2020 .:c'-. ~. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany (Under Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) Lucknow 2006 NVld 3All)3dS~3d ~mm fcmR .afR ~~ftlc6) ~ fcmR .afR ~~ftlc6) fcMflT )d;:Jf.~ ~, -.:r:rr ~ 1Wf, ~ ~-110 016 Sf. (l'"ttil4'l tt. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ~ MINISTRY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DR. T. RAMASAMI DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Technology Shavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110 016 SECRETARY 07.06.2006 MESSAGE Our Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, an autonomous institution under DST, has developed a perspective plan and Vision for the year 2020 outlining the future directions of research. The forethought is delightful. The legacy of Founder of the Institute, Late Prof. Birbal Sahni, FRS, remains a constant reminder and places a demand on all those who manage the institution a mind set to perform perpetually. The Institute has turned 60 and this is the Diamond Jubilee Vear. The Institute needs to rededicate itself to the lofty goals and objectives ofthe organization. I am pleased the Vision 2020 of the Institute focuses both on the development of the Science of Palaeobotany for possible understanding of geobiospheric changes through the 3 billion years of the history of the earth and to render such a knowledge useful for exploration of Fossil Fuels. I wish that the Vision of Institute is pursued rigorously, constantly improved and strengthened and Palaeobotany is brought into the National Science mainstream. ~- (T. Ramasami) Tel. : 26510068, 26511439 Fax: 0091-11-26863847, 0091-11-26862418 OJ E-mail: [email protected] 1lm'f mm fcmR 3fR ~~fTl~ ~ ~~fT,~ ~~ fcmR 3fR fcMrT )::cJl::l'f.:fl 1lCFl", ~ ~ lWf, ~ ~-11 0 016 q. ~. (1'"l~Rf m. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ~ MINISTRY OF SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY PROFESSOR V. S. RAMAMURTHY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110 016 SECRETARY April 12, 2006 Prologue Palaeobotany is the meeting ground between Botany and Geology, the two major disciplines of Biological and Earth System Sciences. It had started somewhat as a purely academic pursuit to understand the evolutionary histroy of plant life through the geologic time. As of now, Palaeobotany plays a vital role as a multidisciplinary science in understanding a vast spectrum of challenging fields of scientific enquiry, such as search for early life on our planet; climate, biota and environment of the past vis-a-vis changing geography of the continents and oceans; vegetation dynamics; role of plant life in the origin and exploration of fossil fuels (hydrocarbons & coal); climate change in the recent past and anthropogenic influence; impact of plants in early civilization etc. This understanding and its future perception are the main driving force behind preparation of this Vision Document. I understand that a large group of scientists from diverse disciplines have contributed towards formulation of this vision document. Such team effort augers well not only for the science of Palaeobotany but also for the Institute which was established with such lofty ideals by the visionary Late Prof. Birbal Sahni, dreaming of a place where II men of all nations will co-operate in the spirit of Science and Service ". The document covers almost all the basic and applied aspects of this multidisciplinary science which were visualized by the founder of this unique Institute almost six decades ago, and are still remarkably relevant to the needs of the society and the Nation. Lastly, it is my earnest desire that this document remains alive and gets continuously refined as our understanding improves with time. ~~'<CIQ"fOIli~ ~S. Ramamurt~y~ JJ Tel. : 26510068, 26511439 Fax: 0091-11-26863847, 0091-11-26862418. E-mail: [email protected] VISION BSIP Symbol ofworld's premier research Centre in promoting Palaeobotanical research interlinked with Scientific and Social development involving basic research in areas like origin and evolution of plant life, its ecological ramifications and research to back extended industrial application. t( •••for the science ofPalaeobotany and this Institute an ever-brighter and more usefulfuture in which men ofaI/nations will co-operate in the spirit of Science and ofService " Birbal Sahni (April 03, 1949) M SSION • Excellence in R&D work through a dedicated scientific team. • Continuous development of Palaeobotany through integrated scientific approach; innovative ideas in basic and applied research; interpretation in relation to plant life evolution and geological processes and to understand environmental evolution through time. • Promoting industrial application, particularly in Fossil Fuels Exploration for enhancing institutional leadership and contributing to the development ofsociety. • To