IN THE NEWS City's planners-disagree--on · lulure~lancl use BV JOEL HAEFNER such goals as discouraging in­ Connell said at that time, "I'm ulating Industrial growth. to the eommunlty III the 10111 the Clty Copncll has requested Dilly Iowan St.H Writ.r dustrial development, curtailing definitely in favor of encourag­ At the same meeting tbe CAe run. He pointed to studiel In more information. The council , A chronic problem in urban "urban sprawl," and supporting ing new industry. We need some plan for curtailing new industry Palo .Alto, CalIf., and other com­ will also be looking at these planning is showing up in Iowa mass transit. kind of balance between the came under fire from Chamber munitiea that urged the limita­ p '" Z revisions of the CAe riefly university and the rest of the tion of industrial growth. draft: City - long-range goals versus The CAC draft was then sub­ of Commerce President William the day-to·day realities of city mitted to the P &: Z for reviSion county." J. Ambrisco. Ambrisco told the However, according to DennIt • Omitted a provision calling government. and in the process a number of Although Brandt agreed that council that his group is work- R. Kraft, director 01 the city'. for housing assistance programs One symptom of that problem differences cropped up between Department of Community De­ for the poor. came to Ught at a recent infor­ the two agencies. velopment, the P " Z does.'t • Omitted the CAe recom­ --aa ; Bars, bears mal City Council work session A CAC recommendation that want unregulated industrial de­ mendation to "eliminate any a­ You say it was so cold and snowy last when councilmen discussed a "new industrial development · Daily Iowan news analysis velopment. isting social and cultural dls­ night that you hit the bars and got regional land use plan revised should be discouraged" is tbe lip " Z is pretty firmly con­ crimination in housing." commode-hugging drunk? You say you by the city's Planning and Zon­ chief topic of disagreement. The Ihe "Planning and Zoning Com­ ing "aggresively to attract ec0- vinced they want to see sound • Stressed the need for an arterial street system where the I· spent most of the rest of the night wor­ ing Commission (P&Z). "evised report urges Instead mission's report is more pala­ nomic growtb for Iowa City .II industrial growth," Kraft said. shipping at that porcelain altar? Well, The original report, drafted that new businesses be encour­ table to me," the council , at But CAC Chairman Alan 1. "It isn't as If we're bringing In CAC report sought to eliminate take heart, because today should be an­ by the Citizen's Advisory Com­ aged to locate in Iowa City. the urging of Councilman Edgar Widiss questioned If an in­ a sboe factory." residential thoroughfares. other gasburner with all that snow we mittee (CAC) , an arm of the Mayor C. L. Brandt and Coun­ R. Czarnecki, sent the land use creased industrial tax base and Speci.fJc details on what the • Substituted strict regulation • got yesterday blowing and drifting into a Johnson County Regional Plan­ cilman Robert J. Connell back­ plan back to the P Z for more more jobs created by new in­ commission means by "sound" of further shoppin& center de­ veritable minefield of surprises for the Ding Commission, recommended ed the revised recommendation. details on encouraging and reg- dustries would be worthwhile Is just one of the Items on whIch (Continued oa pap J) unwary driver. No snow Is expected In the ar~a tomorrow and the mercury will rise with temperatures forecasted to climb Into the five-above-zero range. Re­ ports that a polar bear surfaced in the Iowa River near the Union yesterday are Friday, apparently false. Jan. 28, 1972 Still one thin dime ~etlare flitt DES MOINES (J\ - A bill to require Iowa City, Iowa layl ~J welfare recipients to work on county 52240 f1vernment-owned properties, parks and ·a$ . recreation centtrs was passed ~ by the JsIs Iowa Senate Thursday and sent to the ,01 House. The bill, In effect, would a)\ow county supervisors to require women on public welfar~ to work . Currently, men can be Toffler's shock Home rule law may required to work on streets and high­ , ways. An amendment by Sen. MlnneUe Dod­ • erer, (O-Iowa City), was adopted which talk packs unIon trip local ward plan Iwould prohibit requiring women with , children under 14 from working on the county projects unless they wanted to. Author sees future diversity Bill oilers options, confusion By JOE CAMPBELL share in helping society meet Iy IILL ISRAEL tiona - If that were what Iowa Dilly lowln St.H Writer ilie adaptational responses it D.lly lowln Unlv.rslty Edlter CiUans