a Stevens-Durye- Automo- Gasoline biles. Engines. If yon ara looking far a Gaaolia IFagiaa witk Parti aeairiag aa Automobile that fa ff'ptrti ana lota af pawn for a littla moaaj, will maka lsj-mi- la triaa will da wall to aall oa Bee. writa or call oa E. N. Ct. wtown E. N. Ct. Sipperley, Westport, Sipperley, Westport, NOVEMBER TEN PAGES. VOLUME XXVIII. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, 17, 1905. NUMBER 46. Robert Skid more of the Park TOWN TOPICS. was a guest, over Thursday, of J. Chronic Diseases ! The Store bert Blackman. "When Are You Coming In." PORTION OF SERMON PREACHED Busy Cancers, tumors, etc. IN TRINITY CHURCH, NEWTOWN, Miss Sarah B. Minor has been a suf Co., ferer from tonsilitis, requiring the at- a We Send for Symptom blank and Fairfield Ave. and Middle St., tendance of physician. Don't Ask Our We Sell SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, BY RT. REV References. FREDERICK FOOTE JOHNSON, ASSIST- Bridgeport, Conn. Miss Rosalie A. Ohler of Bethel was ANT BISHOP OF SOUTH DAKOTA. a guest, Saturday and Sunday, of Miss Dr Paul Norwood, Specialist Elsie M. Moore. Overcoat 12: 23: Customers Text: 2 Samuel Now he is dead Dr A. D. French, Assistant Children's Clothing wherefore should 1 fast? Can I bring him Miss Ethel Maud McCready of West Ansonia. back again? 1 shall go to him, but he shall NOVEMBER Cornwall called on friends in Hawley- On the "Come Principle. not return to me. vllle, last week. S- Again" Branch: -t Orange Street, New Haven. We have week to is both the had, this just ended, SALE Hold Consultation Free. The first thing we think about to satisfy one of the Church's chiefest, choicest Peter McKeever lost a valuable and the The find satisfaction par- days. But while we were busy here horse, last week. It jumped over a parents boys. parents and there It was gone. It came when Of Sheets and wire fence in such a way as to fall and ticularly in low prices and durability the boys in nobby many of us had scarcely given thought break its neck. al- Pillow Cases. Professional Cards. and comfort. we all hands round our busi- to its approach, and it had passed Themselves style If please most before we realized it who our cloth- wholly that Full size Sheets, muslin, Miss Hazel Hazen Smith is recover- ness grows why some of the "boys" woie was here. I mean, of course, All good ing from an attack of chicken pox. own here now Saints' day; that day of which our for 50c ing years ago are bringing boys of their loved New much Puritan England Hemstitched Pillow Cases, Miss Marie Beecher has been con- to one or two Veterinary. that's a good sign of satisfaction we think. poet, Lowell, wrote: styles pretty 12 l-- 2c fined to the house with chicken pox. or to I am a of the New full size, take a size, color or cut that don't York graduateCornell Uni- "One feast, of holy days the crest, exactly State Veterinary College, sizes 3 to 8 no love to . P. of Dass- - versity. Have had i:. usideralile practice and Suits, years. I, though (Jhurchman, keep Curtis Morris Brideenort suit their fancy; but for their choice ftiel myself competent to treat all diseases of All Saints', the unknown good that rest ed in town with his present OHioe at J. T. Dann'a sta- Stylish, well fitting Norfolks. In God's still memory folded deep; Tabla Damaak in Mill Ead at Sunday parents. domestic animals. The dumb did their deed. Laagtbs that is without a the 3X4 1- finest assortment Main Conn. bravely that -3 question ble, St., Uanbury, Regular Double Breasted Suits. And scorned to blot it with a name. about off ?oc, 59c aad 98c. The household goods of Rev R. E. of Men of the plain heroic breed Dark Wool Flannal, 50 iach wida. Danforth arrived In overcoats that can find Dr V. M. Knapp. New Russian Etons. ioved heaven's silence more than fame.'