PUBLIJHED DAZLY under order of TZrE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATEJ by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL. Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. X. GOVERNMENT Activities VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1919. No. 523 RESTRICTIONS UPON PRIVATE "NEAR BEER " RESTRICTIONS NEW WAR TRADE BOARD RULING AIRPLANE EXHIBITIONS INU. S. LIFTED BY PROCLAMATION REVISES LICENSE REGULATIONS WITHDRAWN BY PROCLAMATION The Food Administration has been ad- ON CERTAIN, GOODS INTRANSIT vised that the President signed, In Paris ISSUED ON DECEMBER 16, 1918 on January 23, a proclamation removing METHOD FOR FILING DOCUMENTS the restrictions upon the manufacture of " near beer." This proclamation, how- Permits for Flying Now Granted to ever, can not become effective until the Instructions Given as to Shipments seal of the United States is attached Qualified Civilians by the joint thereto by the Department of State And of Specifed Origin and Destina- Army and Navy Board on Aero- no one can safely act on this information tion Passing Through the United until the proclamati6n has become ef- nautic Cognizance. fective. States-Customs Rules. President Wilson has issued, under The War Trade Board announces in a date of December 16,1918, a preclamation REPORT ON THE FLAG INCIDENT new ruling (W. T. B. R. 544) the revi- revbking the proclamation of January 1, sion of the regulations under which ship- 1918, which imposed restrictions upon INADRIATIC ISMADE PUBLIC ments of certain origin and destination, private airplane exhibitions in the United the importation of which has been other- States. Secretary Daniels makes public the fol- wise licensed, may be exported without The proclamation follows: lowing report from Admiral Benson re- an individual export license when the ceived in reply to the Secretary's cabled' same are conveyed in transit through the "BY THE PRESIDENT Or THE UNITED STATES request to Rear Admiral Niblack, com- territory or via any port of the United or AMERICA. mander of the American forces in the States. This regulation, effective Janu- "A PROCLAMATION. Adriatic, for a report on any incident ary 28, 1919, rescinds W. T. B. R. 465, ap that might ha-ve given "Whereas on the 1st day of rise to the story of issued January 2, 1919. January, thd "seizure" at Jelsa on January 16, 1918, a proclamation was issued forbid- Issued Through ding the exposition of aircraft in the 1919. of the Dinara by Italian forces: Customs Service. United States or its possessions; and " The Italian Government has been au- (1) Special export license No. RAC-42 "Whereas, the reasons requiring such thorized by the Adriatic naval committee has been issued through the Customs prohibition have ceased: to requisition all Austria-Hungarian mer- Service and authorizes the exportation of chant vessels, to be controlled by " Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, the al- shipments of all commodities originating President of the United States, do here- lied maritime council. The refusal of in any foreign country and destined to by repeal and annul the said proclama- some of the crew on particular ships to go any foreign country when the same are tion, and do remove the prohibition there- to sea under the Italian flag is attributed conveyed in transit through the territory in imposed upon private aeroplane ex- to ill feeling toward the Italian people. or via any port of the United States, ex- hibitions. " The naval committee has adopted an- cept that shipments from or to Mexico, " In witness whereof, I have hereunto other plan to guarantee that the ships go Central America, South America, and the set my hand and caused the seal of the Into service, numbering six in all, three West Indies are limited to the following: United States to be affixed. of which were requisitioned by the United (A) Ship-ients in either direction be- ' Done this 16th day of December, in States to fly the United States flag at the tween any colonies of England or France the year of our Lord 1918, and of the main and the interallied flags aft. Simi- in South America, Central America, or independence of the United States of lar treatment accorded other three ships the West Indies and any other country in America the 142d. to be requisitioned by the British. Naval the world; (B) shipments in either direc- " Woonow WILsoN. representatives have given written per- tion between any point in Central Amer- "By the President: mits to each ship to proceed to sea. ica, South America, Mexico, or the West "ROBERT LANSING, " The Italian authorities had not been Indies, and the United Kingdom. France, " Secretary of State." advised on the decision of the naval com- Italy, or Japan (including their colonies, mittee in connection with the steamship possessions, and protectorates) ; and (C) Flying Permits Now Granted. Dinara. shipments from one point in Mexico *^ " The United States and allied flags The joint Army and Navy board on another point in Mlexco passing throt were hauled