Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum NOTICE IS GIVEN that the next meeting of the Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum will be held in Council Chambers, Ōpōtiki District Council, 108 St John Street, Ōpōtiki on: Tuesday, 25 September 2018 commencing at 9.30 am Fiona McTavish Chief Executive Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana 18 September 2018 Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum Terms of Reference Delegated Function To oversee and monitor the implementation of the Ohiwa Harbour Strategy. Membership Membership will consist of an appointed councillor from each of the three Councils and appointed representatives of local Iwi as follows: • One representative - Opotiki District Council; • One representative - Whakatane District Council; • One representative - Bay of Plenty Regional Council; • Four appointees (Tangata Whenua) representing Whakatōhea, Upokorehe, Ngāti Awa and Ngāi Tuhoe. The Forum (made up of the representatives as outlined above) will specifically invite attendance by organisations/groups which they believe will be interested (such as the Department of Conservation, Ministry of Fisheries, Nukuhou Salt Marsh Care Group). The meetings will also be publicly advertised so that members of the wider community can also attend. Quorum In accordance with Council standing order 10.2, the quorum at a meeting of the Joint Committee is four members, consisting of the majority of the number of members. Standing Orders The Bay of Plenty Regional Council Standing Orders will apply to this Joint Committee, except as varied by these Terms of Reference or unless the members of the Joint Committee unanimously agree to vary those standing orders as they apply to the Joint Committee. Chair The ‘Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum’ elects a Chairperson at its first meeting each Triennium. Frequency of meetings Meetings will be held every six months or as required. Term of the Committee The need for and purpose of ‘Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum’ will be revisited every three years from the date of the first meeting. The establishment of the ‘Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum’ is subject to review 3 - yearly following local authority elections. Subject to the Forum being BOPRC ID: A2460604 Page 3 of 138 re-appointed, Councillor and appointed tangata whenua representatives are appointed by the incoming Councils. Specific Responsibilities and Delegated Authority The ‘Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum’: • Is the sponsor of the Ōhiwa Harbour Strategy; • Is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the actions in the Strategy; • Has an overall monitoring role in terms of timeframes and deliverables; • Maintains a general awareness of the issues surrounding the Ōhiwa Harbour Catchment; and • Is responsible for reporting back to the strategic partners and to the community. The ‘Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum’ will: • Receive reports (including those prepared by staff of the three Councils) of what has recently been achieved with regards to implementing the Strategy, and outlining what the next targets for implementation could be; • Provide a sounding board for officers to test implementation ideas against; • Provide recommendations that can be reported back to councils; and • Promote links with the Ōhiwa Harbour Catchment community. Administering Authority Bay of Plenty Regional Council is responsible for the administration of the ‘Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum’. Note: The Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum reports directly to the Regional Council. The ‘Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum’ has no delegated authority for financial expenditure. The costs of attendance at meetings lie where they fall. The exception to this is that a standard meeting fee will be provided for Iwi representation. The cost of this will be borne by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. The actions to give effect to the Strategy itself and costs associated with reporting to the Committee are funded from within the budgets of participating councils. BOPRC ID: A2460604 Page 4 of 138 Public Forum 1. A period of up to 15 minutes may be set aside near the beginning of the meeting to enable members of the public to make statements about any matter on the agenda of that meeting which is open to the public, but excluding any matter on which comment could prejudice any specified statutory process the council is required to follow. 2. The time allowed for each speaker will normally be up to 5 minutes but will be up to the discretion of the chair. A maximum of 3 public participants will be allowed per meeting. 