. Gray town, Saturday, they anywhere. That for 48c yd, 75c value. and were conveyed to the parsonage, 42. Special regular And the will be to Telephone Blouse Suits. The incident of which the words of Leather Baas aad Ladiea Neckwear on Monday, by iermon 11. rack. price just their liking so model. our a seems not an le wide a Nobby Variations of the "Russian" text form part special sale. Maurice is to work Mrs'John range that all can be satisfied from $5 around which to cluster our Sale of Flannelette Skirts and Gowns Hickey to-da- Mr W. J. Beecher, Also three piece (coat, vest and pants suits.) reverent as we y a Stillson's farm for her. Hickey up. Attornet-at-La- .thoughts sit from a;c to fs.50. Overcoats and Reefers for of all ages. moment in the aftermath of the has been working for James Egan in Kuums 26 and 28, Sanford Bldg, Bridgeport. boys Our Cloak, Suit aad Waist Depart Palestine. B $5-00- ment is aad offers Office In Newtown open on Saturdays from $1 98, $2 98, $3 , $6.59. BLESSED FESTIVAL OF ALL SAINTS. enlarged exceptional a. m. to 3.30 p. m. 50, opportunity for getting a Bargain. Miss Nellie Northrop visited friends We are, no doubt, sufficiently famil- in Bridgeport, last week. M. Hats, Caps, Sweaters, Shirt Waists etc. iar with our Old Testament to readily Fall Pale of FUR Now On. Albbkt L. Schuyler, D., recall the circumstances which were Henry Bourquenez of Botsford is to PHYSICIAN AND S0UUKON. the occasion of David's confession of have a telephone placed in bis house. Office and house north end Newtown Street. recorded here in the Second U 1 7 6 faith Office hours: s to a. m. ; to 2 p. in.; to Book of You Co. C. - p. m. Samuel. remember the The Busy Store H. Beers of Botsford has a year- Telephone No. 10. story of the mortal illness of David's old Berkshire which will pie easily tip - 3 mm little child. In sadness and heaviness the scales at 400 pounds. Mr Beers 21- Main St., Masonic Temple Block, Danbury. M. MAIN JOHN 5I BRIDGEPORT. CONN of soul the father now humbles him- the widowed mother by the young will soon put him in the porn barrel. lY J. Gale, D., w self by .fast, now lies upon the earth man's bier at Naiu: with the loving Ladles' Parlor. Telephone 435. Office In the David Beers Residence, in penitential agony, now sends up sisters he had wept at Lazarus' tomb. Mrs Charles Hinman of Bethel was prayers and supplications with strong But there is a great dinerence between a guest, a few days last week, of Mrs Newtown Street. crying and tears, unto Him who is the sorrow of loneliness, sorrow for Henry Kindle in Hopewell. Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p m able to ave; now sits beside the nar- ourselves, and the sorrow of despair, row bed to watch the paler growing sorrow for those who are taken away. Benjamin J. Street and family, who H. features and to count the fleebly flick- This latter sorrow the Christian has have occupied Norman Northrop's Dr Walter Klbrnan, pulse-beat- s moved Tke National Danbury Made CHECKED GINGHAM APRONS ering until seven days and no right to suffer. "Sorrow not," says tenement house, has to Stony City Bsvnk, Physician and Surgeon, are So has been his Bethel. 101-103-- home made. nights gone. deep Paul to the Thessalonians, "even as Hill, 105 Wall Sandy Hook, Conn. with bibs and fitted waists, 5"C The best of material, a Miction of soul and body through others which have no For if we Street, The ncLean all the way hope. While Walter Ruffels was on Office Hours: 9 a. ro.; 1 to 2.30 and 8 p. m. quality through. these slowly dragging days and nights, believe that Jesus died and rose calling again, Hawley-vill- e, Conn. 18-- 3. when comes his Ruffels, in Telephone: 3fe that at last the crisis and even so then also that are fallen brother, George Bridgeport, the life which David watched and asleep in Jesus will Ood bring with one day last week, some one stole C. nursed and strove to keep alive has Him. " a pig from his wagon which he was de- N. (Jallup, M. D., flanchester "FLEECEDOWN, its breath the members of his There is livering to parties in that part of the If we could all the who f spent one persuade people might make Long Hill. Conn. household think it wise, if possible, to town. He had another in the An axtra flaace flaaaalatte for Kimoaas, drasstag aacquaa and NO CONGREGATION, BELOVED, WHICH use of banks to do the of the be Oalls promptly atteuded day or uUht. haavy Jj. keep the sad intelligence from him. wagon, which was not taken. so, prosperity city would Othce aud residence at SV. N. llurdTs house, l bath robas. t Taking counsel one of another, through DOES NOT NEED THIS MESSAGE TO increased. next to Hostottlce. do CONSOLE. Miss Essie Sherwood, who has been wonderfully Special attention given to the treatment of fear that the father may himself Chroulc Diseases. New and Pretty some injury if the truth be told, they Sweet word of eomfort! One needs it living about a year in Rev James Tay- We do what we can, however, in this direction bv Telephone, No.
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