> u I Il I THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATUEDAT FEBErAHT 8 1908 1J n I HOUR TO Cuts BOOK ON TUBERCULOSIS MISS HUVS SUICIDE Dudes and Dandiesl t111IY BALTIMORE Off Friends Ear Did Me Dirty Trick FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN SHOCK TO MEMBERS Morris Sheppard of Texas BY TROLLEY LINE a At a meeting of the committee fr r Dons Silk Hat andRaincoat Broadway Too Surprised to Cry Out When prevent ef tuberculosis a branch OF CAPITAL First Car Over New Elec- ¬ of the Associated Cltarltles of this rli flJi Assault Occurs in Broad DayPunishment- the chairman Gen George M St rn tric Road berg appointed a subcommittee on pih iii8 Run Yester- lie n of l r Is Peculiar to Gambling Fraternity C E Schroeder of the United State day Department of Agriculture Dr M Popular Woman Believed- Kosenau of Public Hygiene a i i Marine Ho Service and E ill Be Feb New did me a jirty trick and I thought It liner This subcommittee is to prepare To Baltimore or Annapolis NKW YORK Hardened to Have Been Tem- ¬ by trolley Yorkers immune to astonishment was simpler and neater to cut off his and submit to general commit hi one hour 1 now assured The nrst yesterday ear than t > try to keep out of the chair v new and uptodate primer on hygiene gazed with horror afternoon tot him tuberculosis to placed in Un- porarily car over the now Washington Baltii fashionably dressed man ming and Insane and Annapolis at a sturdy hands of the upper grade children of t e More Railway carrying who walked briskly up to another in Gamblers Punishment public schools the officials of the rod engineers sup-¬ street near Broadway and This trick of cutting off oars Is one ply men and newspaper men reached Fortyftrst Washington members of Daugh- ¬ cut lila ear confined almost wholly to the gambling HALF CENTURY IN COURT the k city night In- ¬ oft f ters last after a trip of of such all fraternity one special- ¬ of the American Revolution were spection The incident wad uanual it was of the shocked today of the whole route earslsisher had 1 4 ties of Miles McDonald who was killed THOMAS ESTATE SETTLED to learn of tha suicide Although regular serving not sort that tb of Mtstf Harriet BaIrd Huey regent of has yet calmly off down Broaaway and the pan by Nick Preusser in the T n Byck been installed it is said < the Philadelphia Chapter and one of that within a with the mutilated face bad vanished Hotel in Albany Mr McDonald was WINSTED Coon Feb XThe ta- month a schedule between the three wont to cut off the ears of welching o Edward Taoro son ef 3eth Thom- ¬ the most widely known members of In A taxicaij before the small crowd that go ¬ players nd nail them up qver bar as clock which has elites will into effect The Wash- woke up and yelled for his the manufacturer the society ington had gathered It is a inflicted by gam- been in the probate court in Plymouth- Miss Huey killed by inhaling terminal for the present will be police blers welchers and those clerks for fortysix years has just been set herself the corner of the gas Thursday afternoon but it wag not at Fifteenth and H A policemen drifted along after a confidants n moneyhandlers In their tied A life Interest in the estate was streets northeast but it is the hope something of curiosity- employ Ky f uch breaches of trust left to the widow who died a few until last night that it became known management time looked with as embezzlement or the double cross weeks ago relatives of the dead woman having of the to make arrangeS at the puddle of Wood on the sidewalk whereby ¬ made an effort to keep the news of mentis it will be possible to run and then casually asked what had hap- cars to the Treasury making it unneces- ¬ present could tell the the suicide from the public sary for passengers to pened Kvery one Mies Huey had spent the day alone in transfer details of the occurrence Jut none office depot ¬ her apartments in a Philadelphia board An and ha been equip- tell names of the principal ped at the Oxford Hot New could the leg house and was found by tha Rev York in the affair or what had become of avenue and Fourteenth i- H Wilson who detected the odor street which them Si R will socn be opened for the sole of of gas while reading in his ream and tickets over the Cuts From Behind ii- traced te Miss Hueyg apartments newjtne TJAr J it trip of walking 1 I LIIc IWs 13- The the first car yesterday was The victim of the assault wa u 1- Brooded Over 111 Health for the purpose of demonstrating the along PertyHrst strett toward read No cause can be given by Miss Hueys efficiency of the equipment of the road way when his assailant walked up be- ¬ A was ¬ relatives except despondency over 111 stop made at Academy Junc- hind him with an open knife In his health It is the general belief that tion where the slops and stoek were hand and seizing his left