enhance BSIP's role in the academic and industrial development of the country. "Palaeobotany is the common ground between Botany and Geology-it is in fact tire botany ofthe rocks It would not only allow us glimpses into the evolutionary history ofplants, but helps us more and more accurately to tell the ages ofstrata and thereby to explore the mineral wealth ofthe earth, particularly coal and oil, to picture the geography ofthe past, and to understand the structure ofthe earth's crust with its recurring phases ofearth movements some ofthem affecting entire continents. " Birbal Sahni (April 03, 1949) 2 VISION-2020 BSIP is dedicated to promote research on basic as well as applied aspects ofPalaeobotany and allied Earth System Sciences. The aim is to bring excellence in R&D through dedicated scientific team work so that we are able to improve our understanding in the following perspective areas ofresearch: • Precambrian palaeobiology and search for early life. • Gondwana and Cenozoic floristics, biodiversity, palaeobiogeography, biostratigraphy and palaeoclimates. • High-resolution sequence biostratigraphy, relative sea level changes, and palaeoenvironmental modeling ofpetroliferous basins. Study of major time boundaries and extreme climatic events in earth history. • Source rock evaluation of Mesozoic-Cenozoic successions in petroliferous basins. • Coal and Organic Petrology related to CBM and economic utilization' • Quaternary palaeoclimate (through palynology of continental and manne sediments, Dendrochronology andArchaeobotany; supported by geochemistry! geomagnetic studies). • Understanding temporal variability of Indian Monsoon system through palynological and otherpalaeobotanical proxies. • Study of mangrove swamps on aspects of organic matter preservation (palynological and organo-geochemical studies). • Molecular palaeobiology (evolution ofearly protists and flowering plants). • Aerobiology and biopollutant prediction. • Geochronometry and Isotopic studies. Creation ofmultispeciality National Facilities at BSIP for enhancing Institutional leadership and contributing to the development ofsociety and nation's growth is further envisaged by: • Developing BSIP as a partial revenue generation centre by promoting industrial application of High Impact Palynology in studies related to Fossil Fuel exploration (oil/gas, coal, lignite, peat, CBM). • Establishing an integrated multidisciplinary Quaternary Palaeoclimate Research Centre. • Upgradation ofGeochronometry and Isotope Laboratory. The other objectives will be to: • Promote Palaeobotanical education in Universities, Research Institutes and Industry through contactprogrammes. 3 / • Disseminate information through publications and software development. • Maintain and develop library ofdocuments and published records. • Maintain and develop museums ofPalaeobotany for Education and Research at various centres. • To maintain and continuously develop Repository of Palynological study material and modem plant herbarium. • National and International cooperation through organization and participation in meetings, seminars, conferences and through collaborative scientific programmes. • Maximize efforts through training, integrated approach and marketing technologies in developing application ofPalaeobotanical science in industry, particularly in Fossil Fuel exploration and obtaining contractual work from the domestic and foreign agencies. "here we study not only fossil plants but also the rocks ill which theyarefoU/,d" Birbal Sahni (April 03, 1949) 4 PREAMBLE Professor Birbal Sahni, FRS established the Institute in the year 1946 for development ofthe science of Palaeobotany visualizing its potential to understand the origin and evolution of plant life, and to use the knowledge of fossil plants in resolving various geologic problems including exploration offossil fuels. The Institute is devoted to develop both fundamental and applied aspects of Palaeobotany, and has adopted an integrated and multidisciplinary approach for fulfilling its aims and objectives: • To develop Palaeobotany, including palaeopalynology, in all its Botanical and Geological aspects, • To constantly update the data for interaction with allied disciplines, • To co-ordinate with other knowledge centers in areas ofmutual interest, such as early life, exploration offossil fuels, vegetation dynamics, climatic modelling, conservation offorests, etc., and • To disseminate palaeobotanical knowledge. A vast amount ofpalaeobotanical (including palynological) data from Precambrian to Recent has been generated from the various Indian sedimentary basins strengthening its academic database. The applied and economic aspects of palaeobotanical! palynological researches that are for the benefit offossil fuels industry (Hydrocarbon, Coal and CBM) have remained, to this date,
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