1 GABINETE TECNICO ingles:Maquetación 1 30/6/09 12:34 Página 8 GABINETE TÉCNICO 1 GABINETE TECNICO ingles:Maquetación 1 30/6/09 12:34 Página 9 R&D TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT UNIT of the projects of the 2007 campaign, started in January 2008. In 2008, the Unit of R&D Technical Management perfor- med tasks in the fields of coordination, management and PROJECT ACCOUNT dissemination of the research linked to externally-funded projects carried out throughout 2006 and 2007. Throughout 2008, projects from both campaigns, 2006 and 2007, remained active. These projects can be divi- DISSEMINATION ded, according to their objectives, into the following groups: The dissemination of the results obtained from externally- funded projects is one of the key aspects recognized in Roads: this group hosts a total of seven projects in the field each campaign, with the aim to favour the prompt in- of traffic and road safety, focused on roads and their corporation of the research results to the policies of the verges, safety in tunnels, minimizing the risk of accidents, Ministry of Transport and to the policies of the sector in traffic reduction systems, driving under adverse weather general. With this objective in mind, after one year of conditions and cycling accident rate. activity of the projects developed in the 2006 campaign, the First Conference for the Presentation of R&D&i Pro- Railway transport: dealing with projects on the transverse jects was held at the CEDEX headquarters on the 27 and wind problem, ballastless track technology, track rigidity 28 of February, 2008. The projects were divided into and energy efficiency of this means of transport. four theme groups: Roads; Railways; Maritime Transport and Harbour Terminals; and Transport and Intermodal Freight transport: in the area of maritime transport, the mobility Policies. integration between maritime-railway transport is tackled, as well as the optimization and safety of port terminals. The objectives of the conference were: Other projects in this group deal with the statistics of com- • To inform the agents involved about the compliance with merce and freight transport, supply chains and logistic the subsidised activities. technological platforms. • To interconnect the different work teams aiming to build Intermodal passenger transport: the projects in this group a coherent and progressive knowledge base. focus on prioritizing public transport, improving the ser- vices of bus networks, robustness models in emergencies, • To contribute to the establishment of a reference for new risk levels and promotion of non-motorized means of trans- lines of research or to support the existing lines. port. • To disseminate the activities and outcomes of the rese- Finally, within the group ‘Policy and Economics of Trans- arch projects. port’, a number of projects are under way dealing with the analysis of energy consumption of the means of trans- 156 people enrolled in the conference. Throughout it, the port, standards and tariffs for the use of infrastructures, researchers responsible for the 17 projects presented the and socio-economic and financial evaluation of trans- activities developed throughout 2007. The contents of the port projects. presentations delivered by the 17 researchers were pu- blished on the website www.cedex.es/idipeit and were included in the documentation, together with a summary GABINETE TÉCNICO 9 2 SUBDIRECCION GENERAL DE PROGRAMACION TECNICA Y CIENTIFICA ingles:Maquetación 1 30/6/09 12:28 Página 10 SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE PROGRAMACIÓN TÉCNICA Y CIENTÍFICA 2 SUBDIRECCION GENERAL DE PROGRAMACION TECNICA Y CIENTIFICA ingles:Maquetación 1 30/6/09 12:28 Página 11 HUMAN RESOURCES The total number of staff on the 31st of December 2008 was 702 employees, 9 less than the number registered at the beginning of the year. This is the result of the incorporation of 55 new members, while the number of staff mem- bers that left was 62, 20 of them for retirement. 34 of the new members hold a university degree, increasing the percentage of graduate employees to 46% of the staff. The Public Employment Offer approved for 2008 included 16 new posts for civil servants. 13 of these positions be- longed to group 1, 1 to group A2 and the remaining 2 belonged to group C1 of the Scale of OPI Research Assis- tants. With regards to the permanent staff subjected to the non-civil servant staff, 15 new posts were offered in an open call in 2008, as result of the accumulation of the offers of Public Employment of the last years. In addition to this se- lection process, there were mobility opportunities, affecting a total of 12 posts, and internal promotions, affecting 11 posts. All these processes have meant an important activity in the management of permanent personnel after a number of years in which this practice had been very scarce. At the end of the year, there were a total of 52 degree holders among the staff on temporary contracts working on research programmes. In March, 16 university degree holders joined the staff. A new official announcement was made in September for the selection of staff for 34 new posts. The selection process will be resolved in the first months of 2009. The second announcement of scholarships was made during 2008. The scholarships were aimed for training rese- archers wanting to read their doctorate degrees on areas or activities dealt with by the CEDEX. 