E114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 7, 2002 Daschle, Democrat of South Dakota and the gressman. She moved to Glendale after World In my district, the Alameda County Health majority leader, moved to shelve it. Those War II and attended local Glendale schools, Department, partners in the Alameda County making a million dollars or more, just one of graduating from Hoover High School. She State of Emergency Task Force and the faith every 625 taxpayers in 1999, more than dou- bled their slice of the nation’s income to 11.2 earned a business degree from the University community will also hold day long community percent that year, from 5.4 percent in 1995. of Southern California. events to mark this occasion. These high-income taxpayers also captured a Her professional life was marked by much Three years ago the State of Emergency quarter of the nation’s total personal income distinction. She served as the controller of Ar- Task Force and the Alameda County Health growth from 1995 through 1999. The incomes tisan House, Inc., as a portfolio manager with Department helped to declare a Public Health of taxpayers making less than $1 million also Salomon Smith Barney, and in 1990 opened Emergency on HIV/AIDS in the African Amer- rose, though not as sharply. The income of her own investment-counseling firm in Glen- ican community. Since then, more resources everyone making less than a million dollars dale, which today is part of Clifford Associ- have reached the community making an posi- averaged $41,000 in 1999, up from $33,500 in ates, the oldest investment firm in the United tive impact. In Alameda County, we are slowly 1995, a 22 percent increase, the data, using adjusted gross incomes, showed. The tax re- States. seeing a decrease in new HIV infections. turn data show that the number of taxpayers But what I believe Mary Hamilton would be However, we must not slow our efforts to curb reporting incomes of less than $25,000 de- most proud of were her efforts on behalf of the this deadly disease. clined slightly, while those reporting in- community. Her community involvement was Since the first AIDS diagnosis over 20 years comes at higher levels increased. without rival. She was the past President and ago, AIDS has devastated America’s Black The tax return data show that the number Founder of the YWCA of Glendale Housing community. The Centers for Disease Control of taxpayers reporting incomes of less than Corporation, a non-profit organization, which and Prevention (CDC) reports that for the first $25,000 declined slightly, while those report- owns and manages the YWCA’s transitional time in 8 years, HIV/AIDS case rates are ris- ing incomes at higher levels increased. William Beech, an economist at the Herit- housing project in Glendale for battered and ing in the United States. The CDC estimates age Foundation in Washington, which sup- homeless women and children. She served at 900,000 people living in the U.S. with HIV/ ports lower tax rates to foster economic one time as the President of the Verdugo Hills AIDS, with approximately 40,000 new infec- growth, said that these figures may be mis- Business and Professional Women’s Organi- tions every year. African-Americans lead the leading in several ways. The data fail to cap- zation and as a board member with the number of these new infection rates. Blacks ture the growing number of the working Kiwanis Club of Glendale, the Verdugo Club, represent 12% of the Nation’s population yet, poor, and their meager incomes, because the Glendale Adventist Medical Center Foun- they account for 47% of new AIDS cases. many of them are immigrants who work off Since December 2000, over 130,000 AIDS the books, he said. dation, and the Glendale Salvation Army. ‘‘The reported income that the I.R.S. picks In the past few years she has served on the cases were reported among women in the up from tax returns reflects people who are Board of Directors of the Glendale Memorial U.S. Almost 2⁄3 of all women with AIDS are Af- making their way up the economic ladder,’’ Hospital and Health Center and the Women’s rican American. And, girls make up 58% of Mr. Beech said. ‘‘If we had fully accurate re- Enterprise Development Corporation. She was new AIDS cases among teens in the U.S. porting of income, we would see that within honored as Woman of the Year by the Glen- Blacks are ten times more likely to be diag- the poorest fifth, the median income would dale Chamber of Commerce and served on nosed with AIDS than whites and ten times be falling because of the millions of people the Alex Regional Theater board, which trans- more likely to die from the disease. The CDC coming into the United States, who mostly earn low incomes.’’ formed the Alex Theatre from a closed movie also estimates that 30% of young, gay, black He also noted that among those who file theatre into a performing arts venue. men are infected with the AIDS virus. income tax returns, many of who appear The community she served for so long will Including the incidence of HIV/AIDS among poor may actually be retirees with substan- truly miss her. They will not only miss the end- African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans tial investments. But they need only modest less efforts of Ms. Hamilton in making her and Native Americans, racial minorities now incomes because their mortgages are paid off community a better place to live but they will represent a majority of new AIDS cases and and their children are grown. also miss the way in which she performed her a majority of Americans living with AIDS. It is The stock market played a large role in service. She opened doors and opportunities imperative that National Black HIV/AIDS creating more million-dollar annual in- comes, the figures show. Capital gains over to so many who would have otherwise gone Awareness Day serve as a platform to edu- all more than tripled during the five years, without. She was a remarkable woman whose cate people about the impact of HIV/AIDS on with almost three quarters of the increase spirit of selfless giving carries on with the lives African-Americans and draw attention to the going to those with million-dollar incomes. of the people she touched and the work that need for increased resources for the fight The capital gains tax cut of 1997 appeared to she did to make Glendale the outstanding against this devastating disease. favor the 400 richest taxpayers most of all. community it is today. On World AIDS Day, President Bush prom- Harvesting 7 percent of all capital gains in I ask that all Members of Congress join me ised to provide the necessary resources to 1998, these very rich Americans paid just 22 today in remembering the life of a woman combat the AIDS pandemic and ensure that percent of their incomes in taxes that year, down from 30 percent in 1994. Although more whose generosity showed no limits and whose people living with HIV and AIDS would receive than half of all families are investors in the service affected the lives of many. She will be effective care and treatment. It appears that stock market, largely through 401(k)’s and missed by her family and all of us. the President only meant those words on similar retirement plans, wealth in America f World AIDS Day because these priority is not is more highly concentrated today than at reflected in his budget. In fact domestic AIDS any time since 1929, said Professor Edward N. NATIONAL BLACK HIV/AIDS programs are flat funded despite the spike in Wolff, a New York University economist. AWARENESS DAY new infection rates. We must remember that f AIDS is also reaching far across our shores— HON. BARBARA LEE in Africa, the motherland of many Black Ameri- TRIBUTE TO MS. MARY HAMILTON OF CALIFORNIA cans, AIDS is decimating societies. HIV/AIDS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time! HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Thursday, February 7, 2002 So as we gather in the African-American OF CALIFORNIA Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join community and in communities across the na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my colleagues to recognize National Black tion, together, we must work to increase the Thursday, February 7, 2002 HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. I want to thank my level of resource committed to fight this dis- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in colleague, MAXINE WATERS for organizing to- ease. solemn remembrance of Ms. Mary Hamilton of night’s special orders. f Glendale, California. Mary Hamilton served as Today, African American communities, in- HONORING MR. WALTER J. President of the Board of Trustees of Glendale cluding AIDS service organizations, city gov- RISCHMANN Community College and passed away late in ernments and people living with HIV/AIDS will the evening of February 4, 2002. Mary’s life acknowledge National Black HIV/AIDS Aware- ness Day through community events, vigils HON. STEVE CHABOT was distinguished by her tireless service to OF OHIO and by volunteering their services to organiza- her community and my prayers are with her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family this day as they mourn the loss of such tions who provide HIV/AIDS services. These a great woman. efforts will help raise awareness about the im- Thursday, February 7, 2002 Mary Hamilton was born in Charlottesville, pact of HIV/AIDS in the African American Mr.
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