KEEPERS OF THE DUTCH ISLAND LIGHT by Rosemary Enright and Sue Maden Occasional Paper #5 Jamestown Historical Society Jamestown Historical Society Collection Dutch Island Light, about 1900 Jamestown Historical Society Occasional Paper #5 Based on a series of three articles that appeared in the Jamestown Press, October 1, 8, and 29, 2009 Revised and reprinted with permission of the Jamestown Press Copyright Jamestown Historical Society, 2009 W ith special thanks to Jeremy d’Entremont of the American Lighthouse Foundation for sharing his information and photographs and to Jeff McDonough of the Jamestown Press for printing the original version of this paper. Published by Jamestown Historical Society Post Office Box 156 Jamestown, RI 02835 401-423-0784 jhs@ jamestownnri.com www.jamestownhistoricalsociety.org Keepers of the Dutch Island Light The first Dutch Island lighthouse and its keeper’s cottage were built at the southern tip of Dutch Island in 1826 on land ceded by the State of Rhode Island to the United States government the previous year. The first lighthouse keeper was appointed on January 1, 1827, and – according the Rhode Island Republican – the light was first lit on the same day.1 For the next 120 years, until the Coast Guard automated the light in February 1947, a keeper lived on the island, tending the light. Many brought their wives and children with them. Life on the 81-acre island was not always easy, although many of the men who lived there seem to have enjoyed the duty. The keeper was not allowed to leave his station without permission from a superior, except in an emergency and then only for 24 hours and after supplying a suitable substitute.2 At first, transportation to and from the island was by rowboat. The first keeper’s house was a four-room cottage built of stone and slate found on the island.3 Jamestown Historical Society Collection Dutch Island Lighthouse about 1900. 1 Keepers of the Dutch Island Light In the early days, the lighthouse keepers were political appointees, often veterans or retired seamen. "The best keepers are found to be old sailors, who are accustomed to watch at night, who are more likely to turn out in a driving snow storm and find their way to the light-house to trim their lamps, because in such weather they know by experience the value of a light, while on similar occasions the landsman keeper would be apt to consider such weather as the best excuse for remaining snug in bed."4 In 1852, the U.S. Light-House Board was formed and rules were issued restricting appointments to "persons between the ages of 18 and 50, who can read, write, and keep accounts, are able to do the requisite manual labor, to pull and sail a boat, and have enough mechanical ability to make necessary minor repairs about the premises, and keep them painted, whitewashed, and in order."5 In 1896, the keepers became civil service employees, and in 1937 the service was merged with the Coast Guard. National Archives Record Group 407 Dutch Island, 1938. The black line shows the extent of lighthouse land. 2 Keepers of the Dutch Island Light Keepers of the First Light William Dennis Jan. 1, 1827 to Aug. 3, 1843 Robert H. Weeden Aug. 3, 1843 to Nov. 3, 1844 William P. Babcock Nov. 3, 1844 to Sept. 21, 1846 Robert Dennis Sept. 21,1846 to Aug.5, 1853 Benjamin Congdon Aug. 5, 1853 to Dec. 13, 1859 The first keeper of Dutch Island could not have been appointed under the 1852 rules. W illiam Dennis, a Newport native and Revolutionary W ar veteran, was 80 years old when he took charge of the new Dutch Island light. Dennis had gone to sea at a young age and was in command of a merchant vessel based in London when the first shots of the Revolution were fired. He hurried home to take part in the uprising and during the war commanded six different privateering vessels. He was twice taken prisoner. After the war, from 1801 to 1813, he was sheriff of Newport County.6 W illiam Dennis served as the keeper at the lighthouse until shortly before his death at 93 years of age. Toward the end of his career, reports from the local superintendent indicate that the old man was not up to the job. W illiam’s son Robert took over at least some of the tasks, although he was not officially appointed to the post. W hen complaints surfaced that Robert was not living on the island and therefore could not be the keeper, he wrote an impassioned letter to the Board pleading with them to let his father live out his remaining days at the lighthouse.7 W illiam Dennis resigned in August 1843 and died the following month. The second keeper, Robert H. W eeden, stayed at Dutch Island for only 15 months. It was during his short tenure that Lighthouse Superintendent W illiam Ennis reported that the lighthouse and keeper’s quarters were “the worst constructed of any in the state.”8 W eeden’s next station was Beavertail Light, where he served until his death four years later. 