•" -;^.. .#••*>*£ ZAn,;. % VICTORY LOAN* T » * JtPape? foiflt a GtotKcfeme* \ 1 »LL Alii XXX No. 47 THE HEBALD, ^ANNj, ALBBBTA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1942 FOUB PAGES S2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE FROM BOND BUYER TO SOLDIER Youngstown Red Cross CAPITOL THEATRE TO BE SCENE Gives September Report 63 HANNA SQUADRON AIR CADETS The following is the September re­ OF BIG GATHERING-QUOTA IS port from the Youngstown Red Cross OF CANADA FUUY ORGANIZED Society: It shows the date of thc various meetings and the work accom­ SET AT SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND plished at each. FOR COMING SEASON-6 RECRUITS September 10 Red Cross Tea and quilting bee, collection $1.50, hostesses Sunday, October 18th to be Officially Observed as Victory Mrs. Roy Wells, Mrs. E. Bowman, 10 Large Number of Boys Want to Join But Regulations Say Loan Sunday—Hugh Farthing, K. C. of Calgary ladies present, quilted two quilts. No—Drill Instructor From Calgary Will Come September 24, Red Cross Tea and Will Address Gathering quilting bee, collection $1.60. hostess­ Ihree Days Every Two Months es Mrs. O. Mellom, Mrs. Tom Fox, 12 63 Hanna Squadron Air Cadets of Citizens of Hanna and district of ladies present, made 3 quilts. Canada are now fully organized for all religious denominations will gath­ Sept. 3rd special quilting, made 1 the coming year. Six recruits have er on Sunday evening October 18th at MUST CUP NEWS quilt, 7 ladies present. ATTEND been taken on strength and lt it an­ B o'clock at the Capitol Theatre, on Donations to Red Cross for Septem­ ticipated that one or two more boys the eve of Canada's Thirdi Victory* ber, Mrs. T. Hunter quilt patches and will Join up. A large number of boys Loan to dedicate themselves to the ARTICLES FOR neckties; Mrs. J. Peacock quilt mater­ OF MRSunde. r 15 year sof age are anxious ta task of putting the local drive "over ial; Miss White. R.N., clothing; Mrs. join but regulations will not ailow the top." A. Erickson quilt patches and clothing; Mrs. T. Fox clothing; Mrs. Gilchrist taking them aa strength. All Mayors and heads of local gov­ BOYSWERSEAS clothes and thread. icNAUGHTON During the past year First Aid, Sig­ ernments have been asked on behal V nals, Aero Engines, and Administra­ of the Finance Minister and Chair­ Editing Papers With Scissors Youngstown and Dist. Mourn tion were taught in addition to Drill. man of the National War Finance ************************** Loss of Outstanding Nearly all of the Squadron was sue- Committee, to proclaim publicly that Would Cut Down cci&iui in passing the First Aid Tests for their communities Sunday, Oct­ Weight Woman and received their Junior Certificat­ ober 18th, will be officially celebrated Miss Canada Girls es from tbe St. John Ambulance So­ as "Third Victory Loan Sunday", a Postmaster-General W. P. Mullocks ciety. day of ceremonial, in which thousand; Get Good Response In the passing of Mrs. Annie Mc­ plea that Canadians send clippings in­ Naughton 84 years, whose death oc­ of citizens will be joined by the 'rue courses in Administration, Aero stead of newspapers to their Mends curred at her home ta Youngstown on members of the armed forces, ar­ Every time tbe. Miss Canada's are Engines and Signals are just about and relatives ln the armed forces ov­ Friday, October 2nd the town and dis­ my, navy and air force, in launching seen on the streets of Hanna on completed and examinations ta these erseas carries a good deal of weight- Saturday evenings they receive in­ trict mourn the loss of one of its moet subjects will be held towards the end the Third Victory Loan, the day be­ some 234,336 pounds, to be exact. outstanding women. fore the books officially open for the creased support from citizens of the of November. Two new courses. Ar­ drive. That was the total weight of news­ Here is one of the 722 army Issue ed their respective Victory Loan ob­ town and district. Last Saturday Born ln Gamebridge, Ontario, she mament and Aircrau Recognition, papers sent to men ln the armedi forc­ Commando Dagger which 722 Canad­ the girls sold $24 worth of War Sa­ spent the early years of her married nave been added to this year's curricu­ The program at the Capitol The­ jectives. The weapon is about four­ es from Canada during July, accord­ ian communities will send to Canad­ vings Stamps. The finance comm­ life ta Chicago and ta 1912 Mr. and lum and outers will be added about atre on Sunday evening followini*- teen inches long, the modern devel­ ing to official post office