ear In s Mis Huey was mentally deranged at eaxmlned and at Annapolis The road- ¬ fingers neatly slashed It off ad threw the time of her death bed was tested by putting on bight it down upon the sidewalk weeks according speed between Annapolis and Washing- Now pick it up said the slasher For to those claM showing t > Miss Huey she had brooded over th ton that sixty miles an hour and get ou of here or lit cut oft this maintained condition of her heath and had lived could be other v almost entirely alone She was of a The mutilated victim of the assault ii- peculiarly retiring disposition at all was 00 badly friglened and nerve ANTY times but of late she had grown to be racked by the that he could MILUKOFF STOPS aalr gasp out- DUIJDGE almost a recluse and repelled any at- ¬ hardly talk but managed to r tempt on the part of friends to never thought youd do anything her MORRIS I gain her confidence She began to die 5j PPpKEPRESENTATIVE SHEPPARD like that to me Jim ii What the other man said wa not b trust those about her and when asked Tea Orator Through Whose Raincoat the Wind Swishes and Vorries Con- ¬ pretty He called the oneeared i man the cause of melancholia would re¬ SESSION plays her gress OOmM names that usually call for pit spond that she had heart disease S and thou said Now get out spick and dont crack oa S- Bedy on Fleer you the other nor Seer cal gentleman ever ¬ If do Joe > AC born in the oratori- he walked across t tt ei south When I r Wilson traced the odor cal Then Injured gas Southern Orator HasSet ¬ aide of Ftortyflm street the 9i to MiN Hueys room he found the But how about that rafeiceec and high Boycotted Qpposition Lead- man following but on the other door locked Repeated knookings failed New Con- ¬ silk hat he turned and said 1 to bring any response from inMde and Style for The dudes and dandies are asking the er Determined to Speak Dont follow me Go In the outer becoming apprehensive remembering- Janitors to the cloak room to feel direction Kep Just as tar away from pulses They realize the importance of Body- me as you n for Im likely to gel that Mieg Hue Y had acted strangely gressmen the but they do not wish to Before eareutUig habttt during the preceding days he broke overexert themselves in it the Anty DrudgeJoins the Painters Union the lock The body of Miss Huey was In the Congressional Directory it Is Disappears ia Saleou set forth by Sheppards own MIld that you Anty lying on the floor and it was evident Among the dud and dandies of the he is a speaker of no ability lie ST PETERSBURG Feb 1 ProC He then walked down Bro4wa sad First Paiider Weve called to inform that that sue had been dead several hours House of Representatives there to felt- was commencement orator at the Uni- ¬ Paul Milvkoff made good his threat to- turned Into tiehuUxa bar while the you are elected an honorary member of the Painters I Her face was drawn as though shehad a flutter ef excitement aDd apprehen- ¬ versity of Texas in 1W6 He won the day to tie up the Deume session until other man vainly endeavoring to stick 77 suffered a great time sion Into midst has been flung a Wayland prise debate in the Yale law the Octobertsts ac ¬ Union bat at the of her their IMS deliv- ¬ and Conservatives the fragmnt of ear back whore It M room was problem dressywhich they unable- school in and again in he actdreeft body- death The in confusion in are ered the masters oration in the com-¬ cord him his right to the longed hustled into a taxicab and Second Painter Thats because you told our wives how Miss Hueys effects being thrown about- to solve mencement or the Yale law school on pending legislation like any other started off In search of a surgeon to save us money by washing our white suits with in great disorder TJnu r tIM pillow on Morris Sheppard of Texas has caused With this String of triumphs of the members A man who had witnessed the Inci-¬ sending them to laundry the bed were found a number of val- ¬ the flurry by strolling leisurely down tongue spread out behind him like a The hardly convened dent followed the slasher Into the fear FelsNaptha instead of the chain of finest gold Ir has come to lawmaker had wny af- uable considerable jew- ¬ Pennsylvania avenue every morning today before and tried to learn the of the The suits last three times as long trinkets and Congress and forged new link for the lie claimed the floor the fair but learned nothing elry was found in a jewel case en the wearing a high silk hat that leans pic- magic chain Octoberietfi and Conservatives again left private affair and none of your you gentlemen turesquely upon eloquent Its a ArJty Drudge Thank That makes nine dresser Miss Huey did not leave a his brow and Generally Admitted the chamber and the president was business he said testily That cur note of any
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