3 Keepers of the Dutch Island Light W illiam P. Babcock, his successor, was appointed during the W hig administration of John Tyler. Three months later, the Democratic candidate James K. Polk was elected president. Babcock, fearing the loss of his job to a preferred political appointee, wrote to Polk’s Treasury secretary, who was in charge of the lighthouses: “I have a desire to inform your honor that I like my situation, and should be very sorry to lose it, for I am poor, and it is all I shall have to depend on to support my family through the winter. ... If keeping a good light and attending to my duty will ensure your honour’s approbation, I should be grateful for the favor.”9 Babcock retained his position until September 1846, when Robert Dennis returned to the island – this time as the officially appointed keeper. Because of his father’s time as keeper, Robert Dennis must have been more aware than his two predecessors of the conditions under which he would be expected to live and the reports filed by his superiors indicate that he was sometimes vocal in complaining about them. Following an inspection in July 1848, Edwin W ilbur reported: “The boat [used to get to and from the island and in rescue efforts] is very much out of repair, & will cost $20 to repair her, she is very heavy for the keeper to handle alone, he being the only man on the Island. It is proposed to have a new boat & sail of a smaller size instead of repairing the present one, which can be done by giving the boat builder the present one & $25.”10 Edward W . Lawton, the customs collector at Newport and the superintendent of local lighthouses, describing the keeper’s stone cottage two years later, said that toadstools grew out of the lintels and thick moss covered the wall11 and reported the following year “The Keeper complains bitterly about his lodging accommodations.”12 A report from a Thomas Coggeshall to Lawton about work he was doing on the light itself documents the sad shape of the 22- year-old lighthouse: “I find the sashes in Lantern in most miserable order. I have already set 24 and there are some few in lantern yet to set & the defective putty comprises all outside of Lantern & all other sashes. … There are some 40 lights 7x9 to be set here that absolutely require it.”13 4 Keepers of the Dutch Island Light Nonetheless, the younger Dennis was given high marks as a lighthouse keeper. An 1850 inspection praised him, saying he was "a good honest man, and I think he shows a good light, although a moderate consumer of oil."14 Conservative use of the whale oil used in the lighthouse lantern – while still maintaining a good light – was highly valued, and the comment on oil is a comment on Dennis’ management. After seven years as keeper, Dennis was relieved in August 1853 by Benjamin Congdon. Congdon was the last keeper to live in the original four-room cottage that Dennis complained about. The 1855 annual report on the lighthouse described its condition using words like wretched, cramped, and broken.15 In 1856, Congress appropriated $4,000 to build a new lighthouse station, including a new house for the keeper.16 The new living quarters were a great improvement. The two- story brick building was connected to the light tower. A parlor, living room, dining room, and kitchen on the first floor and three bedrooms on the second provided about 1,200 square feet of living space.17 The interior walls were finished with lath and plaster. Although still sometimes damp – as island houses are likely to be – and exposed to any severe storm that came up the bay, it was more comfortable and livable than the earlier cottage. Congdon moved into his new dwelling in 1857. At about the same time, life on the island became a little Courtesy of U.S. Coast Guard Academy less lonely. In 1852, Powell H. Floor plan for the first floor of Carpenter, a businessman from the 1856 keeper’s house. Providence with connections in 5 Keepers of the Dutch Island Light Narragansett, bought most of the island intending to build a fish oil production plant.18 His venture failed. In 1864, six months after the governor of Rhode Island had ordered the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery Regiment (Colored) to construct defensive earthworks of the island, Carpenter sold his land to the federal government.19 The next generation of lighthouse keepers would share the island with the U.S.
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