figures. ian regipients overseas for actual use ittee thank the young ladies for«. Mrs. N. McNaughton came to Youngs­ December lst. church services will include musical Compared with letters to the armed after these communities have achiev­ opment of the sword. their time and the public tar their town where they established the first numbers, the ceremony of the Dag­ W.O. 2 T. E. Henderson, Drill In­ forces which amounted to 40,900 lbs. generous response. bakery on Main St. and also opened ger, and the gathering will be addres­ structor for Cadets from No. 4 Train­ and parcels, which totalled 1,414,715 the first government telephone ar.A sed by Hugh Farthing, K.C. of Cal­ ing Command, RCAF at Calgary was lbs., it made up a substantial part of Threshing Outfits Working change for tbe district east of Han­ gary. 4-M here for three days and put the cadets overseas shipments handled by the de­ na ln 1914. Her husband died in 1916 partment. COUNCIL FOR With Only Half A Crew through their paces aad be will be At the conclusion a picture wlll be but Mrs. McNaughton continued as here for three days every two months shown which every Canadian should This figure coukk be largely cut DOWLING, Oct. 12—Not, my king­ agent until her retirement after SB irom saw on. Other instructors from see, entitled "World In Action, Mask down officials believe If pe.ople would HD. LAMBTON dom for a horse! is the fanners' cry;( ALUJED1T0RS. years of .'•*tirfUJL»Dte--«« ^*.. « ir- •Mo. A Training Command are "mg-^r-l of Nippon". ;; JlJ 5 edit the papers with a pair of scis­ oh! for a competent hired man, or a from time to time. More and more There will be a canvassers's meet­ She was closely identified with ev­ sors, sending only clippings of news of full threshing crew. Some outfits are equipment for the training of Air Ca­ ing in the afternoon at 2.30. ery movement for the uplift and Im­ direct Interest to the recipient. For MEETSATDELIA working at only half the usual capac­ HOLD CONVENTN provement of her community—was a dets is becoming available aad tbia example, clippings amounting to a ity, the labor shortge is so acute. On­ member of thp town council and of wiil make the work much more intet> est ing. Salvation Army Receives full-sized newspaper page can be in- New Assessment Will Not ly the most qualified men are useful the Board of Trade—the only woman More Contributions -luded ln a letter containing two eight at threshing time, shovelling wheat INJMGARY wbo ever held the position in a mem-| In addition to the instruction given by ten sheets of heavy bond paptl Settle Requisition and hauling bundles, which are man- bership of 60—a member of the Town by the officers of the Squadron, Staff uid still get by under the one ounce* sized Job ln such a heavy crop. G. Neale of Ft. Saskatchewan School Board and was affiliated with Sergeant G. MacLachlan and Serg­ Dr. Holt 2.00; Mrs. T. Mansell 6.00; limit on a three-cent stamp. Question Storage space is another problem various church and women's organiz­ eant R. Pogson of the local militia Mrs. L. Mansell 2.00; Miss F. Mead­ Subscribed-for newspapers are still confronting everyone. Wheat ls Heads Association For ations—the W.C.T.U. and the Alberta are giving instruction ta Armament ows 1.00; Mrs. T. Miller 1.00; Mr carried across the sub-infested Atlan­ The regular meeting of Lambton grading low this year, a few loads of Women's Institute. Endowed with and Aero Engines. Next Year broad vision and deep sympathy for Crawford 3.00; Mrs. Read 3.00; Mrs tic, but an order to postmasters in- M.D. No. 306 council was held at De­ No. 2 have been delivered here, but When the cadets have successfully S. Forman 3.00; Mrs. V. R. Speare .ructed them to accept no newspapers every good cause she wag one of toa\( lia on Saturday October 3rd at 2.30 3, 4 and 5 is the general standard. CALGARY, Oct. 13—Gordon Neale covered half of these basic training 1.00; Mr. P. Howard 2.00; Mr. A. Pin- for overseas from casual senders, women who ta 1917 with $6 ta cash pjn. All Councillors were present Chief among our many blessings u> publisher of the Fort Record, at Fort courses they will be promoted from comb 1.00; Mr. B. Tucker 1.00; Mrs. rhey must come direct from the point laid the foundation for the present with the exception of Councillor Mc­ give thanks for today ls the weather, Saskatchewan, Saturday was elected Air Cadet Class 2 to Air Cadets Class A. P. Penny 1.00; Mr. P. Cochran sf publication. Rest Room which has served the wom­ Donald.
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