20 - EVENING HERALD. Fri.. Nov. 16,197» Experts Say Solar Power Is Efficient HARTFORD (UPI) - Putting the sun to work is an ef­ The] ubllc has been very receptive to the idea of aolar should expect a return in about five to 10 years. ficient and economically feasible way to tackle the power but needs to learn more of the facts, Ms. Friedland "The real issue is out of pocket expenses. In a very current energy crisis, specialists told a solar power said. short period of time it’s costing you less and less every workshop for the financial community Thursday. "I think the whole issue of ‘heating or eathig' in this month to pay your beat,” Hollander said. Luggage Consultants with a federally funded solar research and part of the country will raise the consciousness about solar,” she said. information group also said the long-term advantages of LooMm to r e AMT The Nr Tari solar power will far outweigh the initial investment as A hot water heating system is the moat practical and learryai the cost of fuel increases. economical solar system an average family can install in DENTIST? ■Mi iM), MMMe, I “Solar power is a pretty simple technology. It’s func­ an existing home, Hollander said. The type of system Try ut for the poraonal touohl SamnL tional now. It works now. And it la economically depends on the location and construction of &e home, and Our modern office Is conveniently located In East rinl Fw feasible,” said Gayle Friedland, a financial analyst for and W to 120 gallon Unk can cost from $1,000 to $4 000. Hartford - just 1 mile from Pratt A Whitney and 1-84. MARLOW’S Eperythlmg Stne9 I9 llt ^ e F^nklin Institute. Hollander also said every system should always have New patients are gladly 'ISbepted. Emergencies DOWNTOWN MAIN tTfltlT, MANCNIDTtN • AAM ttl She told about 125 Realtors, bankers, lenders and state an auxiUary heater. , seen same day. m t RANKINQ FNONT AND MAN OR tTOM and local officials that solar can only meet about 20 per- “It is almost never econ^ical to do solar IM MARTIN CHANOi CANOR ACCim Ot Call for an appointment 569-3870 ORIN • DAVR • THUNR. NITIR H MO cent of the nation’s energy needs but does play an ”im- " h f portant role” in the total picture. federal Department of Energy, the state and other DR. RONALD M. DARSHAY D.D.S. Peter Hollander, a solar technician, said solar savings groups. .... j,., , , 800 Silver Lane Final Report Released will become “reaUy dramatic” if the cost of home Homeowners c ^ o t ^ t the traditional lew than East Hartford heating oil and gas continue skyrocketing____________ five year payback on Uieir investment, both said. but Lottery Winner Town Audit Shows Surplus Surprised MAKE CALDOR YOUR 10Y STORE! Suggests Improvements MANCHESTER -G race Outstanding, fun-filled special savings from our great Holiday selection Raimondi, 64, of Manchester, has been By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA counting error, leaving a total $38,028 are now invested by banks in the playing the Connecticut Herald Reporter surplus. Outgoing Democratic Direc­ stock market are yielding smaller State Lottery since it 'Star Wara’ tor Joseph b'weeney said at a press returns than those invested by the in­ MANCHESTER -The town began but had never won. l i i f Action Figures conference on Friday, ”We thought surance company. auditor’s report released today recently, however, she had we had $108,000 surplus. We still have EACH revealed the community finished it but in a different form.” As an aside, Sweeney said he to do a double take at her 6 .9 7 Our Reg. 9.69 fiscal 1979 with a $38,028 surplus and wanted to set the facts straight about ticket, scanning it to make Movable, authentic-design figures a generally sound accounting system Mayor Stephen Penny added, “$70,- a rumor he had heard. Sweeney said sure she wasn't dreaming Include 'Derth Vader,' 'Princess a town employee came to him with that all six digits matched Lele,’ 'Storm Trooper,' 'JAWA,' with this year's funds. The same $70,- the eroneous impression that pension Product Parade many more. that system need fine tuning. the winning number in the 000 got fre ^ up to use in this year’s funds had been used for the leaf newspaper to win her $20,- Jerome I. Baskin, the town’s A parade of antique and classic cars auditor had released preliminary budget.” pickup. Sweeney said the rumor is School. The parade formed at the Chamber of 000. 