3. No statements by public participants to the Council shall be allowed unless a written, electronic or oral application has been received by the Chief Executive (Governance Team) by 12.00 noon of the working day prior to the meeting and the Chair’s approval has subsequently been obtained. The application shall include the following: name of participant; organisation represented (if any); meeting at which they wish to participate; and matter on the agenda to be addressed. 4. Members of the meeting may put questions to any public participants, relevant to the matter being raised through the chair. Any questions must be asked and answered within the time period given to a public participant. The chair shall determine the number of questions. Page 5 of 138 Page 6 of 138 Membership Chairperson: Councillor T Marr (Bay of Plenty Regional Council) Deputy Chairperson: Councillor L Riesterer (Ōpōtiki District Council) Appointees: Bay of Plenty Regional Council Councillor W Clark (Alternate) Ōpōtiki District Council Councillor K Young (Alternate) Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa C Bluett, T O'Brien (Alternate) Whakatāne District Council Councillor A Iles, Councillor N Tánczos (Alternate) Te Waimana Kaaku (Ngāi Tuhoe) R Kora, K Te Pou (Alternate) Te Upokorehe T Ransfield, M Manuel (Alternate) Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board G Tuari-Kohunui Committee Advisor: S Kameta Recommendations in reports are not to be construed as policy until adopted. Agenda 1 Opening Karakia 2 Apologies 3 Public Forum 4 Acceptance of Late Items 5 General Business 6 Confidential Business to be Transferred into the Open 7 Declarations of Conflicts of Interests Page 7 of 138 8 Previous Minutes 8.1 Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum Minutes - 19 March 2018 13 9 Opotiki District Council Verbal Update Councillor Lyn Riesterer is invited to provide an update on matters of interest for the host partner. 10 Reports 10.1 Ōhiwa Harbour Integrated Catchment Programme Annual Work Plan results for 2017-18 and update to September 2018 25 APPENDIX 1 - Ōhiwa Harbour Strategy Annual Work Programme 2017-18 End of Year Report 31 APPENDIX 2 - Ōhiwa Harbour Strategy Annual Work Programme Results to 31 August 2018 43 APPENDIX 3 - Ōhiwa Harbour Commercial and Recreational Fishing from MPI April 2016 to May 2018 51 APPENDIX 4 - Extract from MPI Intertidal Shellfish Monitoring Report 2016 55 APPENDIX 5 - Ōhiwa Budget 2017-18 and Forecast for 2018-19 65 PRESENTATION - Ōhiwa Harbour Integrated Catchment results for 2017-2018 and update for 2018-2019 69 10.2 State of Environment Report for Ōhiwa Harbour and Catchment 71 SUPPORTING DOCUMENT - State of Environment for Ōhiwa Harbour and Catchment 75 PRESENTATION - State of Ōhiwa Harbour Catchment Environment report 77 10.3 Shellfish Restoration Trial in Ōhiwa Harbour 2018-2019 79 APPENDIX - Shellfish Restoration and Reef Construction Trials in Ōhiwa Harbour - Project Development August 2018 81 PRESENTATION - Shellfish Restoration Trials in Ōhiwa Harbour 10.4 Mangrove Management in the Ōhiwa Harbour 2011 - 2018 89 APPENDIX 1 - Mangrove Management Detailed Results to 2018 93 PRESENTATION - Mangrove Management in Ōhiwa Harbour 2011-2018 101 10.5 An Introduction to the draft Bay of Plenty Conservation Management Strategy 103 APPENDIX 1 - Bay of Plenty Conservation Management Strategy Factsheet 105 APPENDIX 2 - Coastal and Marine Place section of Draft Bay of Plenty Conservation Management Strategy 111 10.6 Business Case: Western Coastal Cycle Trail Extension 135 PRESENTATION - Business Case: Western Coastal Cycle Trail Extension Page 8 of 138 11 Consideration of General Business 12 Closing Karakia Page 9 of 138 Page 10 of 138 Previous Minutes Page 11 of 138 Page 12 of 138 Minutes of the Ōhiwa Harbour Implementation Forum Meeting held in the Board Room, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, Ngati Awa House, 4/10 Louvain Street, Whakatāne on Monday, 19 March 2018 commencing at 9.30 a.m. Click h ere to enter text. Present: Chairperson: Councillor T Marr (Bay of Plenty Regional Council) Deputy Chairperson: Councillor L Riesterer (Ōpōtiki District Council) Appointees: G Tuari-Kohunui (Whakatōhea Maori Trust Board), R Kora (Te Waimana Kaaku (Ngai Tuhoe)), Councillor N Tánczos (Alternate, Whakatāne District Council), T Ransfield (Te Upokorehe), C Bluett (Te Rūnanga o Ngati Awa), Alternates: T O'Brien (Te Rūnanga o Ngati Awa), K Te Pou (Te Waimana Kaaku (Ngai Tuhoe), Councillor W Clark (Bay of Plenty Regional Council) In Attendance: BOPRC: S Stokes (Eastern Catchments Manager), T Senior (Land Management Officer), C Bell (Senior Projects Officer (Kaituna Catchments)), S Lamb (Natural Resources Policy Manager), K O’Brien (Kotahitanga Strategic Engagement), T Rother (Contractor), S Kameta, T Nerdrum-Smith (Committee Advisors); Te Upokorehe hapū members: P Van Kampen (nee Aramoana), M Tuari-Hape, U Kave, J Tuari, C Keno, D Curtis, M Keno, J Tuari-Hape; Whakatōhea Pre-Settlement Claims Trust members: R Edwards (Chairperson), M Hudson, B Pukepuke, J Mortensen; M Jones (Department of Conservation), I Molony (Whakatāne
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