down by the Italian senior the United States en route. aeronautic cognizance announces that officer and the Italian colors hoisted, the permits for flying are now granted to ship not being seized. After the matter Transit Shipments in United States. qualified civilians who apply according was referred to the Italian senior officer, 2. In transit shipments arriving at the to the requirements of the President's he stated that the act was done through United States by rail or vessel for re- proclamation of February 28, 1918. All Ignorance, and, after expressing regret, export under RAC 42 may be consigned applications should be addressed to the the United States and allied flags were to the ultimate consignee at point of joint Army and Navy board on aeronau- again hoisted." destination or to an agent In the United tic cognizance, Sixth and B Streets NW., States for reshipment, and if consigned Washington, 5. C. to an agent, the railroad waybill or ves- In making an application for a 1lying Additional Military Units sel's manifest must bear the name and license the civilian is required to for- Assigned to Early Convoy address of the ultimate consignee at point ward a copy of his or her certificate or of destination, and such notations shall be license showing that the Individual Is transcribed therefrom to the carrier's qualified as a pilot The War Department authorizes publi- cation of the following information: customs manifest or copy of vessel's The application must lbe supplemented manifest presented to the collector of cuo- with full Information as to the nature of The following organizations have been assigned to early convoy: toms. the aerial project contemplated; the 3. Upon arrival of such In transit ship- fmancial backing; the means to be taken Fifth Englneers. ments at port of entry, the railroad agent to insure the reliability of motors and the Quartermaster Casual Company No. 4. Cement Mill Casual No. 8. or the vessel's agent shall present to the (Continued on page 2,) Four-hundredand ighty-fifthAero quadrop, collector of customs a copy of the car- 4. : , 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 119 rier's customs manifest, Form 7512, or a copy of the ship's manifest or portion. NATION'S BUSINESS MEN ASKED thereof, upon which shall be clearly Fatalities at Flyfig noted the shipments which are in transit. Fields in United States TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS TENDING This copy shall bear: A. The name and TO IMPROVE POSTAL SERVICE address of the ultimate consignee, in ac- The War Department issues the cordance with paragraph 2 herein; B. The following statement' of fatalities notation " Special Export License RAC- The Post Office Department issues the which occurred at flying fields, following: 42 "; and C. The number of the import camps, etc., in the United States dur- license under which the shipment is to The Post Office Department has sent Ing the week ending January 18, out a circular letter to more than 15,000 be imported into the United States. 1919: If the shipment is not covered by a business men, firms, boards of trade, and Carruthers Field, Benbrook, Tex- 8 chambers of commerce throughout the special (PBF) import license an individ- Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla... - 1 unl import license is required. country inviting suggestions and con- Total -------------------- 4 structive criticisms which may tend to Shipments by Rail. the improvement of the Postal Service. 4. If the shipment is by rail, the col- " The. Post Office Department desires lector of customs will, upon giving entry, to maintain the postal service at a high allow the shipment to proceed to port of standard of efficiency," says the letter, exit accompanied by the carrier's fbani- SAYS WAR DEPARTMENT ISNOT " and make it meet the necessities and fest. requirements of the public. Notwith- 5. The collector of customs at port of CLASSIFYING OPINIONS OF PEOPLE standing the extraordintry conditions prevailing during the war the Depart- exit will allow the goods to be exported Statement by the Secretary of War under RAC-42, and forward the extra ment has attempted to do that which no January 27, 1919: other country at war has undertaken, copy of Form 7512, or the extra copy of I am receiving the ship's manifest, to the War Trade telegrams and letters namely, to conduct the Postal Service with regard to a list of persons handed without curtailment or restriction of fa- Board, Washington, D. C. to the Senate committee by Mr. Archibald The attention of shippers is called to cilities or conveniences to the public and the fact that goods given entry into the Stevenson, who is represented in news- at the same time perform the numerous paper accounts as a member of the Mili- additional duties and war activities im- United States as in transit shipments may tary Intelligence Division of the War De- not be diverted for domestic consumption .posed upon it.- I am not aware of any partment.
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