A-7 A-7 ISSN 1180-4335 Legislative Assembly Assemblée législative of Ontario de l’Ontario First Session, 40th Parliament Première session, 40e législature Official Report Journal of Debates des débats (Hansard) (Hansard) Tuesday 15 May 2012 Mardi 15 mai 2012 Standing Committee on Comité permanent des Government Agencies organismes gouvernementaux Intended appointments Nominations prévues Chair: Bill Mauro Président : Bill Mauro Clerk: Trevor Day Greffier : Trevor Day Hansard on the Internet Le Journal des débats sur Internet Hansard and other documents of the Legislative Assembly L’adresse pour faire paraître sur votre ordinateur personnel can be on your personal computer within hours after each le Journal et d’autres documents de l’Assemblée législative sitting. 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Hansard Reporting and Interpretation Services Service du Journal des débats et d’interprétation Room 500, West Wing, Legislative Building Salle 500, aile ouest, Édifice du Parlement 111 Wellesley Street West, Queen’s Park 111, rue Wellesley ouest, Queen’s Park Toronto ON M7A 1A2 Toronto ON M7A 1A2 Telephone 416-325-7400; fax 416-325-7430 Téléphone, 416-325-7400; télécopieur, 416-325-7430 Published by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Publié par l’Assemblée législative de l’Ontario A-31 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE L’ONTARIO STANDING COMMITTEE ON COMITÉ PERMANENT DES GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ORGANISMES GOUVERNEMENTAUX Tuesday 15 May 2012 Mardi 15 mai 2012 The committee met at 0905 in committee room 1. public in a continuing role as a member of the board of governors of St. Lawrence College. I am a public accountant with over 30 years of SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT experience, and I’m currently a partner in a regional The Chair (Mr. Bill Mauro): Good morning, accounting firm in Kingston. In my practice, my client everybody. Thank you for being here this morning in base includes a large number of not-for-profit clients. On government agencies. I apologize for being a couple of my professional side, I’ve gained experience with the minutes late. concerns and issues that are faced by the public and not- The first issue this morning is to deal with the sub- for-profit sectors. Financial, operational and HR matters committee report, May 10, 2012. Do have a motion? Mr. are areas where I provide advice and support to my McDonell? clients on a regular basis. Mr. Jim McDonell: I move that the subcommittee In 1997, I was awarded an FCA designation by the report be tabled. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario in recog- The Chair (Mr. Bill Mauro): Okay. Any comments nition of my contribution to the profession and the com- or discussion? All in favour? Carried. Thank you very munity. As you would see in my resumé, I have had a much. wide range of volunteer experience over a considerable number of years. My past volunteer roles have included being a member of the board of directors of the Kingston INTENDED APPOINTMENTS General Hospital Foundation, vice-president of the Public Accountants Council of Ontario, chair of the professional conduct committee of the Institute of Chartered Account- MS. JENNIFER FISHER ants of Ontario, and treasurer of the Belleville and Dis- Review of intended appointment, selected by official trict Chamber of Commerce. opposition party: Jennifer Fisher, intended appointee as I am currently the chair of the finance and resources member, St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and committee of the University Hospitals Kingston Founda- Technology. tion, which raises funds for the three hospitals in The Chair (Mr. Bill Mauro): The next item this Kingston, and I’m also on the board of directors of the morning is our first intended appointee: Ms. Jennifer Providence Care Foundation, Kingston. Fisher, nominated as a member of the St. Lawrence I’m currently the chair of the audit committee of St. College of Applied Arts and Technology board of gov- Lawrence College, and for the past three years have been ernors. Is Ms. Fisher here? a member of both the finance and administration commit- You may begin, Ms. Fisher, with a brief statement, if tee and the audit committee. you wish. Any time used for your statement will be During the past three years, I have developed a know- deducted from the government’s time for questions. Each ledge of the college and strategic goals and seen the party will then have 10 minutes to ask you questions. success of many programs and initiatives undertaken by Questioning will start with the government. the college. We’ll open the floor and ask you to make your pres- Prior to my appointment on the board, I taught entation now. Thank you very much for being here. continuing education tax courses to students at the col- Ms. Jennifer Fisher: Thank you. Good morning, Mr. lege. This has provided me with an opportunity to work Chair and members of the committee. with students on improving their knowledge and skill It’s my pleasure to be in attendance today to discuss levels. It was also an opportunity for me to work with with you my order-in-council appointment to the board support staff, who provide administration support to of governors of St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts students. and Technology. I’m in my third year of a three-year The college has just started the process to hire a new term as a board appointee on the board. I would like to president and CEO. I believe that my experience with expand on my experience to serve the best interests of the previous recruitment for both my professional practice A-32 STANDING COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 15 MAY 2012 and in certain of my volunteer roles will be of assistance number of universities that the students can attend— in the hiring process for the new president and CEO. being able to take those courses at community colleges In summary, I believe that I’ve demonstrated commit- provides them with an easier access to a degree program. ment to the St. Lawrence College board of governors St. Lawrence College now offers two different degree over the past three years and my professional skills programs and is actively working with different univer- would be an asset to the best interests of the public sities on expanding that base. But this, in my opinion, is should I be appointed to the St. Lawrence board of another way of providing students with a wide range of governors. opportunities to expand on their academic levels and skill The Chair (Mr. Bill Mauro): Okay, thank you, Ms. levels by having opportunities to work through the col- Fisher. We’ll go to the government side first, if there are lege programs to get their degrees. any questions. You have about six minutes left. Mr. Jim McDonell: Just a follow-up: I know that they Ms. Helena Jaczek: Thank you very much for have a number—they have, I think, nursing out of Corn- coming in, Ms. Fisher. Certainly, your three years of wall, and they’re affiliated with another school. They experience already on the board has given you, I’m sure, also have quite a few in Kingston, but, of course, Kings- a number of insights into the workings of St. Lawrence ton has the capability of Queen’s being there. So it’s not College in particular. Could you just outline for us some as important as, say, in Cornwall and Brockville, that of the challenges and also the opportunities that you see, don’t have access to a university nearby. But, of course, perhaps generalizing from your experience at St. St. Lawrence being in Kingston as well, hopefully there Lawrence College for colleges in Ontario as a whole? would be some room to affiliate with Queen’s or one of Ms. Jennifer Fisher: Certainly. One of the big chal- the other universities. I think you do it with either lenges for colleges going forward, in my opinion, is Thunder Bay or— trying to match the skill sets that are required by Ms. Jennifer Fisher: Laurentian is the university. employers and industries out there and matching those Mr. Jim McDonell: —Laurentian now to allow those with the needs of the students and trying to provide the programs to take place. students with the learning opportunities that best match Ms. Jennifer Fisher: That’s the intention. The other their abilities to learn. That’s one of the challenges, but unique thing that we have with St. Lawrence College is it’s also an opportunity. that professors are able to teach on different campuses, so 0910 they’re able to provide the same opportunities for degree Another key opportunity that I see for the colleges programs at all three of the campuses. So it may be that a right now is the training for second career opportunities professor is teaching at, say, Kingston normally but is for individuals—again, trying to match that skill set, that able to teach a course in Cornwall or Brockville and give training base, with the needs of the public. those students that chance to be educated in that A big challenge, of course, is financial constraint, particular stream.
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