wanted - can just as Guilty easily be accommodated under needs to survive, the major im­ Implementation of a home Two Burge residents Thursday pleaded The acceleration of technology petus for these responses wiD the new home rule bill. guilty to charges of operating a coin in America is not creating a have to come from the political rule charter in Iowa City could In other words, to vote on machine by fal se means , in connection SOCiety based upon standardiza­ sphere. delay a drive to implement a the counc\l-manager-ward sys­ with the alleged theft of candy bars from tion and uniformity, but rather city ward representative sys­ Toffler made two proposals by tem without first havinl the a University of Iowa vending machine . a society in wbicb the main im­ tem here, according to Coun­ clty adopt its own home rule r Kathleen A. Walsh, 18, 1334 Burge and petus is diversity. Unless we which our national leaders could cilman Edgar R. CzarneckI. charter would prevent the city's Linda J. Garrels, 18, 1335 Burge were can learn to control the rate of best help the country meet ita t future needs . And aoother councilman says taking advantage of a number s fined $15 and $5 court costs each after change in this country, we are he thinks that a hasty vote on pleading guilty. doomed to suffer from a malady Toffler advocated a national of options it could have by the ward system could "lock adopting its own charter. A third women, Nancy A. Hirschman, known as "Future Shock." examination for all individual. Iowa City into the councll·man­ md I1B , 2209 Burge, charged in connection who hold public office. Thil "We'd gain more by delay­ lable. These were the main points , ager-ward s y s tern for six with the incident, did not appear for stressed ~y Alvin ToWer in a exam would test their aware­ ing." Hickerson said Thursday ness of the changes our society ye ars. " night. "We'd have the widest ',' trial and Police Court Judge Joseph speech last night at the Union. Czarnecki , who Is helping -I Thorton said a warrant probably will be About 2,000 persons attended. is going through as welI as their possible number of options by Issued for her arrest. Toffler, the author of the best grasp of what the future might head a petition prive calling going under the the new blll ." seller "Future Sbock ," said the hold . for a referendum on collverling Hickerson said he's person­ from the present at-large to the I increased amount of change and Public officialS. according tG ally "not convinced the ward ~ ward representative system, --- diversity in our society is a Toffler, should be quizzed 01 system will serve the objects consequence of a new techno­ their basic understanding 01 the said implementation of a home of Iowa rule charter for Iowa City people think it will." For in· I' ~slie !.'!~f!~!!~~ logical revolution. needs of education, technology stance, Influence might be profeSl'or of journalism, has been invited would "obs<:ure somewhat" Ihe to attend the Wh ite House Conference on This new revolu tion differs and national priorities. minim ized if they all were from the old industrial revolu­ According to Toffler, Amer­ 'move for a referendum on the the lndustrial World Ahead : A Look at ward system. grouped into one ward, able to Business in 1990, to be held in Washing­ tion in that the emphasis today ican education is still oriented elect only one representative, is on variety, where~s , in the toward an industrial economy ill Czarnecki has said he believ­ he said. ton , D.C., Feb. 7 through 9. es the ward system would The conference has been called by past, the emphasis was on stan­ which the emphasis is on stan­ Students might have more 1m· bring lowered campaign costs Pre~ident Nixon to take a long-range dardization, Tomer said. dardization. The educational pact on elections under the at· look at business problems and to consid­ As a result, we are being con­ system of the future Should be for city council candidates and Ime would enable candidates to be­ large system, Hickerson said . er methods by which the private enter­ fronted with a deluge of choices oriented toward change, he said, Towa City Mavor C. L. "Tim " prise system can more effectively de­ in consumer items, services and and aid students to meet this come closer to their constitu­ ents. Brandt added his affirmation to l velop policies for the future. channels of information open to change wi th optimism. Hickerson 's thoughts on the us. Toffler said man; of the tech­ However, Councilman Loren ward system. According to Toffler , this ac­ nological problems we face are L.
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