'Battlestar Qalactica’ data on Oct. 9 showing an anticipated completely untrue. traveled Manchester’s streets Friday after­ Commerce Building on East Center Street. Mrs. Raimondi made the YOUR CHOICE! The report made several Adtion Figures $216,880 surplus. Out of these funds, recommendations involving impor­ noon to mark the opening the the Manchester (Herald photo by Pinto) discovery on Nov. 9 and Girder and In another recommendation the the Board of Directors allocated tant accounting procedures that report said the tax assessor should Product Show today at Manchester High told her husband, Adam, to Panel Sets EACH $106,000 for the leaf pick-up, an Our Reg. 2.49 should be changed to reflect federal calculate the phase-in figures. Now, start packing his bags for by Kenner £ 1 .4 4 emergency fuel fund, and for restora­ Hawaii, a long-awaited and state requirements. Detailed the tax collector is sometimes Poseable figures have authentic tion of the Mt. Nebo Hockey Rink. fixed assets records should be es­ dream of hers. Q C E A C H detail and costumes. Great play­ responsible for these assesments, 2 • 9 0 Our Reg. S.M The remaining $108,000 anticipated tablished. Town Manager Robert Mcraimondi held the mates lor inter-galactic adventure.V which amounts to “buck passing." Panel Ends Hearing surplus was cut by $70,852 due to bills only weekly Money Tree • Building Set lets young Weiss said this improvement would Efforts are underway to ensure the I'Baby architects create original for the board of education and the be implemented prior to the next ticket sold with the win­ ‘ElectrtiMan’ buck stops at the proper office. HMrtbeat’ buildings or replicas with 'MIcronaut' Motorized town comptroller that arrived during audit. ning six-digit combination from Ideal 225 snap-togetner places. by Kanner Book, figures included. Vehicles the final two weeks of fiscal 1979. The town's personnel is subject to of 741748, drawn on the The audit report stated, “The ac­ In several instances, the report the same pressures acting on any Nov. 8 “Lottery Show.” S.88l'.‘fe •Bridge a Highway Sal EACH said the person who collected town On Hospital Claims counting system is being cut off business, as one recommendation 5.97 Lets budding engineers Our Rag. 5.99 Working for Arrow-Hart Our RtR. 0.90 create at w ill 225 snap- 3 .6 6 prematurely. Accordingly, certain money was also keeping the books. regarding the data processing Inc. for 17 years, Mrs. Electronic hero talks, warns of intruders, The report recommended PtACB it«thoscop« on logelher pieces, planning From the world of the Micronauts- expenditures made in the last 15 days system pointed out. Apparently, town By ALEX GIRELLI ting the commission, questioned Ber­ client) and its legal counsel over the Raimondi retired last pinpoints 'enemies' in his unwavering book make It fun and easy. h tr hM rt & hM f II space travel with the Photon Sled, segregating the duties, so any errors offices are treating the data City Editor nard Forand, executive director of possibility of litigation. December. Adam is a bMt! Cuddly U" 'laser' light. Kids love his protection! Ultrasonic Scooter, many more. of the fiscal year are not reflected in ^companion Ball the proper accounting period. one person missed, the other could processing department like a typing the commission, on the number of Kang has filed a brief with the retired pump operator for 3 "C" tMtt«i.l not lncliMt«l. HARTFORD —A hearing was com­ inol includad. “Accordingly, we recommend that pick up. pool, with each office wanting their hospital budgets the commission Freedom of Information Commission the Metropolitan District pleted Friday after a full day of methodology be devised and im­ More complete bookkeeping work accomplished first. The report must considering (35) and the limited and Lynch will file one by Nov. 30, Water Bureau in Hartford. procedures were recommended for testimony in Manchester Memorial FOI Commissioner Donald Fried­ plemented so the town's books may suggested work would be ac­ Hospital's complaint to the Freedom span of time in which they must com­ They have three children, be kept open beyond the calendar the collector of revenue office, the complished more efficiently if the plete their deliberation. man questioned the counsel on the eight grandchildren and treasurer’s office, and other oftices. of Information Commission over ac­ time span for budget consideration, year-end to reflect expenditures for departments meet regularly to agree tions of the Commission on Hospitals In his summary argument Knag three great-grandchildren. Changes in the investment of the contended that the hospital was on the size and staff resources of the EARV-V f o r outstanding billings at year-end. on the priority of their needs. and Health Care. town pension fund were prejudiced by the absense of the Commission on Hospitals and Health SHOP Scindinevian-Type "In order to accomplish this, it The only part of the report the rhe hospital brought the complaint SAVE ON recommended.
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