www .th.n.ws ,nt, r p r is,. com E Challenged on two fields Eastman shines light on 'Every Woman's' crafts Central Hardin faces E'town in baseball and softball Organizer of Radcliff festival influenced by her grandmother SPIlRTS,B1 Wooncsday's Woman. ~ 10 'HIDmDH MAY 2, 2012 • SERVING HARDI N COU NTY SIN CE 1974 • REACH SU BSC AIBlR SIR YIC ES AT (270) 505- 1710 50 ~Inll Burke defense touches on trial pOints dering two women Ul 2007, hinted al sev­ ell identity." Further, Carter talked about young wit­ Attempts to dismiss eral areas they will a.1t..... ck in the prosecu­ Auernpting to strike a juror with famil­ nesses and the malleability of a child's tion's case during the flOt day of Burke's ial relations \0 police, Burke's co · ooun se~ memory be<:ause of adult influence. J ust jurors for ties to NRA court martial at ""oct Campbell. John Shaughnessy, said a strong part of because the defense is questioning a child Monday morning, seven of 10 juron the defense case would revolve around an on the witness stand does not mean they By BENJAMIN JO UBERT were chosen after a slew of questions from alleged incompetent way law enforce­ are being cruel, Carter said. rOT The N. "~· I::nI . rpri .. the prosecution and defense. DuringqUl::s­ ment handled the case. They wanted to tinally, because a gun will be used as Defense attonlcys for former U.S. tioning, Burke's private auomey, ' Villiam avoid offending the juror, Shaughnessy evidence during the trial, Shaughnessy Anny Sgt. Brent Burke, a!;cused of mur- Carter, said the trial was a case of~m i stak- said. Tum 10 BURKF., All Illegal immigrant sentenced to 10 years m• pnson• after child's death DUI wreck also means deportation for Martinez By SAlWi BENN l.TI """".ll@: th. n.woenle,pri... oo m Not a single family member or friend appeared in the gallery Tuesday afternoon in Hardin Circuit Court where J esus Arturo Rodriguez Martinez was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the death of his Above, Feeding America voIunte-er Betinda P e rr ~, left, and warehouse lead Vicki Absltlre package mack food Tuesda~ at the daughter, Sidolena. organization's volunteer center on Peterson Drive. Below, Helping Hand of Hope receptionIst Mar~ Dreggors assist s a client. Martinez, 22, originally was indicted for murder in connection to a J uly 22, 2011, a1cohol· related wreck on Interstate (i.) near Glendal e. His 2·year-old daugh­ ler was not in a child restraint and was ejected, suffer­ United Way ing multiple blwlt force injuries to the head. In Apri~ the child's father, an illegal immigrant who does not speak English, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of second-degree manslaughter and spreads wealth charges of driving under the innucnce, failure to use a to area agenCIes• T"", 10 DUl, All Grayson County Alliance, Of more than Good Samaritan Center and SpringHaven Inc. - $lM raised, received all of the money BY THE NUMBERS they requested, Wilbom organization added. Requesting ,..., ,..., Other organizations agencv ,... " allocation allocates $761K that received money this Americao Roo Cross S45,OOO $45.000 year were the Community Big Srothers Big Sisters $80,000 $50.000 By MARTY FINLEY Health Clinic of Hardin & Soy Scouts $35.000 $5.000 mn n loy@ lhc" . ..... n""'1>'"loe.rom LaRue Counties, Hardin Sreelc-Gray$On SChools $25,000 ",000 CAS" G<ayson CAl. $12.000 ",000 u.s. sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. , , peak, Tl.l8SClay wtth County Schools, Panther CASA of the Hear tland S6Q,060 $25,000 After a record.breaking Elilabelhtown Noon Rotary Club members and guests Place and CASA of the CKCAC $54.450 $28.700 2012 campaign, United after tlte elub'. recutar meetlnt. Paul was keyn.ote Heartland. Community Health Clinic $120,000 $80,000 spesker at sluncheon at Amerlesn legion Post UJ. Way of Central Kentucky The allocation follows a Panther P1ace $42,000 $30.000 has allocated more than successful campaign that Feedina; Alneflc:a $80,000 $10.000 $63,000 $63,000 $761,000 to local agencies shattered previous re<:ords Grayson CAl. Alliance in illlfive-county rel:."on. Grayson CAl. Schools $23.412 $18.000 and surpassed United Executive Director Good Samaritan Center $2.000 $2.000 Paul decries Way's goal of $ 1,025,000 Hardin CO. SChools $135,883 $50,000 Christopher Wilborn said by roughly $10,000 at Helping Hand of Hope $200.000 $185.138.38 18 agencies received mon­ $1,035,000. LaRve CO. Schools $20,800 $18,000 ey this year, an increase Meade Co. ScIlOOIS $23.500 $18.000 Hundreds of hOUT! were from 14 agencies last year. SpoingH<Mln loc. $00,000 $60,000 overregulation logged by the community Four of the Iii agencies - The American Red Cross, Tum to UNITED WAY, A9 ,-, $1.082,105 $761.838,38 By MARTY FI NLEY [email protected].,.... n terpru..com u.s. Sen. Rand Paul said Biblical figure No.1h By KELLY CANTRALL Washington, D.C. The stu­ Senior Jon Hrquill said would have to abandon ark building today because of the bureaucratic red tape he would face trying to fUl­ kconlnll@then .... Rnlelpri "'.