I am delighted to know that you freedom in the world today. His is lesqui-centennlal luncheon at the an unshakable determination that Commodore, said "the brightest star are holding a luncheon in New York barbarism will be crushed and free- to celebrate the sesqui-centennial dom preserved." of the Bill of Rights. There never The Sub-Treasury Building stands was a time when the real inner on the site of old Federal Hall, first meaning of the Bill o Righ\s was capitol of the United States. It was more manifestly clear to all Ameri- there that the first Congress adopted. • cans and to all human beings than the Bill of Rights on Sept. 25, 1789. \ now. It is precisely for the preser- On Dec. 15, 1791, the final necessary! vation of the rights guaranteed by state ratification was voted by Vir-! the first ten amendments of the ginia. In commemoration Governor, Constitution that we are now com- James H. Price, of Virginia, follow- pelled to fight. No clearer or more ing Governor Lehman's talk, which eloquent statement of our cause was was broadcast over the Blue net- ever written than is embodied in the work of the National Broadcasting American Bill of Rights." Company, spoke from Richmond on Governor Lehman, speaking at a the same Bill of Rights celebration on the steps of the Sub-Treasury Building, Walt and Nassau Streets, said free- dom for the United States and its Allies never can be achieved through compromise or appeasement of the Axis powers. r his own, ox* a mind of his own, or a tongue of his own, or a trade of his own; or even to live where he pleases or to marry the woman he loves; deterioration <#• this generation That his only duty is the duty of our people to preserve liberty is of obedience, not to his God, and as fixed and certain as the de- not to his conscience, taut to termination of that earlier genera- Adolph Hitler; and that his only tion of Americans to win it. value is his value, not as a man, We will not, under any threat, but as a unit of the Nazi state. or in the face of any danger, sur- render the guaranty of liberty our The Order "of Force" forefathers framed for us in our To Hitler the ideal of the peo- Bill of Rights. ple, as we conceive it—the free, self-governing and responsible We hold with all the passion of people—is incomprehensible. The our hearts and minds to those people, to Hitler, are "the masses" commitments of the humaii spirit and the highest human idealism We are solemnly determined is, in his own words, that a man that no power or combination of should wish to become "a dust powers of this earth shall shake particle" of the order "of force" our hold upon them. which is to shape the universe. We covenant with each other To Hitler, the government, as before all the world, that having we conceive it, is an impossible taken up arms in the defense of conception. The government to liberty, we will not lay them down him is not the servant' and thV before liberty is once again secure instrument ox the people, but in the world we Jive in. For that their absolute master and the security we pray; for that security dictator of their every act. we act—now and evermore. To Hitler the Church, as we conceive it, is a monstrosity to be destroyed by every means at his command. The Nazi church is to be the "national church," "abso- lutely and exclusively in the serv- ice of but one doctrine, race and nation." To Hitler, the freedom of men to think as they please and speak as they please and worship as they please is, of all things im- aginable, most hateful and most desperately to be feared. The issue of our time, the issne of the war in which we are en- gaged, is the issue forced upon the decent, self-respecting peoples of the earth by the aggressive dog- mas ei this attempted revival of barbarism, this proposed return to tyranny, this effort to impose again upon the peoples of the world doctrines of absolute obedi- ence, and of dictatorial rule, and of the suppression of truth, and of the oppression of conscience, which the free nations of the earth have long ago rejected. Attempt to "Cancel Out Liberty" What we face Is nothing more nor less than an attempt to over- > ! throw and to cancel out the great upsurge of human liberty of which the American Bill of Rights is ' the fundamental document: to force the peoples of the earth, and among them the peoples of this " continent, to accept again the absolute authority and despotic rule from which the courage and the resolution and the sacrifices; of their ancestors liberated "them many, many years ago. It is an attempt which could succeed only if those who have inherited the gift of liberty had lost the manhood to preserve it.
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