12 posts were an- nounced, but only 5 were awarded. At the end of the year the total number of scholars was 21, 9 of which were part of the programme of PhD scholarships, while the rest were in the programme for professional development. STAFF BY PROFESSIONAL CATEGORIES (2003-2008) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Master degree 202 210 214 228 235 241 Bachelor degree 74 74 80 79 84 81 Technical staff 307 314 290 293 289 290 Administrative staff 119 118 117 107 103 90 Total 702 716 701 707 711 702 Scholarships 28 23 21 8 26 21 Total 730 739 722 715 737 723 350 300 Master degree 250 Bachelor degree Technical staff 200 Administrative staff 150 Scholarships 100 50 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE PROGRAMACIÓN TÉCNICA Y CIENTÍFICA 11 2 SUBDIRECCION GENERAL DE PROGRAMACION TECNICA Y CIENTIFICA ingles:Maquetación 1 30/6/09 12:28 Página 12 STAFF BY TYPE OF CONTRACT AT 31-12-2008 Civil servants Contract of Research Total % Total Female % Female service contract Master degree 191 0 50 241 34 84 35 Bachelor degree 77 2 2 81 12 26 32 Technical staff 89 201 0 290 41 52 18 Administrative staff 71 19 0 90 13 77 86 Total 428 222 52 702 100 239 34 300 DISTRIBUTION BY GENDER 250 200 Female 34% 239 150 100 50 0 Civil servants Contract Research Total Men 66% of service contract 463 Master degree Bachelor degree Technical staff Administrative staff STAFF. DISTRIBUTION BY CENTERS Serv. Centrales CEH CEPYC CET CETA LC LG Total y CEHOPU Civil servants 97 86 63 41 45 52 44 428 Contract of services 18 45 23 38 25 37 36 222 Research contract 0 22 6 16 4 1 3 52 Total 115 153 92 95 74 90 83 702 DISTRIBUTION BY CENTERS DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF CONTRACT Research contract CET Serv. Centrales y CEHOPU 14% / 95 16% / 115 52 CETA 11% / 74 CEH Contract of services 21% / 153 222 LC 13% / 90 Civil servants 428 CEPYC LG 13% / 92 12% / 83 12 SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE PROGRAMACIÓN TÉCNICA Y CIENTÍFICA 2 SUBDIRECCION GENERAL DE PROGRAMACION TECNICA Y CIENTIFICA ingles:Maquetación 1 30/6/09 12:28 Página 13 MOST RELEVANT STAFF SELECTION PROCESSES IN 2008 Master’s Degree Holders in Autonomous Organizations Staff positions for CEDEX: AO of the Ministry of Transport: 6 AO of the Ministry of the Environment: 5 Civil Engineers Staff positions for CEDEX: 5 Graduate staff under Research Contracts Call: 11th September 2008 Number of positions on offer: 34 Training scholarships for researchers in activities and subjects within the CEDEX’s curricula Call: 12th May 2008 Number of positions on offer: 12 Number of positions awarded: 5 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The total budget of the organisation for the year 2008 was 48.25 Million Euros, 4.89 Million less than in 2007. This is due to the withdrawal of the funds allocated to financing R&D&i projects in the field of transport associated with the Strategic Infrastructure and Transport Plan (PEIT). These funds are now managed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. As highlighted in the table below, 85.5 % of the budget expenditure was used, amounting to 41.27 Million Euros. In relation to Chapter 6 ‘Investments’, the expenditure reached 9.6 Million, an increase of 2.1 Million from the pre- vious year. Income from CEDEX´s commercial activities amounted to 23.31 Million Euros, 11.5% higher than the preceding fi- nancial year. If we deduct the expenditures associated with those commercial activities, 7.29 Million, the net in- come amounted to 16.02 Million, representing an increase of 24% from the previous year. The total amount of income generated by CEDEX´s activities resulted in an overall self-financing rate of 49%. Referring to the Income Budget, certain deviations exist with respect to the original previsions. The reasons for these are as follows: the deviation in item 38 is due to refunds of grant subsidies, in particular those related to R&D pro- jects under the PEIT framework; the deviation in item 39 is generated by to changes in VAT regulations affecting grant subsidies; finally, the differences in item 52 are the result of income from interest charges for late payments. As far as the activity carried out during the course of the year is concerned, 170 projects were completed out of a total of 513 that featured the participation of the CEDEX including internal projects.
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