~ dents have built rockets tile group always looked ish it. LaRue County and qualified for the finals for ways to enrich their Students at LaRue lbe reference was evoked Tuesday as part of the competition and are ready­ classes and they latched County High School hope Bowling Green Republican's address to the E1i1.a­ students head ing themselves for next onto this idea. to launch themselves into bethtown Rotary Club at American Legion Post 113 weekend's fi nallaunc.hes. "It·s a rocket. Wbo first place at an upcoming in Elizabethtown. to Washington J unior Ryan Hornback doesn't want to build a national competition. found the competition on­ l'aul briefly took on the role of storyteller as he re­ rocket?" he said. counted a modem take on the Biblical account of The students compete line before Christmas and for rocket The group downloaded May 12 in the national fi­ brought the idea to physics God calling on a man to build a giant wooden ship competition nals of the Team America teacher Rex Hanson and software to assist them in fulJ of animals before the world's population was de- Rocketry Challenge near his classmates. T\UII 10 ROCKET, A9 Tum 10 PAUL AI2 • TOOAY'S OBITUARIES THURSDlY INSIDE WEATHER Lawrence E. Barker, 58 SINCE YOU ASKED ABBY .............. A. OBITUARIES .....A4 Hora Mae Haire, 71 Results of Tuesday's The NlWS-Enlrr­ CALENDAR ....... &4 OPINION .......... &6 Brenda Sue Hazelwood priseonJine poll, as of 7 p.m.: ClASSIAEOS ... B6 PUZZLES ....... 810 Hombacl<, 59 QUESTION: What is your favorite non­ COMICS ........ B11 SPORTS .......... 81 Frances Henderson Lamb, 83 race Derby week activity? Lon ERIES "",,82 TELEVISION ".810 Pegasus Plirade: 17 percent MOYIES ....... ,,810 WEDNESDAY'S NEIGH60RS .....A8 WOMAN ....... .,A10 Great steamboat Race: ::11 percent Follow us: Concerts: 14 percent Other: 17 percent PARTLY CLOUDY The Dab: 21 percent r \ TODAY'S OUESTION: \'/hat is your opin­ ion of RanJ Paul's O :nsus proposal? Does 'The Avengers' live fni Ifle poll QI,leSIion ~ Ifle 'opi"Iion' meru at • OOMPLEl"E ft EPOllT. A2 ..-.tltenewHnte.prl&e.com up to the hype? A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE WEIlHESDU, MAY Z, 2012 LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES FROM AROUND KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK DAILY BRIEFING ON THIS DAl( IN 1519, artist Shooting involving soldier LOUISVILLE Leonardo da Vinci died at Cloux, France, at age 67. EPA: 2 companies IN 2011, Osama bin La­ den, the face of global ter­ agree to clean site rorism and archite<:! of the remains under investigation Federal environment.11 Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, was officials said two bu~inesscs By SARAH BENNElT killed in a firefighl with elite fled to her daughter's mobile In a Sanlrday statement to the have agreed to help make a [email protected] ......n~rl" "•. ""m American forces at his home across the slrcct from her media, state police indicated they toxic waste site in Louisville Pakistan compound, then house, police said. Wemes then intend to present the completed safe again. Kentucky State Police Post -, drove Knott's 2007 Chevrolet Ca­ investigation to the Meade Coun· quickly buried al sea. continues to investigate a domes­ 1M Omrier-:fourrwl report­ bait across the field and into the ty commonwealth's attorney for tic violence situation that turned ed the U.s. Environmental side of the trailer. review. At that time, a decision IN HARDIN COUNTY into a shooting Friday in Guston. Protection Agency has iden­ 3D YEARS AGO, Hardin After exiting the vehicle, the will be made whether to present A F011 Knox soldier who alleged­ tified at least three businesses Fiscal Court voted to add a Guston man kicked in the front the case to a grand jury. ly fired the weapon has not been that may be responsible for third question to the public charged in the death of a 29-year­ door of the residence, and Phillips Asked if the military would helping clean the fomler opinion poll concerning old Guston man. fired a shotgun round, hitling pursue charges against Phillips, Black Leaf chemical proper­ Hardin Memorial Hospital. Police said Joshua W. \-1/emeS Weme~ in the stomach, according Fort Knox spokesman Kyle H od­ ty. The businesses that have which Wa!! scheduled for died Friday 01 a single gunshot to the release, ges deferred all questions to Ken­ agreed to help, ExxonMobil JUlie 29.
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